2,798 research outputs found

    An Improvement Study of the Decomposition-based Algorithm Global WASF-GA for Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization

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    The convergence and the diversity of the decompositionbased evolutionary algorithm Global WASF-GA (GWASF-GA) relies on a set of weight vectors that determine the search directions for new non-dominated solutions in the objective space. Although using weight vectors whose search directions are widely distributed may lead to a well-diversified approximation of the Pareto front (PF), this may not be enough to obtain a good approximation for complicated PFs (discontinuous, non-convex, etc.). Thus, we propose to dynamically adjust the weight vectors once GWASF-GA has been run for a certain number of generations. This adjustment is aimed at re-calculating some of the weight vectors, so that search directions pointing to overcrowded regions of the PF are redirected toward parts with a lack of solutions that may be hard to be approximated. We test different parameters settings of the dynamic adjustment in optimization problems with three, five, and six objectives, concluding that GWASF-GA performs better when adjusting the weight vectors dynamically than without applying the adjustment.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Solving a Real-World Structural Optimization Problem With a Distributed SMS-EMOA Algorithm

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    This paper addresses a real-world optimization problem in civil engineering. It lies in the dimensioning of a 162m long bridge composed of 1584 bars so that both its weight and its deformation are to be minimized. Evaluating each possible configuration of the bridge takes several seconds and, as a consequence, running a metaheuristic for several thousands of evaluations would require many days on one single processor. Our approach has been to develop a distributed master/worker version of SMS-EMOA, an indicator-based multiobjective algorithm. By combining the Java implementation of the algorithm in jMetal with the Condor distributed scheduler, we have been able to use more than 350 cores to obtain accurate results in a reasonable amount of time.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Knowledge discovery for friction stir welding via data driven approaches: Part 2 – multiobjective modelling using fuzzy rule based systems

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    In this final part of this extensive study, a new systematic data-driven fuzzy modelling approach has been developed, taking into account both the modelling accuracy and its interpretability (transparency) as attributes. For the first time, a data-driven modelling framework has been proposed designed and implemented in order to model the intricate FSW behaviours relating to AA5083 aluminium alloy, consisting of the grain size, mechanical properties, as well as internal process properties. As a result, ‘Pareto-optimal’ predictive models have been successfully elicited which, through validations on real data for the aluminium alloy AA5083, have been shown to be accurate, transparent and generic despite the conservative number of data points used for model training and testing. Compared with analytically based methods, the proposed data-driven modelling approach provides a more effective way to construct prediction models for FSW when there is an apparent lack of fundamental process knowledge

    COARSE-EMOA: An indicator-based evolutionary algorithm for solving equality constrained multi-objective optimization problems

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    Many real-world applications involve dealing with several conflicting objectives which need to be optimized simultaneously. Moreover, these problems may require the consideration of limitations that restrict their decision variable space. Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) are capable of tackling Multi-objective Optimization Problems (MOPs). However, these approaches struggle to accurately approximate a feasible solution when considering equality constraints as part of the problem due to the inability of EAs to find and keep solutions exactly at the constraint boundaries. Here, we present an indicator-based evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithm (EMOA) for tackling Equality Constrained MOPs (ECMOPs). In our proposal, we adopt an artificially constructed reference set closely resembling the feasible Pareto front of an ECMOP to calculate the Inverted Generational Distance of a population, which is then used as a density estimator. An empirical study over a set of benchmark problems each of which contains at least one equality constraint was performed to test the capabilities of our proposed COnstrAined Reference SEt - EMOA (COARSE-EMOA). Our results are compared to those obtained by six other EMOAs. As will be shown, our proposed COARSE-EMOA can properly approximate a feasible solution by guiding the search through the use of an artificially constructed set that approximates the feasible Pareto front of a given problem

    PyDDRBG: A Python framework for benchmarking and evaluating static and dynamic multimodal optimization methods

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    PyDDRBG is a Python framework for generating tunable test problems for static and dynamic multimodal optimization. It allows for quick and simple generation of a set of predefined problems for non-experienced users, as well as highly customized problems for more experienced users. It easily integrates with an arbitrary optimization method. It can calculate the optimization performance when measured according to the robust mean peak ratio. PyDDRBG is expected to advance the fields of static and dynamic multimodal optimization by providing a common platform to facilitate the numerical analysis, evaluation, and comparison in these fields

    Revisiting Implicit and Explicit Averaging for Noisy Optimization

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    Explicit and implicit averaging are two well-known strategies for noisy optimization. Both strategies can counteract the disruptive effect of noise; however, a critical question remains: which one is more efficient? This question has been raised in many studies, with conflicting preferences and, in some cases, findings. Nevertheless, theoretical findings on the noisy sphere problem with additive Gaussian noise supports the superiority of implicit averaging, which may have had a strong impact on the preference of implicit averaging in more recent evolutionary methods for noisy optimization. This study speculates that the analytically supported superiority of implicit averaging relies on specific features of the noisy sphere problem with additive noise, which cannot be generalized to other problems. It enumerates these features and designs controlled numerical experiments to investigate this potential reliance. Each experiment gradually suppresses one specific feature, and the progress rate is numerically calculated for different values of the sample size given a fixed evaluation budget. Our empirical results indicate that for a wide range of noise strength and evaluation budget per iteration, the more these specific features are suppressed, the more the optimal averaging strategy deviates from implicit toward explicit averaging, which confirms our speculations. Consequently, the optimal sample size, which is regarded as the tradeoff between implicit and explicit averaging, depends on the problem characteristics and should be learned during optimization for maximum efficiency

    Static and Dynamic Multimodal Optimization by Improved Covariance Matrix Self-Adaptation Evolution Strategy with Repelling Subpopulations

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    The covariance matrix self-adaptation evolution strategy with repelling subpopulations (RS-CMSA-ES) is one of the most successful multimodal optimization (MMO) methods currently available. However, some of its components may become inefficient in certain situations. This study introduces the second variant of this method, called RS-CMSA-ESII. It improves the adaptation schemes for the normalized taboo distances of the archived solutions and the covariance matrix of the subpopulation, the termination criteria for the subpopulations, and the way in which the infeasible solutions are treated. It also improves the time complexity of RS-CMSA-ES by updating the initialization procedure of a subpopulation and developing a more accurate metric for determining critical taboo regions. The effects of these modifications are illustrated by designing controlled numerical simulations. RS-CMSA-ESII is then compared with the most successful and recent niching methods for MMO on a widely adopted test suite. The results obtained reveal the superiority of RS-CMSA-ESII over these methods, including the winners of the competition on niching methods for MMO in previous years. Besides, this study extends RS-CMSA-ESII to dynamic MMO and compares it with a few recently proposed methods on the modified moving peak benchmark functions
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