34 research outputs found

    Riflettanza di superfici vulcaniche:la campagna 2003 sul Monte Etna

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    The results obtained in Mt. Etna spectroradiometric field survey of June 2003 are presented and discussed. The goal of the survey was the analysis of the reflectance properties of the young pyroclastic deposits produced after the effusive activity of 2002-2003 and of the older lava flows. To achieve this goal, a template was created in order to organize the field data collected in a number of selected sites characterised by different surface materials. The results show that reflectance of pyroclastic flows is always very low and constant, besides grain size and composition of the flow. Pahoehoe units show higher reflectance values, even though the spectral characterisation of the older lava flows must take into account weathering products and vegetation coverage

    A photographic dataset of the coseismic geological effects induced on the environment by the 2012 Emilia (Northern Italy) earthquake sequence

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    We present a collection of pictures of the coseismic secondary geological effects produced on the environment by the 2012 Emilia seismic sequence in northern Italy. The May-June 2012 sequence struck a broad area located in the Po Plain region, causing 26 deaths and hundreds of injured, 15.000 homeless, severe damage of historical centres and industrial areas, and an estimated economic toll of ~2 billion of euros. The sequence included two mainshocks (Figure 1): the first one, with ML 5.9, occurred on May 20 between Finale Emilia, S. Felice sul Panaro and S. Martino Spino; the second one, with ML 5.8, occurred 12 km southwest of the previous mainshock on May 29. Both the mainshocks occurred on about E-W trending, S dipping blind thrust faults; the whole aftershocks area extends in an E-W direction for more than 50 km and includes five ML≥5.0 events and more than 1800 ML>1.5 events. Ground cracks and liquefactions were certainly the most relevant coseismic geological effects observed during the Emilia sequence. In particular, extensive liquefaction was observed over an area of ~1200 km2 following the May 20 and May 29 events. We collected all the coseismic geological evidence through field survey, helicopter and powered hang-glider trike survey, and reports from local people directly checked in the field. On the basis of their morphologic and structural characteristics the 1362 effects surveyed were grouped into three main categories: a) liquefactions related to overpressure of aquifers, occurring through several aligned vents forming coalescent flat cones (485 effects); b) liquefactions with huge amounts of liquefied sand and fine sand ejected from fractures tens of meters long (768); c) extensional fractures with small vertical throws, apparently organized in an en-echelon pattern, with no effects of liquefaction (109). The photographic dataset consists of 99 pictures of coseismic geological effects observed in 17 localities concentrated in the epicentral area. The pictures are sorted and presented by locality of observation; each photo reports several information such as the name of the site, the geographical coordinates and the type of effect observed. Figure 1 shows a map of the pictures sites along with the location of the two mainshocks; Figure 2 shows a detail of the distribution of the liquefactions in the area of S. Carlo. The complete description of the coseismic geological effects induced by the Emilia sequence, their relation with the aftershock area, the InSAR deformation area and the I>6 EMS felt area, along with the description of the technologies used for data sourcing and processing are shown in Emergeo Working Group [2012a and 2012b].Published1-703.2. Tettonica attivaN/A or not JCRope

    Rilievi geologici nell’area epicentrale della sequenza sismica dell’Aquilano del 6 aprile 2009

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    Il 6 Aprile 2009 un terremoto di Ml=5.8 (Mw=6.2) ha colpito L’Aquila e la media valle dell’Aterno in Abruzzo. In questo lavoro presentiamo in maniera sintetica i rilievi geologici effettuati in campagna dal gruppo di lavoro EmerGeo a seguito della sequenza sismica aquilana. Le attività di rilevamento condotte sono consistite principalmente nella verifica, definizione e caratterizzazione delle deformazioni cosismiche superficiali osservate lungo le strutture tettoniche note in letteratura; sono stati inoltre rilevati e riportati altri effetti cosismici locali (fratture su asfalto, frane e scivolamenti) non direttamente collegati alla presenza di strutture tettoniche. In totale sono stati rilevati oltre 300 punti di osservazione su una porzione di territorio estesa circa 900 km2. L’analisi preliminare dei rilievi effettuati indica che le rotture osservate lungo la faglia di Paganica, per la continuità e le caratteristiche, rappresentano l’espressione superficiale della faglia responsabile dell’evento del 6 aprile 2009, e che le rotture lungo le faglie di Bazzano e di Monticchio-Fossa possono rappresentare l’espressione in superficie di una struttura antitetica riattivata durante l’evento

    Novel regulators of PrPC expression as potential therapeutic targets in prion diseases

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    Introduction: Prion diseases are rare and fatal neurodegenerative disorders. The key molecular event in these disorders is the misfolding of the physiological form of the cellular prion protein, PrPC, leading to the accumulation of a pathological isoform, PrPSc, with unique features. Both isoforms share the same primary sequence, lacking detectable differences in posttranslational modification, a major hurdle for their biochemical or biophysical independent characterization. The mechanism underlying the conversion of PrPC to PrPSc is not completely understood, so finding an effective therapy to cure prion disorders is extremely challenging. Areas covered: This review discusses the strategies for decreasing prion replication and throws a spotlight on the relevance of PrPC in the prion accumulation process. Expert opinion: PrPC is the key substrate for prion pathology; hence, the most promising therapeutic approach appears to be the targeting of PrPC to block the production of the infectious isoform. The use of RNA interference and antisense oligonucleotide technologies may offer opportunities for treatment because of their success in clinical trials for other neurodegenerative diseases