120 research outputs found

    Exposición al peligro o abandono de personas en peligro

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    La exposición de abandono de personas en peligro, está previsto y sancionado en los artículos vigentes del código Penal y modificado Articulo 2 Ley Nº 26926 del 21 de febrero de 1988 donde se regula varias hipótesis en las siguientes: La existencia en una situación de peligro a que es la vida como salud del sujeto pasivo que se encuentra en riesgo. La definición del objeto de protección de estos delitos es con relación a su estructura típica la criminalización del peligro recae sobre la salud se refleja en la estructura típica de delitos los cuales se figuran como delito de peligro la conducta típica consiste en generar una situación de riesgo para la vida o la salud. Esta referido a sujeto pasivo por su condición particular que merezcan una especial protección se hace referencia a menores de edad incapaces o personas sometidas a régimen de custodia con respecto de quien tiene la obligación de protección. Los diferentes tipos penales se basan al peligro vinculado a la perdida de la vida como afectación a la salud del sujeto pasivo. Fue el código francés de 1810, la primera ley que se ocupó del problema. El final del siglo XX está marcado por un amplio abanico de derechos fundamentales e internacionales que fomentan el respeto al ser humano desde su concepción, nacimiento hasta la muerte y aun después de la muerte. El abandono de personas incapaces por aquel que es responsable de su guarda o tutela se encuentra contemplado como delito en el código penal boliviano en el artículo 280 que vela por la protección de personas incapaces, es decir su seguridad personal, sin duda este el caso de los menores o incapaces, cuyas especiales características de inmadurez y desvalimiento se acentúan notablemente si se les sitúa fuera de su entorno familiar o área de guarda. El presente trabajo es sobre la base del estudio y pronunciamiento de juristas conocedores del tema y la experiencia práctica de la investigación del sistema de la justicia penal a través de opiniones así como elaborar algunas ideas que ayuden analizar el presente estudio y tener una idea central de lo que se pretende buscar par nuestro sistema penal.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona

    The International X-Linked Hypophosphatemia (XLH) Registry: first interim analysis of baseline demographic, genetic and clinical data

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    Fibroblast growth factor 23; Patient registry; X-linked hypophosphatemiaFactor de creixement de fibroblasts 23; Registre de pacients; Hipofosfatèmia lligada a XFactor de crecimiento de fibroblastos 23; Registro de pacientes; Hipofosfatemia ligada al XBackground X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH) is a rare, hereditary, progressive, renal phosphate-wasting disorder characterized by a pathological increase in FGF23 concentration and activity. Due to its rarity, diagnosis may be delayed, which can adversely affect outcomes. As a chronic disease resulting in progressive accumulation of musculoskeletal manifestations, it is important to understand the natural history of XLH over the patient’s lifetime and the impact of drug treatments and other interventions. This multicentre, international patient registry (International XLH Registry) was established to address the paucity of these data. Here we present the findings of the first interim analysis of the registry. Results The International XLH Registry was initiated in August 2017 and includes participants of all ages diagnosed with XLH, regardless of their treatment and management. At the database lock for this first interim analysis (29 March 2021), 579 participants had entered the registry before 30 November 2020 and are included in the analysis (360 children [62.2%], 217 adults [37.5%] and 2 whose ages were not recorded [0.3%]; 64.2% were female). Family history data were available for 319/345 (92.5%) children and 145/187 (77.5%) adults; 62.1% had biological parents affected by XLH. Genetic testing data were available for 341 (94.7%) children and 203 (93.5%) adults; 370/546 (67.8%) had genetic test results; 331/370 (89.5%) had a confirmed PHEX mutation. A notably longer time to diagnosis was observed in adults ≥ 50 years of age (mean [median] duration 9.4 [2.0] years) versus all adults (3.7 [0.1] years) and children (1.0 [0.2] years). Participants presented with normal weight, shorter length or height and elevated body mass index (approximately − 2 and + 2 Z-scores, respectively) versus the general population. Clinical histories were collected for 349 participants (239 children and 110 adults). General data trends for prevalence of bone, dental, renal and joint conditions in all participants were aligned with expectations for a typical population of people with XLH. Conclusion The data collected within the International XLH Registry, the largest XLH registry to date, provide substantial information to address the paucity of natural history data, starting with demographic, family history, genetic testing, diagnosis, auxology and baseline data on clinical presentation.Kyowa Kirin International, plc is the sponsor of the International XLH Registry and this manuscript. The authors were members of the steering committee for their respective countries. The authors did not receive payment for their contribution to the manuscript

    Post-authorisation safety study of burosumab use in paediatric, adolescent and adult patients with X-linked hypophosphataemia: rationale and description

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    X-linked hypophosphataemia; Patient registry; Rare bone diseaseHipofosfatemia ligada al cromosoma X; Registro de pacientes; Enfermedad rara de los huesosHipofosfatèmia lligada al cromosoma X; Registre de pacients; Malaltia rara dels ossosBackground: X-linked hypophosphataemia (XLH) is a rare, inherited, phosphate-wasting disorder that elevates fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23), causing renal phosphate-wasting and impaired active vitamin D (1,25(OH)2D) synthesis. Disease characteristics include rickets, osteomalacia, odontomalacia, and short stature. Historically, treatment has been oral phosphate and 1,25(OH)2D supplements. However, these treatments do not correct the primary pathogenic mechanism or treat all symptoms and can be associated with adverse effects. Burosumab is a recombinant human immunoglobulin G1 monoclonal antibody against FGF23, approved for treating XLH in several geographical regions, including Europe and Israel. Burosumab restores normal serum phosphate levels, minimising the clinical consequences of XLH. Safety data on long-term treatment with burosumab are lacking owing to the rarity of XLH. This post-authorisation safety study (PASS) aims to evaluate the safety outcomes in patients aged >1 year. Methods: The PASS is a 10-year retrospective and prospective cohort study utilising data from the International XLH Registry (NCT03193476), which includes standard diagnostic and monitoring practice data at participating centres. The PASS aims to evaluate frequency and severity of safety outcomes, frequency and outcomes of pregnancies in female patients, and safety outcomes in patients with mild to moderate kidney disease at baseline, in children, adolescents and adults treated with burosumab for XLH. It is expected that there will be at least 400 patients who will be administered burosumab. Results: Data collection started on 24 April 2019. The expected date of the final study report is 31 December 2028, with two interim reports. Conclusion: This PASS will provide data on the long-term safety of burosumab treatment for XLH patients and describe safety outcomes for patients receiving burosumab contrasted with those patients receiving other XLH treatments, to help inform the future management of XLH patients. The PASS will be the largest real-world safety study of burosumab.The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship and/or publication of this article: Kyowa Kirin International plc is the sponsor of the International XLH Registry and the PASS, and facilitated the development of this document, although its creation was led entirely and independently by the authors. Kyowa Kirin did not provide any direct financial support

    Role of Cadherin 86C as a proliferation and metastasis regulator

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    Motivation: Cancer is the second death cause worldwide and its economic impact on the health system is significant and increasing yearly. There are some well known factors, like metastasis and proliferation, that are key in the progression of this disease. Previous loss of function studies performed in Drosophila melanogaster brought to scene some genes that showed to increase proliferation in a Rasv12 tumorogenic background. One of them is CG31393, which codifies for cadherin 86C, Cad 86C. Cadherins are key proteins in cell-to-cell adhesion processes and some studies showed their relevance in cell migration, proliferation and tumor development.Methods: The role of the Cad 86C during both development and cancer has not been studied. In this work, we have used Drosophila melanogaster as a model system to analyse the consecuences of supressing Cad 86C function on the proliferative and metastatic behaviour of Rasv12 tumor cells, using two specific cell populations: 1) epithelial cells that form the primordium of the wing, the imaginal wing disc, and endodermal cells of the larvae intestine. To knock down Cad 86C, we have utilized two different approaches: 1) expression of specific Cad86C RNAis and 2) isolation of a mutant via targeted mutation through CRISPR Cas9 technology. To analyse the phenoytpe due to Cad 86C knockdown and more specifically its potential as a tumor suppressor, we have used  3D imaging and image analyzing methods, to determine and quantify proliferation or metastaci behaviour of the two cell populations mentioned above.Results: Expression of RNAis against Cad 86C in RasV12 tumorogenic wing imaginal disc cells and gut endodermal cells seem to increase their proliferative capacity. However, preliminary results suggest it does not seem to increase their metastatic behaviour. The isolation of mutants in Cad 86C, in progress, will allow us to confirm these results, by analysing the behaviour of RasV12 tumor cells in a background mutant for Cad 86C.Conclusions: Knckdown of Cad 86C seem to increase the proliferative capacity of RasV12 tumor cells but it has not effect on their metastatic behaviour

    Aplicación de un programa de técnicas creativas motivacionales para mejorar la capacidad de composición de cuentos de los alumnos del segundo año de educación secundaria del centro de aplicación de la universidad católica “Santo Toribio De Mogrovejo”

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    El presente trabajo de investigación es importante porque constituye un aporte significativo para la educación, brindando a los profesores de comunicación algunas técnicas creativas motivacionales para mejorar la capacidad de composición de cuentos. Además ayudará a los alumnos a encontrar el gusto por la creación de textos, despertando su creatividad y mejorar sus habilidades para componer cuentos. Esta investigación se llevó a cabo en el Centro de Aplicación de la Universidad Católica “Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo”, en donde se realizó un análisis de la realidad educativa, específicamente con los alumnos del segundo año de Educación Secundaria. Obteniendo como resultado que en las clases de comunicación a veces realizan actividades de composición de cuentos, lo que equivale a un 79.63%, esto indica que no hay una práctica constante de dicha actividad. Además las investigadoras detectaron que en la programación curricular anual no se ha considerado un tiempo determinado para mejorar la capacidad de composición de cuentos, ya que solamente es considerada en los concursos programados por el centro educativo

    Machine Learning Algorithms for High Performance Modelling in Health Monitoring System Based on 5G Networks

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    The development of Internet of Things (IoT) applications for creating behavioural and physiological monitoring methods, such as an IoT-based student healthcare monitoring system, has been accelerated by advances in sensor technology. Today, there are an increasing number of students living alone who are dispersed across large geographic areas, therefore it is important to monitor their health and function. This research propose novel technique in high performance modelling for health monitoring system by 5G network based machine learning analysis. Here the input is collected as EEG brain waves which are monitored and collected through 5G networks. This input EEG waves has been processed and obtained as fragments and noise removal is carried out. The processed EEG wave fragments has been extracted using K-adaptive reinforcement learning. this extracted features has been classified using naïve bayes gradient feed forward neural network. The performance analysis shows comparative analysis between proposed and existing technique in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, F-1 score, RMSE and MAP. Proposed technique attained accuracy of 95%, precision of 85%, recall of 79%, F-1 measure of 68%, RMSE of 52% and MAP of 66%

    Importancia de la educación y el factor socioeconómico de los padres en la prevalencia de caries dental en niños en edades escolares, una revisión de la literatura

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    Dental caries is the first oral health problem worldwide, being one of the most prevalent oral pathologies in all ages. The research addresses their condition in childhood, due to the dependence that infants have on their parents. For this reason, it is considered to be the most affected age group with this disease. The objective is to determine the relationship between the level of education and the socioeconomic factor of the parents in the prevalence of dental caries in school children through a literature review. Descriptive research was carried out, through a documentary analysis in the Web of Science database between 2017 and 2021. To carry out the review, the PICO methodology was used as support, from the following terms of interest: Parents, Education, Economic Status and Dental Caries and their Spanish counterparts. The results obtained indicate that the socioeconomic factor and the education of the parents are variables that are closely related to the prevalence of dental caries in children. Similarly, the existence of both variables increases the probability of exposure to dental caries. The conclusions drawn allow us to affirm that, in general, children with a lower economic position and with parents with a low educational level have a greater experience and severity of dental caries.La caries dental constituye el primer problema de salud oral a nivel mundial, siendo una de las patologías bucales con mayor prevalencia en todas las edades. En la investigación se aborda su afección en la niñez, debido a la dependencia que los infantes tienen de sus padres. Por esta razón, se considera que es el grupo de edad más afectado con esta enfermedad. El objetivo es determinar la relación entre el nivel de educación y el factor socioeconómico de los padres en la prevalencia de caries dental en niños escolares mediante una revisión de literatura. Se llevó a cabo una investigación de tipo descriptiva, a través de un análisis documental en la base de datos de la Web of Science entre 2017 y 2021. Para llevar a cabo la revisión se utilizó como sustento la metodología PICO, a partir de los siguientes términos de interés: Parents, Education, Economic Status y Dental Caries y sus homólogos en español. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el factor socioeconómico y la educación de los padres constituyen variables que guardan una estrecha relación con la prevalencia de caries dental en los infantes. Del mismo modo, la existencia de ambas variables aumenta la probabilidad de exposición a caries dental. Las conclusiones arrojadas permiten afirmar que en general los niños con menor posición económica y con padres de bajo nivel educacional, tienen mayor experiencia y severidad de caries dental

    Information Integration Cognitive Mechanisms Underlying the Face-to-Face or Online Statistics Test Anxiety Judgments of Engineering Students

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    This study examined information integration cognitive mechanisms underlying the test anxiety judgments of 474 engineering students. The experimental design considered the orthogonal combination of three factors (teaching style, exam type, andtest mode), resulting in 12 experimental scenarios. During the experiments, participants were provided one scenario at a timeand were asked to rate their anticipated anxiety level in the described situation. Subsequent analyses failed to reveal statistically significant differences in the anxiety levels reported by females and males. However, the factor selection and valuation female students adopted to make their anxiety judgments differed from those employed by their male peers. Cluster analysis identified three groups based on the anxiety level (low, medium, and high). The most relevant factor for all clusters was test mode, andonly the medium anxiety group considered a second factor (exam type) to make their anxiety judgments, which was integrated through an additive cognitive rule. These findings suggest that participants place a higher weight on the examination context than its type when making their test anxiety judgments. Identifying these cognitive mechanisms underlying test anxiety could help regulate conditions that undermine the students' ability to cope with test anxiety.2020-2


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    Este trabajo de investigación surge a partir del problema de espacio, orientado en hombres y mujeres entre 25 a 45 años que vivan en departamentos pequeños en la ciudad de Lima Metropolitana. Esto hace que muchas familias se vean en la necesidad de optimizar sus espacios y que lo solucionen con la adquisición de muebles y más aún si estos tienen componentes ecológicos. En ese sentido, ECOCREA ofrece muebles multifuncionales contribuyendo al cuidado del medio ambiente. Para esta investigación se realizó encuestas y entrevistas dirigidas a nuestro mercado objetivo las cuales se aplicaron del siguiente modo: se realizaron encuestas a cien personas y se entrevistó a quince personas, el cual se obtuvo como resultado que el 51% están interesados en productos orgánicos, el 48% compra muebles entre un periodo de tres a cinco años, el 41% busca muebles que sean funcionales y el 37 % considera que los recursos de fabricación sean respetables con el medioambiente. Finalmente, se puede observar que la utilidad neta obtenida para el trabajo de investigación entre el año uno y el año cinco se incrementa. En el primer año, fue de S/.13,517.95 soles, lo que representa un 2.39% del total de ventas; luego en el año cinco el monto de utilidad neta es de S/.52,633.71 soles representado por un 7.56% de las ventas de ese mismo año. Lo que indica un crecimiento constante durante el horizonte de análisis.This research work has the origin from the space problem in men and women between the ages of 25 and 45, who live in small apartments in the city of Lima Metropolitan. That is why many families need to optimize space and they solve it by buying furniture and even more if it is made by eco-friendly materials. By this situation, ECOCREA offers multifunctional furniture for caring the environment. Surveys and interviews were made to our target market for this research. Which were applied to this way: surveys were to one hundred people and the interviews were made to fifteen people. As a result, the 51% are interested in organic products, the 48% bought furniture within 3 to 5 years, the 41% looked for multifunctional furniture and the 37% wanted companies the manufacturing resources to respect the environment. In the end the profitability gets increase in the first year to the fifth year. At the beginning of the research project on first year was S/. 13,517.95 soles, which means the 2.39% of total sales. And after five years the project profitability gets increase to S/.52,633.71 soles which means the 7.56% of total sales. All of this data indicated that ECOCREA is a business growth.Trabajo de investigació