246 research outputs found

    Drifting instabilities of cavity solitons in vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers with frequency selective feedback

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    In this paper we study the formation and dynamics of self-propelled cavity solitons (CSs) in a model for vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) subjected to external frequency selective feedback (FSF), and build their bifurcation diagram for the case where carrier dynamics is eliminated. For low pump currents, we find that they emerge from the modulational instability point of the trivial solution, where traveling waves with a critical wavenumber are formed. For large currents, the branch of self-propelled solitons merges with the branch of resting solitons via a pitchfork bifurcation. We also show that a feedback phase variation of 2\pi can transform a CS (whether resting or moving) into a different one associated to an adjacent longitudinal external cavity mode. Finally, we investigate the influence of the carrier dynamics, relevant for VCSELs. We find and analyze qualitative changes in the stability properties of resting CSs when increasing the carrier relaxation time. In addition to a drifting instability of resting CSs, a new kind of instability appears for certain ranges of carrier lifetime, leading to a swinging motion of the CS center position. Furthermore, for carrier relaxation times typical of VCSELs the system can display multistability of CSs.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    Phase-space structure of two-dimensional excitable localized structures

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    In this work we characterize in detail the bifurcation leading to an excitable regime mediated by localized structures in a dissipative nonlinear Kerr cavity with a homogeneous pump. Here we show how the route can be understood through a planar dynamical system in which a limit cycle becomes the homoclinic orbit of a saddle point (saddle-loop bifurcation). The whole picture is unveiled, and the mechanism by which this reduction occurs from the full infinite-dimensional dynamical system is studied. Finally, it is shown that the bifurcation leads to an excitability regime, under the application of suitable perturbations. Excitability is an emergent property for this system, as it emerges from the spatial dependence since the system does not exhibit any excitable behavior locally.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Effects of a localized beam on the dynamics of excitable cavity solitons

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    We study the dynamical behavior of dissipative solitons in an optical cavity filled with a Kerr medium when a localized beam is applied on top of the homogeneous pumping. In particular, we report on the excitability regime that cavity solitons exhibits which is emergent property since the system is not locally excitable. The resulting scenario differs in an important way from the case of a purely homogeneous pump and now two different excitable regimes, both Class I, are shown. The whole scenario is presented and discussed, showing that it is organized by three codimension-2 points. Moreover, the localized beam can be used to control important features, such as the excitable threshold, improving the possibilities for the experimental observation of this phenomenon.Comment: 9 Pages, 12 figure

    Fluctuations and correlations in hexagonal optical patterns

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    We analyze the influence of noise in transverse hexagonal patterns in nonlinear Kerr cavities. The near field fluctuations are determined by the neutrally stable Goldstone modes associated to translational invariance and by the weakly damped soft modes. However these modes do not contribute to the far field intensity fluctuations which are dominated by damped perturbations with the same wave vectors than the pattern. We find strong correlations between the intensity fluctuations of any arbitrary pair of wave vectors of the pattern. Correlation between pairs forming 120 degrees is larger than between pairs forming 180 degrees, contrary to what a naive interpretation of emission in terms of twin photons would suggest.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figure

    Experimental evidence of stochastic resonance without tuning due to non Gaussian noises

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    In order to test theoretical predictions, we have studied the phenomenon of stochastic resonance in an electronic experimental system driven by white non Gaussian noise. In agreement with the theoretical predictions our main findings are: an enhancement of the sensibility of the system together with a remarkable widening of the response (robustness). This implies that even a single resonant unit can reach a marked reduction in the need of noise tuning.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Spatiotemporal communication with synchronized optical chaos

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    We propose a model system that allows communication of spatiotemporal information using an optical chaotic carrier waveform. The system is based on broad-area nonlinear optical ring cavities, which exhibit spatiotemporal chaos in a wide parameter range. Message recovery is possible through chaotic synchronization between transmitter and receiver. Numerical simulations demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed scheme, and the benefit of the parallelism of information transfer with optical wavefronts.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Macroscopic quantum fluctuations in noise-sustained optical patterns

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    We investigate quantum effects in pattern formation for a degenerate optical parametric oscillator with walk-off. This device has a convective regime in which macroscopic patterns are both initiated and sustained by quantum noise. Familiar methods based on linearization about a pseudoclassical field fail in this regime and new approaches are required. We employ a method in which the pump field is treated as a c-number variable but is driven by the c-number representation of the quantum subharmonic signal field. This allows us to include the effects of the fluctuations in the signal on the pump, which in turn act back on the signal. We find that the nonclassical effects, in the form of squeezing, survive just above the threshold of the convective regime. Further, above threshold, the macroscopic quantum noise suppresses these effects

    Repetitive levosimendan treatment in the management of advanced heart failure

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    Inotropes may be an appropriate treatment for patients with advanced heart failure (AdHF) who remain highly symptomatic despite optimized standard therapies. Objectives for inotrope use in these situations include relief of symptoms and improvement of quality of life, and reduction in unplanned hospitalizations and the costs associated with such episodes. All of these goals must be attained without compromising survival. Encouraging findings with intermittent cycles of intravenous levosimendan have emerged from a range of exploratory studies and from three larger controlled trials (LevoRep, LION-HEART, and LAICA) which offered some evidence of clinical advantage. In these settings, however, obtaining statistically robust data may prove elusive due to the difficulties of endpoint assessment in a complex medical condition with varying presentation and trajectory. Adoption of a composite clinical endpoint evaluated in a hierarchical manner may offer a workable solution to this problem. Such an instrument can explore the proposition that repetitive administration of levosimendan early in the period after discharge from an acute episode of worsening heart failure may be associated with greater subsequent clinical stability vis-à-vis standard therapy. The use of this methodology to develop a 'stability score' for each patient means that all participants in such a trial contribute to the overall outcome analysis through one or more of the hierarchical endpoints; this has helpful practical implications for the number of patients needed and the length of follow-up required to generate endpoint data. The LeoDOR study (NCT03437226), outlined in this review, has been designed to explore this new approach to outcome assessment in AdHF

    Restricted feedback control of one-dimensional maps

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    Dynamical control of biological systems is often restricted by the practical constraint of unidirectional parameter perturbations. We show that such a restriction introduces surprising complexity to the stability of one-dimensional map systems and can actually improve controllability. We present experimental cardiac control results that support these analyses. Finally, we develop new control algorithms that exploit the structure of the restricted-control stability zones to automatically adapt the control feedback parameter and thereby achieve improved robustness to noise and drifting system parameters.Comment: 29 pages, 9 embedded figure

    Dynamics of localized structures in vector waves

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    Dynamical properties of topological defects in a twodimensional complex vector field are considered. These objects naturally arise in the study of polarized transverse light waves. Dynamics is modeled by a Vector Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation with parameter values appropriate for linearly polarized laser emission. Creation and annihilation processes, and selforganization of defects in lattice structures, are described. We find "glassy" configurations dominated by vectorial defects and a melting process associated to topological-charge unbinding.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures included in the text. To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. (2000). Related material at http://www.imedea.uib.es/Nonlinear and http://www.imedea.uib.es/Photonics . In this new version, Fig. 3 has been replaced by a better on