27 research outputs found

    Increased serum levels of fractalkine and mobilisation of CD34+CD45− endothelial progenitor cells in systemic sclerosis

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    International audienceBackground: The disruption of endothelial homeostasis is a major determinant in the pathogenesis of systemic sclerosis (SSc) and is reflected by soluble and cellular markers of activation, injury and repair. We aimed to provide a combined assessment of endothelial markers to delineate specific profiles associated with SSc disease and its severity

    Requirements for Membrane Attack Complex Formation and Anaphylatoxins Binding to Collagen-Activated Platelets

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    The activation of complement during platelet activation is incompletely understood.We sought to explore the formation of C5b-9 and anaphylatoxins binding to collagen-activated platelets.C5b-9, anaphylatoxins C3a, C4a and C5a, and anaphylatoxin receptors C3aR1 and C5aR were measured by flow cytometry and/or confocal microscopy. Platelet microparticles were quantified by flow cytometry, and their C5b-9 content was determined by western blot analyses. In all experiments, sodium citrate was used for blood anticoagulation.C5b-9 rapidly formed on the platelet surface following activation with collagen, TRAP, ADP or A23187, but was surprisingly restricted to a subset of platelets (1 to 15%) independently of P-selectin or phosphatidylserine exposure. Following collagen activation, C5b-9-positive platelets in thrombi were found associated with collagen fibres. C5b-9 formation was obliterated by Mg(2+)-EGTA and significantly reduced by the thrombin inhibitor hirudin (-37%, p<0.05), but was unaffected by chondroitinase, compstatin, SCH79797 (PAR-1 inhibitor), or in the PRP of a MBL-deficient donor. Compstatin and Mg(2+)-EGTA, but not hirudin, SCH79797 or chondroitinase, inhibited the formation of collagen-induced microparticles (-71% and -44%, respectively, p<0.04). These microparticles contained greater amounts of C5b-9 compared with the other agonists. Platelet activation by collagen or convulxin resulted in the strong binding of anaphylatoxins and the exposure of receptors C3aR1 and C5aR (CD88) on their surface.C5b-9 formation on collagen-activated platelets is i) partially controlled by thrombin, ii) restricted to a subset of platelets, and iii) can occur without P-selectin expression or phosphatidylserine exposure. Activated platelets bind anaphylatoxins on their surface and express C3a and C5a receptors, which may contribute to the localization of inflammatory processes during thrombosis

    Microparticles : fibrinolytic activity in septic shock and innovative approach to standardization

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    Les microparticules sont des vésicules extracellulaires qui résultent du remodelage des phospholipides membranaires en réponse à une activation ou une apoptose. La vision initiale leur attribuant une activité uniquement procoagulante s’avère plus complexe, par la mise en évidence d'une activité plasminogénolytique portée par les MPs endothéliales, tumorales et leucocytaires (MPLs). Au cours de ce travail, nous avons démontré un nouveau mécanisme impliquant les MPLs comme des vecteurs d’une activité fibrinolytique capable de lyser un thrombus fibrino-plaquettaire en fonction de leur activité de génération de plasmine. Cette activité s’intègre dans un rôle protecteur des MPs capable de contrebalancer le risque de microthromboses associé au choc septique. Cette activité fibrinolytique identifie les MPs comme des biomarqueurs déterminants pour le pronostic vital mais aussi comme des cibles thérapeutiques potentielles, pouvant être à l’origine de biothérapies vésiculaires basées sur la génération de MPs fibrinolytiques de grade clinique. L’évaluation du bénéfice apporté par les MPs est actuellement limitée par un manque de standardisation. Dans une seconde partie de ce travail, nous avons proposé une nouvelle stratégie de standardisation de la cytométrie en flux. Cette stratégie a été évaluée dans le cadre d'une étude multicentrique internationale qui a montré pour la première fois l’absence de différence significative des numérations des MPs entre des instruments de configuration optique différente. Maitriser des protocoles standardisés est une étape indispensable pour accélérer le transfert de ces innovations diagnostiques et thérapeutiques au lit du patient.The microparticles are extracellular vesicles resulting from the remodeling of membrane phospholipids in response to activation or apoptosis. The initial vision only assigning a procoagulant activity is more complex, by highlighting a range plasminogenolytic activity by endothelial, tumor and leukocyte (MPLS) MPs. In this work, we demonstrated a novel mechanism involving MPLS as vectors fibrinolytic activity able to lyse a fibrin-platelet thrombus on the basis of generation of plasmin activity. This activity is part of a protective role of MPs which may counterbalance the risk of microthromboses associated with septic shock. This fibrinolytic activity identifies MPs as key biomarkers for prognosis but also as potential therapeutic targets that can be the source of vesicular biotherapies based on generation of fibrinolytic MPs of clinical grade. The evaluation of the benefit provided by MPs is currently limited by a lack of standardization. In the second part of this work, we proposed a new strategy for standardization of flow cytometry. This strategy was evaluated in a multicenter international study that showed for the first time no significant difference in MPs counts between different optical configuration tools. To master standardized protocols is a necessary step to improve the transfer of these diagnostic and therapeutic innovations to the patient

    Microparticles and Fibrinolysis

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    International audienceMicroparticles (MPs) are submicronic vesicles which are formed by budding of the cellular membrane of virtually any cell type in response to cell activation or apoptosis. Both circulating MPs and MPs generated within tissues harbor molecules with a large repertoire of biological activities and transfer material to target cells. Depending on their cellular origin, the stimuli triggering their formation, or their localization, they may participate in the maintenance of organ or vascular homeostasis as well as inducing dysfunction. MPs have mostly been described as having procoagulant properties. However, the fact that some MP subsets are able to efficiently generate plasmin suggests that the role of MPs in hemostasis is more complex than initially thought. In this review, we summarize key findings showing that MPs provide a heterogeneous catalytic surface for plasmin generation, according to their cellular origin. We further address the specific features of the MP-dependent fibrinolytic system. Potential consequences of this MP-associated fibrinolytic activity in pathology are illustrated in cancer

    Maintenance chemotherapy in children with ALL exerts metronomic-like thrombospondin-1 associated anti-endothelial effect

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    International audienceMaintenance chemotherapy is an important part of the treatment of ALL in children. It relies on the long-term oral administration of daily low-dose mercaptopurin and weekly low-dose methotrexate. Although it has been used in the clinic for decades, its mechanisms of action remain unclear. Here, we investigated different angiogenic and immune biomarkers to gain insights into the mechanisms of action of maintenance therapy in children with ALL. We thus monitored circulating endothelial cells (CEC), endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) and endothelial microparticles (EMP), pro-angiogenic factors (VEGF, VEGFR-1 and Ang-2), anti-angiogenic factor thrombospondin-1 (THBS1) and regulatory T lymphocytes (Treg) in 47 children with ALL during the maintenance phase of their treatment (at treatment initiation and after 6, 12 and 18 months). We observed a statistically significant decrease in EPC and EMP counts throughout the maintenance phase associated with a significant increase in THBS1 levels. No significant change was detected in other angiogenic markers or in Treg numbers. The results presented here indicate that maintenance therapy in children with ALL exerts its antitumor activity at least in part through anti-angiogenic effects, similar to those induced by metronomic chemotherapy. Larger studies are now warranted to validate these findings and determine their clinical implications