465 research outputs found

    High sensitivity phonon-mediated kinetic inductance detector with combined amplitude and phase read-out

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    The development of wide-area cryogenic light detectors with good energy resolution is one of the priorities of next generation bolometric experiments searching for rare interactions, as the simultaneous read-out of the light and heat signals enables background suppression through particle identification. Among the proposed technological approaches for the phonon sensor, the naturally-multiplexed Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs) stand out for their excellent intrinsic energy resolution and reproducibility. To satisfy the large surface requirement (several cm2^2) KIDs are deposited on an insulating substrate that converts the impinging photons into phonons. A fraction of phonons is absorbed by the KID, producing a signal proportional to the energy of the original photons. The potential of this technique was proved by the CALDER project, that reached a baseline resolution of 154±\pm7 eV RMS by sampling a 2×\times2 cm2^2 Silicon substrate with 4 Aluminum KIDs. In this paper we present a prototype of Aluminum KID with improved geometry and quality factor. The design improvement, as well as the combined analysis of amplitude and phase signals, allowed to reach a baseline resolution of 82±\pm4 eV by sampling the same substrate with a single Aluminum KID

    Development of Lumped Element Kinetic Inductance Detectors for the W-Band

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    We are developing a Lumped Element Kinetic Inductance Detector (LEKID) array able to operate in the W-band (75-110 GHz) in order to perform ground-based Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and mm-wave astronomical observations. The W-band is close to optimal in terms of contamination of the CMB from Galactic synchrotron, free-free, and thermal interstellar dust. In this band, the atmosphere has very good transparency, allowing interesting ground-based observations with large (>30 m) telescopes, achieving high angular resolution (<0.4 arcmin). In this work we describe the startup measurements devoted to the optimization of a W-band camera/spectrometer prototype for large aperture telescopes like the 64 m SRT (Sardinia Radio Telescope). In the process of selecting the best superconducting film for the LEKID, we characterized a 40 nm thick Aluminum 2-pixel array. We measured the minimum frequency able to break CPs (i.e. hν=2Δ(Tc)=3.5kBTch\nu=2\Delta\left(T_{c}\right)=3.5k_{B}T_{c}) obtaining ν=95.5\nu=95.5 GHz, that corresponds to a critical temperature of 1.31 K. This is not suitable to cover the entire W-band. For an 80 nm layer the minimum frequency decreases to 93.2 GHz, which corresponds to a critical temperature of 1.28 K; this value is still suboptimal for W-band operation. Further increase of the Al film thickness results in bad performance of the detector. We have thus considered a Titanium-Aluminum bi-layer (10 nm thick Ti + 25 nm thick Al, already tested in other laboratories), for which we measured a critical temperature of 820 mK and a cut-on frequency of 65 GHz: so this solution allows operation in the entire W-band.Comment: 16th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors, Grenoble 20-24 July 2015, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, Accepte

    Clustering or scattering? The spatial distribution of cropland in a metropolitan region, 1960-2010

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    This article presents empirical results of a multivariate analysis run with the aim to identify (apparent and latent) socioeconomic transformations that shape the distribution pattern of cropland in a metropolitan region of southern Europe (Athens, Greece) over a sufficiently long time interval spanning from 1960 to 2010. The study area is representative of monocentric cities expanding in an unregulated fashion and experiencing sequential cycles of economic growth and recession. Percent share of cropland in total municipal area increased moderately over time. A non-linear relationship with the distance from downtown Athens was also observed, indicating that the highest rates of cropland were observed at a distance ranging between 20 and 30 km from the inner city. A multivariate regression was run by decade at each municipality of the study area using 11 predictors with the aim to identify the factors most associated with cropland decline along urban fringes. Distance from downtown Athens, soil and climate quality, population growth rate, and competing land use were the most relevant factors correlated with cropland expansion (or decline) in the study area. Competing land use was particularly important for cropland decline in a first urbanization phase (1960-1980), while population growth rate-and hence an increased human pressure-was positively associated with agricultural areas in a subsequent phase (1990-2010). In these regards, per capita urban land had a non-linear spatial behavior, being correlated negatively with cropland in 1960 and 1970 and positively in 2010, possibly indicating a moderate change from a monocentric model towards a more dispersed metropolitan configuration impacting distribution of agricultural areas. Empirical findings of this study suggest that effective strategies supporting peri-urban agriculture require a comprehensive knowledge of the local socioeconomic context and relevant biophysical conditions-specifically focusing on the dominant soil and climate attributes

    New application of superconductors: high sensitivity cryogenic light detectors

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    In this paper we describe the current status of the CALDER project, which is developing ultra-sensitive light detectors based on superconductors for cryogenic applications. When we apply an AC current to a superconductor, the Cooper pairs oscillate and acquire kinetic inductance, that can be measured by inserting the superconductor in a LC circuit with high merit factor. Interactions in the superconductor can break the Cooper pairs, causing sizable variations in the kinetic inductance and, thus, in the response of the LC circuit. The continuous monitoring of the amplitude and frequency modulation allows to reconstruct the incident energy with excellent sensitivity. This concept is at the basis of Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs), that are characterized by natural aptitude to multiplexed read-out (several sensors can be tuned to different resonant frequencies and coupled to the same line), resolution of few eV, stable behavior over a wide temperature range, and ease in fabrication. We present the results obtained by the CALDER collaboration with 2x2 cm2 substrates sampled by 1 or 4 Aluminum KIDs. We show that the performances of the first prototypes are already competitive with those of other commonly used light detectors, and we discuss the strategies for a further improvement

    Characterization of the KID-Based Light Detectors of CALDER

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    The aim of the Cryogenic wide-Area Light Detectors with Excellent Resolution (CALDER) project is the development of light detectors with active area of 5×55\times5 cm2^2 and noise energy resolution smaller than 20 eV RMS, implementing phonon-mediated kinetic inductance detectors. The detectors are developed to improve the background suppression in large-mass bolometric experiments such as CUORE, via the double read-out of the light and the heat released by particles interacting in the bolometers. In this work, we present the characterization of the first light detectors developed by CALDER. We describe the analysis tools to evaluate the resonator parameters (resonant frequency and quality factors) taking into account simultaneously all the resonance distortions introduced by the read-out chain (as the feed-line impedance and its mismatch) and by the power stored in the resonator itself. We detail the method for the selection of the optimal point for the detector operation (maximizing the signal-to-noise ratio). Finally, we present the response of the detector to optical pulses in the energy range of 0-30 keV

    Energy resolution and efficiency of phonon-mediated Kinetic Inductance Detectors for light detection

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    The development of sensitive cryogenic light detectors is of primary interest for bolometric experiments searching for rare events like dark matter interactions or neutrino-less double beta decay. Thanks to their good energy resolution and the natural multiplexed read-out, Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs) are particularly suitable for this purpose. To efficiently couple KIDs-based light detectors to the large crystals used by the most advanced bolometric detectors, active surfaces of several cm2^2 are needed. For this reason, we are developing phonon-mediated detectors. In this paper we present the results obtained with a prototype consisting of four 40 nm thick aluminum resonators patterned on a 2×\times2 cm2^2 silicon chip, and calibrated with optical pulses and X-rays. The detector features a noise resolution σE=154±7\sigma_E=154\pm7 eV and an (18±\pm2)%\% efficiency.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Predictive factors of hospitalization related to the caregiver burden in older adults presenting to the emergency department

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    Background Long-term care for the elderly by their family members represents a serious burden in Italy. The physical and psychological health of informal caregivers is a growing public health issue. Old patients often seek urgent medical attention in the Emergency Department (ED) and hospitalisation is frequent event among the elderly. Aim Aim of the study was (1) to investigate the burden of care among the caregivers of old patients; (2) to examine the influence of the burden experienced by the caregivers on ED and hospital admissions of the elderly. Methods We conducted a descriptive study of patients aged 75 years or older and their caregiver admitted to the ED from 10/1/15 to 6/10/15 (77 patient-caregiver pairs). The caregivers were evaluated using the Caregiver Burden Inventory (CBI). A case manager collected the patient's data. Results CBI score is the highest among patients seeking ED evaluation due to caregiver's concern. The majority of the elderly admitted to the ED whose caregiver shows elevated emotional burden at the CBI do not present with serious or urgent medical condition and are not hospitalised. Emotional burden is the highest among the caregivers of demented subjects who share the same house. Conclusion Our findings indicate that the burden experienced by caregiving family members plays a role in elderly people avoidable ED visits

    Phonon and light read out of a Li 2MoO 4 crystal with multiplexed kinetic inductance detectors

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    Molybdenum based crystals such as Li 2MoO 4 and CaMoO4 are emerging as leading candidates for next generation experiments searching for neutrino-less double beta decay with cryogenic calorimeters (CUPID, AMoRE). The exquisite energy resolution and high radio-purity of these crystals come at the cost of a potentially detrimental background source: the two neutrinos double beta decay of 100Mo. Indeed, the fast half-life of this decay mode, combined with the slow response of cryogenic calorimeters, would result in pile-up events in the energy region of interest for neutrino-less double beta decay, reducing the experimental sensitivity. This background can be suppressed using fast and high sensitivity cryogenic light detectors, provided that the scintillation time constant itself does not limit the time resolution. We developed a new detection technique exploiting the high sensitivity, the fast time response and the multiplexing capability of Kinetic Inductance Detectors. We applied the proposed technique to a 2 × 2 × 2 cm3Li 2MoO 4 crystal, which was chosen as baseline option for CUPID. We measured simultaneously both the phonon and scintillation signals with KIDs. We derived the scintillation time constant of this compound at millikelvin temperatures obtaining tscint= 84.5 ± 4.5 (syst) ± 1.0 (stat) µs, constant between 10 and 190 mK