930 research outputs found

    Influence of fermentation on the quality of fermented cassava flour

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    The fermentation stage in the production of fermented cassava flour (also known as farinha d'água in Brazil) is responsible for the development of chemical and sensorial characteristics in the product. Thus the aim of this study was to verify the influence of the fermentation stage in the flour's main physicochemical parameters, followed by sensory evaluation of customer preference. The analyses performed were moisture, ash, protein, starch amounts and total acidity. The sensory analysis of the produced flour was performed using the preference-ordering test. According to the results, the fermentation stage, responsible for the increase of total acidity content in the final product, was the only parameter which exceeds the value demanded by Brazilian legislation. Based on the result of sensorial analysis, most customers preferred cassava flour with the highest amount of total acidity (3.44 cmol NaOH kg-1), which correspond to the root fermented for 96 hours.A etapa de fermentação na produção da farinha de mandioca do grupo d'água é responsável pelo desenvolvimento de características químicas e sensoriais peculiares no produto. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a influência da etapa de fermentação das raízes de mandioca nos principais parâmetros físico-químicos da farinha, seguido de avaliação sensorial da preferência do consumidor. As análises realizadas foram determinação do teor de umidade, cinzas, proteínas, amido e acidez total titulável. O teste sensorial utilizado foi o de ordenação-preferência dos produtos. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, a etapa de fermentação, responsável pelo aumento da acidez total titulável da farinha de mandioca do grupo d'água, foi o único parâmetro que excedeu o valor limite permitido pela legislação brasileira vigente. Com base no resultado da análise sensorial, houve maior preferência dos consumidores pela farinha de mandioca com maior teor de acidez total (3,44 cmol NaOH kg-1), que corresponde à raiz fermentada por 96 horas.27928

    Estudo do liquor de cupuaçu

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    Total cyanide quantification in processing stages of cassava flour from dry and water groups

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    The aim of this work was to quantify the total cyanide concentration during the production stages of cassava flour from dry and water groups. In relation to dry flour, the total cyanide concentration in the cassava root reduced from 160±11.8 mg HCN/kg to 149±12.3 mg HCN/kg after grinding, 68±2.5mg HCN/kg after pressing and 5±0.2 mg HCN/kg was obtained in the final product after the roasting process. For the water flour production, the cassava root showed 321±21.6 mg HCN/kg total cyanide content, and during the fermentation process, the total cyanide content for the first 24-hour fermentation was from 297±2.7 mg HCN/kg reaching 64±2.3 mg HCN/kg after resting in a pool for 96 hours. After grinding and pressing the fermented roots, the values lowered to 50±0.6 and 36±0.4 mg HCN/kg, respectively. A concentration of 9±0.1 mg HCN/kg was obtained in the final product, evidencing the detoxification process efficiency in both processings.O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar a concentração de cianeto total durante as etapas de produção da farinha de mandioca dos grupos seca e d'água. Em relação à farinha seca, a concentração de cianeto total na raiz de mandioca diminuiu de 160±11,8 mg HCN/kg para 149±12,3 mg HCN/kg após a trituração, 68±2,5 mg HCN/kg após a prensagem e chegando a 5±0,2 mg HCN/kg no produto final, após o processo de torração. Na produção da farinha d'água, a raiz de mandioca apresentava teor de cianeto total de 321±21,6 mg HCN/kg e durante o processo de fermentação da raiz, o teor de cianeto total nas primeiras 24 horas de fermentação era de 297±2,7 mg HCN/kg chegando a 64±2,3 mg HCN/kg após 96 horas em repouso no tanque. Após trituração e prensagem da massa fermentada, os valores diminuíram para 50±0,6 e 36±0,4 mg HCN/kg, respectivamente, obtendo-se no produto final a concentração de 9±0,1 mg HCN/kg, sendo evidenciado a eficiência do processo de destoxificação em ambos os processamentos.22122

    Caracterização agronômica e molecular de germoplasma de bananeira

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    The objective of the present work was to characterize banana accessions from the Germplasm Bank at Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura Tropical (Brazil), using agronomical, physical and physicochemical characteristics of fruit and simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers. Twenty-six accessions were analyzed, in which high genetic variability was found, especially for the agronomical characters number of fruit and weight of bunch. Accessions with high contents of carotenoids (diploid 'Jaran'), polyphenols (triploid 'Caipira' and tetraploid 'Teparod') and vitamin C (diploid 'Tuugia' and an unknown triploid AAA) in the fruit were identified. Thirteen microsatellite primers revealed an average of 7.23 alleles, which showed high variability. A dendrogram was prepared using the Gower algorithm for the distance matrices obtained from the agronomical, physical and physicolchemical analysis of fruit and SSR markers. Adopting the average genetic divergence as the cut-off point, three clusters were found: G1, formed by the diploids 'Jaran', 028003-01 and M-48; G2, by the diploids 'Malbut' and 'Ido 110'; and G3, by 21 tri-and tetraploid accessions, including one diploid, 'Tuugia'. The triploids with the B genome 'Thap Maeo', 'Walha', 'Pacha Nadan' and 'Champa Madras' were grouped in G2. Results from this work can be used for breeding hybrids with good agronomical traits and fruit quality.O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar acessos de bananeira do Banco de Germoplasma da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura Tropical, por meio de características agronômicas, físicas e físico-químicas dos frutos e por marcadores "Simple sequence repeats" (SSR). Foram analisados 26 acessos, nos quais observou-se ampla variabilidade genética, em especial para número de frutos e peso de cacho. Foram identificados acessos com altos teores de carotenoides (diploide 'Jaran'), polifenóis (tetraploide 'Teparod') e vitamina C (diploide 'Tuugia' e um triploide AAA desconhecido). Os 13 iniciadores microssatélites testados apresentaram uma média de 7,23 alelos, que apresentaram alta variabilidade. Com uso do algoritmo de Gower, foi elaborado um dendrograma com as matrizes de distância obtidas por meio das análises agronômicas, físicas e físico-químicas dos frutos e análises moleculares. Com a divergência genética média usada como ponto de corte, foram identificados três agrupamentos: G1, formado pelos diploides 'Jaran', 028003-01 e M-48; G2, pelos diploides 'Malbut' e 'Ido 110'; e G3, pelos 21 acessos tri- e tetraploides, incluindo-se um diploide 'Tuugia'. Os triploides com genoma B 'Thap Maeo', 'Walha', 'Pacha Nadan' e 'Champa Madras' agruparam-se no G2. Os resultados obtidos podem ser utilizados no melhoramento genético, para o desenvolvimento de híbridos com boas características agronômicas e qualidade de frutos

    Physico-chemical characteristics, polyphenols and yellow flavonoids in fruits of commercial and wild pitaya species from the brazilian savannas

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    Apesar do grande potencial comercial da pitaia, ainda são escassos os estudos de caracterização físico-química de frutos da pitaia, principalmente considerando espécies nativas do Cerrado. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se analisar a caracterização físico-química, polifenóis e flavonoides amarelos totais de frutos de espécies de pitaia Hylocereus costaricensis, Hylocereus undatus, Selenicereus setaceus e Selenicereus megalanthus. Para as avaliações físico-químicas, foram realizadas as análises de sólidos solúveis, pH e acidez total titulável. Para a determinação dos compostos fenólicos, realizaram-se as análises de polifenóis extraíveis totais e flavonoides amarelos. Foram observadas diferenças significativas entre as espécies de pitaia e entre as partes basal, mediana e apical dos frutos, quanto às características físico-químicas e a concentração de compostos fenólicos. A espécie S. megalanthus apresentou maior quantidade de sólidos solúveis, apresentando, assim, a polpa mais doce. Tal característica foi mais pronunciada na parte mediana do fruto de todas as espécies. Houve diferença significativa entre o pH, com valores variando de 4,84 a 5,67, classificando-se como alimentos pouco ácidos. A acidez variou de 0,10 % a 0,15 % de ácido cítrico. H. costaricensis merece destaque pela presença de maior quantidade de polifenóis totais e de flavonoides amarelos, diferenciando-se significativamente das demais espécies.Although the high commercial potential of pitaya, there are yet few studies of physico-chemical characterization of pitaya fruits, especially considering wild species from the Brazilian Savannas. This study was conducted with the objective to analyze the physico-chemical characterization, total polyphenols and yellow flavonoids of fruits of Hylocereus costaricensis, Hylocereus undatus, Selenicereus setaceus and Selenicereus megalanthus pitaya species. For the physico-chemical analyzes the percentage of soluble solids, pH value and total acidity. For the phenolic compounds quantification, total flavonoids and yellow polyphenols extractable were analyzed. Significant differences of chemical characteristics and the amount concentration of phenolic compounds were observed among pitaya species and basal, middle and apical portions of fruit. The species S. megalanthus had higher amounts of soluble solids. This characteristic is more pronounced in the middle part of the fruit of all species. There was significant difference of pH, with values ranging from 4.84 to 5.67. The pitaya fruits are classified as low acid fruits. The acid content ranged from 0.10% to 0.15% of citric acid. H. costaricensis presented higher amount of total polyphenols and yellow flavonoids, differing significantly from the other species

    Risk indicators for severe impaired oral health among indigenous Australian young adults

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    Background Oral health impairment comprises three conceptual domains; pain, appearance and function. This study sought to: (1) estimate the prevalence of severe oral health impairment as assessed by a summary oral health impairment measure, including aspects of dental pain, dissatisfaction with dental appearance and difficulty eating, among a birth cohort of Indigenous Australian young adults (n = 442, age range 16-20 years); (2) compare prevalence according to demographic, socio-economic, behavioural, dental service utilisation and oral health outcome risk indicators; and (3) ascertain the independent contribution of those risk indicators to severe oral health impairment in this population. Methods Data were from the Aboriginal Birth Cohort (ABC) study, a prospective longitudinal investigation of Aboriginal individuals born 1987-1990 at an Australian regional hospital. Data for this analysis pertained to Wave-3 of the study only. Severe oral health impairment was defined as reported experience of toothache, poor dental appearance and food avoidance in the last 12 months. Logistic regression models were used to evaluate effects of demographic, socio-economic, behavioural, dental service utilisation and clinical oral disease indicators on severe oral health impairment. Effects were quantified as odds ratios (OR). Results The percent of participants with severe oral health impairment was 16.3 (95% CI 12.9-19.7). In the multivariate model, severe oral health impairment was associated with untreated dental decay (OR 4.0, 95% CI 1.6-9.6). In addition to that clinical indicator, greater odds of severe oral health impairment were associated with being female (OR 2.0, 95% CI 1.2-3.6), being aged 19-20 years (OR 2.1, 95% CI 1.2-3.6), soft drink consumption every day or a few days a week (OR 2.6, 95% 1.2-5.6) and non-ownership of a toothbrush (OR 1.9, 95% CI 1.1-3.4). Conclusions Severe oral health impairment was prevalent among this population. The findings suggest that public health strategies that address prevention and treatment of dental disease, self-regulation of soft drink consumption and ownership of oral self-care devices are needed if severe oral health impairment among Indigenous Australian young adults is to be reduced.Lisa M Jamieson, Kaye F Roberts-Thomson and Susan M Sayer