973 research outputs found

    Міфопоетика як основа творчого методу О. Садовського

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    У статті аналізується серія творів заслуженого художника України О. Садовського на тему “Лісової пісні” Лесі Українки. Відзначається, що художньо-образна система цих творів співвідноситься з філософським змістом мистецтва художника. У творах О. Садовського міфопоетичного спрямування помітне бажання створити нове, синтетичне мистецтво. У графічних аркушах переплітається побутово-етнографічний матеріал, який переплавляється уявою автора, виявляючи його тонкий інтелектуалізм та багату фантазію.The article analyzes the series of works by Honored Artist of Ukraine O. Sadovsky on the topic of the drama-extravaganza “Lisova pisnya” written by Lesya Ukrainka. It is noted that the art imaging system of these works relates to the philosophical meaning of the artist creation. In the mythopoetical works of O. Sadovsky we can see the desire to compose new, synthetic art. Ethnographic-household material is melted by the author’s imagination, revealing his intellectuality and rich fantasy, is intertwined in the graphic leaves

    Reconstructing eroded medieval landscapes of the Noordoostpolder (Zuyder Zee area, The Netherlands):An interdisciplinary palaeogeographical take on the historic landscape development between AD 1100 and 1400

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    This paper considers large scale erosion of late medieval peatland landscapes along the tidal lagoon of the northeastern Zuyder Zee area (today: Noordoostpolder, The Netherlands). This time period, known for its dynamic history of coeval loss of peaty coastal plains and boom of maritime activities, is studied from archaeological, geological and historical data perspectives. In the first half of the Middle Ages (500-1000 AD), vast peatlands and interconnected lakes characterized the study area. During the Late Middle Ages (1000-1500 AD), increased stormsurges and tidal incursions allowed for extensive progressive erosion of inhabited peatlands, transforming the central Netherlands into the Zuyder Zee tidal lagoon. The study area is the northeastern quadrant of this lagoon. Medieval terrestrial geological and archaeological records from that area have fallen prey to erosion, reworking and uptake into lagoon bottom deposits. Due to these major disturbance factors, a late medieval palaeogeographical reconstruction of the region has not yet been made. However, surveyed since the 1940ies, especially the archaeological data shows spatial clustering that resolves the pacing of lagoon expansion. High-density areas of late medieval archaeological objects represent submerged leftovers of former settlements. The object-clusters are key to resolving what parts of land were transformed in what types of lagoon waters and when. Hence, in mapping the lost terrestrial landscape for medieval stages we flipped the order of input-disciplines: archaeology was put first and geology second, while for earlier periods or other regions the opposite order is the convenient choice. The paper is divided in four major integrated themes: the palaeography of the study area, spatial archaeohistorical research, incorporation and critical analyses of earlier reconstructions and the formation of a regional palaeogeographical reconstruction visualized in a map series. These maps honor the late medieval maritime archaeological evidence and comply with the oldest historical maps of the lagoon. The discussed map series includes two new reconstructions for AD 1100 and AD 1400. These new maps help to bridge the palaeogeographical time gap between the most recent geological reconstruction of the early medieval landscape around AD 900 and the oldest historic topographic maps of around AD 1570

    Precise Tight-binding Description of the Band Structure of MgB2

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    We present a careful recasting of first-principles band structure calculations for MgB2 in a non-orthogonal sp-tight-binding (TB) basis. Our TB results almost exactly reproduce our full potential linearized augmented plane wave results for the energy bands, the densities of states and the total energies. Our procedure generates transferable Slater-Koster parameters which should be useful for other studies of this important material.Comment: REVTEX, 2 Encapsulated PostScript Figure

    First-principles Calculation of the Formation Energy in MgO-CaO Solid Solutions

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    The electronic structure and total energy were calculated for ordered and disordered MgO-CaO solid solutions within the multiple scattering theory in real space and the local density approximation. Based on the dependence of the total energy on the unit cell volume the equilibrium lattice parameter and formation energy were determined for different solution compositions. The formation energy of the solid solutions is found to be positive that is in agreement with the experimental phase diagram, which shows a miscibility gap.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Opposing action of the FLR-2 glycoprotein hormone and DRL-1/FLR-4 MAP kinases balance p38-mediated growth and lipid homeostasis in C. elegans

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    AAUnim: Pallseainsetecgonrafitremdtheavteallolhpemadeinntgalleavenldsanruertreiptiroensaenl tseidgcnoarlrsebctelyfo: re committing crucial resources to growth and reproduction; however, the pathways that perceive and respond to these inputs remain poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that DRL-1 and FLR-4, which share similarity with mammalian mitogen-activated protein kinases, maintain lipid homeostasis in the C. elegans intestine. DRL-1 and FLR-4 function in a protein complex at the plasma membrane to promote development, as mutations in drl-1 or flr-4 confer slow growth, small body size, and impaired lipid homeostasis. To identify factors that oppose DRL-1/FLR-4, we performed a forward genetic screen for suppressors of the drl-1 mutant phenotypes and identified mutations in flr-2 and fshr-1, which encode the orthologues of follicle stimulating hormone and its putative G protein-coupled receptor, respectively. In the absence of DRL-1/FLR-4, neuronal FLR-2 acts through intestinal FSHR-1 and protein kinase A signaling to restrict growth. Furthermore, we show that opposing signaling through DRL-1 and FLR-2 coordinates TIR-1 oligomerization, which modulates downstream p38/ PMK-1 activity, lipid homeostasis, and development. Finally, we identify a surprising noncanonical role for the developmental transcription factor PHA-4/FOXA in the intestine where it restricts growth in response to impaired DRL-1 signaling. Our work uncovers a complex multi-tissue signaling network that converges on p38 signaling to maintain homeostasis during development

    Damped finite-time-singularity driven by noise

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    We consider the combined influence of linear damping and noise on a dynamical finite-time-singularity model for a single degree of freedom. We find that the noise effectively resolves the finite-time-singularity and replaces it by a first-passage-time or absorbing state distribution with a peak at the singularity and a long time tail. The damping introduces a characteristic cross-over time. In the early time regime the probability distribution and first-passage-time distribution show a power law behavior with scaling exponent depending on the ratio of the non linear coupling strength to the noise strength. In the late time regime the behavior is controlled by the damping. The study might be of relevance in the context of hydrodynamics on a nanometer scale, in material physics, and in biophysics.Comment: 9 pages, 4 eps-figures, revtex4 fil

    Power laws and stretched exponentials in a noisy finite-time-singularity model

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    We discuss the influence of white noise on a generic dynamical finite-time-singularity model for a single degree of freedom. We find that the noise effectively resolves the finite-time-singularity and replaces it by a first-passage-time or absorbing state distribution with a peak at the singularity and a long time tail exhibiting power law or stretched exponential behavior. The study might be of relevance in the context of hydrodynamics on a nanometer scale, in material physics, and in biophysics.Comment: 10 pages revtex file, including 4 postscript-figures. References added and a few typos correcte

    Від редакторів

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    Introduction In November 2011 archaeologists of City of Rotterdam Archaeological Service (BOOR) conducted underwater research in the Yangtze harbour, Rotterdam Maasvlakte, The Netherlands. The research was carried out by order of Port of Rotterdam Authority and supervised by the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands. The results of geological, botanical, zoological and archaeological analyses of the retrieved material generated new information on the occupation of a relatively high river dune by prehistoric hunter-gatherers, and on the development history of the surrounding landscape ca. 9,000 years ago. Methods Rather than employing divers the underwater investigations were carried out on board a vessel using a wire-operated, horizontal closing grab. Three small trenches (total area ca. 375m²) were excavated in layers in a fairly controlled fashion. Underwater excavations cannot achieve the same level of precision as is possible on land, but the many soil core samples taken in the project’s preliminary phase allowed detailed descriptions of the geomorphological stratigraphy. The excavation resulted in 316 bulk bags of soil. All soil was sieved on land, using sieves with mesh sizes of 10 and 2mm, after which archaeologists and volunteers carefully sorted the residues, documenting a total of ca. 46,000 finds. Results Plenty of Mesolithic occupation remains were retrieved at all three grab locations, from depths ranging between 17 to 21m below modern MSL. The finds span the age range from ca. 8400 to 6500BC, when the site transformed from dryland (an inland dune) to wetland (drowned delta subsurface). At the foot of the inland dune, the depositional conditions allowed for excellent preservation of bone, charcoal and plant material as well as stone artefacts. The site provides an unusually rich and detailed body of evidence on environmental conditions and the Middle Mesolithic palaeo-economy. The landscape ecotones around the site yielded an abundance of food while gradually being transformed, due to rising sea levels, from a valley containing the rivers Rhine and Meuse into the mouth area of those rivers. At 6500 BC, the site was finally transgressed: drowned in an estuary and swallowed up by the sea. Conclusion The Rotterdam Yangtze Harbour research project demonstrates the preservation of Mesolithic sites along the river Rhine, at depths in nowadays coastal and offshore areas. Furthermore, it demonstrates the feasibility of archaeological investigation of such submerged sites, even at depths of 18 to 20 m beneath sea, lake and harbour floors. Never before had such a submerged site been excavated at such a great depth. The scientific report (in English) will appear in the autumn of 2014, providing a full description of all finds as well as their landscape context

    Increased prevalence of abnormal vertebral patterning in fetuses and neonates with trisomy 21

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    Purpose: To assess the prevalence of an abnormal number of ribs in a cohort of fetuses and neonates with trisomy 21 and compare this with a subgroup of fetuses without anomalies. Materials and methods: Radiographs of 67 deceased fetuses, neonates, and infants that were diagnosed with trisomy 21 were reviewed. Terminations of pregnancy were included. The control group was composed of 107 deceased fetuses, neonates, and infants without known chromosomal abnormalities, structural malformations, infections or placental pathology. Cases in which the number of thoracic ribs or presence of cervical ribs could not be reliably assessed were excluded. The literature concerning vertebral patterning in trisomy 21 cases and healthy subjects was reviewed. Results: Absent or rudimentary 12th thoracic ribs were found in 26/54 (48.1%) cases with trisomy 21 and cervical ribs were present in 27/47 (57.4%) cases. This prevalence was significantly higher compared to controls (28/100, 28.0%, Χ2(1) = 6.252, p = .012 and 28/97, 28.9%, Χ2(1) = 10.955, p < .001, respectively). Conclusions: Rudimentary or absent 12th thoracic ribs and cervical ribs are significantly more prevalent in deceased fetuses and infants with trisomy 21