26 research outputs found

    Physicochemical characterization of ‘Pera’ orange fruits selections grafted on two rootstocks in the São Francisco Valley, Brazil

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    A laranjeira ‘Pera’ é uma variedade de origem desconhecida mas bem conhecida na citricultura brasileira, cultivada originalmente na Baixada Fluminense (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil), e difundida no início do século 20, quando foi introduzida em Limeira (São Paulo, Brasil), tornando-se a copa mais cultivada no país, desde então, contribuindo significativamente para a expansão e consolidação da citricultura brasileira. O trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a qualidade pós-colheita de quatro clones de laranja Pera enxertadas em dois porta-enxertos em condições semiáridas, através da determinação das características físicas e físico-químicas dos frutos. Foram avaliados as caracteríticas fisicas: massa (g), diâmetro e comprimento do fruto (mm); firmeza (Lb) e espessura da casca (mm); número de sementes. Determinado o teor de vitamina C e sólidos solúveis (ºBrix); além da acidez titulável (g de ácido cítrico 100 mL-1), do indice de maturação (relação SS/AT) e do rendimento do suco (%). A interação cultivares porta-enxertos e copa de laranjeira induziu a diferenças nos atributos físicos e qualidade dos frutos, sendo o ‘Limão Cravo’ o porta-enxerto que induziu a melhores frutos na laranjeira ‘Pera D-9’, que registraram maiores massas e diâmetros, associados a cascas mais espessas, menor teor de sólidos solúveis, menor acidez e maior teor de vitamina C, enquanto os frutos da laranja ‘Pera C-21’ apresentaram maiores comprimentos e teores de sólidos solúveis e os da laranja ‘Pera D-12’, menor número de sementes e maior rendimento de suco. Os parâmetros de qualidade observados nos frutos das cultivares de laranjeiras ‘Pera’ se mostraram condizentes com o padrão exigido para o mercado in natura

    Production and quality of 'Superior Seedless' grapes under irrigation restrictions during berry maturation

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito das condições de deficit hídrico, na fase de maturação da uva, sobre a produção e qualidade da uva 'Superior Seedless' entre julho e novembro de 2007. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, em arranjo fatorial (3x3) + 1: três épocas de alteração da aplicação das lâminas de irrigação (21, 13 e 5 dias antes da colheita); três lâminas de irrigação (100, 50 e 0% da evapotranspiração da cultura); e um tratamento controle (manejo de irrigação adotado pelo produtor). As épocas de irrigação e as lâminas de irrigação utilizadas influenciaram a firmeza das bagas e a acidez titulável. A interrupção da irrigação, aos 13 ou 21 dias antes da colheita, resultou em produtividade, qualidade de frutos e eficiência do uso da água semelhante às obtidas pelo produtor, assim, pode ser adotada para economia da água de irrigação na Região do Submédio do Vale do São Francisco.The objective this work was to evaluate the effect of water deficit conditions, during the maturation phase of grapes, on the production and quality of the 'Superior Seedless', between July and November of 2007. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design, with four replicates, in a (3x3) + 1 factorial arrangement: three times of alteration of the irrigation depths (21, 13 e 5 days before harvest); three irrigation depths (100, 50 e 0% of crop evapotranspiration); and a control treatment, which was the producer's irrigation management scheme. Irrigation timing and depth influenced berry firmness and titrable acidity. The management with cut-off irrigation depths at 13 or 21 days before harvesting and the control had the same yield, grape quality and water use efficiency, and may be adopted to save water for irrigation in the São Francisco Valley region


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    ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the effect of shoot and bunch density through thinning practices on yield components and quality of ‘Thompson Seedless’ and ‘Sugraone’ grapevines in the São Francisco River valley. The experiments were carried out during two growing seasons (2010 and 2012) in commercial vineyards of Lagoa Grande, state of Pernambuco, Brazil. Treatments were a split plot represented by three shoot densities and three bunch densities in a random block design. The yield of ‘Thompson Seedless’ grapevine was up to 25.9% higher in plants kept with 6 bunches.m-2, reaching 20.7 and 27.0 kg.plant-1, in the 2010 and 2012 crop years, respectively. Although effects on yield were not observed in ‘Sugraone’ cultivar, bunch and berry mass was higher in treatments with 5 bunches.m-2 and 7 shoots.m-2, respectively, in the last production cycles. ‘Thompson Seedless’ grapes with greater berry firmness were harvested in 2012 in plants submitted to densities of 7 or 8 shoots.m-2, while the contents of soluble solids and total soluble sugars were higher in grapes harvested from plants with lower shoot and bunch densities. However no effects of treatments on the contents of soluble solids were observed in ‘Sugraoen’ grapes. The use of 7 shoots.m-2 associated to 6 bunches.m-2 is recommended for ‘Thompson Seedless’ grapevines because it increased yield with no harm to fruit quality, while for ‘Sugraone’, densities of 7 shoots.m-2 and 5 bunches.m-2 can be used to increase the mass of bunches and berries


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    <div><p>ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the effect of shoot and bunch density through thinning practices on yield components and quality of ‘Thompson Seedless’ and ‘Sugraone’ grapevines in the São Francisco River valley. The experiments were carried out during two growing seasons (2010 and 2012) in commercial vineyards of Lagoa Grande, state of Pernambuco, Brazil. Treatments were a split plot represented by three shoot densities and three bunch densities in a random block design. The yield of ‘Thompson Seedless’ grapevine was up to 25.9% higher in plants kept with 6 bunches.m-2, reaching 20.7 and 27.0 kg.plant-1, in the 2010 and 2012 crop years, respectively. Although effects on yield were not observed in ‘Sugraone’ cultivar, bunch and berry mass was higher in treatments with 5 bunches.m-2 and 7 shoots.m-2, respectively, in the last production cycles. ‘Thompson Seedless’ grapes with greater berry firmness were harvested in 2012 in plants submitted to densities of 7 or 8 shoots.m-2, while the contents of soluble solids and total soluble sugars were higher in grapes harvested from plants with lower shoot and bunch densities. However no effects of treatments on the contents of soluble solids were observed in ‘Sugraoen’ grapes. The use of 7 shoots.m-2 associated to 6 bunches.m-2 is recommended for ‘Thompson Seedless’ grapevines because it increased yield with no harm to fruit quality, while for ‘Sugraone’, densities of 7 shoots.m-2 and 5 bunches.m-2 can be used to increase the mass of bunches and berries.</p></div

    A Chemosystematic Study of the Moraceae Family: An Analysis of the Metabolites from the Biosynthetic Mixed Pathway (Acetate/Shikimate)

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    Abstract: The Moraceae family is a family of great importance amongst angiosperms. It consists of 37 genera and 1500 species, which are extensively distributed, and 23 genera and approximately 350 species alone have been described in Brazilian biomes. Intra-familiar classification, which is based on morphological and anatomical characteristics and on phylogenetic data, organizes the genera from the Moraceae family within the Artocarpeae, Castilleae, Dorstenieae, Ficeae and Moreae tribes. The purpose of the present study is to collaborate towards the understanding of the relationships between the genera and the tribes of this taxon by exploring chemosystematic data available for the Moraceae family, using grouping and factor analyses (CA and FA, respectively) as chemometric methods. The chemosystematic analysis was performed through a bibliographic survey of the number of occurrence of secondary metabolites isolated from the Moraceae family. Six hundred and seventy-eight papers were identified with the aid of ScIFinder, ranging from 1907 to 2014, enumerating 3728 special metabolites from this family, widely distributed within the Artocarpeae (1242), Castilleae (350), Dorstenieae (486), Ficeae (557) and Moreae (1071) tribes. According to the literature, the metabolite biogenesis in this family derives, mainly, from mixed pathways (1827), followed by the acetate (1280) and shikimate pathways (404). However, each tribe of the family shows a specific trend. For example, while the Artocarpeae and Moreae tribes prefer substances from the mixed route, the most predominant ones in the Castileae and Ficeae tribes are from the acetate pathway. The Dorstenieae tribe, on the other hand, presents a reasonable productive equity in this regard. Furthermore, the factor analysis made it possible to relate genera subordinated in the same tribe, due to their peculiarities regarding special metabolite biosynthesis and evolutionary advancement parameters of protection, oxidation and specialization. Finally, these data confirmed the advanced status of the Moraceae family in angiosperms


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    RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de doses únicas e fracionadas de ácido giberélico nas trocas gasosas e fotossíntese e na qualidade de cachos da uva cv. Sweet Celebration, no Submédio São Francisco. O delineamento experimental foi o em blocos ao acaso, com 10 tratamentos (testemunha; uma, duas ou três aplicações de 10 mg.L-1; uma, duas ou três aplicações de 15 mg.L-1; uma única aplicação de 20 mg.L-1, de 30 mg.L-1ou de 45 mg.L-1), com quatro repetições, e parcelas constituídas por três plantas. O ácido giberélico, aplicado na fase de bagas com 8 mm, aumentou a massa e as dimensões das uvas, sem influenciar no teor de sólidos solúveis e na acidez titulável. Contudo, maiores massa (9,41 g), comprimento (26,8 mm) e volume (8,12 cm3) de baga foram decorrentes de três aplicações de 10 mg.L-1, resultando em incrementos de, respectivamente, 59%, 23% e 42,5%,quandocomparado à testemunha. As três aplicações de ácido giberélico, nas diferentes fases de desenvolvimento dos cachos, favoreceram a atividade fotossintética e a qualidade do cacho e das bagas