143 research outputs found

    Analysis of Climate Change s Effect on Flood Risk. Case Study of Reinosa in the Ebro River Basin

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    [EN] Floods are one of the natural hazards that could be most affected by climate change, causing great economic damage and casualties in the world. On December 2019 in Reinosa (Cantabria, Spain), took place one of the worst floods in memory. Implementation of DIRECTIVE 2007/60/EC for the assessment and management of flood risks in Spain enabled the detection of this river basin with a potential significant flood risk via a preliminary flood risk assessment, and flood hazard and flood risk maps were developed. The main objective of this paper is to present a methodology to estimate climate change¿s effects on flood hazard and flood risk, with Reinosa as the case study. This river basin is affected by the snow phenomenon, even more sensitive to climate change. Using different climate models, regarding a scenario of comparatively high greenhouse gas emissions (RCP8.5), with daily temperature and precipitation data from years 2007¿2070, and comparing results in relative terms, flow rate and flood risk variation due to climate change are estimated. In the specific case of Reinosa, the MRI-CGCM3 model shows that climate change will cause a significant increase of potential affected inhabitants and economic damage due to flood risk. This evaluation enables us to define mitigation actions in terms of cost¿benefit analysis and prioritize the ones that should be included in flood risk management plans.Lastrada Marcén, JE.; Cobos Campos, G.; Torrijo, F. (2020). Analysis of Climate Change s Effect on Flood Risk. Case Study of Reinosa in the Ebro River Basin. Water. 12(4):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/w12041114S114124Flood Risk Management: A Strategic Approach https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000220870Doroszkiewicz, J., Romanowicz, R., & Kiczko, A. (2018). The Influence of Flow Projection Errors on Flood Hazard Estimates in Future Climate Conditions. Water, 11(1), 49. doi:10.3390/w11010049Zhu, T., Lund, J. R., Jenkins, M. W., Marques, G. F., & Ritzema, R. S. (2007). Climate change, urbanization, and optimal long-term floodplain protection. Water Resources Research, 43(6). doi:10.1029/2004wr003516Nyaupane, N., Thakur, B., Kalra, A., & Ahmad, S. (2018). Evaluating Future Flood Scenarios Using CMIP5 Climate Projections. Water, 10(12), 1866. doi:10.3390/w10121866Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change https://archive.ipcc.ch/European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) https://www.efas.eu/en/news/summary-efas-notifications-2019Garijo, C., & Mediero, L. (2018). Influence of climate change on flood magnitude and seasonality in the Arga River catchment in Spain. Acta Geophysica, 66(4), 769-790. doi:10.1007/s11600-018-0143-0Garijo, C., Mediero, L., & Garrote, L. (2018). Utilidad de las proyecciones climáticas generadas por AEMET para estudios de impacto del cambio climático sobre avenidas a escala nacional. Ingeniería del agua, 22(3), 153. doi:10.4995/ia.2018.9312ASTER. Modelo Hidrológico De Simulación Y Previsión Aplicado A Cuencas Donde El Fenómeno Nival Es Relevante http://www.spesa.es/paginas/basededatos/ASTER_Manual_Usuario.pdfPolicy-Relevant Assessment of Socio-Economic Effects of Droughts and Floods, To Establish a Damage-Water Depth Relationship http://www.feem-project.net/preempt/Cobos, G., Francés, M., & Arenillas, M. (2010). Le programme ERHIN. Modélisation nivo-hydrologique pour la gestion de l’eau du bassin de l’Ebre. La Houille Blanche, (3), 58-64. doi:10.1051/lhb/2010035Anderson, E. A. (1968). Development and testing of snow pack energy balance equations. Water Resources Research, 4(1), 19-37. doi:10.1029/wr004i001p0001

    A Decrease in the Regulatory Effect of Snow-Related Phenomena in Spanish Mountain Areas Due to Climate Change

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    [EN] Climate change undoubtedly will affect snow events as temperature and precipitation are expected to change in the future. Spanish mountains are especially affected by that situation, since snow storage is there focussed on very specific periods of the hydrological year and plays a very important role in the management of water resources. In this study, an analysis of the behaviour of the complex snow-related phenomena in the four main mountain regions of Spain in the next 50 years is conducted. The ASTER hydrological model is applied using temperature and precipitation data as basic input, estimated under a climate change scenario. Results show different changes in the maximum and average expected flows, depending on the very different magnitude and sign of changes in precipitation. An increase of flooding episodes may occur as a result of a complex relation between changes in precipitation and an increase in maximum snowmelt intensities that range from 2.1% in the Pyrenees to 7.4% in the Cantabrian Mountains. However, common patterns are shown in a shorter duration of the snow bulk reserves, expected to occur 45 days earlier for the Cantabrian Mountains, and about 30 days for the rest of the studied mountain regions. Changes observed also lead to a concerning decrease in the regulatory effect of the snow-related phenomena in the Spanish rivers, with a decrease in the average snow accumulation that ranges from about 28% for the Pyrenees and Sierra Nevada to 42% for the Central System and the Cantabrian Mountains. A decrease in average flow is expected, fluctuating from 2.4% in the Pyrenees to 7.3% in Cantabrian Mountains, only increasing in the Central System by 4.0%, making all necessary to develop new adaptation measures to climate change.The authors acknowledge F. J. Sanchez, M. Aparicio and F. Pastor (Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge), Tragsatec and ASTER model developer J. A. Collado (SPESA Ingenieria). The authors fully acknowledge the financial support provided by the Department of Geological and Geotechnical Engineering of the UPV.Lastrada, E.; Garzón-Roca, J.; Cobos Campos, G.; Torrijo, F. (2021). A Decrease in the Regulatory Effect of Snow-Related Phenomena in Spanish Mountain Areas Due to Climate Change. Water. 13(11):1-20. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13111550S120131

    Severe symptomatic hyponatremia during citalopram therapy - a case report

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    BACKGROUND: Hyponatremia secondary to the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone is an uncommon complication of treatment with the new class of antidepressant agents, the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The risk of hyponatremia seems to be highest during the first weeks of treatment particularly, in elderly females and in patients with a lower body weight. CASE PRESENTATION: A 61-year-old diabetic male was admitted to the hospital because of malaise, progressive confusion, and a tonic/clonic seizure two weeks after starting citalopram, 20 mg/day. On physical examination the patient was euvolemic and had no evidence of malignancy, cardiac, renal, hepatic, adrenal or thyroid disease. Laboratory tests results revealed hyponatremia, serum hypoosmolality, urine hyperosmolarity, and an elevated urine sodium concentration, leading to the diagnosis of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone. Citalopram was discontinued and fluid restriction was instituted. The patient was discharged after serum sodium increased from 124 mmol/L to 134 mmol/L. Two weeks after discharge the patient denied any new seizures, confusion or malaise. At that time his serum sodium was 135 mmol/L. CONCLUSIONS: Because the use of serotonin reuptake inhibitors is becoming more popular among elderly depressed patients the present paper and other reported cases emphasize the need of greater awareness of the development of this serious complication and suggest that sodium serum levels should be monitored closely in elderly patients during treatment with citalopram

    Seasonal variability of snow density in the Spanish Pyrenees

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    [EN] Spanish latitudes and meteorological conditions cause the snow phenomena to mainly take place in mountainous areas, playing a key role in water resource management, with the Pyrenees as one of the most important and best monitored areas. Based on the most significant dataset of snow density (SDEN) in the Spanish Pyrenees for on-site manual samples and automatic measurements, in this study, single and multiple linear regression models are evaluated that relate SDEN with intra-annual time dependence and other drivers such as the seasonal accumulated precipitation, 7-day average temperatures, snow depth (SD) and elevation. The seasonal accumulated precipitation presented a more dominant influence than daily precipitation, usually being the second most dominant SDEN driver, followed by temperature. Average temperatures showed the best fitting to SDEN. The results showed similar densification rates ranging widely from 0.7 x 10(3) kg/L/day to 2 x 10(3) kg/L/day without showing a spatial pattern. The densification rate for the set of manual samples was set to 1.2 kg/L/day, very similar to the set of automatic measurements (1.3 kg/L/day). The results increase knowledge on SDEN in the Pyrenees. The SDEN regression models that are given in this work may allow us, in the future, to estimate SDEN, and consequently Snow Water Equivalent (SWE), using an economical and extensive SD and meteorological network, although the high spatial variability that has been found must be regarded. Estimating a relationship between SDEN and several climate drivers enables us to take into account the impact of climate variability on SDEN.The authors acknowledge F. Pastor and F. J. Sanchez (Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge); M. L. Moreno (EbroWater Authority); the Ebro Water Authority and field engineers A. Pedrero-Munoz and M. Motes (SPESA Ingenieria). The authors fully acknowledge the financial support provided by the Department of Geological and Geotechnical Engineering of the UPV.Lastrada, E.; Cobos Campos, G.; Garzón-Roca, J.; Torrijo, F. (2021). Seasonal variability of snow density in the Spanish Pyrenees. Water. 13(11):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13111598117131

    Forward with Active Clamp for space applications: clamp capacitor, dynamic specifications and EMI filter impact on the power stage design

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    The impact of the clamp capacitor design, the dynamic specifications and the EMI filter design on the power stage design of a 28V 50W Forward with Active Clamp converter for space applications is analyzed along this paper. Clamp capacitor is designed by considering the ECSS standards limitations for the semiconductors and saturation of the magnetic components, and considering the influence of the resonance between this capacitance and the magnetizing inductance on the input impedance of the converter. Dynamic specifications influence are analyzed. Additionally, the EMI filter design process is described. Singlestage and Multi-stage approaches are proposed. All these features make an increase of 2:4W losses and 1:6 higher area of the converter, compared with a preliminary design of the power stage, before considering these aspects

    El programa ERHIN y la gestión de embalses en áreas con alta precipitación nival = The ERHIN programme and reservoir management in areas of high nival precipitation

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    El programa de Evaluación Recursos Hídricos procedentes de la Innivación (ERHIN) ha desarrollado un modelo hidrológico con subrutinas que contemplan el proceso de acumulación/fusión de nieve que permite el seguimiento del manto de nieve y su fusión , esencial para la previsión de avenidas en embalses cuyas cuencas vertientes recogen altos porcentajes de precipitación solida. En determinados sectores del territorio español (Pirineos, Cordilleras Cantábrica e Ibérica, Sistema Central y Sierra Nevada) la precipitación nival alcanza valores significativos durante el invierno, que conducen a espesores de nieve persistentes en las cuencas alimentadoras de numerosos embalses y a la fusión rápida de esta nieve en períodos cortos de tiempo, directamente relacionados con la elevación de la isoterma de cero grados en primavera. Estos procesos condicionan la gestión de los mencionados embalses

    Geomechanical characterization and analysis of the Upper Cretaceous flysch materials found in the Basque Arc Alpine region

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    [EN] Flysch materials are one of the most challenging geological materials and often give rise to slope instability problems. Due to its natural heterogeneity, geomechanical characterization of flysch materials is somewhat difficult. The Spanish Basque Arc Alpine region is a very well-known location for flysch materials. In this paper, an area of approximately 100 km(2) in the region is intensively studied and their flysch materials geomechanically characterized. A total of 33 locations are investigated by a broad geological-geotechnical investigation, involving petrographic analyses, geomechanical stations, boreholes, and mechanical laboratory tests. In addition, a slope inventory was carried out to assess the situation in the existing slopes in the area. Characterization of materials is carried out in terms of RQD, RMR, and GSI as well as using the Hoek-Brown failure criterion. Different correlations are assessed, establishing their appropriateness for estimating the mechanical parameters of a flysch material rock mass.Financial support was provided by the Department of Geological and Geotechnical Engineering of the UPV.Garzón-Roca, J.; Torrijo, F.; Company Rodríguez, J.; Cobos Campos, G. (2021). Geomechanical characterization and analysis of the Upper Cretaceous flysch materials found in the Basque Arc Alpine region. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 80(10):7831-7846. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-021-02383-378317846801

    Estimation of cerchar abrasivity index of andesitic rocks in Ecuador from chemical compounds and petrographical properties using regression analyses

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    [EN] An important issue in any rock engineering project is the adequate prediction of tool consumption. Excavation tools are subjected to wear, and repair/replacement of those tools is usually an important expense on any excavation budget. The key factor that affects wear of excavation tools is rock abrasivity. In mining and civil engineering, rock abrasivity is typically measured by the Cerchar abrasivity index (CAI), which is obtained in laboratory from a Cerchar abrasivity test. This paper studied the relation between CAI and the chemical compounds and petrographical properties of andesitic rocks from the central area of Ecuador. A series of regression analyses are performed to study the influence of the different chemical compounds and petrographical properties on the CAI value. Results show that it is possible to make a good estimation of CAI from the plagioclase grain size and/or the content of SiO2, FeO, MgO, CaO, Na2O and K2O compounds.Torrijo, F.; Garzón-Roca, J.; Company Rodríguez, J.; Cobos Campos, G. (2018). Estimation of cerchar abrasivity index of andesitic rocks in Ecuador from chemical compounds and petrographical properties using regression analyses. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 1-14. doi:10.1007/s10064-018-1306-6S114Al-Ameen SL, Waller MD (1994) The influence of rock strength and abrasive mineral content on the CERCHAR abrasive index. Eng Geol 36:293–301Alber M (2007) Stress dependency of the Cerchar Abrasivity index (CAI) and its effects on wear of selected rock cutting tools. Tunn Undergr Space Technol 9:351–539Alber M (2008) Stress dependency of the Cerchar abrasivity index (CAI) and its effects on wear of selected rock cutting tools. Tunn Undergr Space Technol 23:351–359Alber M, Yaralı O, Dahl F, Bruland A, Käsling H, Michalakopoulos TN, Cardu M, Hagan P, Aydın H, Özarslan A (2014) ISRM suggested method for determining the abrasivity of rock by the CERCHAR abrasivity test. Rock Mech Rock Eng 47:261–266ASTM D3967 (2001) Standard test method for splitting tensile strength of intact rock core specimens. American Society for Testing and Materials, West ConshohockenASTM D7012 (2010) Standard test method for compressive strength and elastic module of intact rock core specimens under varying states of stress and temperatures. American Society for Testing and Materials, West ConshohockenASTM D7625 (2010) Standard test method for laboratory determination of abrasiveness of rock using the CERCHAR method. American Society for Testing and Materials, West ConshohockenAtkinson T, Cassapi VB, Singh RN (1986a) Assessment of abrasive wear resistance potential in rock excavation machinery. Int J Min Geol Eng 3:151–163Atkinson T, Denby B, Cassapi VB (1986b) Problems associated with rock material properties in surface mining equipment selection. Trans Inst Min Metall Section A Miner Ind 95:A80–A86Boland MP, Pilatasig LF, Ibandango CE, McCourt WJ, Aspden JA, Hughes RA, Beate B (2000) Geology of the western cordillera between 0°-1°N, mining development and environmental control project, map and geological information program, report no. 10, (Proyecto de Desarrollo Minero y control Ambiental, Programa de Informacion cartografica y Geológica, Informe no. 10), CODIGEM-BGS, Quito, Ecuador, p 72 (In Spanish)CERCHAR (1986) The CERCHAR abrasiveness index. Centre d’Etudes et des Recherches des Charbonages de France, Verneuil, FranceDeliormanlı A (2011) Cerchar abrasivitiy index (CAI) and its relation to strength and abrasion test methods for marble stones. Constr Build Mat 30:16–21Deliormanlı AH (2012) Cerchar abrasivity index (CAI) and its relation to strength and abrasion test methods for marble stones. Constr Build Mater 30:16–21Er S, Tugrul A (2016a) Correlation of physico-mechanical properties of granitic rocks with Cerchar Abrasivity index in Turkey. Measurement 91:114–123Er S, Tugrul A (2016b) Estimation of Cerchar abrasivity index of granitic rocks in Turkey by geological properties using regression analysis. B Eng Geol Environ 75(3):1325–1339Fowell RJ, Abu Bakar MZ (2007) A review of the Cerchar and LCPC rock abrasivity measurement methods. Proceeding of the 11th congress of the International Society for Rock Mechanics 155–160Hamzaban MT, Memarian H, Rostami J (2014a) Continuous monitoring of pin tip wear and penetration into rock surface using a new Cerchar abrasivity testing device. 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    Gestión y previsión de los recursos hídricos almacenados en forma de nieve en las cordilleras españolas

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    El estudio de la cuantificación del volumen de agua almacena en forma de nieve, así como en la previsión de su evolución, todo ello encaminado a conocer la disponibilidad de recursos hídricos y a realizar una gestión optima de los embalses emplazados aguas abajo, tanto en situación ordinaria donde la principal finalidad es asegurar el abastecimiento y los caudales ecológicos, como en circunstancias extremas de avenida y sequía. En la comunicación se expone la metodologí

    Eduwikis: nuevos entornos colaborativos para la profesionalización docente

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    El presente artículo es fruto de un Seminario sobre la aplicación de nuevas metodologías docentes y recursos 2.0 orientadas a la formación en competencias digitales en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, dirigido al profesorado del Área de Didáctica y Organización Escolar de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide y celebrado durante el mes de noviembre de 2010. Se utilizó la plataforma PbWorks (http://proyecto4000.pbworks.com), para articular eduwikis destinados a la gestión y construcción colaborativa de conocimientos, metodologías y experiencias didácticas 2.0 relacionadas con la Didáctica y las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación. Como conclusión se ha comprobado que las wikis son medios de expresión y gestión de conocimiento y facilitan la construcción de comunidades docentes de discusión y colaboración. Asimismo, la plataforma PbWorks es un buen recurso para el desarrollo profesional, permite un seguimiento del trabajo docente, sirve como repositorio (alacena) de recursos para la enseñanza, es flexible, amigable, gratuita, intuitiva y fácil de utilizarThis paper is the result of a Seminar on new teaching methodologies and 2.0 resources application focused on training into digital skills in the European Space for Higher Education, addressed to the Area of Didactics and School Organization of the University Pablo de Olavide that took place during november 2010. Platform PbWorks (http//proyecto4000.pbworks.com), to create eduwikis destined to management and cooperative construction of knowledge, methodologies and didactic experiences 2.0 related to Didactics and Information and Communications Technology. As a conclusion, it has been stated that wikis are means of expression and knowledged management and ease the construction of educational communities for discussion and cooperation. Also, the PbWorks platform is a good resource for professional development, allows a tracking of the teaching work, is useful as a storage of resources for teaching, is flexible, friendly, free, intuitive and easy to us