26 research outputs found
Qualitative results on mixed problem of micropolar bodies with microtemperatures
The aim of our study is to transform the mixed initial boundary value problem considered in the context of micropolar thermoelastic bodies whose micro-particles possess microtemperatures in a temporal evolutionary equation on a Hilbert space. Then, with the help of some results from the theory of semigroups, the existence and the uniqueness of the solution for this equation is proved. Finally, we approach the continuous dependence of the solution upon initial data and loads, also with the help of the semigroup
Front antirevizionist!... : o teză șubredă - revizionismul maghiar
Cluj : Uniunea Foștilor Voluntari Români, 193
Le litige roumano-hongrois
Le litige roumano-hongrois / Cornelius I. Codarcea ; préface de Emile Buré. - Bucureşti : Tip. ziarului "Universul", 1937. - 186 p. ; 20 c
Le catholicisme de frontière dans les Balkans au XVIIe siècle : le clergé catholique entre information et délation
Cette communication va essayer de souligner quelques particularités de la circulation de l’information entre Rome et un territoire de mission, les Balkans. Elle ne traite qu’un aspect d’une problématique beaucoup plus vaste qui concerne le catholicisme balkanique au XVIIe siècle. Nous avons limité volontairement le cadre géographique de notre étude à la partie occidentale des Balkans, c’est-à-dire aux enclaves catholiques qui se trouvaient alors dans les régions correspondant au nord de l’Alb..
A mathematical model for three-phase-lag dipolar thermoelastic bodies
Abstract In this study we approach a mixed initial-boundary value problem to modeling a three-phase-lag dipolar thermoelastic body. The constitutive laws in this context are given. We establish a uniqueness result and prove a reciprocal theorem. The variational principle obtained in this context is a generalization of the known Gurtin’s principle for classical elasticity
Thermoelasticity of Initially Stressed Bodies with Voids: A Domain of Influence
In our study, we will extend the domain of influence in order to cover the thermoelasticity of initially stressed bodies with voids. In what follows, we prove that, for a finite time t > 0 , the displacement field u i , the dipolar displacement field φ j k , the temperature θ and the change in volume fraction ϕ generate no disturbance outside a bounded domain B