4,732 research outputs found

    Method of fabricating a twisted composite superconductor

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    A method of producing a twisted, stabilized wire or tube superconductor which can be used to wind electromagnets, armatures, rotors, field windings for motors and generators, and other magnetic devices which use a solenoid, toroidal, or other type winding is reported. At least one groove is formed along the length of a wire substrate which is then twisted into a helix and a layer of intermetallic superconducting material is formed in the groove. This layer can be formed by depositing the desired intermetallic compound into the groove or by diffusing one component of the superconductor into the groove formed in a substrate composed of the other component. The superconductor prepared by this method comprises a non-superconductor wire twisted into the shape of a helix, having at least one groove containing a layer of superconductor material along the length of the wire

    New twisted intermetallic compound superconductor: A concept

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    Method for processing Nb3Sn and other intermetallic compound superconductors produces a twisted, stabilized wire or tube which can be used to wind electromagnetics, armatures, rotors, and field windings for motors and generators as well as other magnetic devices

    Nonlinear stochastic biasing from the formation epoch distribution of dark halos

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    We propose a physical model for nonlinear stochastic biasing of one-point statistics resulting from the formation epoch distribution of dark halos. In contrast to previous works on the basis of extensive numerical simulations, our model provides for the first time an analytic expression for the joint probability function. Specifically we derive the joint probability function of halo and mass density contrasts from the extended Press-Schechter theory. Since this function is derived in the framework of the standard gravitational instability theory assuming the random-Gaussianity of the primordial density field alone, we expect that the basic features of the nonlinear and stochastic biasing predicted from our model are fairly generic. As representative examples, we compute the various biasing parameters in cold dark matter models as a function of a redshift and a smoothing length. Our major findings are (1) the biasing of the variance evolves strongly as redshift while its scale-dependence is generally weak and a simple linear biasing model provides a reasonable approximation roughly at R\simgt 2(1+z)\himpc, and (2) the stochasticity exhibits moderate scale-dependence especially on R\simlt 20\himpc, but is almost independent of zz. Comparison with the previous numerical simulations shows good agreement with the above behavior, indicating that the nonlinear and stochastic nature of the halo biasing is essentially understood by taking account of the distribution of the halo mass and the formation epoch.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figures, ApJ (2000) in pres

    Optical altimeter receiver systems study and design for a spaceborne laser altimeter

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    Design and specifications for optical altimeter receiver system

    Effects of Foreground Contamination on the Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy Measured by MAP

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    We study the effects of diffuse Galactic, far-infrared extragalactic source, and radio point source emission on the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy data anticipated from the MAP experiment. We focus on the correlation function and genus statistics measured from mock MAP foreground-contaminated CMB anisotropy maps generated in a spatially-flat cosmological constant dominated cosmological model. Analyses of the simulated MAP data at 90 GHz (0.3 deg FWHM resolution smoothed) show that foreground effects on the correlation function are small compared with cosmic variance. However, the Galactic emission, even just from the region with |b| > 20 deg, significantly affects the topology of CMB anisotropy, causing a negative genus shift non-Gaussianity signal. Given the expected level of cosmic variance, this effect can be effectively reduced by subtracting existing Galactic foreground emission models from the observed data. IRAS and DIRBE far-infrared extragalactic sources have little effect on the CMB anisotropy. Radio point sources raise the amplitude of the correlation function considerably on scales below 0.5 deg. Removal of bright radio sources above a 5 \sigma detection limit effectively eliminates this effect. Radio sources also result in a positive genus curve asymmetry (significant at 2 \sigma) on 0.5 deg scales. Accurate radio point source data is essential for an unambiguous detection of CMB anisotropy non-Gaussianity on these scales. Non-Gaussianity of cosmological origin can be detected from the foreground-subtracted CMB anisotropy map at the 2 \sigma level if the measured genus shift parameter |\Delta\nu| >= 0.02 (0.04) or if the measured genus asymmetry parameter |\Delta g| >= 0.03 (0.08) on a 0.3 (1.0) deg FWHM scale.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for Publication in Astrophysical Journal (Some sentences and figures modified

    Quantifying the Topology of Large-Scale Structure

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    We propose and investigate a new algorithm for quantifying the topological properties of cosmological density fluctuations. We first motivate this algorithm by drawing a formal distinction between two definitions of relevant topological characteristics, based on concepts, on the one hand, from differential topology and, on the other, from integral geometry. The former approach leads one to concentrate on properties of the contour surfaces which, in turn, leads to the algorithms CONTOUR2D and CONTOUR3D familiar to cosmologists. The other approach, which we adopt here, actually leads to much simpler algorithms in both two and three dimensions. (The 2D algorithm has already been introduced to the astronomical literature.) We discuss the 3D case in some detail and compare results obtained with it to analogous results using the CONTOUR3D algorithm.Comment: 10 pages, LaTex using mn.sty, 3 figures available on request from [email protected]; MNRAS, in pres

    The progression of primary bud necrosis in the grapevine cv. Shiraz (Vitis vinifera L.): A histological analysis

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    Primary Bud Necrosis (PBN) is a physiological disorder occurring in the compound axillary buds of grapevines. PBN causes the axillary bud to senesce and in some cases secondary buds can also abort. Since PBN is common in the grapevine variety Shiraz the aim of this study was to characterise anatomical changes at different stages of PBN development in this cultivar. Grapevine buds were collected from a vineyard located at Charleston, South Australia, Australia. Buds were dissected, assessed for the presence of PBN and rated on severity of the disorder. Buds at various stages of PBN were fixed for light microscopy. Cell breakdown was observed in all buds where PBN was visible. Collapse and thickening of cell walls was observed in a region of necrotic tissue and severity of PBN appeared to increase over time. The location of cell breakdown due to PBN appeared to be random and was not isolated to one region within the primary bud. PBN appeared to stop primordial growth, with cells differentiating further and maturing more rapidly without forming whole leaves. This cell region then breaks down and the necrosis can extend into the secondary buds.

    The imprints of primordial non-gaussianities on large-scale structure: scale dependent bias and abundance of virialized objects

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    We study the effect of primordial nongaussianity on large-scale structure, focusing upon the most massive virialized objects. Using analytic arguments and N-body simulations, we calculate the mass function and clustering of dark matter halos across a range of redshifts and levels of nongaussianity. We propose a simple fitting function for the mass function valid across the entire range of our simulations. We find pronounced effects of nongaussianity on the clustering of dark matter halos, leading to strongly scale-dependent bias. This suggests that the large-scale clustering of rare objects may provide a sensitive probe of primordial nongaussianity. We very roughly estimate that upcoming surveys can constrain nongaussianity at the level |fNL| <~ 10, competitive with forecasted constraints from the microwave background.Comment: 16 pages, color figures, revtex4. v2: added references and an equation. submitted to PRD. v3: simplified derivation, additional reference

    An improved solar wind electron-density model for pulsar timing

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    Variations in the solar wind density introduce variable delays into pulsar timing observations. Current pulsar timing analysis programs only implement simple models of the solar wind, which not only limit the timing accuracy, but can also affect measurements of pulsar rotational, astrometric and orbital parameters. We describe a new model of the solar wind electron density content which uses observations from the Wilcox Solar Observatory of the solar magnetic field. We have implemented this model into the tempo2 pulsar timing package. We show that this model is more accurate than previous models and that these corrections are necessary for high precision pulsar timing applications.Comment: Accepted by ApJ, 13 pages, 4 figure

    The intermittent behavior and hierarchical clustering of the cosmic mass field

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    The hierarchical clustering model of the cosmic mass field is examined in the context of intermittency. We show that the mass field satisfying the correlation hierarchy Οn≃Qn(Ο2)n−1\xi_n\simeq Q_n(\xi_2)^{n-1} is intermittent if Îș<d\kappa < d, where dd is the dimension of the field, and Îș\kappa is the power-law index of the non-linear power spectrum in the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) representation. We also find that a field with singular clustering can be described by hierarchical clustering models with scale-dependent coefficients QnQ_n and that this scale-dependence is completely determined by the intermittent exponent and Îș\kappa. Moreover, the singular exponents of a field can be calculated by the asymptotic behavior of QnQ_n when nn is large. Applying this result to the transmitted flux of HS1700 Lyα\alpha forests, we find that the underlying mass field of the Lyα\alpha forests is significantly intermittent. On physical scales less than about 2.0 h−1^{-1} Mpc, the observed intermittent behavior is qualitatively different from the prediction of the hierarchical clustering with constant QnQ_n. The observations, however, do show the existence of an asymptotic value for the singular exponents. Therefore, the mass field can be described by the hierarchical clustering model with scale-dependent QnQ_n. The singular exponent indicates that the cosmic mass field at redshift ∌2\sim 2 is weakly singular at least on physical scales as small as 10 h−1^{-1} kpc.Comment: AAS Latex file, 33 pages,5 figures included, accepted for publication in Ap
