12 research outputs found

    State of Hispanics in South Carolina : 2019 snapshot

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    This report provides a snapshot of Hispanics in the state of South Carolina and a general overview of each topic area. These topics include population demographics, the importance of family in the Hispanic community, education, business growth, economic contribution, military participation, health disparities, and state employee demographics

    Pemberdayaan Aparatur sebagai Faktor Pendorong Peningkatan Prestasi Kerja Pegawai (suatu Studi di Kantor Kecamatan Malalayang Kota Manado)

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    Quantitative analysis results Iran) this survey showed : there ore 54 officers were asked for information about the empowerment activities they had ever follow, obviously among them who earn low empowerment is 15 officers or ± 27,78 96 from entire officer. The officer who had earn empowerment by the low category are those who rarely follow coaching program. Then as much 21 officers or ± 38,89 96 who had earn empowering with moderate category, namely they sometimes follow empowerment programs. Meanwhile, as much 18 officers or ± 33,33 96 from 54 officers had earn empowerment by high category, they are often engaged empowerment activity in quantitative and qualitative, Is done directly by the headman, sub-district and the Mayor through the relevant agencies in the particular occasion. Based of the results from the description, it can be concluded that the average implementation of empowerment program has been followed by governance officer around in middle category.

    Drug sensitivity of Plasmodium falciparum in vivo and in vitro in Brazzaville (Congo)

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    Various projects were launched in 1993 to monitor the chemosensitivity of Plasmodium falciparum in Congo. Resistance of 34 strains in Brazzaville to chloroquine, quinine and mefloquine and of 35 to halofantrine was investigated in an in vitro survey using an isotopic micro test. The resistance rates were 61.8, 14.7, 3.0 and 0.0% respectively. Thus, the chemoresistance which first appeared in 1990 is confirmed and is stable in the population. This finding was further confirmed by a parallel in vitro analysis of sensitivity to chloroquine in Brazzaville. A chloroquine monitoring network is now being established throughout the country based on simplified WHO tests of 100 asymptomatic schoolchildren conducted every six months. The first results in 1993, from three Southern regions indicate that parasites are found in 20 to 60% of cases seven days after a standard 3 day treatment with 25 mg/kg, according to the region. The results of in vitro and in vivo tests are very variable. Indeed, the value of such results for these tests for national monitoring is questionable: a more reliable system of identifying true therapeutic failures would be better suited.Afin de poursuivre la surveillance de la chimiosensibilité de Plasmodium falciparum au Congo, différentes actions ont été ccconduites en 1993. A Brazzaville une enquête in vitro utilisant un microtest isotopique a permis de tester 34 souches face à la choloroquine, la quinine et la méfloquine, et 35 face à l'halofantrine. Avec des taux de résistance à ces drogues de respectivement 61,8%, 14.7%, 3 et 0%, la stabilité de la chimiorésistance in vitro, entrevue en 1990, se confirme actuellement. Cette stabilité dans la capitale est également confirmée par l'étude de la chloroquinosensibilité in vivo menée parallèlement lors de cette enquête. Dans le reste du pays, un réseau de chloroquinosurveillance se met en place sous forme de tests OMS simplifiés réalisés chez 100 écoliers asymptomatiques tous les six mois. Les premiers résultats obtenus en 1993 dans trois régions du sud du pays montrent que, après un traitemetn standard de 25 mg/kg, pendant 3 jours, des parasites sont retrouvés à J7 dans 20 à 60% des cas selon les endroits. Par ailleurs les résultats des tests in vitro et in vivo réalisés sur les mêmes souches sont très différent entre eux. Cet élément conduit les auteurs à s'interroger sur la signification des résultats de tels tests dans le cadre d'une surveillance nationale. Le recours à un système fiable de détection des vrais échecs thérapeutiques semble plus adapté à cet objectif