113 research outputs found

    Questioning the relationship between the χ\chi4 susceptibility and the dynamical correlation length in a glass former

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    Clusters of fast and slow correlated particles, identified as dynamical heterogeneities (DHs), con-stitute a central aspect of glassy dynamics. A key ingredient of the glass transition scenario is asignificant increase of the cluster size ξ\xi4 as the transition is approached. In need of easy-to-computetools to measure ξ\xi4 , the dynamical susceptibility χ\chi4 was introduced recently, and used in various ex-perimental works to probe DHs. Here, we investigate DHs in dense microgel suspensions using imagecorrelation analysis, and compute both χ\chi4 and the four-point correlation function G4 . The spatialdecrease of G4 provides a direct access to ξ\xi4 , which is found to grow significantly with increasingvolume fraction. However, this increase is not captured by χ\chi4 . We show that the assumptions thatvalidate the connection between χ\chi4 and ξ\xi4 are not fulfilled in our experiments.Comment: The present version was accepted for publication in Soft Matter (http://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/sm

    Rotational microrheology of Maxwell fluids using micron-sized wires

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    We demonstrate a simple method for rotational microrheology in complex fluids, using micrometric wires. The three-dimensional rotational Brownian motion of the wires suspended in Maxwell fluids is measured from their projection on the focal plane of a microscope. We analyze the mean-squared angular displacement of the wires of length between 1 and 40 microns. The viscoelastic properties of the suspending fluids are extracted from this analysis and found to be in good agreement with macrorheology data. Viscosities of simple and complex fluids between 0.01 and 30 Pa.s could be measured. As for the elastic modulus, values up to ~ 5 Pa could be determined. This simple technique, allowing for a broad range of probed length scales, opens new perspectives in microrheology of heterogeneous materials such as gels, glasses and cells.Comment: to appear in Soft Matte

    Activity statistics in a colloidal glass former: experimental evidence for a dynamical transition

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    In a dense colloidal suspension at a volume fraction slightly lower than that of its glass transition, we follow the trajectories of an assembly of tracers over a large time window. We define a local activity, which quantifies the local tendency of the system to rearrange. We determine the statistics of the time and space integrated activity, and we argue that it develops a low activity tail that comes on a par with the onset of glassy behavior and heterogeneous dynamics. These rare events may be interpreted as the reflection of an underlying dynamic phase transition.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figure

    Spatially heterogeneous dynamics in a thermosensitive soft suspension before and after the glass transition

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    The microscopic dynamics and aging of a soft thermosensitive suspension was investigated by looking at the thermal fluctuations of tracers in the suspension. Below and above the glass transition, the dense microgel particles suspension was found to develop an heterogeneous dynamics, featured by a non Gaussian Probability Distribution Function (PDF) of the probes' displacements, with an exponential tail. We show that non Gaussian shapes are a characteristic of the ensemble-averaged PDF, while local PDF remain Gaussian. This shows that the scenario behind the non Gaussian van Hove functions is a spatially heterogeneous dynamics, characterized by a spatial distribution of locally homogeneous dynamical environments through the sample, on the considered time scales. We characterize these statistical distributions of dynamical environments, in the liquid, supercooled, and glass states, and show that it can explain the observed exponential tail of the van Hove functions observed in the concentrated states. The intensity of spatial heterogeneities was found to amplify with increasing volume fraction. In the aging regime, it tends to increase as the glass gets more arrested.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, Soft Matter accepte

    Simple and flexible mesh parameterization method

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    International audienceWe describe a method to compute conformal parameterizations with a natural boundary based on a simple differentiable expression measuring angles between edges by using complex numbers. The method can be adapted to preserve metric properties or map textures with con- strained positions. Some illustrations are shown to assess the efficiency of the algorithms

    Vent, courants et température à 0°, 4°W de février 1983 à octobre 1984

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    Dans ce document sont présentées les observations de vent, de courants et de température obtenues sur la ligne de mouillage déployée au point O°, 4°W (Golfe de Guinée), de février 1983 à octobre 1984. Ces mesures ont été effectuées dans le cadre du programme français FOCAL (Programme Français Océan Climat en zone équatoriale atlantique) mené en collaboration avec le programme américain SEQUAL (Seasonal Equatorial Atlantic experiment). (Résumé d'auteur

    Repeated co-option of HMG-box genes for sex determination in brown algae and animals

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    In many eukaryotes, genetic sex determination is not governed by XX/XY or ZW/ZZ systems but by a specialized region on the poorly studied U (female) or V (male) sex chromosomes. Previous studies have hinted at the existence of a dominant male-sex factor on the V chromosome in brown algae, a group of multicellular eukaryotes distantly related to animals and plants. The nature of this factor has remained elusive. Here, we demonstrate that an HMG-box gene acts as the male-determining factor in brown algae, mirroring the role HMG-box genes play in sex determination in animals. Over a billion-year evolutionary timeline, these lineages have independently co-opted the HMG box for male determination, representing a paradigm for evolution’s ability to recurrently use the same genetic “toolkit” to accomplish similar tasks.</p
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