14 research outputs found

    Use of Anti-Cytokine Therapy in Kidney Transplant Recipients with COVID-19

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    In the context of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, we aimed to evaluate the impact of anti-cytokine therapies (AT) in kidney transplant recipients requiring hospitalization due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. This is an observational retrospective study, which included patients from March to May 2020. An inverse probability of treatment weighting from a propensity score to receive AT was used in all statistical analyses, and we applied a bootstrap procedure in order to calculate an estimation of the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of odds ratio (OR). outcomes were measured using an ordinal scale determination (OSD). A total of 33 kidney recipients required hospitalization and 54% of them received at least one AT, mainly tocilizumab (42%), followed by anakinra (12%). There was no statistical effect in terms of intensive care unit (ICU) admission, respiratory secondary infections (35% vs. 7%) or mortality (16% vs. 13%) comparing patients that received AT with those who did not. Nevertheless, patients who received AT presented better outcomes during hospitalization in terms of OSD ≥5 ((OR 0.31; 2.5th, 97.5th percentiles (0.10; 0.72)). These analyses indicate, as a plausible hypothesis, that the use of AT in kidney transplant recipients presenting with COVID-19 could be beneficial, even though multicenter randomized control trials using these therapies in transplanted patients are needed

    Improvement in detecting cytomegalovirus drug resistance mutations in solid organ transplant recipients with suspected resistance using next generation sequencing

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    Antiviral resistance; Solid organ transplant; Next-generation sequencingResistencia a los antivirales; Trasplante de órganos sólidos; Secuenciación de próxima generaciónResistència als antivirals; Trasplantament d'òrgans sòlids; Seqüenciació de pròxima generacióOBJETIVES: The aim of this study was to identify CMV drug resistance mutations (DRM) in solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients with suspected resistance comparing next-generation sequencing (NGS) with Sanger sequencing and assessing risk factors and the clinical impact of resistance. METHODS: Using Sanger sequencing as the reference method, we prospectively assessed the ability of NGS to detect CMV DRM in the UL97 and UL54 genes in a nationwide observational study from September 2013 to August 2016. RESULTS: Among 44 patients recruited, 14 DRM were detected by Sanger in 12 patients (27%) and 20 DRM were detected by NGS, in 16 (36%). NGS confirmed all the DRM detected by Sanger. The additional six mutations detected by NGS were present in <20% of the sequenced population, being located in the UL97 gene and conferring high-level resistance to ganciclovir. The presence of DRM by NGS was associated with lung transplantation (p = 0.050), the administration of prophylaxis (p = 0.039), a higher mean time between transplantation and suspicion of resistance (p = 0.038) and longer antiviral treatment duration before suspicion (p = 0.024). However, the latter was the only factor independently associated with the presence of DRM by NGS in the multivariate analysis (OR 2.24, 95% CI 1.03 to 4.87). CONCLUSIONS: NGS showed a higher yield than Sanger sequencing for detecting CMV resistance mutations in SOT recipients. The presence of DRM detected by NGS was independently associated with longer antiviral treatment.The present study was funded by Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Research and Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PS12/02131 and PI17/02150) and by the Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR, FI-DGR 2017, Grant No. 00794), which is supported by the Secretaria d'Universitats i Recerca (Economy and Knowledge Department, Generalitat de Catalunya), and co-funded by the European Social Fund and by Fundacio Marato TV3 project (201824). The study sponsor had no role in the collection, analysis, or interpretation of the data

    Tratamiento sustitutivo renal y toma de decisiones compartidas

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    Enfermedad renal crónica; Tratamiento sustitutivo renal; Toma de decisiones compartidasMalaltia renal crònica; Tractament substitutiu renal; Presa de decisions compartidesChronic renal disease; Renal replacement treatment; Shared decision makingEl proyecto Decisiones Compartidas en Cataluña es una iniciativa de la Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya (AQuAS) y del Consell Consultiu de pacients del Departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya. El objetivo de la misma es facilitar a las personas sanas o enfermas herramientas de información para decidir, conjuntamente con el profesional sanitario, qué intervenciones médicas, en base a la evidencia científica, son mejores según sus preferencias y valores

    Malaltia renal crònica avançada: opcions de tractament

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    Malaltia renal crònica; Tractament de malaltiesEnfermedad renal crónica; Tratamiento de enfermedadesChronic kidney disease; Disease treatmentAquest document s’adreça a totes les persones que pateixen malaltia renal crònica en fase avançada i als seus familiars, amb la finalitat de fer més entenedora la malaltia i de ser d’ajuda per triar, juntament amb l’equip mèdic de nefrologia, el tractament substitutiu renal més adequat en cada cas

    Malaltia renal crònica avançada: opcions de tractament

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    Malaltia renal crònica; Tractament de malaltiesEnfermedad renal crónica; Tratamiento de enfermedadesChronic kidney disease; Disease treatmentMongràfic sobre la malaltia renal crònica en fase avançada i el seu tractament

    Use of Anti-Cytokine Therapy in Kidney Transplant Recipients with COVID-19

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    MDPI-ACCESOBERT-UTPIn the context of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, we aimed to evaluate the impact of anti-cytokine therapies (AT) in kidney transplant recipients requiring hospitalization due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. This is an observational retrospective study, which included patients from March to May 2020. An inverse probability of treatment weighting from a propensity score to receive AT was used in all statistical analyses, and we applied a bootstrap procedure in order to calculate an estimation of the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of odds ratio (OR). outcomes were measured using an ordinal scale determination (OSD). A total of 33 kidney recipients required hospitalization and 54% of them received at least one AT, mainly tocilizumab (42%), followed by anakinra (12%). There was no statistical effect in terms of intensive care unit (ICU) admission, respiratory secondary infections (35% vs. 7%) or mortality (16% vs. 13%) comparing patients that received AT with those who did not. Nevertheless, patients who received AT presented better outcomes during hospitalization in terms of OSD ≥5 ((OR 0.31; 2.5th, 97.5th percentiles (0.10; 0.72)). These analyses indicate, as a plausible hypothesis, that the use of AT in kidney transplant recipients presenting with COVID-19 could be beneficial, even though multicenter randomized control trials using these therapies in transplanted patients are needed

    Postinfectious Acute Glomerulonephritis in Renal Transplantation: An Emergent Aetiology of Renal Allograft Loss

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    Despite the high incidence of posttransplant infections, postinfectious acute glomerulonephritis (PIAGN) in renal allograft is a rare entity, without effective treatment and a bad prognosis. We describe two cases of PIAGN: the first one was developed 2 years after kidney transplantation, secondary to Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia with presence of extracapillary proliferation in biopsy. The patient was treated with methylprednisolone and plasma exchanges without response, remaining dialysis dependent. The second case was reported 5 years after kidney transplantation, secondary to influenza A infection. Kidney biopsy showed an IgA-dominant PIAGN and methylprednisolone boluses were initiated without clinical response, suffering a progressive worsening and loss of kidney graft. Due to the aggressive clinical course of this entity, PIAGN should be considered in the differential diagnosis of acute kidney graft failure in the context of an infection. Elderly patients have a higher risk of more severe acute renal dysfunction, requiring dialysis in a great proportion of cases

    A propensity score-matched analysis of mortality in solid organ transplant patients with COVID-19 compared to non-solid organ transplant patients.

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    In the context of COVID-19 pandemic, we aimed to analyze the epidemiology, clinical characteristics, risk factors for mortality and impact of COVID-19 on outcomes of solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients compared to a cohort of non transplant patients, evaluating if transplantation could be considered a risk factor for mortality. From March to May 2020, 261 hospitalized patients with COVID-19 pneumonia were evaluated, including 41 SOT recipients. Of these, thirty-two were kidney recipients, 4 liver, 3 heart and 2 combined kidney-liver transplants. Median time from transplantation to COVID-19 diagnosis was 6 years. Thirteen SOT recipients (32%) required Intensive Care Unit (ICU) admission and 5 patients died (12%). Using a propensity score match analysis, we found no significant differences between SOT recipients and non-transplant patients. Older age (OR 1.142; 95% [CI 1.08-1.197]) higher levels of C-reactive protein (OR 3.068; 95% [CI 1.22-7.71]) and levels of serum creatinine on admission (OR 3.048 95% [CI 1.22-7.57]) were associated with higher mortality. The clinical outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infection in our cohort of SOT recipients appear to be similar to that observed in the non-transplant population. Older age, higher levels of C-reactive protein and serum creatinine were associated with higher mortality, whereas SOT was not associated with worse outcomes

    Lysinuric Protein Intolerance and Its Nutritional and Multisystemic Challenges in Pregnancy: A Case Report and Literature Review

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    Lysinuric protein intolerance (LPI) is a rare inborn error of metabolism (IEM), classified as an inherited aminoaciduria, caused by mutations in the SLC7A7 gene, leading to a defective cationic amino acid transport. The metabolic adaptations to the demands of pregnancy and delivery cause significant physiological stress, so those patients affected by IEM are at greater risk of decompensation. A 28-year-old woman with LPI had experienced 3 early miscarriages. While pregnancy was finally achieved, diverse nutritional and medical challenges emerged (food aversion, intrauterine growth restriction, bleeding risk, and preeclampsia suspicion), which put both the mother and the fetus at risk. Moreover, the patient requested a natural childbirth (epidural-free, delayed cord clamping). Although the existence of multiple safety concerns rejected this approach at first, the application of novel strategies made a successful delivery possible. This case reinforces that the woman’s wish for a non-medicated, low-intervention natural birth should not be automatically discouraged because of an underlying complex metabolic condition. Achieving a successful pregnancy is conceivable thanks to the cooperation of interdisciplinary teams, but it is still important to consider the risks beforehand in order to be prepared for possible additional complications

    Cellular and humoral response after mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in kidney transplant recipients

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    According to preliminary data, seroconversion after mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccination might be unsatisfactory in Kidney Transplant Recipients (KTRs). However, it is unknown if seronegative patients develop at least a cellular response that could offer a certain grade of protection against SARS-CoV-2. To answer this question, we prospectively studied 148 recipients of either kidney (133) or kidney-pancreas (15) grafts with assessment of IgM/IgG spike (S) antibodies and ELISpot against the nucleocapside (N) and the S protein at baseline and two weeks after receiving the second dose of the mRNA-1273 (Moderna) vaccine. At baseline, 31 patients (20.9%) had either IgM/IgG or ELISpot positivity and were considered to be SARS-CoV-2-pre-immunized, while 117 (79.1%) patients had no signs of either cellular or humoral response and were considered SARS-CoV-2-naïve. After vaccination, naïve patients who developed either humoral or cellular response were finally 65.0%, of which 29.9% developed either IgG or IgM and 35.0% S-ELISpot positivity. Factors associated with vaccine unresponsiveness were diabetes and treatment with anti-thymocytes globulins during the last year. Side effects were consistent with that of the pivotal trial and no DSAs developed after vaccination. In conclusion, mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine elicits either cellular or humoral response in almost two thirds of KTRs