164 research outputs found

    Free fatty acids cause kidney injury and lipid metabolic memory in obesity related glomerulopathy

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    Obiettivo: Le pathways che portano alle conseguenze renali dell'obesità non sono, ancora, ben comprese. Recenti studi suggeriscono che lo stress ossidativo, indotto dai FFAs, abbia un ruolo critico che collega l'obesità alle sue complicazioni. Il nostro studio dimostra, per la prima volta, che il metodo di Oliveira et al di coniugazione del palmitato con l'albumina, produce una frazione di palmitato libera in grado di causare disfunzioni podocitarie simili a quella osservate in pazienti con ORG. Metodi: La linea cellulare di podociti umani condizionati e immortalizzati è stata trattata diversi rapporti di coniugazione PAL / BSA per 24 ore e, successivamente, le cellule sono state incubate, per altri due giorni, in terreno senza palmitato. Risultati: Il palmitato, a concentrazioni osservate nei pazienti obesi, provoca un aumento dei ROS nei podociti umani. Questo stress ossidativo induce disfunzioni podocitarie come infiammazione e cambiamenti nei marcatori profibrotici e lipotossici. HMGB1 sembra essere il principale mediatore dell'azione dannosa dei ROS poiché la sua inibizione farmacologica previene tutti gli effetti dei ROS sui podociti. Inoltre, il palmitato è in grado di avviare un ciclo di feedback che provoca una sovrapproduzione persistente di ROS e di conseguenza una disfunzione podocitaria persistente. Quindi esiste una "memoria metabolica" per l'azione dei FFAs sui podociti che causa un danno persistente anche in presenza di un profilo lipidico normalizzato. Conclusioni: Questi risultati potrebbero fornire ulteriori approfondimenti sui meccanismi che contribuiscono alla patogenesi dell'ORG.Objective: The signaling pathways leading to renal pathology in obesity are not understood well. Growing evidence suggest that FFAs induced oxidative stress, play a role as the critical factors linking obesity with its associated complications. Our study demonstrates, for the first time, that the method of Oliveira et al, for coniugating palmitate with albumin, produces an ubunded palmitate fraction able to cause podocytes dysfunctions similar to the one observed in the ORG. Methods: Conditionally immortalized human podocytes cells line were exposed to different ratio of conjugated PAL / BSA for 24h and then cells were incubated, for an additional two days, in medium without palmitate. Results: Palmitate, at concentrations seen in obese patients, causes ROS overproduction in human podocytes. This oxidative stress induces podocytes disfunctions such as inflammation, and changes in profibrotic and lipotoxic markers. HMGB1 appears to be the main mediator of ROS damaging action, since its pharmacological inhibition prevents all ROS effects on podocytes. Moreover, palmitate is able to start a feed-back loop that causes a persistent overproduction of ROS and consequently a persistent podocyte dysfunction. So a “metabolic memory” exists for the FFAs action on podocytes, causing a persisting damage even in presence of a normalized lipid profile. Conclusions: The present findings may provide further insight into the underlying mechanisms that contribute to the pathogenesis of ORG

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan, Kualitas Produk Dan Harga Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Pengguna Shopee

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    Tujuan dari riset ini yaitu membuktikan bahwa terdapat pengaruh kualitas pelayanan, kualitas produk dan harga terhadap kepuasan konsumen pengguna Shopee. Riset ini merupakan riset kuantitatif dengan sumber data primer. Objek dari riset ini adalah pengguna Shopee yang berdomisili di Kota Jakarta Selatan. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 100 responden dan didominasi oleh remaja dengan menggunakan Teknik purposive sampling sebagai teknik pengambilan data. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis deskriptif dan inferensial. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data diketahui bahwa nilai Adjusted R Square sebesar 0,674. Kemudian melalui uji t untuk pengaruh kualitas pelayanan ditunjukan oleh thitung sebesar 3,993 > nilai ttabel 1,660 sedangkan untuk kualitas produk ditunjukan oleh thitung 5,507 > nilai ttabel 1,660 sedangkan untuk harga ditunjukan oleh thitung 0,881 > ttabel 1,660. Artinya kualitas pelayanan, kualitas produk dan harga berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen. Hasil uji F diperoleh sebesar Fhitung 71,25 > Ftabel 2,70. Artinya bahwa kualitas pelayanan, kualitas produk dan harga berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap kepuasan konsumen

    Enabling Technologies and Sustainable Catalysis in Biodiesel Preparation

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    Over the last decade, enabling technologies and sustainable catalysis have become appealing options for biodiesel preparation because of their impressive process intensification and energy savings. The present review will compare the most innovative protocols that have been developed and improved to use non-conventional energy sources and catalysts that are performed, in particular, using continuous-flow methods. Although this account cannot be comprehensive, it will, however, provide a good overview of the reaction-rate improvements and catalyst activation that is provided by microwaves, ultrasound, hydrodynamic cavitation, flow reactors and even hybrid techniques. Advantages and limitations are discussed together with industrial scalability

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemberian Bantuan Dana Miskin pada Kabupaten Karo Menggunakan Metode AHP

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    The Family Hope Program (PKH) is intended to build a system of protection for the poor. In PKH, assistance given to very poor households is then obliged to send their children to school, conduct health checks including nutritional checks and immunization for toddlers and check the womb for pregnant women. In the short term, this assistance is expected to help reduce the burden of expenditure, while the long term is expected to break the chain of poverty between generations. Example: Jamkesmas, Apras (Pre-School Children, Toddler Children) The implementation of PKH carried out also by the Social Service Office in Karo Regency is still inadequate to provide assistance for poor funds, so that the system will be built using the AHP method. process or enter each specified condition or criteria and the weight that has been determined for each criterion into the system easily and quickly and make the report faste

    Perencanaan dan Pengawasan Kredit Dalam Mengatasi Kredit Bermasalah Pada PT.Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero),Tbk Unit Tiga Panah Kabupaten Karo

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa dan mengetahui bahwa Perencanaan Dan Pengawasan Kredit Dalam Mengatasi Kredit Bermasalah Pada PT.Bank Rakyat lndonesia(Persero),Tbk Unit Tigapanah Kab Karo untuk mengetahui system pemberian kredit serta mengatasi kredit bermasalah (macet). Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode analisis deskriptif, yaitu dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data, merumuskan., mengklasifkasikan data, serta menginterprestasikannya, serta analisis evaluasi penilaian praktek yang berlaku diperusahaan, kemudian mengambil suatu keputusan yang selanjutnya memberikan saran. Hasil Penelitian menyatakan bahwa penerapan Perencanaan Dan Pengawasan Kredit Dalam Mengatasi Kredit Bermasalah Pada PT.Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero),Tbk Unit Tigapanah Kabupaten Karo sudah berjalan dengan Baik. Pengembangan penyaluran dan pengembalian kredit selalu dalam keadaan normal. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari gam bar IV -I s/d IV -3 terlihat persentase tunggakan kredit atau keredit bermasalah paling tinggi 8 % dan ini terjadi pada pinjaman karyawan Pada PT. Bank Rakyat indonesia (persero) Tbk Unit Tiga panah Kab Karo. Kasus lain ditemukan campur tangan pada pimpinan PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero),Tbk Unit Tigapanah - Kab Karo yang berlebih dalam menentukan persetujuan permohonan kredit dari calon nasabah

    Adipokines and Chronic Rheumatic Diseases: from Inflammation to Bone Involvement

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    AbstractBesides its well-known role as energy storage tissue, adipose tissue is a biologically active tissue that can also be considered as an endocrine organ, as it is able to secrete adipokines. These bioactive factors, similar in structure to cytokines, are involved in several physiological and pathological conditions, such as glucose homeostasis, angiogenesis, blood pressure regulation, control of food intake, and also inflammation and bone homeostasis via endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine mechanisms. Given their pleiotropic functions, the role of adipokines has been evaluated in chronic rheumatic osteoarticular inflammatory diseases, particularly focusing on their effects on inflammatory and immune response and on bone alterations. Indeed, these diseases are characterized by different bone complications, such as local and systemic bone loss and new bone formation. The aim of this review is to summarize the role of adipokines in rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis, especially considering their role in the pathogenesis of bone complications typical of these conditions