3,593 research outputs found

    On the detection of newly created CN radicals and comets

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    Laboratory investigations of CN radical formation by photodissociation of parent molecules have suggested the possibility of observing emission lines in cometary spectra from newly formed CN radicals. These laboratory studies have shown that high initial internal excitation of CN is the rule with excitation of rotational levels N up to 70. In the collisionless environment of the cometary atmosphere this initial excitation would yield a corresponding distribution for the lowest vibrational level of the ground X(2) Sigma (+) state. Our calculations show that it is feasible with present observational techniques to detect photochemically excited lines with N approx. equal to 30 in the 0-0 band of the violet system

    Design and operation of a solar heating and cooling system for a residential size building

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    The first year of operation of solar house is discussed. Selected design information, together with a brief system description is included. The house was equipped with an integrated solar heating and cooling system which uses fully automated state-of-the art. Evaluation of the data indicate that the solar house heating and cooling system is capable of supplying nearly 100 percent of the thermal energy required for heating and approximately 50 percent of the thermal energy required to operate the absorption cycle air conditioner

    Computer aided systems human engineering: A hypermedia tool

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    The Computer Aided Systems Human Engineering (CASHE) system, Version 1.0, is a multimedia ergonomics database on CD-ROM for the Apple Macintosh II computer, being developed for use by human system designers, educators, and researchers. It will initially be available on CD-ROM and will allow users to access ergonomics data and models stored electronically as text, graphics, and audio. The CASHE CD-ROM, Version 1.0 will contain the Boff and Lincoln (1988) Engineering Data Compendium, MIL-STD-1472D and a unique, interactive simulation capability, the Perception and Performance Prototyper. Its features also include a specialized data retrieval, scaling, and analysis capability and the state of the art in information retrieval, browsing, and navigation

    Rotation of Late-Type Stars in Praesepe with K2

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    We have Fourier analyzed 941 K2 light curves of likely members of Praesepe, measuring periods for 86% and increasing the number of rotation periods (P) by nearly a factor of four. The distribution of P vs. (V-K), a mass proxy, has three different regimes: (V-K)<1.3, where the rotation rate rapidly slows as mass decreases; 1.3<(V-K)<4.5, where the rotation rate slows more gradually as mass decreases; and (V-K)>4.5, where the rotation rate rapidly increases as mass decreases. In this last regime, there is a bimodal distribution of periods, with few between ∼\sim2 and ∼\sim10 days. We interpret this to mean that once M stars start to slow down, they do so rapidly. The K2 period-color distribution in Praesepe (∼\sim790 Myr) is much different than in the Pleiades (∼\sim125 Myr) for late F, G, K, and early-M stars; the overall distribution moves to longer periods, and is better described by 2 line segments. For mid-M stars, the relationship has similarly broad scatter, and is steeper in Praesepe. The diversity of lightcurves and of periodogram types is similar in the two clusters; about a quarter of the periodic stars in both clusters have multiple significant periods. Multi-periodic stars dominate among the higher masses, starting at a bluer color in Praesepe ((V-K)∼\sim1.5) than in the Pleiades ((V-K)∼\sim2.6). In Praesepe, there are relatively more light curves that have two widely separated periods, ΔP>\Delta P >6 days. Some of these could be examples of M star binaries where one star has spun down but the other has not.Comment: Accepted by Ap

    Rotation of Low-mass Stars in Taurus with K2

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    We present an analysis of K2 light curves (LCs) from Campaigns 4 and 13 for members of the young (~3 Myr) Taurus association, in addition to an older (~30 Myr) population of stars that is largely in the foreground of the Taurus molecular clouds. Out of 156 of the highest-confidence Taurus members, we find that 81% are periodic. Our sample of young foreground stars is biased and incomplete, but nearly all stars (37/38) are periodic. The overall distribution of rotation rates as a function of color (a proxy for mass) is similar to that found in other clusters: the slowest rotators are among the early M spectral types, with faster rotation toward both earlier FGK and later M types. The relationship between period and color/mass exhibited by older clusters such as the Pleiades is already in place by Taurus age. The foreground population has very few stars but is consistent with the USco and Pleiades period distributions. As found in other young clusters, stars with disks rotate on average slower, and few with disks are found rotating faster than ~2 days. The overall amplitude of the LCs decreases with age, and higher-mass stars have generally lower amplitudes than lower-mass stars. Stars with disks have on average larger amplitudes than stars without disks, though the physical mechanisms driving the variability and the resulting LC morphologies are also different between these two classes

    Testing Hereditary Properties of Sequences

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    A hereditary property of a sequence is one that is preserved when restricting to subsequences. We show that there exist hereditary properties of sequences that cannot be tested with sublinear queries, resolving an open question posed by Newman et al. This proof relies crucially on an infinite alphabet, however; for finite alphabets, we observe that any hereditary property can be tested with a constant number of queries

    The Mass-Radius Relation Of Young Stars. I. Usco 5, An M4.5 Eclipsing Binary In Upper Scorpius Observed By K2

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    We present the discovery that UScoCTIO 5, a known spectroscopic binary in the Upper Scorpius star-forming region (P = 34 days, M-tot sin(i) = 0.64M(circle dot)), is an eclipsing system with both primary and secondary eclipses apparent in K2 light curves obtained during Campaign 2. We have simultaneously fit the eclipse profiles from the K2 light curves and the existing RV data to demonstrate that UScoCTIO 5 consists of a pair of nearly identical M4.5 stars with M-A = 0.329 +/- 0.002 M-circle dot, R-A = 0.834 +/- 0.006 R-circle dot, M-B = 0.317 +/- 0.002 M-circle dot, and R-B = 0.810 +/- 0.006 R-circle dot. The radii are broadly consistent with pre-main-sequence ages predicted by stellar evolutionary models, but none agree to within the uncertainties. All models predict systematically incorrect masses at the 25%-50% level for the HR diagram position of these mid-M dwarfs, suggesting significant modifications to mass-dependent outcomes of star and planet formation. The form of the discrepancy for most model sets is not that they predict luminosities that are too low, but rather that they predict temperatures that are too high, suggesting that the models do not fully encompass the physics of energy transport (via convection and/or missing opacities) and/or a miscalibration of the SpT-T-eff scale. The simplest modification to the models (changing T-eff to match observations) would yield an older age for this system, in line with the recently proposed older age of Upper Scorpius (tau similar to 11 Myr).NASA Science Mission directorateW. M. Keck FoundationAstronom
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