536 research outputs found

    Zephyranthes mesochloa Herb. ex Lindl.

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    Sierra de Ancasti,entre el Alto y las Cañas (cerca de Villa San Antonio), por ruta nº 64. Bulbos coleccionados por A. T. Hunziker y cultivados en CórdobapublishedVersio

    Estudios en el género "Verbena"

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    En el trabajo presente se informan las observaciones citológicas y morológicas realizadas sobre entidades del género Verbena. Estas entidades son en su mayor parte apomícticas. Se llega a la conclusión de que la apomixia ha jugado un papel importante en la evolución de este género.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    KAUFMANN PURCELL, Susan & Françoise SIMON(dir.). Europe and Latin America in the World Economy. Boulder, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1995, 215 p.

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    INTRODUCTION: Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are shed from cells and carry markers of the parent cells. Vesicles derived from cancer cells reach the bloodstream and locally influence important physiological processes. It has been previously shown that procoagulant vesicles are circulating in patients’ fluids. These EVs are therefore considered as promising biomarkers for the thrombotic risk. Because of their small size, classical methods such as flow cytometry suffer from limitation for their characterisation. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been proposed as a promising complementary method for the characterisation of EVs. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study are: (a) to develop and validate AFM with specific antibodies (anti-TF) and (b) to compare air and liquid modes for EVs’ size and number determination as potential biomarkers of the prothrombotic risk. METHODS: AFM multimode nanoscope III was used for air tapping mode (TM). AFM catalyst was used for liquid Peak Force Tapping (PFT) mode. Vesicles are generated according to Davila et al.'s protocol. Substrates are coated with various concentrations of antibodies, thanks to ethanolamine and glutaraldehyde. RESULTS: Vesicles were immobilised on antibody-coated surfaces to select tissue factor (TF)-positive vesicles. The size range of vesicles observed in liquid PFT mode is 6–10 times higher than in air mode. This corresponds to the data found in the literature. CONCLUSION: We recommend liquid PFT mode to analyse vesicles on 5 µg/ml antibody-coated substrates

    Oenothera picensis Phil. subsp. cordobensis W. Dietr.

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    Cerro de Chaján, en las inmediaciones de la ruta nac. Nº 8, unos 10 km al este del límite con San LuispublishedVersio

    Nassella pseudopampagrandensis (Caro) Barkworth

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    Sierra Grande: Laguna de PochopublishedVersio

    Physalis pruinosa var. argentina J. M. Toledo & Barboza

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    Sierra de Guasayan: Quebrada de las Higuerillas, rumbo a los Cóndores, a unos 2 km al norte de Alto BelloFil: Ariza Espinar, L. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; Argentin

    Urvillea chacoënsis Hunz.

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    Unos 6 km al N de Villa de María, un poco al Oeste del camino a Los HoyospublishedVersio

    Setaria hunzikeri Anton

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    Sierra de San Luis, en las inmediaciones del Dique LujánpublishedVersio

    Urvillea chacoënsis Hunz.

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    Unos 6 km al N de Villa de María, un poco al oeste del camino a Los HoyospublishedVersio