1,049 research outputs found

    Chronic primary headache-Reducing the risk of treatment

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    Headaches have plagued mankind for more than 5 000 years' and yet they are still one of the most common reasons for medical consultation. Approximately 70 - 75% of men and more than 80% of women suffer from headaches each year.2-4 The Nuprin Pain Report,' produced by Bristol Meyers in 1985, indicated that 550 million work days were lost in 1 year by Americans because of pain, which resulted in 55 billion dollars of lost revenue. In the Nuprin Pain Report, 73% of the subjects reported that they suffered from headaches

    The Hour of Truth: The Conflict in Ukraine–Implications for Europe’s Energy Security and the Lessons for the U.S. Army

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    Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, a number of gas disputes between Russia and Central and Eastern European countries have unveiled the strategic dependence of Europe on Russian piped gas. The recent Ukrainian crisis demonstrated that Europe has a desperate need to improve the security of its gas supply. The United States is interested in the economic stability and growth of Europe, because the European Union (EU) is its principal and largest economic partner. The United States and the EU enjoy the largest trade and investment relationship in the world, which should not be jeopardized by disruptive, anti-status-quo powers. Europe’s energy independence is not only an economic interest of America, but also a political and security one. Europe’s dependence on Russian natural gas undermines European unity and weakens the primary U.S. allies in their relations with Russia. U.S. Armed Forces in Europe and the U.S. Army in particular can and should play an important role in promoting energy security. This involvement includes: increased situational awareness; deployment to the sensitive areas; and enhanced training activities, including with the allies of the U.S. military in Central and Eastern Europe.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1433/thumbnail.jp

    Cartan subalgebras of root-reductive Lie algebras

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    Root-reductive Lie algebras are direct limits of finite-dimensional reductive Lie algebras under injections which preserve the root spaces. It is known that a root-reductive Lie algebra is a split extension of an abelian Lie algebra by a direct sum of copies of finite-dimensional simple Lie algebras as well as copies of the three simple infinite-dimensional root-reductive Lie algebras sl_infty, so_infty, and sp_infty. As part of a structure theory program for root-reductive Lie algebras, Cartan subalgebras of the Lie algebra gl_infty were introduced and studied in a paper of Neeb and Penkov. In the present paper we refine and extend the results of [N-P] to the case of a general root-reductive Lie algebra g. We prove that the Cartan subalgebras of g are the centralizers of maximal toral subalgebras and that they are nilpotent and self-normalizing. We also give an explicit description of all Cartan subalgebras of the simple Lie algebras sl_infty, so_infty, and sp_infty. We conclude the paper with a characterization of the set of conjugacy classes of Cartan subalgebras of the Lie algebras gl_infty, sl_infty, so_infty, and sp_infty with respect to the group of automorphisms of the natural representation which preserve the Lie algebra.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figur

    MBS Connects, Spring 2017

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    MBS Connects. University of Maine Contents FROM THE CLASSROOM Academic and career bonds, p 1 Faculty briefs, p 3 On finding a job you love, p 5 Digital collaboration, p 14 New club for MIS students, p 15 Faculty briefs, p 16 ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT Alumna present paper on Tesla at conference, p 6 Christina Seeber, 2005, 2008 (MBA), p 7 Frederick Brown, 1996, p 10 Peter Drown, 2011, 2013 (MBA), p 11 STUDENT SPOTLIGHT Finance students thinkorswim®, p 2 Alex Rahman, 2018, p 4 2016-17 MBS student ambassadors, p 1

    MBS Connects, Summer 2017

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    MBS Connects. University of Maine Contents FROM THE CLASSROOM Man of vision, p 1 Jess (Foss) Elsner, 2006, p 4 Faculty briefs, p 5 From concept to market, p 7 Community consulting, p 10 Josh Nash, 2000, 2004 (MSIS), p 11 Worldly presentations, p 14 ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT Dana Bement, 2011, 2016 (MBA), p 2 Shelly Bartlett, 1986, p 12 STUDENT SPOTLIGHT Expanding their REACH, p 6 Devin Greenlaw, 2017, p 8 Chris Carroll, 2019, p 16 Notable May graduates, p 1

    MBS Connects, Spring 2016

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    MBS Connects. University of Maine Contents From the Dean, p 3 Collaborative accounting, p 4 Building goodwill, p 6 Student consultants give advice, p 8 Student news., p 9 Alumni Spotlight: Rondi Albrecht, 1993, p 10 Alumni Spotlight: Wiliam Gilfillan, 1973, p 11 Alumni Spotlight: Don Oakes, 1983, p 12 MIS student uses training to update website, p 13 Alumni Spotlight: Todd Jagoutz, 2001, p 14 Lyons uses Elect Her training to succeed, p 15 Alumni Spotlight: Jacob Gosselin-Deschesnes, 2015, p 16 Alumni Spotlight: Patrick Vigue, 2015, p 17 Alumni Spotlight: Chuck Hastings, 2013, p 18 Student Spotlight: Brady Davis, 2017, p 19 December 2015 graduates, p 2
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