1,039 research outputs found

    Discipline-based educational development: examples from four Canadian universities

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    Discipline-based educational development , integrating the principles of teaching and learning with specific content knowledge of a discipline, is emerging as a complement to more traditional, centralized models of teaching support, bringing with it its own advantages and challenges. Partly, it is a question of belonging: it helps to be part of a team of people - possibly with a variety of specialties in areas like curriculum, pedagogy, educational technology - and operating from a centre offers this important support, but coming from a single unit across campus may make it harder to connect with those teaching in departments. Conversely, working in a department creates many opportunities to connect with faculty and students, but can be isolating as there is unlikely to be a team of any size at the department level doing similar work. This panel discussion will explore four examples of discipline-based educational development at Canadian universities, highlighting successful initiatives and challenges faced by educators in implementing this approach. In one case, teaching is transforming via graduate student projects within specific courses, and the others have variations on teaching centre models with different levels of connections to departments - in one case with staff members embedded in departments. We will also be interested to learn of other models from those who attend the discussion. Overall, this panel discussion aims to raise awareness of the value of discipline-based education development in STEM education and to provide a platform for dialogue and collaboration among educators and educational developers in Canadian post-secondary institutions

    Patient Organizations’ Funding from Pharmaceutical Companies: Is Disclosure Clear, Complete and Accessible to the Public? An Italian Survey

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    BACKGROUND: Many patients' and consumers' organizations accept drug industry funding to support their activities. As drug companies and patient groups move closer, disclosure become essential for transparency, and the internet could be a useful means of making sponsorship information accessible to the public. This survey aims to assess the transparency of a large group of Italian patient and consumer groups and a group of pharmaceutical companies, focusing on their websites. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Patient and consumer groups were selected from those stated to be sponsored by a group of pharmaceutical companies on their websites. The websites were examined using two forms with principal (name of drug companies providing funds, amount of funding) and secondary indicators of transparency (section where sponsors are disclosed, update of sponsorship). Principal indicators were applied independently by two reviewers to the patient and consumer groups' websites. Discordances were solved by discussion. One hundred fifty-seven Italian patient and consumer groups and 17 drug companies were considered. Thirteen drug companies (76%) named at least one group funded, on their Italian websites. Of these, four (31%) indicated the activities sponsored and two (15%) the amount of funding. Of the 157 patient and consumer groups, 46 (29%) named at least one pharmaceutical company as providing funds. Three (6%) reported the amount of funding, 25 (54%) the activities funded, none the proportion of income derived from drug companies. Among the groups naming pharmaceutical company sponsors, 15 (33%) declared them in a dedicated section, five (11%) on the home page, the others in the financial report or other sections. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Disclosure of funds is scarce on Italian patient and consumer groups' websites. The levels of transparency need to be improved. Disclosure of patient and consumer groups provided with funds is frequent on Italian pharmaceutical companies' websites, but information are often not complete

    Ethical and compliance-competence evaluation: a key element of sound corporate governance

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    Motivated by the ongoing post-Enron refocusing on corporate governance and the shift by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in the UK to promoting compliance- competence within the financial services sector, this paper demonstrates how template analysis can be used as a tool for evaluating compliance-competence. Focusing on the ethical dimension of compliance-competence, we illustrate how this can be subjectively appraised. We propose that this evaluation technique could be utilised as a starting point in informing senior management of corporate governance issues and be used to monitor and demonstrate key compliance and ethical aspects of an institution to external stakeholders and regulators

    Women, know your limits: Cultural sexism in academia

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    Despite the considerable advances of the feminist movement across Western societies, in Universities women are less likely to be promoted, or paid as much as their male colleagues, or even get jobs in the first place. One way in which we can start to reflect on why this might be the case is through hearing the experiences of women academics themselves. Using feminist methodology, this article attempts to unpack and explore just some examples of ‘cultural sexism’ which characterise the working lives of many women in British academia.This article uses qualitative methods to describe and make sense of just some of those experiences. In so doing, the argument is also made that the activity of academia is profoundly gendered and this explicit acknowledgement may contribute to our understanding of the under-representation of women in senior positions

    Ductilidad del acero inoxidable bajo en nĂ­quel para estructuras de hormigĂłn armado / Ductility in a new low nickel stainless steel for reinforced concrete

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    En este trabajo se presentan los diagramas tensiĂłndeformaciĂłn de un nuevo acero inoxidable con bajo contenido en nĂ­quel, un inoxidable convencional AISI 304 y un acero al carbono de uso comĂșn en estructuras de hormigĂłn armado. Dicha ductilidad se ha estudiado determinando la tensiĂłn mĂĄxima (fmax), la tensiĂłn en el lĂ­mite elĂĄstico (fy) y la deformaciĂłn bajo carga mĂĄxima (Δmax). Los tres materiales se han evaluado utilizando criterios aceptados internacionalmente, como son el Ă­ndice p (capacidad de rotaciĂłn plĂĄstica), el Ă­ndice A* (ĂĄrea plĂĄstica de endurecimiento) y el Ă­ndice de tenacidad Id (energĂ­a total absorbida en el punto de alargamiento bajo carga mĂĄxima), los resultados obtenidos se han comparado con los aceros convencionales de armaduras 500SD, 500N y 500H (EC-2)

    Improved description of charged Higgs boson production at hadron colliders

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    We present a new method for matching the two twin-processes gb->H+/-t and gg->H+/-tb in Monte Carlo event generators. The matching is done by defining a double-counting term, which is used to generate events that are subtracted from the sum of these two twin-processes. In this way we get a smooth transition between the collinear region of phase space, which is best described by gb->H+/-t, and the hard region, which requires the use of the gg->H+/-tb process. The resulting differential distributions show large differences compared to both the gb-> H+/-t and gg->H+/-tb processes illustrating the necessity to use matching when tagging the accompanying b-jet.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures. Revised with updated discussion and reference

    Mass-loss rates of Very Massive Stars

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    We discuss the basic physics of hot-star winds and we provide mass-loss rates for (very) massive stars. Whilst the emphasis is on theoretical concepts and line-force modelling, we also discuss the current state of observations and empirical modelling, and address the issue of wind clumping.Comment: 36 pages, 15 figures, Book Chapter in "Very Massive Stars in the Local Universe", Springer, Ed. Jorick S. Vin
