21 research outputs found

    On the morphological characteristics of overdeepenings in high‐mountain glacier beds

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    Overdeepenings, i.e. closed topographic depressions with adverse slopes in the direction of flow, are characteristic for glacier beds and glacially sculpted landscapes. Quantitative information about their morphological characteristics, however, has so far hardly been available. The present study provides such information by combining the analysis of (a) numerous bed overdeepenings below still existing glaciers of the Swiss Alps and the Himalaya-Karakoram region modelled with a robust shear stress approximation and (b) detailed bathymetries from recently exposed lakes in the Peruvian Andes. The investigated overdeepenings exist where glacier surface slopes are low (< 5°–10°), occur in bedrock or morainic material and are most commonly a fraction of a kilometre squared in surface area, hundreds of metres long, about half the length in width and tens of metres deep. They form under conditions of low to high basal shear stresses, at cirque, confluence, trunk valley and terminus positions. The most striking phenomenon, however, is the high variability of their geometries: Depths, surface areas, lengths and widths of the overdeepenings vary over orders of magnitude and are only weakly – if at all – interrelated. Inclinations of adverse slopes do not differ significantly from those of forward slopes and are in many cases higher than so far assumed theoretical limits for supercooling of ascending water and corresponding closure of sub-glacial channels. Such steep adverse slopes are a robust observation and in support of recently developed new concepts concerning the question about where supercooling of sub-glacial water and closure of ice channels can or must occur. However, the question of when and under what climatic, topographic and ice conditions the overdeepenings had formed remains unanswered. This open question constitutes a key problem concerning the interpretation of observed overdeepenings, the understanding of the involved glacio-hydraulic processes and the possibility of realistic predictive modelling of overdeepening formation

    Changes of the tropical glaciers throughout Peru between 2000 and 2016 – mass balance and area fluctuations

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    Glaciers in tropical regions are very sensitive to climatic variations and thus strongly affected by climate change. The majority of the tropical glaciers worldwide are located in the Peruvian Andes, which have shown significant ice loss in the last century. Here, we present the first multi-temporal, region-wide survey of geodetic mass balances and glacier area fluctuations throughout Peru covering the period 2000–2016. Glacier extents are derived from Landsat imagery by performing automatic glacier delineation based on a combination of the NDSI and band ratio method and final manual inspection and correction. The mapping of debris-covered glacier extents is supported by synthetic aperture radar (SAR) coherence information. A total glacier area loss of  km2 (−29 %, −34.3 km2 a−1) is obtained for the study period. Using interferometric satellite SAR acquisitions, bi-temporal geodetic mass balances are derived. An average specific mass balance of  kg m−2 a−1 is found throughout Peru for the period 2000–2016. However, there are strong regional and temporal differences in the mass budgets ranging from 45±97 to  kg m−2 a−1. The ice loss increased towards the end of the observation period. Between 2013 and 2016, a retreat of the glacierized area of  km2 (−16 %, −101.9 km2 a−1) is mapped and the average mass budget amounts to  kg m−2 a−1. The glacier changes revealed can be attributed to changes in the climatic settings in the study region, derived from ERA-Interim reanalysis data and the Oceanic Nino Index. The intense El Niño activities in 2015/16 are most likely the trigger for the increased change rates in the time interval 2013–2016. Our observations provide fundamental information on the current dramatic glacier changes for local authorities and for the calibration and validation of glacier change projections

    Reconstruction of the 1941 GLOF process chain at Lake Palcacocha (Cordillera Blanca, Peru)

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    The Cordillera Blanca in Peru has been the scene of rapid deglaciation for many decades. One of numerous lakes formed in the front of the retreating glaciers is the moraine-dammed Lake Palcacocha, which drained suddenly due to an unknown cause in 1941. The resulting Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) led to dam failure and complete drainage of Lake Jircacocha downstream, and to major destruction and thousands of fatalities in the city of Huaráz at a distance of 23 km. We chose an integrated approach to revisit the 1941 event in terms of topographic reconstruction and numerical back-calculation with the GIS-based open-source mass flow/process chain simulation framework r.avaflow, which builds on an enhanced version of the Pudasaini (2012) two-phase flow model. Thereby we consider four scenarios: (A) and (AX) breach of the moraine dam of Lake Palcacocha due to retrogressive erosion, assuming two different fluid characteristics; (B) failure of the moraine dam caused by the impact of a landslide on the lake; and (C) geomechanical failure and collapse of the moraine dam. The simulations largely yield empirically adequate results with physically plausible parameters, taking the documentation of the 1941 event and previous calculations of future scenarios as reference. Most simulation scenarios indicate travel times between 36 and 70 min to reach Huaráz, accompanied with peak discharges above 10 000 m3 s−1. The results of the scenarios indicate that the most likely initiation mechanism would be retrogressive erosion, possibly triggered by a minor impact wave and/or facilitated by a weak stability condition of the moraine dam. However, the involvement of Lake Jircacocha disguises part of the signal of process initiation farther downstream. Predictive simulations of possible future events have to be based on a larger set of back-calculated GLOF process chains, taking into account the expected parameter uncertainties and appropriate strategies to deal with critical threshold effects

    Satellite SAR interferometry for the improved assessment of the state of activity of landslides: A case study from the Cordilleras of Peru

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    In Peru landslides have been causing damages and casualties annually due to the high mountain relief and distinct seasonal precipitation distribution. Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometry represents one possibility for mapping surface deformation at fine spatial resolution over large areas in order to characterize aspects of terrain motion and potentially hazardous processes. We present land surface motion maps derived from satellite SAR interferometry (InSAR) for a part of the Santa River Basin between the Cordilleras Blanca and Negra around the city of Carhuaz in Peru. Using both Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) and differential SAR Interferograms (DInSAR) from ALOS-1 PALSAR-1, ENVISAT ASAR, ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 and Sentinel-1 we mapped 42 landslides extending over 17,190,141m² within three classes of activity (i.e. 0–2 cm/a, 2–10 cm/a and>10 cm/a). A geomorphological inventory of landslides was prepared from optical satellite imagery and field experience and compared to the InSAR-based slope-instability inventory. The two approaches provide slightly different information about landslide spatial and temporal activity patterns, but altogether they can be combined for the assessment of the state of activity of landslides and possibly the development of hazard maps, which are not systematically available in this region. We conclude that ALOS PALSAR (1 and 2) and Sentinel-1 data have a high potential to derive high-quality surface deformation information of landslides in many mountainous regions worldwide due to their global and frequent acquisition strategies

    A new climate and glacier baseline for the Cordillera Vilcanota, Peru, reduces critical information gaps

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    The Cordillera Vilcanota in the Southern Peruvian Andes is the second largest ice-covered Cordillera in Peru (after the Cordillera Blanca) and serves for the Cusco Region as a temporary water storage for fresh-water and hydropower generation and irrigation. Despite the Cordillera Vilcanota’s size and socio-economic relevance, there has so far no comprehensive baseline data been available for climate and glacier evolution. In the framework of two jointly launched –Peruvian-Swiss climate change impact and adaptation programs (Climate Change Adaptation Programm - PACC; Glacier Change Adaptation and Desaster Risk Reduction Programm - Glacier 513) significant efforts have been undertaken and are on the way to create a climate, glacier and hazard baseline for the Cordillera Vilcanota. Because of the remoteness of the area and the scarcity of available data, multiple sources such as climate stations, climate reanalysis and satellite data have been collected, processed and analyzed

    A future of extreme precipitation and droughts in the Peruvian Andes

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    Runoff from glacierised Andean river basins is essential for sustaining the livelihoods of millions of people. By running a high-resolution climate model over the two most glacierised regions of Peru we unravel past climatic trends in precipitation and temperature. Future changes are determined from an ensemble of statistically downscaled global climate models. Projections under the high emissions scenario suggest substantial increases in temperature of 3.6 °C and 4.1 °C in the two regions, accompanied by a 12% precipitation increase by the late 21st century. Crucially, significant increases in precipitation extremes (around 75% for total precipitation on very wet days) occur together with an intensification of meteorological droughts caused by increased evapotranspiration. Despite higher precipitation, glacier mass losses are enhanced under both the highest emission and stabilization emission scenarios. Our modelling provides a new projection of combined and contrasting risks, in a region already experiencing rapid environmental change

    The causes and mechanisms of moraine-dammed lake failures in the Cordillera Blanca, North American Cordillera, and Himalayas

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    Glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) from moraine-dammed lake failures represent a significant threat to inhabitants of high mountain areas across the globe. The first part of this paper summarises the causes and mechanisms of moraine-dammed lake failures through a review of the scientific literature and unpublished reports. There are eight main causes, of which five are characterised as dynamic and three as long-term, and these are associated with around twenty failure mechanisms. The dynamic causes are slope movements into the lake, earthquakes, flood waves from a lake situated upstream, blocking of underground outflow channels, and intensive rainfall or snowmelt. The long-term causes are the melting of buried ice, the impact of hydrostatic pressure, and the effect of time. These causes (triggers) and the consequent mechanisms of dam failure are described in detail. The second part compares the historical moraine-dammed lake failures within three regions between 1900 and 2009: the Cordillera Blanca of Peru, the North American Cordillera, and the Himalayas. It has been found that dynamic causes are around four times more common than long-term causes although significant regional differences have been observed. The most frequent causes in these regions were found to be slope movements in which the displaced material was dominated by solid-state water (ice falls, ice avalanches, and snow avalanches). The other causes tended to show distinct regional patterns while the temporal distribution of events also differs according to region. In the North American Cordillera and Himalayas moraine dam failures occur exclusively during the summer season while in the Cordillera Blanca they are more evenly distributed with the exception of the dry season. This reflects the general climatic setting of each of the study regions. Analýza příčin a mechanismů destrukcí hrází jezer hrazených morénami v pohořích Cordillera Blanca (Peru), Severoamerická Kordillera a Himaláj Přispěvek je členěn do dvou časti. Prvni čast ma rešeršni charakter a shrnuje rozlične přičiny a mechanismy destrukci (protrženi) hrazi jezer hrazenych morenami. Pět dymanickych přičin (různe typy svahovych pohybů, zemětřeseni, povodňova vlna z vyše položeneho jezera, intenzivni dešťove sražky / tani sněhu, ucpani podzemnich odtokovych kanalů) a tři dlouhodobe přičiny (odtavani pohřbeneho ledu, působeni hydrostatickeho tlaku a dlouhodoba degradace tělesa hraze v čase) jsou popsany spolu s mechanismy vedoucimi k destrukcim morenovych hrazi, a to včetně konkretnich přikladů ze zajmovych oblasti. Ve druhe časti přispěvku je provedena srovnavaci analyza těchto udalosti mezi oblastmi pohoři Cordillera Blanca (Peru), Severoamericka Kordillera a pohoři Himalaj. Na zakladě vytvořene databaze protrženych morenovych hrazi mezi lety 1900 a 2009 je zhodnoceno jednak zastoupeni různych přičin, jednak časova distribuce těchto udalosti. Nejfrekventovanějši přičinou ve všech studovanych oblastech byl dynamicky svahovy pohyb do jezera. Zastoupeni a vyskyt dalšich přičin se však mezi jednotlivymi oblastmi vyrazně liši. Časova distribuce udalosti vyrazně odlišuje oblast Cordillera Blanca od zbyvajicich dvou, což do určite miry odraži ročni chod klimatu a na něj vazanych přičin destrukci morenovych hrazi

    The causes and mechanisms of moraine-dammed lake failures in the Cordillera Blanca, North American Cordillera, and Himalayas

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    Glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) from moraine-dammed lake failures represent a significant threat to inhabitants of high mountain areas across the globe. The first part of this paper summarises the causes and mechanisms of moraine-dammed lake failures through a review of the scientific literature and unpublished reports. There are eight main causes, of which five are characterised as dynamic and three as long-term, and these are associated with around twenty failure mechanisms. The dynamic causes are slope movements into the lake, earthquakes, flood waves from a lake situated upstream, blocking of underground outflow channels, and intensive rainfall or snowmelt. The long-term causes are the melting of buried ice, the impact of hydrostatic pressure, and the effect of time. These causes (triggers) and the consequent mechanisms of dam failure are described in detail. The second part compares the historical moraine-dammed lake failures within three regions between 1900 and 2009: the Cordillera Blanca of Peru, the North American Cordillera, and the Himalayas. It has been found that dynamic causes are around four times more common than long-term causes although significant regional differences have been observed. The most frequent causes in these regions were found to be slope movements in which the displaced material was dominated by solid-state water (ice falls, ice avalanches, and snow avalanches). The other causes tended to show distinct regional patterns while the temporal distribution of events also differs according to region. In the North American Cordillera and Himalayas moraine dam failures occur exclusively during the summer season while in the Cordillera Blanca they are more evenly distributed with the exception of the dry season. This reflects the general climatic setting of each of the study regions.51

    Ice-avalanche scenario elaboration and uncertainty propagation in numerical simulation of rock-/ice-avalanche-induced impact waves at Mount Hualcán and Lake 513, Peru

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    The interest in numerical simulation of cascading processes involving mass movements and lakes has recently risen strongly, especially as the formation of new lakes in high-mountain areas as a consequence of glacier recession can be observed all over the world. These lakes are often located close to potentially unstable slopes and therewith prone to impacts from mass movements, which may cause the lake to burst out and endanger settlements further downvalley. The need for hazard assessment of such cascading processes is continuously rising, which demands methodological development of coupled numerical simulations. Our study takes up on the need for systematic analysis of the effect of assumptions taken in the simulation of the process chain and the propagation of the corresponding uncertainties on the simulation results. We complemented the research of Adv Geosci 35:145-155, 2014 carried out at Lake 513 in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, by focusing on the aspects of (a) ice-avalanche scenario development and of (b) analysis of uncertainty propagation in the coupled numerical simulation of the process chain of an impact wave triggered by a rock/ice avalanche. The analysis of variance of the dimension of the overtopping wave was based on 54 coupled simulation runs, applying RAMMS and IBER for simulation of the ice avalanche and the impact wave, respectively. The results indicate (a) location and magnitude of potential ice-avalanche events, and further showed (b) that the momentum transfer between an avalanche and the impact wave seems to be reliably representable in coupled numerical simulations. The assessed parameters—initial avalanche volume, friction calibration, mass entrainment and transformation of the data between the models—was decisive of whether the wave overtopped or not. The overtopping time and height directly characterize the overtopping wave, while the overtopping volume and the discharge describe the overtopping hydrograph as a consequence of the run-up rather than the wave. The largest uncertainties inherent in the simulation of the impact wave emerge from avalanche-scenario definition rather than from coupling of the models. These findings are of relevance also to subsequent outburst flow simulation and contribute to advance numerical simulation of the entire process chain, which might also be applied to mass movements other than rock/ice avalanches