742 research outputs found

    Stationary uphill currents in locally perturbed Zero Range Processes

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    Uphill currents are observed when mass diffuses in the direction of the density gradient. We study this phenomenon in stationary conditions in the framework of locally perturbed 1D Zero Range Processes (ZRP). We show that the onset of currents flowing from the reservoir with smaller density to the one with larger density can be caused by a local asymmetry in the hopping rates on a single site at the center of the lattice. For fixed injection rates at the boundaries, we prove that a suitable tuning of the asymmetry in the bulk may induce uphill diffusion at arbitrarily large, finite volumes. We also deduce heuristically the hydrodynamic behavior of the model and connect the local asymmetry characterizing the ZRP dynamics to a matching condition relevant for the macroscopic problem

    Does communication enhance pedestrians transport in the dark?

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    We study the motion of pedestrians through an obscure tunnel where the lack of visibility hides the exits. Using a lattice model, we explore the effects of communication on the effective transport properties of the crowd of pedestrians. More precisely, we study the effect of two thresholds on the structure of the effective nonlinear diffusion coefficient. One threshold models pedestrians's communication efficiency in the dark, while the other one describes the tunnel capacity. Essentially, we note that if the evacuees show a maximum trust (leading to a fast communication), they tend to quickly find the exit and hence the collective action tends to prevent the occurrence of disasters

    Uphill migration in coupled driven particle systems

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    In particle systems subject to a nonuniform drive, particle migration is observed from the driven to the non--driven region and vice--versa, depending on details of the hopping dynamics, leading to apparent violations of Fick's law and of steady--state thermodynamics. We propose and discuss a very basic model in the framework of independent random walkers on a pair of rings, one of which features biased hopping rates, in which this phenomenon is observed and fully explained.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Stationary currents in particle systems with constrained hopping rates

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    We study the effect on the stationary currents of constraints affecting the hopping rates in stochastic particle systems. In the framework of Zero Range Processes with drift within a finite volume, we discuss how the current is reduced by the presence of the constraint and deduce exact formulae, fully explicit in some cases. The model discussed here has been introduced in Ref. [1] and is relevant for the description of pedestrian motion in elongated dark corridors, where the constraint on the hopping rates can be related to limitations on the interaction distance among pedestrians

    Transport in quantum multi-barrier systems as random walks on a lattice

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    A quantum finite multi-barrier system, with a periodic potential, is considered and exact expressions for its plane wave amplitudes are obtained using the Transfer Matrix method [10]. This quantum model is then associated with a stochastic process of independent random walks on a lattice, by properly relating the wave amplitudes with the hopping probabilities of the particles moving on the lattice and with the injection rates from external particle reservoirs. Analytical and numerical results prove that the stationary density profile of the particle system overlaps with the quantum mass density profile of the stationary Schrodinger equation, when the parameters of the two models are suitably matched. The equivalence between the quantum model and a stochastic particle system would mainly be fruitful in a disordered setup. Indeed, we also show, here, that this connection, analytically proven to hold for periodic barriers, holds even when the width of the barriers and the distance between barriers are randomly chosen

    The SiC problem: astronomical and meteoritic evidence

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    Pre-solar grains of silicon carbide found in meteorites and interpreted as having had an origin around carbon stars from their isotopic composition, have all been found to be of the beta-SiC polytype. Yet to date fits to the 11.3 microns SiC emission band of carbon stars had been obtained only for alpha-SiC grains. We present thin film infrared (IR) absorption spectra measured in a diamond anvil cell for both the alpha- and beta- polymorphs of synthetic SiC and compare the results with previously published spectra taken using the KBr matrix method. We find that our thin film spectra have positions nearly identical to those obtained previously from finely ground samples in KBr. Hence, we show that this discrepancy has arisen from inappropriate `KBr corrections' having been made to laboratory spectra of SiC particles dispersed in KBr matrices. We re-fit a sample of carbon star mid-IR spectra, using laboratory data with no KBr correction applied, and show that beta-SiC grains fit the observations, while alpha-SiC grains do not. The discrepancy between meteoritic and astronomical identifications of the SiC-type is therefore removed. This work shows that the diamond anvil cell thin film method can be used to produce mineral spectra applicable to cosmic environments without further manipulation.Comment: to be published in Astrophysical Journal Letter 4 pages, 3 figure

    Model reduction of Brownian oscillators: quantification of errors and long-time behaviour

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    A procedure for model reduction of stochastic ordinary differential equations with additive noise was recently introduced in [Colangeli-Duong-Muntean, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2022], based on the Invariant Manifold method and on the Fluctuation-Dissipation relation. A general question thus arises as to whether one can rigorously quantify the error entailed by the use of the reduced dynamics in place of the original one. In this work we provide explicit formulae and estimates of the error in terms of the Wasserstein distance, both in the presence or in the absence of a sharp time-scale separation between the variables to be retained or eliminated from the description, as well as in the long-time behaviour. Keywords: Model reduction, Wasserstein distance, error estimates, coupled Brownian oscillators, invariant manifold, Fluctuation-Dissipation relation

    Nonequilibrium Response from the dissipative Liouville Equation

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    The problem of response of nonequilibrium systems is currently under intense investigation. We propose a general method of solution of the Liouville Equation for thermostatted particle systems subjected to external forces which retains only the slow degrees of freedom, by projecting out the majority of fast variables. Response formulae, extending the Green-Kubo relations to dissipative dynamics are provided, and comparison with numerical data is presented
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