1,121 research outputs found

    The conflict with Islamic State: A critical review of international legal issues

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    Islamic State (IS) is a radical jihadist armed group that controls vast swathes of territory in eastern Syria and across northern and western Iraq. Its existence and activities have prompted numerous States to intervene against it. Rather than focusing on the responsibility of Islamic State itself, the present contribution assesses the legality of the behavior of the States who interact with the armed group. In particular, the authors assess the legality of the use of force against Islamic State, exploring the current international regulation of self-defense and military interventions by invitation of the territorial State. The chapter also analyses whether any State bears responsibility for (or in relation to) the violations of international law performed by Islamic State

    Cyber Due Diligence in Public Health Crises

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    The Universal Duty to Establish Jurisdiction over, and Investigate, Crimes Against Humanity: Preliminary Remarks on Draft Articles 7, 8, 9 and 11 by the International Law Commission

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    The International Law Commission’s (ILC) draft articles on crimes against humanity contain some key provisions on the duty to establish national jurisdiction over crimes against humanity, under draft Article 7, and on the duty to investigate the possible occurrence of crimes against humanity, pursuant to draft Articles 8 and 9. This article analyses, first, the duty to establish national jurisdiction over crimes against humanity, focusing in particular on the identification of what constitutes ‘territory under a state’s jurisdiction’ and on the principle of universal jurisdiction. Secondly, it delves into the general duty to investigate situations in which crimes against humanity may have been committed, clarifying the circumstances in which such duty would arise and the requirements that related investigations should satisfy. Thirdly, this article deals with the specific duty to carry out a preliminary inquiry into allegations against suspects who are found on the state’s territory — exploring, in particular, the extent to which the pertinent information should be shared with other states and the fair treatment guarantees that draft Article 11 accords to alleged offenders. In suggesting some improvements, this article considers that these draft articles — though representing a welcome development — constitute no more than the bare minimum to be carried out at the international level to prevent and punish crimes against humanity effectively

    Planejamento estratégico e previsão tecnológica uma relação fundamental

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    Planejamento e controle da atividade de P&D: uma proposta de modelo

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    Gestión escolar y comunidades profesionales de aprendizaje en docentes de las instituciones educativas estatales de la RED Distrital de Chuschi – Cangallo – Ayacucho 2019

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    La presente investigación lleva por título: Gestión escolar y comunidades profesionales de aprendizaje en docentes de las instituciones educativas estatales de la RED distrital de Chuschi – Cangallo – Ayacucho - 2019, la cual tiene como objetivo Determinar la relación que existe entre la Gestión escolar y las comunidades profesionales de aprendizaje en docentes de las instituciones educativas estatales de la RED distrital de Chuschi – Cangallo – Ayacucho – 2019. En base a las teorías aplicadas, se tomó como referencia a la Secretaría de Educación Pública (2010) para sustentar a la variable gestión escolar y a Vieluf, Kaplan, Klieme y Bayer (2012) para sustentar la variable comunidades profesionales de aprendizaje. Metodológicamente se trata de una investigación de tipo básica, descriptiva y correlacional, basada en un diseño no experimental. La población estuvo compuesta por todos los docentes que laboran en las 45 instituciones educativas de la RED distrital de Chuschi – Cangallo – Ayacucho – 2019, correspondiente a los niveles de educación inicial (19), primaria (18) y secundaria (08), de donde se extrajo una muestra de 120 docentes. Respecto a la técnica se empleó la encuesta y como instrumentos, se aplicaron dos cuestionarios de preguntas. Los resultados encontrados fueron: que si existe relación significativa entre la Gestión escolar y las comunidades profesionales de aprendizaje entre docentes de las instituciones educativas estatales de la RED distrital de Chuschi – Cangallo – Ayacucho – 2019, esto debido a que la significancia obtenida es igual a 0.000 < 0.05 y el coeficiente de correlación es igual a 0.872, lo que indica que las variables se correlacionan de manera positiva y es alta.The research presented is titled: School management and professional learning communities in teachers of the state educational institutions RED district of Chuschi – Cangallo – Ayacucho - 2019, which aims to determine the relationship that exists between the School management and professional learning communities in teachers of state educational institutions RED district of Chuschi – Cangallo – Ayacucho - 2019. Based on the applied theories, the Ministry of Public Education was taken as a reference (2010) to support the variable school management and Vieluf, Kaplan, Klieme and Bayer (2012) to support the variable professional learning communities. Methodologically, it was a basic, descriptive and correlational research, based on a non-experimental design. The population was made up of all the teachers who work in the 17 educational institutions of RED district of Chuschi – Cangallo – Ayacucho, corresponding to the levels of initial, primary and secondary education, from which a sample of 120 teachers. Regarding the technique, the survey was used and as instruments, two questionnaires were applied. The results found were: that if there is a significant relationship between school management and professional learning communities in teachers of state educational institutions RED district of Chuschi – Cangallo – Ayacucho - 2019, this because the significance obtained is equal to 0.000 <0.05 and the correlation coefficient is equal to 0.872, indicating that the variables are highly positively correlated

    Losing Direction: The ICTY Appeals Chamber's Controversial Approach to Aiding and Abetting in Perišić

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    On 28 February 2013, the ICTY Appeals Chamber acquitted Momčilo Perišić, former Chief of Staff of the Yugoslav Army. He had been convicted at trial for having aided and abetted — through the provision of weapons and personnel — the crimes committed by the Army of the Republika Srpska in Sarajevo and Srebrenica. The Appeals Chamber found that, when the accused is remote from the crime, the prosecution must show that he/she specifically directed his/her assistance towards the perpetration of specific crimes and not only generally towards the realization of activities which could be either lawful or unlawful. On 23 January 2014, a different bench of the ICTY Appeals Chamber, in Šainović et al., rejected this theory and affirmed that specific direction is not an element of aiding and abetting in customary international law. This article explores the origins of ‘specific direction’ and concludes that although it comes up in some ICTY judgments, it has never been applied in the sense propounded by the Perišić appeal judgment. Given that the issue remains a source of debate in the jurisprudence, the authors consider the merits of both positions and question whether the temporal or geographical location of the alleged aider and abettor should change the legal elements of the mode of liability. They examine the implications of requiring that the provision of assistance must be directed towards unequivocally unlawful activities and conclude that requiring specific direction blurs the lines between aiding and abetting — an accessorial mode of liability — and forms of principal perpetration

    Gestión escolar y comunidades profesionales de aprendizaje en docentes de las instituciones educativas estatales de la RED Distrital de Chuschi – Cangallo – Ayacucho 2019

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    La presente investigación lleva por título: Gestión escolar y comunidades profesionales de aprendizaje en docentes de las instituciones educativas estatales de la RED distrital de Chuschi – Cangallo – Ayacucho - 2019, la cual tiene como objetivo Determinar la relación que existe entre la Gestión escolar y las comunidades profesionales de aprendizaje en docentes de las instituciones educativas estatales de la RED distrital de Chuschi – Cangallo – Ayacucho – 2019. En base a las teorías aplicadas, se tomó como referencia a la Secretaría de Educación Pública (2010) para sustentar a la variable gestión escolar y a Vieluf, Kaplan, Klieme y Bayer (2012) para sustentar la variable comunidades profesionales de aprendizaje. Metodológicamente se trata de una investigación de tipo básica, descriptiva y correlacional, basada en un diseño no experimental. La población estuvo compuesta por todos los docentes que laboran en las 45 instituciones educativas de la RED distrital de Chuschi – Cangallo – Ayacucho – 2019, correspondiente a los niveles de educación inicial (19), primaria (18) y secundaria (08), de donde se extrajo una muestra de 120 docentes. Respecto a la técnica se empleó la encuesta y como instrumentos, se aplicaron dos cuestionarios de preguntas. Los resultados encontrados fueron: que si existe relación significativa entre la Gestión escolar y las comunidades profesionales de aprendizaje entre docentes de las instituciones educativas estatales de la RED distrital de Chuschi – Cangallo – Ayacucho – 2019, esto debido a que la significancia obtenida es igual a 0.000 < 0.05 y el coeficiente de correlación es igual a 0.872, lo que indica que las variables se correlacionan de manera positiva y es alta.The research presented is titled: School management and professional learning communities in teachers of the state educational institutions RED district of Chuschi – Cangallo – Ayacucho - 2019, which aims to determine the relationship that exists between the School management and professional learning communities in teachers of state educational institutions RED district of Chuschi – Cangallo – Ayacucho - 2019. Based on the applied theories, the Ministry of Public Education was taken as a reference (2010) to support the variable school management and Vieluf, Kaplan, Klieme and Bayer (2012) to support the variable professional learning communities. Methodologically, it was a basic, descriptive and correlational research, based on a non-experimental design. The population was made up of all the teachers who work in the 17 educational institutions of RED district of Chuschi – Cangallo – Ayacucho, corresponding to the levels of initial, primary and secondary education, from which a sample of 120 teachers. Regarding the technique, the survey was used and as instruments, two questionnaires were applied. The results found were: that if there is a significant relationship between school management and professional learning communities in teachers of state educational institutions RED district of Chuschi – Cangallo – Ayacucho - 2019, this because the significance obtained is equal to 0.000 <0.05 and the correlation coefficient is equal to 0.872, indicating that the variables are highly positively correlated

    Epilogue — The ICC on the yellow brick road

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    The International Criminal Court (ICC) is experiencing a phase of its life where restless weariness and even perhaps a touch of disillusionment pair with the necessity to continue walking on the path open ahead, in the hope of eventually finding the solution to its problems. These problems have been many, including alleged selectivity of action, perceived bias, lack of resources, inefficient use of available resources, lack of cooperation and accusations of political subservience