8 research outputs found
Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in the study of organochlorine contaminants in albatrosses and petrels
Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in albatrosses and petrels collected off southern Brazil were compared with concentrations of organochlorine contaminants (OCs). d13C and d15N values, as well as OCs concentrations, exhibited a high degree of variability among individuals and overlap among species. d13C values reflected latitudinal differences among species, with lower values found in Wandering and Tristan Albatrosses and higher values found in Black-browed and Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatrosses and White-chinned Petrels. Some relationships were found between OCs and stable isotopes, but in general a partial ‘uncoupling’ was observed between OCs concentrations and stable isotopes ratios (especially for d15N). d13C and d15N values in Procellariiformes tissues during the non-breeding season appear to be a better indicator of foraging habitats than of trophic relationships, which may partially explain the high degree of variability between concentrations of OCs and stable isotopes ratios in birds with a diversified diet and wide foraging range
Varredura de hidrocarbonetos em grânulos plástico da praia de Embaré, Baixada Santista, São Paulo, Brasil
Os oceanos e as praias têm recebido todo o tipo de fragmentos, que podem ter impactos\ud
econômicos, estéticos e ecológicos (USEPA, 1992). Dentre esses fragmentos, estão os pellets\ud
ou grânulos plásticos, que são utilizados na indústria para manufatura de diversos produtos\ud
(Ogata et al, 2009). Esses grânulos entram no ambiente de forma acidental ou intencional\ud
durante o transporte ou produção de plástico (ITF, 1988) e representam um importante\ud
constituinte da poluição marinha por resÃduos sólidos, estando presentes em todos os oceanos\ud
e praias do mundo, com relatos desde a década de 70 (Turra, 2008). Efeitos adversos que\ud
podem ocorrer em organismos que ingerem esses grânulos incluem bloqueio do trato\ud
intestinal, redução de consumo alimentar e aumento à exposição dos produtos quÃmicos (Endo\ud
et al., 2005). Segundo Karapanagioti e Klontza (2008), os grânulos de baixa densidade flutuam\ud
na superfÃcie do oceano e chegam nas praias. Sendo orgânicos, os grânulos adsorvem\ud
contaminantes hidrofóbicos, como hidrocarbonetos, presentes ao longo percurso até chegar\ud
na praia (Mato et al., 2001). Esses compostos estão entre contaminantes que podem afetar o\ud
ambiente marinho e podem ser provenientes de vazamentos de óleo e queima incompleta de\ud
combustÃveis fósseis (NRC, 1985). O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar resultados desses\ud
compostos em grânulos de plástico coletados na superfÃcie do sedimento da Praia do Embaré,\ud
Baixada Santista, SP, região muito afetada pela introdução de hidrocarbonetos
Persistent organic pollutants and plastic ingestion in albatrosses and petrels (Procellariiformes)
Os albatrozes e petréis (Procellariiformes) são aves oceânicas e migratórias de grande interesse conservacionista. Neste trabalho foram estudadas duas classes de poluentes bastante conhecidos por afetarem negativamente as aves marinhas: os poluentes orgânicos persistentes e os plásticos. Bifenilos policlorados (PCBs) e pesticidas organoclorados foram detectados no tecido adiposo, fÃgado e músculo de oito espécies de Procellariiformes. Apesar da grande variabilidade intraespecÃfica nas concentrações, os perfis de PCBs e pesticidas organoclorados foram semelhantes entre os indÃviduos, com predôminância de PCBs penta, hexa e heptaclorados e do p´p-DDE. A condição corporal se mostrou um fator importante na variação e redistribuição dos organoclorados nos tecidos das aves. As análises de isótopos estáveis de carbono e nitrogênio no fÃgado e músculo das aves mostraram que a dieta não foi suficiente para explicar as concentrações de organoclorados nas espécies estudadas e reforçaram a influência de fatores como idade, distribuição e especifidade da dieta na contaminação por estes compostos em aves marinhas. PCBs e pesticidas organoclorados foram detectados em pellets e fragmentos plásticos encontrados no trato digestório das aves estudadas, com perfis semelhantes aos encontrados nos tecidos dos Procellariiformes. A ocorrência de poluentes orgânicos em plásticos evidencia a capacidade destes de adsorver e transportar estes compostos e reforça o potencial dos plásticos como uma fonte adicional de contaminação para os animais que os ingerem, como as aves marinhas.Albatrosses and petrels (Procellariiformes) are migratory oceanic birds of considerable conservational interest. The aim of the present study was to evaluate two classes of pollutants that negatively affect seabirds: persistent organic pollutants and plastics. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were detected in the adipose tissue, liver and muscle of eight species of Procellariiformes. Although organochlorine concentrations exhibited a high degree of intra-species variability, the profiles of PCBs and OCPs were similar among the individuals, with predominance of penta, hexa and heptachlorobiphenyls and p´p-DDE. Body condition was an important factor in the variation and redistribution of organochlorine compounds in the tissues of the birds. Stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen in the liver and muscle revealed that diet alone was insufficient to explain the organochlorine concentrations in the species studied, suggesting the influence of factors such as age, distribution and diet specificity regarding organochlorine contamination in seabirds. PCBs and OCPs were detected in plastic fragments and pellets found in the digestive tract of Procellariiformes, with profiles very similar to those found in the tissues of the birds. The occurrence of organic pollutants in plastics demonstrates their ability to adsorb and transport these compounds and underscores the potential of plastics as an additional source of contamination in organisms that ingest these products, such as seabirds
Polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides in plastics ingested by seabirds
The occurrence of plastic objects in the digestive tract was assessed in eight species of Procellariiformes collected in southern Brazil and the occurrence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in the ingested plastics pellets and plastic fragments was evaluated. PCBs were detected in plastic pellets (491 ng g(-1)) and plastic fragments (243-418 ng g(-1)). Among the OCPs, p,p`-DDE had the highest concentrations, ranging from 68.0 to 99.0 ng g(-1). The occurrence of organic pollutants in post-consumer plastics supports the fact that plastics are an important source carrying persistent organic pollutants in the marine environment. Although transfer through the food chain may be the main source of exposure to POPs to seabirds, plastics could be an additional source for the organisms which ingest them, like Procellariiformes which are the seabirds most affected by plastic pollution. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Brazilian Research Council (CNPq)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e Tecnológico (CNPq
Organochlorine contaminants in albatrosses and petrels during migration in South Atlantic Ocean
Albatrosses and petrels (Procellariiformes) are migratory oceanic birds of considerable conservational interest. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were assessed in the subcutaneous fat, liver and muscle of 100 birds belonging to eight species of Procellariiformes collected during their migration period in southern Brazil, one of the most important feeding areas for these species. Although the profiles of PCBs and OCPs were similar among the individuals, with predominance of penta, hexa and heptachlorobiphenyls and p'p-DDE, organochlorine concentrations exhibited a high degree of intra-species variability. The influence of body condition during the migration period in the distribution of organochlorine contaminants was also evaluated, showing that it is a significant factor in the variation and redistribution of these compounds in the tissues of these birds. The intense use of lipid reserves associated to the contamination from organochlorine compounds could be a troubling factor for seabirds with extended breeding periods and that spend most of their lives at sea migrating long distances, such as most of Procellariiformes. Studies on contamination are necessary to improve the knowledge of the threats to these birds and their populations as well as to contribute with information about persistent organic pollutants in the South Atlantic marine environment.Brazilian Research Council (CNPq)Brazilian Research Council (CNPq
Chlorinated pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the fat tissue of seabirds from King George Island, Antarctica
Antarctic Brazilian Program (PROANTAR)Brazilian Antarctic Program (PROANTAR)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa (CNPq)Secretaria da Comissao Interministerial para os Recursos do Mar (SECIRM)Secretaria da Comissao Interministerial para os Recursos do Mar (SECIRM
INCT-APA Annual Activity Report
Classic hydrographical parameters and dissolved nutrients were measured during the Antarctic summers from 2009
to 2012. Physical and biological processes control the nutrient levels in Admiralty Bay, as well as upwelling of deep water from
Brans eld Strait. Additional data on summer land run-o and wind speeds and directions is needed to get a better model for the
factors that control the primary production of the area