591 research outputs found

    Analysis of the aerodynamics by experimental testing of an elite wheelchair sprinter

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    The aim was to compare the resistive forces acting upon an European wheelchair medallist. The coast-down technique was selected to estimate the resistance in the upright position and racing positions with the neck in hyperextension and flexion, respectively. In the upright position, racing position with the neck in flexion and hyperextension the effective surface area was 0.1747, 0.1482 and 0.1456m2, respectively. The coefficient of rolling friction was 0.00119, 0.00489, 0.00618 and the power to overcome drag 26.62, 22.59, 22.19W for the same positions. As a conclusion, the resistance acting upon the sprinter is different according to his position on the chair. Slight changes in the head position over the race can affect by almost 2% the power output

    Partial contribution of rolling friction and drag force to total resistance of an elite wheelchair athlete

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    In wheelchair racing, the main sources to loose energy are the rolling friction and the drag force. The aim of this research was to model the partial contribution of rolling friction and drag force to total resistance of an elite wheelchair athlete.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Barn owl feathers as biomonitors of mercury: sources of variation in sampling procedures.

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    Given their central role in mercury (Hg) excretion and suitability as reservoirs, bird feathers are useful Hg biomonitors. Nevertheless, the interpretation of Hg concentrations is still questioned as a result of a poor knowledge of feather physiology and mechanisms affecting Hg deposition. Given the constraints of feather availability to ecotoxicological studies, we tested the effect of intra-individual differences in Hg concentrations according to feather type (body vs. flight feathers), position in the wing and size (mass and length) in order to understand how these factors could affect Hg estimates. We measured Hg concentration of 154 feathers from 28 un-moulted barn owls (Tyto alba), collected dead on roadsides. Median Hg concentration was 0.45 (0.076-4.5) mg kg(-1) in body feathers, 0.44 (0.040-4.9) mg kg(-1) in primary and 0.60 (0.042-4.7) mg kg(-1) in secondary feathers, and we found a poor effect of feather type on intra-individual Hg levels. We also found a negative effect of wing feather mass on Hg concentration but not of feather length and of its position in the wing. We hypothesize that differences in feather growth rate may be the main driver of between-feather differences in Hg concentrations, which can have implications in the interpretation of Hg concentrations in feathers. Finally, we recommend that, whenever possible, several feathers from the same individual should be analysed. The five innermost primaries have lowest mean deviations to both between-feather and intra-individual mean Hg concentration and thus should be selected under restrictive sampling scenarios

    Estudo da Sensibilização aos Aeroalergenos Phl p 1, Phl p 5, Ole e 1 e Ole e 2 em Doentes com Patologia Alérgica Sazonal

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    Introdução: A sensibilização aos pólenes depende de vários factores nomeadamente do tipo de vegetação local e sabe-se que a sintomatologia não está apenas associada à exposição aos pólens mas também a partículas, algumas das quais resultantes da rotura dos grãos de pólen sendo posteriormente aerossolizadas. Objectivos: Relacionar a sensibilização de doentes com a concentração polínica atmosférica e a concentração de alguns dos respectivos aerolergenos. Métodos: Das consultas externas de Imunoalergologia dos hospitais de Évora e Elvas seleccionaram-se doentes que apresentavam queixas sazonais de rinite alérgica e asma brônquica, aos quais foram realizados testes cutâneos em Prick, standardizados, aos pólenes identificados na região. A 55 doentes foram realizados testes ao extracto de Phleum, aos seus alergénios Phl p 1 e Phl p 5, bem como aos extractos das restantes gramíneas e a 47 doentes foram realizados testes ao extracto de Olea, aos seus alergénios Ole e 1 e Ole e 2. Monitorizaram-se diariamente as partículas polínicas e os aeroalergenos mediante 2 colectores específicos para cada tipo. Resultados: A percentagem de doentes que é sensível aos 3 extractos de Phleum (Phleum total, Phl p 1 e Phl p 5) é de 51% , a dos que são sensíveis aos extractos de Phleum total e Phl p 1 é de 16 % e a dos que são sensíveis a Phleum total e Phl p5 é de 2%. A percentagem de doentes que é sensível a somente um dos extractos é de 20% e os que não têm qualquer sensibilidade são 11%. A percentagem de doentes que é sensível aos 3 extractos de Olea (Olea total, Ole e 1 e Ole e 2) é de 23%, a dos que são sensíveis à Olea total e Ole e 1 é de 21 % e a dos que são sensíveis à Olea total e Ole e 2 é de apenas 4%. A percentagem dos que são sensíveis a um dos extractos é de 19% e a dos que não apresentaram qualquer sensibilidade é de 32%. Conclusões: Podemos concluir que 89% dos doentes mostraram ser sensíveis aos alergénios da gramínea Phleum pratense pois mostraram positividade tanto ao extracto de Phleum e/ou aos seus alergénios Phl p 1 e Phl p 5. Em relação à oliveira, 44% dos doentes são alérgicos a este pólen pois são sensíveis ao seu alergénio major, Ole e 1. Em ambos os casos estão correlacionados com os aeroalergenos detectados nas amostras de ar, sendo a sensibilidade aos pólenes de gramíneas maior que a sensibilidade ao pólen de oliveira. Mais estudos devem ser realizados para despiste de reacções cruzadas nomeadamente quanto à Olea com outras plantas da região

    Local volume fraction distributions of axons, astrocytes, and myelin in deep subcortical white matter

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    This study aims to statistically describe histologically stained white matter brain sections to subsequently inform and validate diffusion MRI techniques. For the first time, we characterise volume fraction distributions of three of the main structures in deep subcortical white matter (axons, astrocytes, and myelinated axons) in a representative cohort of an ageing population for which well-characterized neuropathology data is available. We analysed a set of samples from 90 subjects of the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study (CFAS), stratified into three groups of 30 subjects each, in relation to the presence of age-associated deep subcortical lesions. This provides volume fraction distributions in different scenarios relevant to brain diffusion MRI in dementia. We also assess statistically significant differences found between these groups. In agreement with previous literature, our results indicate that white matter lesions are related with a decrease in the myelinated axons fraction and an increase in astrocytic fraction, while no statistically significant changes occur in axonal mean fraction. In addition, we introduced a framework to quantify volume fraction distributions from 2D immunohistochemistry images, which is validated against in silico simulations. Since a trade-off between precision and resolution emerged, we also performed an assessment of the optimal scale for computing such distributions

    Resistive and propulsive forces in wheelchair racing: a brief review

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    Wheelchair racing is one of the most important sports in the Paralympics. The detailed analysis of all parameters is of great importance to achieve sporting excellence in this modality. In wheelchair racing, resistive and propulsive forces determine the movement of the athlete-wheelchair system. Most of propulsive forces are generated by the strength of individuals. As a result, strength levels play an important role in propelling the athlete-wheelchair system. Thus, the main objective of this study is to provide a set of methodologies to assess propulsive and resistive forces. The manuscript presents different methods and procedures, based on previous studies, that can be used for wheelchair racing athletes. Resistive forces in wheelchair racing can be evaluated by analytical procedures, experimental tests, and numerical simulations. Moreover, the strength of athletes' upper limbs to generate propulsion in wheelchair races can be assessed by dynamometry, one-repetition maximum, and medicine ball throw test. It may be that the tests presented may be useful to predict the strength and endurance of athletes' upper limbs. However, this competitive sport still presents a considerable gap in the Paralympics research. Currently, in Paralympic sport, evidence-based methodologies are lacking, making it an issue for athletes, coaches and researchers to support their work on scientific evidences.This research is supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. (project UIDB04045/2020) and The APC. It has been funded by the Research Center in Sports Health and Human Development, CovilhA, Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Structural equation modelling for predicting the relative contribution of each component in the metabolic syndrome status change

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    Understanding the factor weighting in the development of metabolic syndrome (MetS) may help to predict the progression for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Thus, the aim of this study was to develop a confirmatory model to describe and explain the direct and indirect effect of each component in MetS status change. A total of 3581 individuals diagnosed with MetS, aged 18–102 years, were selected between January 2019 and December 2020 from a community-representative sample of Portuguese adults in a north-eastern Portuguese region to test the model’s goodness of fit. A structural equation modelling (SEM) approach and a two-way ANOVA (age × body composition) were performed to compare the relative contribution of each MetS component using joint interim statement (JIS). Waist circumference (β = 0.189–0.373, p < 0.001), fasting glucose (β = 0.168–0.199, p < 0.001) and systolic blood pressure (β = 0.140–0.162, p < 0.001) had the highest direct effect on the change in MetS status in the overall population and concerning both sexes. Moreover, diastolic blood pressure (DBP), triglycerides (TG) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c) had a low or non-significant effect. Additionally, an indirect effect was reported for age and body composition involving the change in MetS status. The findings may suggest that other components with higher specificity and sensitivity should be considered to empirically validate the harmonised definition of MetS. Current research provides the first multivariate model for predicting the relative contribution of each component in the MetS status change, specifically in Portuguese adults.This article is a result of the project “GreenHealth-Digital strategies in biological assets to improve well-being and promote green health” (Norte-01-0145-FEDER-000042), supported by North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The authors also express acknowledgement all medical staff, patients and human resources of the two primary health care centers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Overexpression of adenosine A2A receptors in rats: effects on depression, locomotion, and anxiety

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    Adenosine A2A receptors (A2AR) are a sub-type of receptors enriched in basal ganglia, activated by the neuromodulator adenosine, which interact with dopamine D2 receptors. Although this reciprocal antagonistic interaction is well-established in motor function, the outcome in dopamine-related behaviors remains uncertain, in particular in depression and anxiety. We have demonstrated an upsurge of A2AR associated to aging and chronic stress. Furthermore, Alzheimer's disease patients present A2AR accumulation in cortical areas together with depressive signs. We now tested the impact of overexpressing A2AR in forebrain neurons on dopamine-related behavior, namely depression. Adult male rats overexpressing human A2AR under the control of CaMKII promoter [Tg(CaMKII-hA2AR)] and aged-matched wild-types (WT) of the same strain (Sprague-Dawley) were studied. The forced swimming test (FST), sucrose preference test (SPT), and the open-field test (OFT) were performed to evaluate behavioral despair, anhedonia, locomotion, and anxiety. Tg(CaMKII-hA2AR) animals spent more time floating and less time swimming in the FST and presented a decreased sucrose preference at 48 h in the SPT. They also covered higher distances in the OFT and spent more time in the central zone than the WT. The results indicate that Tg(CaMKII-hA2AR) rats exhibit depressive-like behavior, hyperlocomotion, and altered exploratory behavior. This A2AR overexpression may explain the depressive signs found in aging, chronic stress, and Alzheimer's disease

    Iba-1-/CD68+ microglia are a prominent feature of age-associated deep subcortical white matter lesions.

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    Deep subcortical lesions (DSCL) of the brain, are present in ~60% of the ageing population, and are linked to cognitive decline and depression. DSCL are associated with demyelination, blood brain barrier (BBB) dysfunction, and microgliosis. Microglia are the main immune cell of the brain. Under physiological conditions microglia have a ramified morphology, and react to pathology with a change to a more rounded morphology as well as showing protein expression alterations. This study builds on previous characterisations of DSCL and radiologically 'normal-appearing' white matter (NAWM) by performing a detailed characterisation of a range of microglial markers in addition to markers of vascular integrity. The Cognitive Function and Ageing Study (CFAS) provided control white matter (WM), NAWM and DSCL human post mortem tissue for immunohistochemistry using microglial markers (Iba-1, CD68 and MHCII), a vascular basement membrane marker (collagen IV) and markers of BBB integrity (fibrinogen and aquaporin 4). The immunoreactive profile of CD68 increased in a stepwise manner from control WM to NAWM to DSCL. This correlated with a shift from small, ramified cells, to larger, more rounded microglia. While there was greater Iba-1 immunoreactivity in NAWM compared to controls, in DSCL, Iba-1 levels were reduced to control levels. A prominent feature of these DSCL was a population of Iba-1-/CD68+ microglia. There were increases in collagen IV, but no change in BBB integrity. Overall the study shows significant differences in the immunoreactive profile of microglial markers. Whether this is a cause or effect of lesion development remains to be elucidated. Identifying microglia subpopulations based on their morphology and molecular markers may ultimately help decipher their function and role in neurodegeneration. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that Iba-1 is not a pan-microglial marker, and that a combination of several microglial markers is required to fully characterise the microglial phenotype

    Estimating the global conservation status of more than 15,000 Amazonian tree species

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    Estimates of extinction risk for Amazonian plant and animal species are rare and not often incorporated into land-use policy and conservation planning. We overlay spatial distribution models with historical and projected deforestation to show that at least 36% and up to 57% of all Amazonian tree species are likely to qualify as globally threatened under International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List criteria. If confirmed, these results would increase the number of threatened plant species on Earth by 22%. We show that the trends observed in Amazonia apply to trees throughout the tropics, and we predict thatmost of the world&#8217;s >40,000 tropical tree species now qualify as globally threatened. A gap analysis suggests that existing Amazonian protected areas and indigenous territories will protect viable populations of most threatened species if these areas suffer no further degradation, highlighting the key roles that protected areas, indigenous peoples, and improved governance can play in preventing large-scale extinctions in the tropics in this century