2,618 research outputs found

    Curvature operators and scalar curvature invariants

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    We continue the study of the question of when a pseudo-Riemannain manifold can be locally characterised by its scalar polynomial curvature invariants (constructed from the Riemann tensor and its covariant derivatives). We make further use of alignment theory and the bivector form of the Weyl operator in higher dimensions, and introduce the important notions of diagonalisability and (complex) analytic metric extension. We show that if there exists an analytic metric extension of an arbitrary dimensional space of any signature to a Riemannian space (of Euclidean signature), then that space is characterised by its scalar curvature invariants. In particular, we discuss the Lorentzian case and the neutral signature case in four dimensions in more detail.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure

    Lorentzian manifolds and scalar curvature invariants

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    We discuss (arbitrary-dimensional) Lorentzian manifolds and the scalar polynomial curvature invariants constructed from the Riemann tensor and its covariant derivatives. Recently, we have shown that in four dimensions a Lorentzian spacetime metric is either I\mathcal{I}-non-degenerate, and hence locally characterized by its scalar polynomial curvature invariants, or is a degenerate Kundt spacetime. We present a number of results that generalize these results to higher dimensions and discuss their consequences and potential physical applications.Comment: submitted to CQ

    Pseudo-Riemannian VSI spaces

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    In this paper we consider pseudo-Riemannian spaces of arbitrary signature for which all of their polynomial curvature invariants vanish (VSI spaces). We discuss an algebraic classification of pseudo-Riemannian spaces in terms of the boost weight decomposition and define the Si{\bf S}_i- and N{\bf N}-properties, and show that if the curvature tensors of the space possess the N{\bf N}-property then it is a VSI space. We then use this result to construct a set of metrics that are VSI. All of the VSI spaces constructed possess a geodesic, expansion-free, shear-free, and twist-free null-congruence. We also discuss the related Walker metrics.Comment: 14 page

    A spacetime not characterised by its invariants is of aligned type II

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    By using invariant theory we show that a (higher-dimensional) Lorentzian metric that is not characterised by its invariants must be of aligned type II; i.e., there exists a frame such that all the curvature tensors are simultaneously of type II. This implies, using the boost-weight decomposition, that for such a metric there exists a frame such that all positive boost-weight components are zero. Indeed, we show a more general result, namely that any set of tensors which is not characterised by its invariants, must be of aligned type II. This result enables us to prove a number of related results, among them the algebraic VSI conjecture.Comment: 14pages, CQG to appea

    General Kundt spacetimes in higher dimensions

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    We investigate a general metric of the Kundt class of spacetimes in higher dimensions. Geometrically, it admits a non-twisting, non-shearing and non-expanding geodesic null congruence. We calculate all components of the curvature and Ricci tensors, without assuming any specific matter content, and discuss algebraic types and main geometric constraints imposed by general Einstein's field equations. We explicitly derive Einstein-Maxwell equations, including an arbitrary cosmological constant, in the case of vacuum or possibly an aligned electromagnetic field. Finally, we introduce canonical subclasses of the Kundt family and we identify the most important special cases, namely generalised pp-waves, VSI or CSI spacetimes, and gyratons.Comment: 15 page

    SO(n + 1) Symmetric Solutions of the Einstein Equations in Higher Dimensions

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    A method of solving the Einstein equations with a scalar field is presented. It is applied to find higher dimensional vacuum metrics invariant under the group SO(n + 1) acting on n-dimensional spheres.Comment: 11 page

    Cosmic No Hair for Collapsing Universes

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    It is shown that all contracting, spatially homogeneous, orthogonal Bianchi cosmologies that are sourced by an ultra-stiff fluid with an arbitrary and, in general, varying equation of state asymptote to the spatially flat and isotropic universe in the neighbourhood of the big crunch singularity. This result is employed to investigate the asymptotic dynamics of a collapsing Bianchi type IX universe sourced by a scalar field rolling down a steep, negative exponential potential. A toroidally compactified version of M*-theory that leads to such a potential is discussed and it is shown that the isotropic attractor solution for a collapsing Bianchi type IX universe is supersymmetric when interpreted in an eleven-dimensional context.Comment: Extended discussion to include Kantowski-Sachs universe. In press, Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Ricci identities in higher dimensions

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    We explore connections between geometrical properties of null congruences and the algebraic structure of the Weyl tensor in n>4 spacetime dimensions. First, we present the full set of Ricci identities on a suitable "null" frame, thus completing the extension of the Newman-Penrose formalism to higher dimensions. Then we specialize to geodetic null congruences and study specific consequences of the Sachs equations. These imply, for example, that Kundt spacetimes are of type II or more special (like for n=4) and that for odd n a twisting geodetic WAND must also be shearing (in contrast to the case n=4).Comment: 8 pages. v2: typo corrected between Propositions 2 and 3. v3: typo in the last term in the first line of (11f) corrected, missing term on the r.h.s. of (11p) added, first sentence between Propositions 2 and 3 slightly change

    Generalization of the Geroch-Held-Penrose formalism to higher dimensions

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    Geroch, Held and Penrose invented a formalism for studying spacetimes admitting one or two preferred null directions. This approach is very useful for studying algebraically special spacetimes and their perturbations. In the present paper, the formalism is generalized to higher-dimensional spacetimes. This new formalism leads to equations that are considerably simpler than those of the higher-dimensional Newman-Penrose formalism employed previously. The dynamics of p-form test fields is analyzed using the new formalism and some results concerning algebraically special p-form fields are proved.Comment: 24 page

    Space-times admitting a three-dimensional conformal group

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    Perfect fluid space-times admitting a three-dimensional Lie group of conformal motions containing a two-dimensional Abelian Lie subgroup of isometries are studied. Demanding that the conformal Killing vector be proper (i.e., not homothetic nor Killing), all such space-times are classified according to the structure of their corresponding three-dimensional conformal Lie group and the nature of their corresponding orbits (that are assumed to be non-null). Each metric is then explicitly displayed in coordinates adapted to the symmetry vectors. Attention is then restricted to the diagonal case, and exact perfect fluid solutions are obtained in both the cases in which the fluid four-velocity is tangential or orthogonal to the conformal orbits, as well as in the more general "tilting" case.Comment: Latex 34 page