2,077 research outputs found

    Fraccionamento de prédios rústicos

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    O fraccionamento de prédios rústicos ocorre com grande frequência, quer por razões de partilha, quer por razões de transacção de propriedades, quer por muitas outras. É frequente os herdeiros não querem abdicar do seu quinhão de herança por razões económicas e/ou sentimentais. Por outro lado, também é do conhecimento geral que uma grande propriedade se dividida em pequenas parcelas (as chamadas quintinhas) é transaccionada por um valor muito mais elevado do que se vendida como um todo. Por estas e muitas outras razões, o problema do fraccionamento da propriedade rústica reveste-se de particular importância e, por isso, a legislação aplicável deve ser clara e fundamentada, o mais possível, em grandezas físicas e económicas de fácil medição. O objectivo deste trabalho é analisar em que condições a legislação vigente permite o fraccionamento de prédios rústicos - vistos como unidades produtivas -, interpretá-la à luz da Economia Agrária, apontar os principais problemas que se levantam na sua aplicação e sugerir as alterações consideradas pertinentes. Este problema, para além da importância económica e social que tem, reveste-se de especial relevância para a Ordem dos Engenheiros, na medida em que recebe frequentemente solicitações de tribunais onde decorrem processos desta natureza no sentido de indicar peritos para apoiar tecnicamente a fundamentação da decisão final dos mesmos, os quais na execução da peritagem se vão deparar com uma legislação manifestamente incompleta para o fim em causa

    Food Chemistry: Food quality and new analytical approaches

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    Gestão da Empresa Agrícola no Século XXI. Manual III - Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação na Gestão da Empresa Agrícola

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    A gestão de informação e as tecnologias de informação e comunicação que a suportam são, do nosso ponto de vista, o factor crítico de sucesso da empresa agrícola na sociedade da informação e do conhecimento. Este manual estabelece como principal objectivo apresentar os mais modernos desenvolvimentos das tecnologias de informação e comunicação e do potencial que encerram para a gestão da empresa agrícola. Surge naturalmente na sequência do Manual I, dedicado ao marketing dos produtos agro-pecuários, que consubstancia a necessidade dos empresários agrícolas adoptarem uma estratégia orientada para o mercado, e do Manual II, que aborda a gestão da empresa agrícola, visando apresentar os princípios económicos a ser utilizados para suportar a tomada de decisão do empresário agrícola. Com esse objectivo, este manual, aborda questões como o conceito de gestão de informação/conhecimento, a tipologia de sistemas de informação e o papel que desempenham na gestão da empresa agrícola, as novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação na gestão da empresa agrícola – a empresa digital e o papel da Internet e das tecnologias associadas na gestão da empresa agrícola do Séc. XXI

    gestão da Empresa Agrícola no Século XXI. Manual II - Gestão e Administração de Empresas.

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    Este manual trata dos problemas da gestão da empresa agrícola, com especial enfoque nas questões relacionadas com o que produzir, como prduzir e quanto produzi

    Correlation between hyperglycemia and glycated albumin with retinopathy of prematurity

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    Funding Information: The present publication was funded by Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia, IP national support through CHRC (UIDP/04923/2020).To determine the association between hyperglycemia, glycated albumin (GlyA) and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Prospective study of all infants under ROP screening from March 2017 to July 2019. All demographic, clinical and laboratory data were collected. Glucose was measured at birth and every 8 h for the first week and serum GlyA was evaluated at birth, 1st, 2nd and 4th weeks after birth. Reference range for GlyA was obtained. Univariate logistic regression was used to examine risk factors for ROP followed by multivariate regression. A total of 152 infants were included in the study. Median gestational age was 30 weeks and median birth weight 1240 g. Thirty-three infants (21.7%) had ROP. Hyperglycemia was present in 24 (72.7%) infants diagnosed with any ROP versus 6 (0.05%) in those without ROP. Median GlyA at birth, 1st, 2nd and 4th and respective reference ranges were 8.50% (6.00–12.65), 8.20% (5.32–11.67), 8.00% (5.32–10.00) and 7.90% (5.30–9.00) respectively. After multivariate logistic regression, hyperglycemia but not GlyA, remained a significant risk factor for ROP overpowering the other recognized risk factors (Exp (B) 28.062, 95% CI for Exp(B) 7.881–99.924 p < 0.001). In our cohort, hyperglycemia but not GlyA, remained a significant risk factor for ROP overpowering the other recognized risk factors.publishersversionpublishe

    On the use of supercapacitors within stand-alone energy systems

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    Hydrogen is a valuable alternative for long-term energy storage, particularly for renewable energy based stand-alone systems. The described stand-alone system has been developed and installed at the INETI facilities. The exceeding renewable energy (provided by sun and wind) is used to generate hydrogen, which accumulated as an energy buffer, while the fuel cell uses this stored hydrogen to produce electrical energy when there is insufficient solar/wind energy. To provide the stand-alone system with a reliable energy storage it was designed a system for storing hydrogen based on metal hydrides. In order to supply sudden power demands two options were considered: a standard DC battery bank and a supercapacitor bank. Experimental and simulation results are presented in order to show the installation obtained performance

    Developing a data fusion concept for radar and optical ground based SST station

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    As part of the Portuguese Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) program, a tracking radar and a double Wide Field of View Telescope system (4.3{\deg} x 2.3{\deg}) are being installed at the Pampilhosa da Serra Space Observatory (PASO) in the centre of continental Portugal, complementing an already installed deployable optical sensor for MEO and GEO surveillance. The tracking radar will track space debris in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) up to 1000 km and at the same time the telescope will also have LEO tracking capabilities. This article intends to discuss possible ways to take advantage of having these two sensors at the same location. Using both types of sensors takes advantage of the radar measurements which give precise radial velocity and distance to the objects, while the telescope gives better sky coordinates measurements. With the installation of radar and optical sensors, PASO can extend observation time of space debris and correlate information from optical and radar provenances in real time. During twilight periods both sensors can be used simultaneously to rapidly compute new TLEs for LEO objects, eliminating the time delays involved in data exchange between sites in a large SST network. This concept will not replace the need for a SST network with sensors in multiple locations around the globe, but will provide a more complete set of measurements from a given object passage, and therefore increase the added value for initial orbit determination, or monitoring of reentry campaigns of a given location. PASO will contribute to the development of new solutions to better characterize the objects improving the overall SST capabilities and constitute a perfect site for the development and testing of new radar and optical data fusion algorithms and techniques for space debris monitoring.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, Draft accepted for publication at 73rd International Astronautical Congress, Paris 202

    Environmental remediation promoted by silver nanoparticles biosynthesized by eucalyptus leaves extract

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    A simple and low-cost green synthesis method was optimized to prepare stable silver nanoparticles (AgNP) using aqueous Eucalyptus globulus leaves extract. This green method allows to obtain AgNP with spherical morphology and variable size around 25 nm, and it is dependent of the reaction temperature and concentration of the plant extract. AgNP stability was followed during 3 months by zeta potential measurements and a negative zeta range from 30.7 to 33.6 was determined. Biogenic-stabilized AgNP exhibited dual-functional properties as effective in environmental remediation with bacterial growth inhibition and dye photodegradation. Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli were tested for antibacterial activity, and considerable inhibitory activity was found. High photocatalytic degradation of indigo carmine (IC) dye was performed in the presence of the AgNP as catalysts under sunlight irradiation. The degradation efficiency after 2 h of reaction was 37 %, 83 % and 98 % in the presence of UV light, visible light and sunlight irradiation, respectively. The germination of corn kernels test was used to determine the toxicity of the treated IC solutions and the results showed low toxicity after the photodegradation process.V.R. thanks to Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT (Portugal) for her Ph.D. grant (SFRH/BD/141073/2018). P⋅F-S. would like to express their gratitude to the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for their postdoctoral grant (Reference FJC2021-046978-I). This research work has been funded by FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) over the projects: CQ-UM (UID/QUI/0686/2020), CEB (UIDB/04469/2020) and LABBELS (LA/P/0029/2020), and project BioTecNorte (operation NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004), supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Program (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Leishmania-specific hypothetical protein expressed in both promastigote and amastigote stages of Leishmania infantum employed for the serodiagnosis of, and as a vaccine candidate against, visceral leishmaniasis

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    Background: LiHyV is an antigenic hypothetical protein present in both promastigote and amastigote stages of Leishmania infantum, which was recently identified by an immunoproteomic approach. A recombinant version of this protein (rLiHyV) was evaluated as a diagnostic marker for canine VL (CVL). In addition, the prophylactic efficacy of the rLiHyV protein, and two of its CD8+ T cell epitopes, has been analyzed in a murine model of visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Methods: Initially, the rLiHyV protein was evaluated by an ELISA technique for the serodiagnosis of CVL. Secondly, vaccines composed of the recombinant protein and both chemically synthesized peptides, combined with saponin as an adjuvant; were administered subcutaneously into BALB/c mice. The cellular and humoral responses generated by vaccination were evaluated. In addition, the parasite burden and immune response were studied 10 weeks after L. infantum infection. Results: The rLiHyV protein was recognized by antibodies of VL dogs. No cross-reactivity was obtained with sera from dogs vaccinated with a Brazilian commercial vaccine, with sera from animals infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, Babesia canis and Ehrlichia canis, or those from non-infected animals living in an endemic area for leishmaniasis. After challenge with L. infantum, spleen cells of BALB/c mice vaccinated with rLiHyV/saponin stimulated with parasite antigens showed a higher production of IFN-γ, IL-12 and GM-CSF, than the same cells obtained from mice vaccinated with the individual peptides, or mice from control (inoculated with saline or saponin) groups. This Th1-type cellular response observed in rLiHyV/saponin vaccinated mice was accompanied by the induction of parasite-specific IgG2a isotype antibodies. Animals immunized with rLiHyV/saponin showed significant reductions in the parasite burden in the liver, spleen, bone marrow and in the lymph nodes draining the paws relative to control mice. Conclusions: The present study showed for the first time that the L. infantum LiHyV protein could be considered as a vaccine candidate against L. infantum infection, as well as a diagnostic marker for CVL.This work was supported by grants from Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Nanobiofarmacêutica (INCT-Nanobiofar), FAPEMIG (CBB-APQ-00819-12), and CNPq (APQ-472090/2011-9, RHAE-456287/2012-4, APQ-482976/2012-8, and APQ-488237/2013-0). MACF is a grant recipient of FAPEMIG/CAPES. EAFC and APF are grant recipient of CNPq.Peer Reviewe

    Spontaneous CO release from Ru(II)(CO)2-protein complexes in aqueous solution, cells, and mice.

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    We demonstrate that Ru(II)(CO)2-protein complexes, formed by the reaction of the hydrolytic decomposition products of [fac-RuCl(κ(2)-H2NCH2CO2)(CO)3] (CORM-3) with histidine residues exposed on the surface of proteins, spontaneously release CO in aqueous solution, cells, and mice. CO release was detected by mass spectrometry (MS) and confocal microscopy using a CO-responsive turn-on fluorescent probe. These findings support our hypothesis that plasma proteins act as CO carriers after in vivo administration of CORM-3. CO released from a synthetic bovine serum albumin (BSA)-Ru(II)(CO)2 complex leads to downregulation of the cytokines interleukin (IL)-6, IL-10, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α in cancer cells. Finally, administration of BSA-Ru(II)(CO)2 in mice bearing a colon carcinoma tumor results in enhanced CO accumulation at the tumor. Our data suggest the use of Ru(II)(CO)2-protein complexes as viable alternatives for the safe and spatially controlled delivery of therapeutic CO in vivo.We thank the FCT, the EU, and the EPSRC for funding. G.J.L.B. is a Royal Society University Research Fellow.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.201409344/abstract
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