54 research outputs found

    On the connection between fundamental groups and pencils with multiple fibers

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    We present two results about the relationship between fundamental groups of quasiprojective manifolds and linear systems on a projectivization. We prove the existence of a plane curve with non-abelian fundamental group of the complement which does not admit a mapping onto an orbifold with non-abelian fundamental group. We also find an affine manifold whose irreducible components of its characteristic varieties do not come from the pull-back of the characteristic varieties of an orbifold

    On the topology of fibered-type curves: a Zariski pair of affine nodal curves

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    In this paper we explore conditions for the complement of a fibered-type curve to be a free product of cyclic groups. We exhibit a Zariski pair of curves in C2\mathbb{C}^2 with only nodes as singularities (and the same singularities at infinity) whose complements have non-isomorphic fundamental groups, one of them being free. This shows that the position of singularities also affects this problem and hence the sufficient conditions involve more than local invariants. We also study the homotopy type of projective curve complements whose fundamental groups are free products of cyclic groups. Finally we describe the CW-complex structure of certain fibered-type curve complements.Comment: 14 pages. Comments are welcome and greatly appreciate

    The correction term for the Riemann–Roch formula of cyclic quotient singularities and associated invariants

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    This paper deals with the invariant ¿¿ called the RR-correction term, which appears in the Riemann–Roch and Numerical Adjunction Formulas for normal surface singularities. Typically, ¿¿=¿top¿-¿an¿ decomposes as difference of topological and analytical local invariants of its singularities. The invariant ¿top¿ is well understood and depends only on the dual graph of a good resolution. The purpose of this paper is to give a new interpretation for ¿an¿, which in the case of cyclic quotient singularities can be explicitly computed via generic divisors. We also include two types of applications: one is related to the McKay decomposition of reflexive modules in terms of special reflexive modules in the context of the McKay correspondence. The other application answers two questions posed by Blache (Abh Math Semin Univ Hambg 65:307–340, 1995) on the asymptotic behavior of the invariant ¿¿ of the pluricanonical divisor

    Modelos, axiomática y geometría del plano hiperbólico

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    First of all, we need to understand why there are other geometries such as Hyperbolic geometry besides the intuitive Euclidean geometry. Who discovered this geometry? Lobachevski, a young scientist who decided to leave the medical career to devote himself completely to the study of a geometry that he called “imaginary geometry”, is a founder of this geometry. He made progress not only in mathematics but also in physics, such as Einstein’s theory of relativity. How did Lobachevski come up with this geometry? Before giving an answer to this question, let’s see what an axiomatic system is

    On the Sigma-invariants of even Artin groups of FC-type

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    In this paper we study Sigma-invariants of even Artin groups of FC-type, extending some known results for right-angled Artin groups. In particular, we define a condition that we call the strong n-link condition for a graph Gamma and prove that it gives a sufficient condition for a character chi : A(Gamma) -> Z to satisfy chi] is an element of Sigma(n)(A(Gamma), Z). This implies that the kernel A(Gamma)(chi) = ker chi is of type FPn. We prove the homotopical version of this result as well and discuss partial results on the converse. We also provide a general formula for the free part of H-n(A(Gamma)(chi); F) as an Ft(+/- 1)]-module with the natural action induced by chi. This gives a characterization of when H-n(A(Gamma)(chi); F) is a finite dimensional vector space over F

    Cyclic coverings of rational normal surfaces which are quotients of a product of curves

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    This paper deals with cyclic covers of a large family of rational normal surfaces that can also be described as quotients of a product, where the factors are cyclic covers of algebraic curves. We use a generalization of Esnault-Viehweg method to show that the action of the monodromy on the first Betti group of the covering (and its Hodge structure) splits as a direct sum of the same data for some specific cyclic covers over P1\mathbb{P}^1. This has applications to the study of L\^e-Yomdin surface singularities, in particular to the action of the monodromy on the Mixed Hodge Structure, as well as to isotrivial fibered surfaces.Comment: Accepted in Publicacions Matem\`atique

    John Willard Milnor, 1962 Fields Medal. (Spanish: John Willard Milnor, Medalla Fields 1962)

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    Depto. de Álgebra, Geometría y TopologíaFac. de Ciencias MatemáticasFALSEpu