214 research outputs found

    Disorder control in crystalline GeSb2Te4 and its impact on characteristic length scales

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    Crystalline GeSb2Te4 (GST) is remarkable material, as it allows to continuously tune the electrical resistance by orders of magnitude without involving a phase transition or stoichiometric changes, just by altering the short-range order. While well-ordered specimen are metallic, increasing amounts of disorder can eventually lead to an insulating state with vanishing conductivity in the 0K limit, but a similar number of charge carriers. These observations make disordered GST one of the most promising candidates for the realization of a true Anderson insulator. While so far the low-temperature properties have mostly been studied in films of small grain size, here a sputter-deposition process is employed that enables preparation of a large variety of these GST states including metallic and truly insulating ones. By growing films of GST on mica substrates, biaxially textured samples with huge grain sizes are obtained. A series of these samples is employed for transport measurements, as their electron mean free path can be altered by a factor of 20. Yet, the mean free path always remains more than an order of magnitude smaller than the lateral grain size. This proves unequivocally that grain boundaries play a negligible role for electron scattering, while intragrain scattering, presumably by disordered vacancies, dominates. Most importantly, these findings underline that the Anderson insulating state as well as the system's evolution towards metallic conductivity are indeed intrinsic properties of the material

    Monatomic phase change memory

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    Phase change memory has been developed into a mature technology capable of storing information in a fast and non-volatile way, with potential for neuromorphic computing applications. However, its future impact in electronics depends crucially on how the materials at the core of this technology adapt to the requirements arising from continued scaling towards higher device densities. A common strategy to finetune the properties of phase change memory materials, reaching reasonable thermal stability in optical data storage, relies on mixing precise amounts of different dopants, resulting often in quaternary or even more complicated compounds. Here we show how the simplest material imaginable, a single element (in this case, antimony), can become a valid alternative when confined in extremely small volumes. This compositional simplification eliminates problems related to unwanted deviations from the optimized stoichiometry in the switching volume, which become increasingly pressing when devices are aggressively miniaturized. Removing compositional optimization issues may allow one to capitalize on nanosize effects in information storage

    Mg Deficiency in Grain Boundaries of n-Type Mg_3Sb_2 Identified by Atom Probe Tomography

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    Highly resistive grain boundaries significantly reduce the electrical conductivity that compromises the thermoelectric figure‐of‐merit zT in n‐type polycrystalline Mg_3Sb_2. In this work, discovered is a Mg deficiency near grain boundaries using atom‐probe tomography. Approximately 5 at% of Mg deficiency is observed uniformly in a 10 nm region along the grain boundary without any evidence of a stable secondary or impurity phase. The off‐stoichiometry can prevent n‐type dopants from providing electrons, lowering the local carrier concentration near the grain boundary and thus the local conductivity. This observation explains how nanometer scale compositional variations can dramatically determine thermoelectric zT, and provides concrete strategies to reduce grain‐boundary resistance and increase zT in Mg_3Sb_2‐based materials

    The importance of surface adsorbates in solution-processed thermoelectric materials: the case of SnSe

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    Solution synthesis of particles emerges as an alternative to prepare thermoelectric materials with less demanding processing conditions than conventional solid-state synthetic methods. However, solution synthesis generally involves the presence of additional molecules or ions belonging to the precursors or added to enable solubility and/or regulate nucleation and growth. These molecules or ions can end up in the particles as surface adsorbates and interfere in the material properties. This work demonstrates that ionic adsorbates, in particular Na+ ions, are electrostatically adsorbed in SnSe particles synthesized in water and play a crucial role not only in directing the material nano/microstructure but also in determining the transport properties of the consolidated material. In dense pellets prepared by sintering SnSe particles, Na remains within the crystal lattice as dopant, in dislocations, precipitates, and forming grain boundary complexions. These results highlight the importance of considering all the possible unintentional impurities to establish proper structure–property relationships and control material properties in solution-processed thermoelectric materials.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Discovering electron transfer driven changes in chemical bonding in lead chalcogenides (PbX, where X = Te, Se, S, O)

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    Understanding the nature of chemical bonding in solids is crucial to comprehend the physical and chemical properties of a given compound. To explore changes in chemical bonding in lead chalcogenides (PbX, where X = Te, Se, S, O), a combination of property-, bond breaking- and quantum-mechanical bonding descriptors have been applied. The outcome of our explorations reveals an electron transfer driven transition from metavalent bonding in PbX (X = Te, Se, S) to iono-covalent bonding in beta-PbO. Metavalent bonding is characterized by adjacent atoms being held together by sharing about a single electron and small electron transfer (ET). The transition from metavalent to iono-covalent bonding manifests itself in clear changes in these quantum-mechanical descriptors (ES and ET), as well as in property-based descriptors (i.e. Born effective charge, dielectric function, effective coordination number (ECON) and mode-specific Grueneisen parameter, and in bond breaking descriptors (PME). Metavalent bonding collapses, if significant charge localization occurs at the ion cores (ET) and/or in the interatomic region (ES). Predominantly changing the degree of electron transfer opens possibilities to tailor materials properties such as the chemical bond and electronic polarizability, optical band gap and optical interband transitions characterized by the imaginary part of the dielectric function. Hence, the insights gained from this study highlight the technological relevance of the concept of metavalent bonding and its potential for materials design

    Dynamic doping and Cottrell atmosphere optimize the thermoelectric performance of n-type PbTe

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    High thermoelectric energy conversion efficiency requires a large figure-of-merit, zT, over a broad temperature range. To achieve this, we optimize the carrier concentrations of n-type PbTe from room up to hot-end temperatures by co-doping Bi and Ag. Bi is an efficient n-type dopant in PbTe, often leading to excessive carrier concentration at room temperature. As revealed by density functional theory calculations, the formation of Bi and Ag defect complexes is exploited to optimize the room temperature carrier concentration. At elevated temperatures, we demonstrate the dynamic dissolution of Ag2Te precipitates in PbTe in situ by heating in a scanning transmission electron microscope. The release of n-type Ag interstitials with increasing temperature fulfills the requirement of higher carrier concentrations at the hot end. Moreover, as characterized by atom probe tomography, Ag atoms aggregate along parallel dislocation arrays to form Cottrell atmospheres. This results in enhanced phonon scattering and leads to a low lattice thermal conductivity. As a result of the synergy of dynamic doping and phonon scattering at decorated dislocations, an average zT of 1.0 is achieved in n-type Bi/Ag-codoped PbTe between 400 and 825 K. Introducing dopants with temperature-dependent solubility and strong interaction with dislocation cores enables simultaneous optimization of the average power factor and thermal conductivity, providing a new concept to exploit in the field of thermoelectrics

    Mg Deficiency in Grain Boundaries of n-Type Mg_3Sb_2 Identified by Atom Probe Tomography

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    Highly resistive grain boundaries significantly reduce the electrical conductivity that compromises the thermoelectric figure‐of‐merit zT in n‐type polycrystalline Mg_3Sb_2. In this work, discovered is a Mg deficiency near grain boundaries using atom‐probe tomography. Approximately 5 at% of Mg deficiency is observed uniformly in a 10 nm region along the grain boundary without any evidence of a stable secondary or impurity phase. The off‐stoichiometry can prevent n‐type dopants from providing electrons, lowering the local carrier concentration near the grain boundary and thus the local conductivity. This observation explains how nanometer scale compositional variations can dramatically determine thermoelectric zT, and provides concrete strategies to reduce grain‐boundary resistance and increase zT in Mg_3Sb_2‐based materials
