3,367 research outputs found

    Hans W. Loewald: the importance of reality in the constitution of the subjectivity and in psychoanalytical practice

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    Enfatiza-se a importância da realidade e da experiência atual na constituição do sujeito, por meio da apresentação das ideias de Hans W. Loewald e do exame de sua concepção original de realidade. A natureza relacional das pulsões, a ideia do novo objeto na relação analítica, a noção de invenção da realidade, o conceito de sublimação e a forma de compreender o simbolismo estão entre as formulações mais importantes de Loewald acerca do papel do ambiente na constituição do sujeito. Suas formulações também permitem a compreensão da inserção do sujeito na realidade social contemporânea.This paper is focused on the importance of reality and on the current experience in the constitution of subjectivity based on Hans W. Loewald's ideas, and on his original conception of reality. The relational character of drives, the idea of a new object for the psychoanalytical relationship, the invention of reality, the conception of sublimation, and the understanding of symbolism are among Loewald's most important ideas concerning the role of the environment in the constitution of subjectivity. His ideas are also important for a more specific understanding of the relationship between subjectivity and contemporary social reality

    Alternativas de Aprendizagem da Matemática no Ensino Fundamental

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    Trabalho apresentado no 31º SEURS - Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 04 a 07 de agosto de 2013 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.O presente trabalho relata o desenvolvimento de atividades de extensão realizado no sétimo ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola estadual na cidade de Santa Maria, RS. Tem como objetivo a interação entre acadêmico do curso de licenciatura em Matemática e estudantes e professor de matemática da escola, com vista a oferecer alternativas metodológicas que viabilize a aprendizagem dos alunos em conteúdos de matemática que são tratados no ensino fundamental. O acadêmico atua orientando os estudantes da escola com dificuldades no aprendizado, esclarecendo dúvidas e ministrando aulas de reforço. Essas atividades oportunizam ao acadêmico interagir com estudantes do ensino fundamental, contribuindo para a sua formação, além de despertar nos estudantes o interesse pelo estudo da matemática

    The role of muscle-enriched microRNAs as markers of failed myocardial reperfusion

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    PhD ThesisThe advent of primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) for the treatment of ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) has significantly reduced mortality rates in this population. However, coronary artery disease remains a leading cause of morbidity and death worldwide. This may be a consequence of inadequate myocardial reperfusion despite reestablishment of coronary artery patency following PPCI. Failed myocardial reperfusion is associated with worse prognosis but usually passes undetected, as current diagnostic methods are not routinely available. The aim of my PhD was to investigate the plasmatic kinetics of muscle-enriched micro ribonucleic acids (microRNAs) following PPCI as well as their association with cardiac damage, function and the phenomenon of failed myocardial reperfusion. Firstly, I retrospectively analysed the prognostic importance of cardiac troponins, which are established markers of myocardial injury, in a large cohort (n = 4,914) of STEMI patients treated with PPCI. Troponin levels routinely measured at 12 hours post-reperfusion were not associated with mortality, highlighting the need for identification of new prognostic markers in this population. To overcome methodological issues for microRNA quantification in plasma samples from STEMI patients, I validated an endogenous microRNA (miR-425-5p) as a control for realtime polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) data normalisation. Subsequent microRNA screening and kinetics analyses revealed that the muscle-enriched miR-1 and miR-133b are rapidly released into the circulation following PPCI, reaching an initial peak at 30min and a second peak at 90min post-PCI. The presence of a second peak seemed to be associated with a higher index of microvascular resistance, a surrogate marker of failed myocardial reperfusion. In addition, miR-1 and miR-133b levels at 30min and 90min post-PPCI were associated with microvascular obstruction measured by cardiac MRI, another parameter of unsuccessful myocardial reperfusion. Finally, miR-1 and miR-133b levels were significantly elevated in a subgroup of STEMI patients with larger infarcts and worse left ventricular function and remodelling 3 months after PPCI. These findings suggest a potential new role for muscle-enriched microRNAs as tools for early identification of failed myocardial reperfusion and prognostic stratification in STEMI patients.CAPES Foundation, Brazilian Ministry of Educatio

    Embodiment and action in the constitution of the self

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    Parte-se da hipótese de que tanto os modos de constituição da subjetividade, quanto as teses epistemológicas sobre a formação do eu têm sofrido importantes mudanças nas últimas décadas. No plano das identidades pessoais, tal fato se expressa no atenuamento do ideário intimista, tradicionalmente centrado na idéia da vida mental como espaço privado e interior. No plano epistemológico, diferentes saberes vêm questionando a equivalência entre vida mental e interioridade psicológica e propondo descrições da origem do eu que incluam a dimensão da corporeidade e da ação. Considerando as noções de representação e de ação como eixos fundamentais para diferentes concepções da subjetividade, este artigo examina um modelo internalista do psiquismo, contrastando-o com outro que toma o eu como agente corporificado.This article is based on the assumption that the processes of the constitution of subjectivity as well as the epistemological thesis on the origins of the self have gone through important changes in the last decades. Regarding personal identities, this fact is expressed by the decreasing value of the idea that the mental life corresponds to a private and intimate psychic space. In the epistemological sphere, several disciplines have been challenging the equivalence between mental life and psychological interiority, and have been proposing new descriptions of the origins of the self that have been focusing the concepts of embodiment and action. Considering the notions of representation and action as main tools to account for different conceptions of subjectivity, this article examines an internalist model of the psychic life in contrast to another one that describes the self as an embodied agent

    The assumption "happy, productive worker" : what the federal civil servants think

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    A hipótese "trabalhador feliz, produtivo" afirma que os funcionários felizes, cujas necessidades são satisfeitas em seus locais de trabalho, apresentam maior desempenho que os empregados infelizes. Essa é uma afirmação consolidada pela sociedade empresarial, mas com pouquíssimas referências empíricas. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo é analisar a percepção dos trabalhadores em relação à hipótese "trabalhador feliz, produtivo". Foi empreendido, em caráter exploratório, um grupo focal para compreender como os participantes entendem as variáveis estudadas. O grupo focal foi realizado em uma organização do Poder Judiciário pertencente à administração pública federal e contou com um grupo composto por 7 pessoas de diversas áreas: 2 gestores e 5 servidores de níveis inferiores. Sintetizando os achados, as evidências obtidas aqui apontam o desenvolvimento de estudos que contribuam para estabelecer uma teoria que sustente empiricamente a relação entre satisfação no trabalho, bem-estar no trabalho, desempenho individual no trabalho e estrutura organizacional e que, dessa forma, possa fundamentar a tão disseminada hipótese "trabalhador feliz, produtivo". Ao final, este estudo também possibilitou levantar algumas hipóteses para estudos quantitativos futuros; por exemplo, o clima organizacional poderá aumentar positivamente a relação entre bem-estar no trabalho e desempenho individual no trabalho e a estrutura física estará positivamente associada com o desempenho individual no trabalho.The assumption "happy, productive worker" claims that happy employees, whose needs are met at their workplaces, show a better performance than unhappy employees. This is a consolidated statement for the business society, but there are very few empirical references. Therefore, this study aims to examine workers' perception in relation to the assumption "happy, productive worker". A focus group was conducted, having an exploratory nature, in order to understand how participants see the variables under study. The focus group was conducted in an organization of the Judiciary that belongs to the federal government and it relied on a group made up of 7 people from various areas: 2 managers and 5 civil servants at lower levels. Summarizing findings, the evidence obtained here points out the development of studies that contribute to establish a theory that empirically supports the relation between job satisfaction, well-being at work, individual performance at work, and organizational structure that, thus, can provide some grounding to the widely spread assumption "happy, productive worker". In the end, this study also allowed raising some hypotheses for further quantitative studies; for instance, the organizational climate can positively enhance the relation between well-being at work and individual performance at work and the physical structure will be positively associated with individual performance at work

    RS4AAL: A Process for Specifying and Analyzing Non-Functional Requirements in Ambient Assisted Living Systems

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    Context: The increasing life expectancy of the world’s population is a reality, and combined with sharply declining birth rates, these advances in life expectancy could lead to a rapidly aging population around the world. Technologies such as Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) can provide services that enable older people to live independently, safely and healthily. During system development, it is important to ensure good specification of Non-Functional Requirements (NFR). These are requirements that define how the system will behave in certain situations and may impact the end goal of the software if not considered during the analysis and development of the project. Aims: To meet and identify all the needs and functions provided to the users of the system, this article provides a process for specifying and analyzing nonfunctional requirements in Ambient Assisted Living, called RS4AAL, which helps the requirements engineer to specify and analyze the important requirements in the development of this system by capturing the requirements with techniques such as storytelling, reuse, and legal requirements. Results: Based on systematic mapping, key nonfunctional requirements for the Health and Care in Life subdomain were identified, as well as some legal requirements that may impact system development. Conclusions: A key finding is that the personal context of older people, legal requirements such as ISO/PRF TS 823042, and AAL Guidelines for Ethics, Data Privacy and Security directly affect the specification of non-functional requirements and the design of systems. The RS4AAL helps with this mapping by showing the requirements engineer what to consider when designing AAL systems

    Some notes about the use of empathy in borderline cases and situations

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    Este artigo visa contribuir para a construção, por meio do conceito axial de empatia, de uma abordagem teórica e prática que oriente o manejo clínico de casos e situações limite, refratários ao método psicanalítico clássico. O exame da noção de empatia será realizado a partir de três perspectivas: como modalidade de escuta, como forma de comunicação e como fator terapêutico. Nossa proposta é a de dar sustentação à adoção da empatia como ferramenta clínica capaz de ampliar o horizonte de intervenção, incluindo possibilidades de ação que o método interpretativo não comporta.The article aims to contribute to the construction, through the axial concept of empathy, of both a theoretical and clinical approach which may offer some guidance on the management of borderline cases and situations not easily treated by the classical psychoanalytical method. The study of the notion of empathy will be done from three perspectives: as a mode of listening, as a form of communication and as a therapeutic factor. Our goal is to sustain the adoption of empathy as a clinical tool that allows the expansion of the limits of intervention, including new possibilities of action not provided by the interpretative method alone

    O crescimento do orçamento de defesa chinês: caraterísticas, prioridades e objetivos

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    Desde 1989, a República Popular da China (RPC) vem investindo pesadamente na modernização do Exército de Libertação do Povo (ELP), que é o principal segmento das forças armadas chinesas.1 Isso tem preocupado os vizinhos da China e especialmente os Estados Unidos, que enfrentam sérias possibilidades de guerra contra a RPC em função de Taiwan. Assim, nosso objetivo nesse artigo é analisar o orçamento de defesa chinês, buscando determinar suas características e prioridades, bem como seu significado político-militar para as relações entre Estados Unidos, Taiwan e China