275 research outputs found

    Remarks Concerning the Study of Four-Jet Events from Hadronic Decays of the Z0

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    The angular correlations of four-jet events from hadronic decays of the Z0 have been studied in the past mainly to extract from them the fundamental constants of quantum chromodynamics called colour factors. Previous studies have used all the available phase-space in order to maximize statistics. In this note we want to point out the possibility that significant differences between experiment and theory in restricted regions of phase-space might have escaped detection. Such differences could be a harbinger of the existence of new particles. Some preliminary results are presented.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Dynamical Dark Energy model parameters with or without massive neutrinos

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    We use WMAP5 and other cosmological data to constrain model parameters in quintessence cosmologies, focusing also on their shift when we allow for non-vanishing neutrino masses. The Ratra-Peebles (RP) and SUGRA potentials are used here, as examples of slowly or fastly varying state parameter w(a). Both potentials depend on an energy scale \Lambda. Here we confirm the results of previous analysis with WMAP3 data on the upper limits on \Lambda, which turn out to be rather small (down to ~10^{-9} in RP cosmologies and ~10^{-5} for SUGRA). Our constraints on \Lambda are not heavily affected by the inclusion of neutrino mass as a free parameter. On the contrary, when the neutrino mass degree of freedom is opened, significant shifts in the best-fit values of other parameters occur.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, submitted to JCA

    pi/K -> e nu branching ratios to O(e^2 p^4) in Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    We calculate the ratios R_{e/mu}^{(P)} = Gamma(P -> e nu)/Gamma (P -> mu nu) (P=pi,K) in Chiral Perturbation Theory to order e^2 p^4. We complement the one- and two-loop effective theory results with a matching calculation of the local counterterm, performed within the large-NCN_C expansion. We find R_{e/mu}^{(\pi)} = (1.2352 \pm 0.0001)*10^{-4} and R_{e/mu}^{(K)} = (2.477 \pm 0.001)*10^{-5}, with uncertainty induced by the matching procedure and chiral power counting. Given the sensitivity of upcoming new measurements, our results provide a clean baseline to detect or constrain effects from weak-scale new physics in these rare decays. As a by-product, we also update the theoretical analysis of the individual pi/K -> \ell nu modes.Comment: 40 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    Constraining the cosmic radiation density due to lepton number with Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

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    The cosmic energy density in the form of radiation before and during Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) is typically parameterized in terms of the effective number of neutrinos N_eff. This quantity, in case of no extra degrees of freedom, depends upon the chemical potential and the temperature characterizing the three active neutrino distributions, as well as by their possible non-thermal features. In the present analysis we determine the upper bounds that BBN places on N_eff from primordial neutrino--antineutrino asymmetries, with a careful treatment of the dynamics of neutrino oscillations. We consider quite a wide range for the total lepton number in the neutrino sector, eta_nu= eta_{nu_e}+eta_{nu_mu}+eta_{nu_tau} and the initial electron neutrino asymmetry eta_{nu_e}^in, solving the corresponding kinetic equations which rule the dynamics of neutrino (antineutrino) distributions in phase space due to collisions, pair processes and flavor oscillations. New bounds on both the total lepton number in the neutrino sector and the nu_e -bar{nu}_e asymmetry at the onset of BBN are obtained fully exploiting the time evolution of neutrino distributions, as well as the most recent determinations of primordial 2H/H density ratio and 4He mass fraction. Note that taking the baryon fraction as measured by WMAP, the 2H/H abundance plays a relevant role in constraining the allowed regions in the eta_nu -eta_{nu_e}^in plane. These bounds fix the maximum contribution of neutrinos with primordial asymmetries to N_eff as a function of the mixing parameter theta_13, and point out the upper bound N_eff < 3.4. Comparing these results with the forthcoming measurement of N_eff by the Planck satellite will likely provide insight on the nature of the radiation content of the universe.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, version to be published in JCA

    Can residuals of the Solar system foreground explain low multipole anomalies of the CMB ?

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    The low multipole anomalies of the Cosmic Microwave Background has received much attention during the last few years. It is still not ascertained whether these anomalies are indeed primordial or the result of systematics or foregrounds. An example of a foreground, which could generate some non-Gaussian and statistically anisotropic features at low multipole range, is the very symmetric Kuiper Belt in the outer solar system. In this paper, expanding upon the methods presented by Maris et al. (2011), we investigate the contributions from the Kuiper Belt objects (KBO) to the WMAP ILC 7 map, whereby we can minimize the contrast in power between even and odd multipoles in the CMB, discussed discussed by Kim & Naselsky (2010). We submit our KBO de-correlated CMB signal to several tests, to analyze its validity, and find that incorporation of the KBO emission can decrease the quadrupole-octupole alignment and parity asymmetry problems, provided that the KBO signals has a non-cosmological dipole modulation, associated with the statistical anisotropy of the ILC 7 map. Additionally, we show that the amplitude of the dipole modulation, within a 2 sigma interval, is in agreement with the corresponding amplitudes, discussed by Lew (2008).Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables. Matches version in JCA

    Multi-field open inflation model and multi-field dynamics in tunneling

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    We consider a multi-field open inflation model, in which one of the fields dominates quantum tunneling from a false vacuum while the other field governs slow-roll inflation within the bubble nucleated from false vacuum decay. We call the former the tunneling field and the latter the inflaton field. In the limit of a negligible interaction between the two fields, the false vacuum decay is described by a Coleman-De Luccia instanton. Here we take into account the coupling between the two fields and construct explicitly a multi-field instanton for a simple quartic potential model. We also solve the evolution of the scalar fields within the bubble. We find our model realizes open inflation successfully. This is the first concrete, viable model of open inflation realized with a simple potential. We then study the effect of the multi-field dynamics on the false vacuum decay, specifically on the tunneling rate. We find the tunneling rate increases in general in comparison with the single field case, though the increase is small unless the inflaton affects the instanton solution substantially.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    The CMB Bispectrum

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    We use a separable mode expansion estimator with WMAP data to estimate the bispectrum for all the primary families of non-Gaussian models. We review the late-time mode expansion estimator methodology which can be applied to any non-separable primordial and CMB bispectrum model, and we demonstrate how the method can be used to reconstruct the CMB bispectrum from an observational map. We extend the previous validation of the general estimator using local map simulations. We apply the estimator to the coadded WMAP 5-year data, reconstructing the WMAP bispectrum using l<500l<500 multipoles and n=31n=31 orthonormal 3D eigenmodes. We constrain all popular nearly scale-invariant models, ensuring that the theoretical bispectrum is well-described by a convergent mode expansion. Constraints from the local model \fnl=54.4\pm 29.4 and the equilateral model \fnl=143.5\pm 151.2 (\Fnl = 25.1\pm 26.4) are consistent with previously published results. (Here, we use a nonlinearity parameter \Fnl normalised to the local case, to allow more direct comparison between different models.) Notable new constraints from our method include those for the constant model \Fnl = 35.1 \pm 27.4 , the flattened model \Fnl = 35.4\pm 29.2, and warm inflation \Fnl = 10.3\pm 27.2. We investigate feature models surveying a wide parameter range in both the scale and phase, and we find no significant evidence of non-Gaussianity in the models surveyed. We propose a measure \barFnl for the total integrated bispectrum and find that the measured value is consistent with the null hypothesis that CMB anisotropies obey Gaussian statistics. We argue that this general bispectrum survey with the WMAP data represents the best evidence for Gaussianity to date and we discuss future prospects, notably from the Planck satellite

    The Vacuole Model: New Terms in the Second Order Deflection of Light

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    The present paper is an extension of a recent work (Bhattacharya et al. 2010) to the Einstein-Strauss vacuole model with a cosmological constant, where we work out the light deflection by considering perturbations up to order M^3 and confirm the light bending obtained previously in their vacuole model by Ishak et al. (2008). We also obtain another local coupling term -((5{\pi}M^2{\Lambda})/8) related to {\Lambda}, in addition to the one obtained by Sereno (2008, 2009). We argue that the vacuole method for light deflection is exclusively suited to cases where the cosmological constant {\Lambda} disappears from the path equation. However, the original Rindler-Ishak method (2007) still applies even if a certain parameter {\gamma} of Weyl gravity does not disappear. Here, using an alternative prescription, we obtain the known term -(({\gamma}R)/2), as well as another new local term ((3{\pi}{\gamma}M)/2) between M and {\gamma}. Physical implications are compared, where we argue that the repulsive term -(({\gamma}R)/2) can be masked by the Schwarzschild term ((2M)/R) in the halo regime supporting attractive property of the dark matter.Comment: 15 page

    Galactic-Centre Gamma Rays in CMSSM Dark Matter Scenarios

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    We study the production of gamma rays via LSP annihilations in the core of the Galaxy as a possible experimental signature of the constrained minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (CMSSM), in which supersymmetry-breaking parameters are assumed to be universal at the GUT scale, assuming also that the LSP is the lightest neutralino chi. The part of the CMSSM parameter space that is compatible with the measured astrophysical density of cold dark matter is known to include a stau_1 - chi coannihilation strip, a focus-point strip where chi has an enhanced Higgsino component, and a funnel at large tanb where the annihilation rate is enhanced by the poles of nearby heavy MSSM Higgs bosons, A/H. We calculate the total annihilation rates, the fractions of annihilations into different Standard Model final states and the resulting fluxes of gamma rays for CMSSM scenarios along these strips. We observe that typical annihilation rates are much smaller in the coannihilation strip for tanb = 10 than along the focus-point strip or for tanb = 55, and that the annihilation branching ratios differ greatly between the different dark matter strips. Whereas the current Fermi-LAT data are not sensitive to any of the CMSSM scenarios studied, and the calculated gamma-ray fluxes are probably unobservably low along the coannihilation strip for tanb = 10, we find that substantial portions of the focus-point strips and rapid-annihilation funnel regions could be pressured by several more years of Fermi-LAT data, if understanding of the astrophysical background and/or systematic uncertainties can be improved in parallel.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures, comments and references added, version to appear in JCA

    Mapping systematic errors in helium abundance determinations using Markov Chain Monte Carlo

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    Monte Carlo techniques have been used to evaluate the statistical and systematic uncertainties in the helium abundances derived from extragalactic H~II regions. The helium abundance is sensitive to several physical parameters associated with the H~II region. In this work, we introduce Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to efficiently explore the parameter space and determine the helium abundance, the physical parameters, and the uncertainties derived from observations of metal poor nebulae. Experiments with synthetic data show that the MCMC method is superior to previous implementations (based on flux perturbation) in that it is not affected by biases due to non-physical parameter space. The MCMC analysis allows a detailed exploration of degeneracies, and, in particular, a false minimum that occurs at large values of optical depth in the He~I emission lines. We demonstrate that introducing the electron temperature derived from the [O~III] emission lines as a prior, in a very conservative manner, produces negligible bias and effectively eliminates the false minima occurring at large optical depth. We perform a frequentist analysis on data from several "high quality" systems. Likelihood plots illustrate degeneracies, asymmetries, and limits of the determination. In agreement with previous work, we find relatively large systematic errors, limiting the precision of the primordial helium abundance for currently available spectra.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figure
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