188 research outputs found

    El cuidado informal en tiempos de crisis. Análisis desde la perspectiva enfermera

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    Goals: To quantify and characterize the scientific production in nursing on informal care from 2007 to 2016, to observe the evolution of the theme during this period, to acquire a current perspective on the state of the arts, and to suggest future directions of both research and professional practice. Methods: Bibliographical review undertaken through two strategies: a quantitative strategy and a qualitative one. Results: The most frequent type of published article is quantitative although there is an increase of qualitative publications. Among the most frequent themes are: the study of the caregiver’s profile, as well as the impacts of care on their health and on their everyday life; practical professional recommendations to promote care and self-care and to prevent caregivers’ overload; and, finally, the use of assessment tools for planning attention of caregivers. Conclusions: While nursing publications rightly identify the centrality of the family and the household in the new care scenario, they do not problematize the current transfer of responsibility for care from public administrations toward the realm of the family. Neither do they problematize the social, economic, and gender inequalities that take place in the context of care. To approach these two themes can contribute to create new research and professional lines in nursing.Objetivos: Cuantificar y caracterizar la producción científica enfermera sobre cuidados informales del período 2007-2016, observar la evolución de la temática durante estos años, adquirir una perspectiva actual sobre el estado de la cuestión y realizar propuestas sobre futuras líneas de investigación e intervención.Metodología: Revisión bibliográfica llevada a cabo mediante dos estrategias: una cuantitativa, y una segunda estrategia cualitativa. Resultados: El tipo de artículo más publicado es el estudio original cuantitativo, aunque se detecta un crecimiento de las publicaciones con enfoque cualitativo. Los temas más tratados son el perfil de la persona cuidadora, los impactos de la atención en su salud y en otros aspectos de su vida cotidiana, las propuestas de intervenciones profesionales para promover el cuidado personal y para evitar la sobrecarga de las personas cuidadoras y, por último, el uso de herramientas de evaluación para la planificación de la atención a las mismas.Conclusiones: Las publicaciones enfermeras identifican con acierto la centralidad del cuidado informal y el giro asistencial hacia el domicilio y la familia. No problematizan, sin embargo, el actual trasvase de responsabilidades hacia el cuidado desde las administraciones públicas hacia el ámbito familiar, ni analizan en profundidad las desigualdades socioeconómicas y de género reinantes en el actual escenario de cuidados. El abordaje a estos dos elementos puede contribuir a abrir nuevas líneas de investigación e intervención en el campo de la enfermería

    Dynamical simulations of two density-coupled 1D Bose-Einstein condensates

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Física, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2019, Tutor: Bruno Juliá DíazWe consider a system of two trapped density-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates in 1D, described by the coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations. We perform numerical simulations to study the stability of two stationary states: the ground state and a dark-antidark soliton state. By perturbing these states we characterize their oscillation frequency and find that it decreases for increasing interspecies interaction. Our numerical results are in agreement with analytical predictions found in the literature

    Mechanical properties of Al2O3 inverse opals by means of nanoindentation

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    In order to understand the mechanical behaviour of Al2O3 inverse opals, nanoindentation techniques have been implemented in material layers with three different microstructures, in terms of hollow or polystyrene spheres, with Al2O3 shells of distinct wall thickness. Different indenter tip geometries as well as contact loading conditions have been used, in order to induce different stress field and fracture events to the layers. Field emission scanning electron microscopy and focused ion beam have been employed to understand accommodation of plastic deformation induced during the indentation process. Results show that materials with polystyrene spheres exhibit higher hardness and modulus under sharp indentation, and cracking resistance under spherical indentation. Furthermore, deformation is discerned to be mainly governed by the rotation of the microspheres. In the case of the inverse opals made of hollow spheres, the main deformation mechanisms activated under indentation are the rearrangement and densification of themPostprint (author's final draft

    Local Persistence of Novel MRSA Lineage after Hospital Ward Outbreak, Cambridge, UK, 2011–2013

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    To the Editor: Previously, we reported the use of whole-genome sequencing to investigate a putative methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) outbreak in 2011 in the special care baby unit (SCBU) at the Cambridge University Hospitals National Health Service Foundation Trust (CUH) in the United Kingdom (1). The report identified 26 related cases of infection with or asymptomatic carriage of MRSA and showed that transmission occurred within the SCBU, between mothers on a postnatal ward, and in the community; the outbreak apparently resolved at the end of 2011. The outbreak strain, sequence type (ST) 2371, was of a novel multilocus ST related to the dominant hospital-associated lineage in the UK (ST22, EMRSA-15), but unlike most ST22 strains, this strain was Panton-Valentine leucocidin–positive (2). Since then, ST2371 has been identified as a prevalent communityassociated MRSA clone in Southern India, and sporadic isolates have also been detected by whole-genome sequencing of MRSA in Denmark (3–5)The study was supported by grants from the UKCRC Translational Infection Research (TIR) Initiative, and the Medical Research Council (Grant Number G1000803) with contributions to the Grant from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, the National Institute for Health Research on behalf of the Department of Health, and the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health Directorate (to Prof. Peacock); by a Healthcare Infection Society Major Research Grant; and by Wellcome Trust grant number 098051 awarded to the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute

    Las consecuencias indeseadas del dinero desde el punto de vista de la psicología y la Economía de la Felicidad

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    Money is the central tool of many aspects of the economy, companies, individuals and governments give money a preponderant role in decision making. The main objective of this work was to analyze the consequences of money in society from various aspects, based on a review of the literature of various disciplines such as the Economics of Happiness, positive psychology and the psychology of motivation. The methodology used was of an analytical-conceptual nature. The advances in the different disciplines suggest that, sometimes, the use of money ends up causing unwanted consequences, often causing a result exactly opposite to the desired one. Indeed, monetary incentives can reduce the intrinsic motivation of employees, affecting the productivity of companies and the happiness of workers who, for their part, do not see the increase in their income reflected in an increase in happiness in the same proportion. The same is observed at the aggregate level, where despite the obsession of governments with the indicator of the gross domestic product, an increase in it is not equivalent to higher rates of happiness of the population, as explained, for a long time, by the Economics of happiness. We find ourselves, then, with companies willing to incur a cost to increase their productivity and employees willing to sell their time to the highest bidder, but sometimes neither some obtain the desired productivity nor others the happiness that, they believe, the increase in their income levels will bring.El dinero es la herramienta central de muchos aspectos de la economía; empresas, individuos y gobiernos le otorgan al dinero un rol preponderante en la toma de decisiones. El objetivo principal del presente trabajo consiste en analizar las consecuencias del dinero en la sociedad desde diversos aspectos, a partir del repaso de la literatura de diversas disciplinas como lo son la Economía de la Felicidad, la psicología positiva y la psicología de la motivación. La metodología utilizada fue de carácter analítico-conceptual. Los avances en las distintas disciplinas dejan entrever que, en ocasiones, el uso del dinero termina provocando consecuencias indeseadas, muchas veces ocasionando un resultado exactamente opuesto al deseado. En efecto, incentivos monetarios pueden disminuir la motivación intrínseca de los empleados, afectando la productividad de las empresas y la felicidad de los trabajadores quienes, por su parte, no ven reflejado el aumento de sus ingresos en un aumento de felicidad en igual proporción. Lo mismo se observa a nivel agregado, donde a pesar de la obsesión de los gobiernos con el indicador del producto bruto interno, un aumento del mismo no equivale a mayores tasas de felicidad de la población, como explica, desde hace mucho tiempo, la Economía de la Felicidad. Nos encontramos, entonces, con compañías dispuestas a incurrir en un costo para aumentar su productividad y empleados dispuestos a vender su tiempo al mejor postor, pero en ocasiones ni unos obtienen la productividad deseada ni otros la felicidad que, creen, traerá el aumento en sus niveles de ingreso

    Las consecuencias indeseadas del dinero desde el punto de vista de la psicología y la Economía de la Felicidad

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    Egoísmo empático y altruista como mecanismo de bienestar

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    An empathetic and altruistic act is also a form of selfishness, and it is the path to social well-being. Empathy allows us to incorporate knowledge about the world in which other humans live in socioeconomic contexts different from ours and, from there, allows us to generate types of action in an altruistic way, i.e., to act without expecting retribution in the present moment. This action can be a promoter (“cause”) of social commitment, stimulating the well-being of society, and of the subject himself who, selfishly, carries out empathic and altruistic acts.Un acto empático y altruista es también una forma de egoísmo, y es el camino hacia el bienestar social. La empatía permite incorporar conocimiento sobre el mundo en el que viven otros humanos en contextos socioeconómicos diferentes al nuestro y, desde allí, permite generar tipos de acción de forma altruista, i.e., actuar sin esperar una retribución en el momento presente. Este accionar puede ser un promotor (“causa”) de compromiso social estimulando el bienestar de la sociedad, y del propio sujeto que, egoístamente, lleva a cabo actos empáticos y altruistas