189 research outputs found

    Contribution to the validation of the Italian version of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI-13): pilot study and introduction to the research project

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    openIl presente elaborato affronta il costrutto definito narcisismo analizzandone evoluzione, diverse concettualizzazioni ed eziologia; distinguendone le caratteristiche ed espressioni quale tratto di personalità rispetto al Disturbo Narcisistico di Personalità. Durante la trattazione è fornita enfasi al concetto di narcisismo sano, il quale ha rappresentato un riferimento per la costruzione del Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI; Raskin & Hall, 1979; Raskin & Terry, 1988), che nelle sue tre versioni (i.e., NPI-40, NPI-16, NPI-13) risulta ad oggi lo strumento self-report più comunemente utilizzato in contesti di screening e ricerca. Il progetto di ricerca in corso, di cui è descritto il protocollo, si è posto l’obiettivo di contribuire all’analisi delle proprietà psicometriche dello strumento (i.e., NPI-13) nella popolazione italiana. A tal fine è stato condotto uno studio preliminare che ha coinvolto 605 studenti universitari (84% femmine, età media = 23.36, ds = 5.9), i quali hanno compilato il NPI-13 (Gentile et al., 2013), una scheda sociodemografica, il Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21; Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995) e il Experiences in Close Relationships Questionnaire-Revised (ECR-R; Fraley et al., 2000) attraverso procedura computerizzata. Sulla base della letteratura, sono stati testati una serie di modelli fattoriali confermativi che hanno riportato indici di adattamento insoddisfacenti. A fronte di tali risultati sono state eseguite una serie di analisi fattoriali esplorative che hanno previsto l’estrazione da 1 a 3 fattori utilizzando Oblimin come criterio di rotazione. I modelli sono stati valutati tenendo conto del Bayesian information criterion (BIC), la percentuale di varianza spiegata e i loading riportati dagli item nei fattori estratti. Il modello più plausibile con una varianza spiegata del 46% ha confermato i tre fattori originari (BICm1fattore=1164.22; BICm2fattori=375.95; BICm3fattori=88.66). Tuttavia, solo 9 dei 13 item confermano una chiara associazione al fattore per i quali sono stati sviluppati. Questi risultati suggeriscono la necessità di ulteriori approfondimenti e cautela nell’utilizzo dello strumento nel contesto italiano.This paper addresses the construct defined as narcissism by analyzing its evolution, different conceptualizations and etiology; distinguishing its characteristics and expressions as a personality trait from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Throughout the discussion, emphasis is given to the concept of healthy narcissism, which has been a reference for the construction of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI; Raskin & Hall, 1979; Raskin & Terry, 1988), which in its three versions (i.e., NPI-40, NPI-16, NPI-13) is to date the most commonly used self-report instrument in screening and research settings. The current research project, whose protocol is described, aimed to contribute to the analysis of the psychometric properties of the instrument (i.e., NPI-13) in the Italian population. For this purpose, a preliminary study was conducted involving 605 university students (84% female, mean age = 23.36, ds = 5.9), who filled out the NPI-13 (Gentile et al., 2013), a sociodemographic form, the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21; Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995) and the Experiences in Close Relationships Questionnaire-Revised (ECR-R; Fraley et al., 2000) through a computerized procedure. Based on the literature, a series of confirmatory factorial models were tested that reported unsatisfactory fit indices. Against these results, a series of exploratory factor analyses were performed, which involved extracting from 1 to 3 factors using Oblimin as a rotation criterion. The models were evaluated taking into account the Bayesian information criterion (BIC), the percentage of variance explained, and item reported loadings in the extracted factors. The most plausible model with 46% explained variance confirmed the original three factors (BICm1factor=1164.22; BICm2factors=375.95; BICm3factors=88.66). However, only 9 of the 13 items confirm a clear association with the factor for which they were developed. These results suggest the need for further investigation and caution in using the instrument in the Italian context

    Predictive Value of Acute Phase Proteins for the Short-Term Outcome of Meningoencephalitis of Unknown Origin in Dogs

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    Meningoencephalitis of unknown origin (MUO) is one of the most common inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system (CNS). The study evaluates the possible increase and the potential role of acute phase proteins (APPs) and other inflammatory serum parameters as biomarkers predicting the short-term outcome of dogs with meningoencephalitis of unknown origin (MUO). A retrospective cohort study was designed. The APP profile and other markers of systemic inflammation of forty-eight client-owned dogs with a new diagnosis of MUO were compared between 7-day survival and non-survival dogs diagnosed with MUO. Thirty-nine (81%) dogs were alive at the end of the 7-day follow-up period, while 9 (19%) dogs died or were euthanized because of MUO. None of the 11 markers of inflammation studied were different between the survived and non-survived dogs; for this reason, none of them could be used as a predictor of the short-term outcome based on the results of the present study. This confirms that even though MUO is often associated with a severe inflammatory status of the central nervous system (CNS), this condition is probably isolated exclusively to the CNS

    Efectos del derrame cloacal en el espacio verde en el centro de Godoy Cruz, Mendoza

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    El saneamiento ambiental básico es el conjunto de acciones técnicas y socioeconómicas de salud pública que tienen por objetivo alcanzar niveles crecientes de salubridad ambiental. Comprende el manejo sanitario del agua potable, las aguas residuales y excretas, los residuos sólidos y el comportamiento higiénico que reduce los riesgos para la salud y previene la contaminación. Tiene por finalidad la promoción y el mejoramiento de condiciones de vida urbana y rural. Un accidente o emergencia química o biológica es una situación de peligro que resulta de la liberación de una o varias sustancias que son riesgosas para la salud de las personas y/o del medioambiente. Pueden provocar pérdida de vidas humanas y daños a la salud a corto y largo plazo en la población, impactos ambientales, daños económicos, y comprometer la imagen de industrias y gobiernos. Las sustancias peligrosas eliminadas en el agua pueden circular a grandes distancias, causando la contaminación del aire, suministro de agua, tierra y los cultivos y pueden llegar a dejar inhabitables las áreas afectadas. El problema está relacionado con las cantidades generadas y las características de los cuerpos de agua que los reciben

    Asymptomatic bacteriuria in sickle cell disease: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: It is known that there is significant morbidity associated with urinary tract infection and with renal dysfunction in sickle cell disease (SCD). However, it is not known if there are potential adverse outcomes associated with asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) infections in sickle cell disease if left untreated. This study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of ASB, in a cohort of patients with SCD. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study of patients in the Jamaican Sickle Cell Cohort. Aseptically collected mid-stream urine (MSU) samples were obtained from 266 patients for urinalysis, culture and sensitivity analysis. Proteinuria was measured by urine dipsticks. Individuals with abnormal urine culture results had repeat urine culture. Serum creatinine was measured and steady state haematology and uric acid concentrations were obtained from clinical records. This was completed at a primary care health clinic dedicated to sickle cell diseases in Kingston, Jamaica. There were 133 males and 133 females in the sample studied. The mean age (mean ± sd) of participants was 26.6 ± 2.5 years. The main outcome measures were the culture of ≥ 10(5 )colony forming units of a urinary tract pathogen per milliliter of urine from a MSU specimen on a single occasion (probable ASB) or on consecutive occasions (confirmed ASB). RESULTS: Of the 266 urines collected, 234 were sterile and 29 had significant bacteriuria yielding a prevalence of probable ASB of 10.9% (29/266). Fourteen patients had confirmed ASB (prevalence 5.3%) of which 13 had pyuria. Controlling for genotype, females were 14.7 times more likely to have confirmed ASB compared to males (95%CI 1.8 to 121.0). The number of recorded visits for symptomatic UTI was increased by a factor of 2.5 (95% CI 1.4 to 4.5, p < 0.005) but serum creatinine, uric acid and haematology values were not different in patients with confirmed ASB compared with those with sterile urine. There was no association with history of gram negative sepsis. CONCLUSION: ASB is a significant problem in individuals with SCD and may be the source of pathogens in UTI. However, further research is needed to determine the clinical significance of ASB in SCD

    Rounding of low serum creatinine levels and consequent impact on accuracy of bedside estimates of renal function in cancer patients

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    To compare glomerular filtration rate measured by technetium-99m ([Tc(99m)]) DTPA clearance with estimated creatinine clearance (CrCl) (Cockcroft and Gault (C&G) method) in patients with serum creatinine (Scr) levels 100 ml min(-1). This work indicates that when bedside estimates of renal function are calculated using the C&G formula actual Scr should be used first to estimate CrCl. If the resultant CrCl is </=100 ml min(-1), then the Scr should be rounded up to 0.06 mmol l(-1) and CrCl recalculated. Further assessment of this approach is warranted in a larger cohort of patients

    Squamous cell carcinoma in chronic wound: Marjolin ulcer

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    Environmental risk and trust in institutions and media: a factor analysis

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    reservedIn un quadro generale dove costrutti come il rischio ambientale o la fiducia vengono misurati mediante dei test risultano sempre più importanti tecniche e strumenti di natura statistica allo scopo di valutarne caratteristiche e attendibilità. La presente analisi ha indagato la capacità rappresentativa e discriminativa di due scale somministrate durante il progetto The Teddy Child Study. I punti principali di tale analisi consistono nei tentativi di determinare i possibili costrutti indagati attraverso le domande presenti nei due questionari e nella successiva conferma delle ipotesi costruite

    Characterization of gas migration related to ethanol blended fuel spills and stray gas

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    Increased energy demand and technical advancements have led to unconventional resource development and alternative ethanol-blended fuel use. While these options are effective at contributing to meet energy demands, potential harmful effects due to release of constituents and degradation products into the environment must be considered to accurately assess risk and develop appropriate preventative, monitoring, and mitigation strategies. Gas migration and fate were studied in two related contexts: biodegradation of gasoline containing 20% ethanol (E20) and the release of stray gas into an aquifer. Secondary water quality impacts, vadose zone gas movement, and surficial release, were characterized, and effects of microbially-mediated reactions, porous media properties, and barometric pressure fluctuations were assessed. Two soil columns of differing permeability were used for each scenario. E20 fuel spill analysis included measurement of CO₂ and CH₄ surface efflux, soil gas concentrations (O₂, CH₄, CO₂, N₂, Ar, benzene, and toluene), volatile fatty acids, alkalinity and pH, cations, and aqueous benzene, toluene, and ethanol concentrations. Assessment of stray gas migration involved CO₂ and CH₄ surface efflux, soil gas concentrations (O₂, CH₄, CO₂, N₂, Ar), isotopic analysis (δ¹³C-CO₂, δ¹³C-CH₄, δ²H-CH₄), barometric pressure, hydraulic heads, and mass flow rates. Results reveal significant impacts on gas migration attributable to soil type in both cases. E20 fuel release resulted in greater aerobic oxidation of ethanol and the petroleum products in higher permeability soil. Microbial toxicity was not found to impede biodegradation in the buffered system; however, Mn²⁺ and Fe²⁺ metal release was observed. Two different flow experimental conditions were considered for the stray gas experiments: Stray gas release subject to constant flow rate or under constant pressure conditions. Stray gas migration was observed to be continuous under constant mass flow conditions, while dominantly discontinuous flow was seen under constant pressure conditions. Discontinuity of gas flow was found to be correlated with barometric pressure fluctuations, with more pronounced effect in finer grained soil. Under both release conditions, substantial methane (CH₄) oxidation was observed; however, the fraction of CH₄ oxidized declined for higher stray gas release rates. Irrespective of the nature of gas release, CH₄ and CO₂ were released across both column surfaces.Science, Faculty ofEarth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Department ofGraduat