12 research outputs found

    Texture analysis as a tool to study the kinetics of wet agglomeration processes

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    In this work wet granulation experiments were carried out in a planetary mixer with the aim to develop a novel analytical tool based on surface texture analysis. The evolution of a simple formulation (300 g of microcrystalline cellulose with a solid binders pre-dispersed in water) was monitored from the very beginning up to the end point and information on the kinetics of granulation as well as on the effect of liquid binder amount were collected. Agreement between texture analysis and granules particle size distribution obtained by sieving analysis was always found. The method proved to be robust enough to easily monitor the process and its use for more refined analyses on the different rate processes occurring during granulation is also suggested

    A multi-element psychosocial intervention for early psychosis (GET UP PIANO TRIAL) conducted in a catchment area of 10 million inhabitants: study protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial

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    Multi-element interventions for first-episode psychosis (FEP) are promising, but have mostly been conducted in non-epidemiologically representative samples, thereby raising the risk of underestimating the complexities involved in treating FEP in 'real-world' services

    Development of oral and topical sucrose esters-based formulations for the delivery of lipophilic molecules

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    The present study is the result of a collaboration with a private company that operates in the food supplements field (Labomar S rl, Istrana - Italy) within a particular doctorate category called "Apprendistato di alta formazione e ricerca". The main purpose of the research project has been the design and characterization of formulation platform able to deliver lipophilic active molecules both by oral and topical administration. Dealing with a company mainly operating in the food supplements market, food grade excipients have been the first to be chosen: glycerin, medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) and sucrose esters (SEs). In the first part of the study the design of experiments has been used as a mathematical approach for the development of a set of formulations. Subsequently formulations have been characterized through dynamic light scattering, rheology measurements (including sweep test), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The developed formulations have been able to form emulsions with a droplet size up to 280nm after dispersion in water and a direct relation between sucrose monopalmitate (SMP) concentration and viscosity has been found. It has been observed that the combination of SEs, water, glycerine and MCFA in specific ratios is able to form both classical emulsions and transparent gel-emulsion, also referred as high internal phase ratio emulsions (HIPREs), exhibiting a liquid crystalline molecular organization. On the basis of results, two formulations named F01 and F03 have been selected in order to develop oral and topic dosage forms. Formulation F03 is a HIPREs containing the 75% of oil phase, it is characterized by high viscosity and small droplet size. It has been selected for the development of two oral dosage forms: a water-soluble powder and a medicated jelly. In order to evaluate the ability of these formulations to increase the water solubility of lipophilic molecules resveratrol and coenzime Q10 have been loaded as model molecules. The dissolution performances of the oral formulations have been assessed. Release proles show an increase in actives solubility: compared to bulk powder, resveratrol release has been increased two times by the jelly formulation, and three times by the powder formulation (adsorbed-HIPREs), reaching a rapid onset. Coenzime Q10 is practically water-insoluble while the jelly formulation is able to release 20% of the total CoQ10, as long as the adsorbed-HIPREs reach 40%. The last part of the study deals with the development and the characterization of topical dosage forms. First of all, two of the initial formulations have been selected (F01 and F03) and appropriate excipients have been added to improve spreadability and release of actives: ethoxy diglycol and polyethylene glycol 400 have been used as solubilizers,while glyceryl stearate and xanthan gum have been used as thickeners. Secondly, formulations have been characterized through optical and TEM microscope analysis, DSC and rheology measurements. Finally, the formulations have been loaded with resveratrol as model molecule and release and in-vitro absorption tests have been carried out. Results have been shown that the majority of the formulations follow a first-order kinetic release. Resveratrol release and absorption could be modified by modulating rheology of the formulations and the physical state of the active molecule; in particular, the maximum resveratrol absorption has been registered with formulation labelled as AF201, containing ethoxy diglycol as solubilizer and glyceryl stearate as thickener. In conclusion, the information and the results obtained from this study should facilitate the rational design and fabrication of lipid-based delivery systems for lipophilic food and cosmetic actives. The initial aim to produce a formulation platform capable to delivery lipophilic active molecules by oral and topical administration has been achieved. Once the administration route and the active molecule have been chosen, an affordable and effective formulation could be provided and adapted to nutraceutical, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry as well.Il presente studio e il risultato della collaborazione con un'azienda produttrice di integratori alimentari (Labomar srl, Istrana) e si inserisce in un particolare tipo di dottorato definito "Apprendistato di alta formazione e ricerca". Lo scopo principale del progetto e lo sviluppo e la caratterizzazione di una piattaforma formulativa capace di veicolare principi attivi lipofili sia per via orale che topica. Trattandosi di un'azienda operante principalmente nel mercato degli integratori alimentari gli eccipienti scelti nella fase iniziale sono di grado alimentare: glicerina, acidi grassi a media catena (MCFA) e esteri del saccarosio. La prima parte dello studio riguarda lo sviluppo di una serie di formulazioni mediante l'utilizzo del design of experiment e la loro caratterizzazione mediante l'uso di tecniche quali dynamic light scattering, misure reologiche, scansione calorimetrica differenziale (DSC) e microscopia a trasmissione elettronica (TEM). Le formulazioni iniziali una volta disperse in acqua sono in grado di creare emulsioni fini; la fase interna arriva ad avere un diametro di 280nm ed e stata verificata una relazione diretta fra viscosità e concentrazione di saccarosio monopalmitato (SMP) nella formulazione. Si e scoperto inoltre che la combinazione di SMP, acqua, glicerina e MCFA in specifici rapporti può dare luogo alla formazione sia di classiche emulsioni che di emulsioni-gel, spesso chiamate high internal phase ratio emulsions (HIPREs) caratterizzate da una struttura interna a cristalli liquidi. La formulazione F03 e un HIPREs contenente il 75% di fase oleosa ed è caratterizzata da elevata viscosità. E' stata scelta come base per lo sviluppo di due forme orali: una polvere idrosolubile e una gelatina medicata. Per valutare la capacità di queste formulazioni di aumentare la solubilità in ambiente acquoso di molecole lipofile entrambe sono state caricate con due molecole modello (resveratrolo e coenzima Q10). In seguito è stato valutato il rilascio in-vitro delle due molecole modello. I profili di rilascio dalle formulazioni orali indicano un sostanziale aumento della solubilità degli attivi: la gelatina raddoppia la solubilità del resveratrolo (rispetto alla sostanza tal quale) mentre la formulazione in polvere (HIPREs-adsorbito) riesce a triplicarla in circa dieci minuti. Il coenzima Q10 tal quale è praticamente insolubile in acqua, la gelatina riesce a rilasciarne in soluzione circa il 20% (sul totale caricato), mentre l'HIPREs-adsorbito arriva al 40%. L'ultima parte dello studio riguarda lo sviluppo e la caratterizzazione di formulazioni topiche. Sono state selezionate due tra le formulazioni iniziali (F01 e F03) e vi sono stati aggiunti eccipienti per migliorare la spalmabilità e il rilascio degli attivi: etossi diglicole e polietilene glicole 400 sono stati usati come solventi mentre gliceril stearato e gomma di xantano come viscosizzanti. Dopo caratterizzazione mediante microscopia ottica e TEM, DSC e misure reologiche le formulazioni sono state caricate con resveratrolo come molecola modello per vericarne il rilascio e l'assorbimento mediante test in-vitro. E' stato verificato che il rilascio dalla maggior parte delle formulazioni testate segue una cinetica di primo ordine. Il rilascio e l'assorbimento di resveratrolo può essere modificato modulando le caratteristiche reologiche della formulazione e lo stato fisico dell'attivo; in particolare il massimo valore di assorbimento è stato registrato con la formulazione AF201, contenente etossi diglicole e gliceril stearato. In conclusione, le informazioni e i risultati ottenuti con questo studio possono facilitare lo sviluppo e la produzione di formulazioni per la veicolazione di attivi lipofili alimentari e cosmetici. L'obiettivo iniziale di sviluppare una piattaforma formulativa capace di veicolare molecole lipofile sia per via orale che topica e stato raggiunto. Una volta scelta la via di somministrazione e la molecola di interesse sarà possibile sviluppare una formulazione efficiente e dai costi contenuti, utilizzabile dall'industria alimentare, cosmetica e farmaceutica

    Texture analysis as a tool to study the kinetics of wet agglomeration processes

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    In this work wet granulation experiments were carried out in a planetary mixer with the aim to develop a novel analytical tool based on surface texture analysis. The evolution of a simple formulation (300 g of microcrystalline cellulose with a solid binders pre-dispersed in water) was monitored from the very beginning up to the end point and information on the kinetics of granulation as well as on the effect of liquid binder amount were collected. Agreement between texture analysis and granules particle size distribution obtained by sieving analysis was always found. The method proved to be robust enough to easily monitor the process and its use for more refined analyses on the different rate processes occurring during granulation is also suggested