3,797 research outputs found

    The Kondo lattice model from strong-coupling viewpoint

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    We present some preliminary results on the phase diagram of the 2D S=1/2 Kondo lattice model at finite doping. As a starting point the Hamiltonian is written in terms of local spin and charge excitations, and the interactions between these modes are subsequently treated in various perturbative schemes. We find that a paramagnetic-magnetic quantum phase transition does occur, and, at least on a superficial level, the Kondo effect does not break down at the critical point. The latter result however might well be a consequence of the inherent bias of our starting point and/or the level of approximation.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in the Proceedings of SCES 2001, Ann Arbor, August 200

    From the Dollhouse to the Schoolhouse: The Changing Experience of Women Principals in British Columbia, 1980 to 1990

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    This study sought to determine if and how the experiences of recently appointed women principals differ from those of earlier appointees in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. Interviews revealed both differences and similarities. Although recent women principals continue to face sex-role stereotyping from outsiders, they are now accepted and supported by their male peers. They demonstrate greater career initiative than their earlier counterparts and have a wider range of experience in both teaching and adminis- tration. Both groups are well-educated, expert teachers. They focus on learning for themselves, developing collegial relationships with teachers and caring relationships with children, who are their priority. They are career-oriented women whether mothers and wives or not. They perceive themselves as women principals whose leadership is characterized by their gender and accentuated by their feminine qualities. They are redefining the world of educational administration to include the woman’s voice. La recherche menée par les auteurs visait à déterminer si les expériences de directrices d’école nommées récemment diffèrent de celles de directrices nommées antérieurement dans le Lower Mainland de la Colombie-Britannique. Des entrevues ont permis de révéler à la fois des différences et des similitudes. Bien que les directrices en poste depuis plus récemment continuent à faire face à des stéréotypes reliés au sexe et au rôle de la part de personnes extérieures, elles sont maintenant acceptées et appuyées par leurs pairs de sexe masculin. Elles font preuve d’une plus grande initiative vis-à-vis de leur carrière que leurs homologues précédentes et ont une plus vaste expérience de l’enseignement et de l’administration. Les deux groupes sont constitués d’enseignantes chevronnées. Ces dernières mettent l’accent sur l’auto-apprentissage et l’établissement de relations collégiales avec les enseignants et de liens chaleureux avec les enfants, qui sont leur priorité. Il s’agit de femmes pour qui la carrière revêt une grande importance, qu’elles soient ou non mères ou épouses. Elles se perçoivent comme des femmes dont le leadership est caractérisé par leur sexe et accentué par leurs qualités féminines. Elles sont en train de redéfinir le monde de l’administration scolaire afin de donner aux femmes une voix au chapitre.

    The Combined Effect of Individualism – Collectivism on Conflict Styles and Satisfaction: An Analysis at the Individual Level

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    This research examines the relationships among individualism-collectivism (IND-COL), conflict management styles and conflict satisfaction. The authors aim to explain some of the inconclusive findings in the literature related to IND-COL and conflict styles by studying IND-COL as states, rather than dispositional traits. By taking a dynamic approach to conceptualizing IND-COL and measuring IND-COL over time, we investigate how different ratios of individualistic-to-collectivistic orientations are associated with different conflict management styles. Results show that individuals who employed a balanced focus (1:1 ratio) of both individualistic and collectivistic orientations utilized an integrative style in conflict more than individuals with either a strong individualistic or collectivistic orientation. Integrative style was associated with higher levels of satisfaction with conflict outcomes, processes, relationships, goal attainment and job satisfaction at work. Individuals with predominant focus on individualism utilized a dominating style more, whereas individuals with predominant focus on collectivism utilized obliging and avoiding styles. Furthermore, results show that state-level IND-COL is a better predictor of conflict management styles than trait-level IND-COL. Past research has focused on studying IND-COL primarily as a trait variable at the individual level, but we examine IND-COL as states in relation to conflict management styles. In addition, we investigate the combined and optimal effects of both individualism and collectivism value-orientations on conflict management styles

    What We Don\u27t Know Can Help Us: Eliciting Out-of-Discipline Knowledge for Work with Intractable Conflicts

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    In this article, the authors present the results of a study in which a diverse variety of experts in fields outside the traditional conflict domain were interviewed about their ideas regarding intractable conflicts. The purpose of this study was to gather frame-breaking insights and practical approaches that could shed new light on complex, persistent conflict that has been particularly resistant to resolution. The authors argue that outsiders to the field are more likely to provide fresh perspective and radical approaches to the conflict field’s most intransigent problems because they are not constrained by the field’s pre-existing normative frames. This article examines some of their findings—from ideas on how globalization has exacerbated intractable conflicts, to ways that Biblical metaphors can be used to promote reconciliation, to an analysis of how philosophical concepts such as morality and impartiality can be used to produce fair outcomes, to ideas on the creation of an independent, international regional facilitation corps. In addition to a summary of content findings, methodological recommendations for future similar studies are offered

    The One Loop Effective Super-Potential and Non-Holomorphicity

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    We calculate the Kahlerian and the lowest order non-Kahlerian contributions to the one loop effective superpotential using super-Feynman graphs in the massless Wess-Zumino Model, the massive Wess-Zumino Model and N=1, U(1) gauge theory. We also calculate the Kahlerian term in Yang-Mills Theory for a general gauge group. Using this latter result we find the one loop Kahlerian contribution for N=2 Yang-Mills Theory in terms of N=1 superfields and we show that it can only come from non-holomorphic contributions to the N=2 effective potential.Comment: LaTeX, 10 pages, 7 figures, uses bezier.sty and ifthen.sty. First amendment. The results are extended to include the Kahlerian term for a general renormalisable N=1 supersymmetric theory, containing Wess-Zumino and Yang-Mills multiplets with a cubic superpotential. One reference has been changed and one has been added. Second amendment. One acknowledgment has been altered in the `note added in proof
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