20 research outputs found

    The circle of reentry: Characteristics of trigger-substrate interaction leading to sudden cardiac arrest

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    Sudden cardiac death is often caused by ventricular arrhythmias driven by reentry. Comprehensive characterization of the potential triggers and substrate in survivors of sudden cardiac arrest has provided insights into the trigger-substrate interaction leading to reentry. Previously, a “Triangle of Arrhythmogenesis”, reflecting interactions between substrate, trigger and modulating factors, has been proposed to reason about arrhythmia initiation. Here, we expand upon this concept by separating the trigger and substrate characteristics in their spatial and temporal components. This yields four key elements that are required for the initiation of reentry: local dispersion of excitability (e.g., the presence of steep repolarization time gradients), a critical relative size of the region of excitability and the region of inexcitability (e.g., a sufficiently large region with early repolarization), a trigger that originates at a time when some tissue is excitable and other tissue is inexcitable (e.g., an early premature complex), and which occurs from an excitable region (e.g., from a region with early repolarization). We discuss how these findings yield a new mechanistic framework for reasoning about reentry initiation, the “Circle of Reentry.” In a patient case of unexplained ventricular fibrillation, we then illustrate how a comprehensive clinical investigation of these trigger-substrate characteristics may help to understand the associated arrhythmia mechanism. We will also discuss how this reentry initiation concept may help to identify patients at risk, and how similar reasoning may apply to other reentrant arrhythmias

    Understanding repolarization in the intracardiac unipolar electrogram: A long-lasting controversy revisited

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    Background: The optimal way to determine repolarization time (RT) from the intracardiac unipolar electrogram (UEG) has been a topic of debate for decades. RT is typically determined by either the Wyatt method or the “alternative method,” which both consider UEG T-wave slope, but differently.Objective: To determine the optimal method to measure RT on the UEG.Methods: Seven pig hearts surrounded by an epicardial sock with 100 electrodes were Langendorff-perfused with selective cannulation of the left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery and submersed in a torso-shaped tank containing 256 electrodes on the torso surface. Repolarization was prolonged in the non-LAD-regions by infusing dofetilide and shortened in the LAD-region using pinacidil. RT was determined by the Wyatt (tWyatt) and alternative (tAlt) methods, in both invasive (recorded with epicardial electrodes) and in non-invasive UEGs (reconstructed with electrocardiographic imaging). tWyatt and tAlt were compared to local effective refractory period (ERP).Results: With contact mapping, mean absolute error (MAE) of tWyatt and tAlt vs. ERP were 21 ms and 71 ms, respectively. Positive T-waves typically had an earlier ERP than negative T-waves, in line with theory. tWyatt -but not tAlt-shortened by local infusion of pinacidil. Similar results were found for the non-invasive UEGs (MAE of tWyatt and tAlt vs. ERP were 30 ms and 92 ms, respectively).Conclusion: The Wyatt method is the most accurate to determine RT from (non) invasive UEGs, based on novel and historical analyses. Using it to determine RT could unify and facilitate repolarization assessment and amplify its role in cardiac electrophysiology

    Arrhythmogenic vulnerability of reentrant pathways in post-infarct ventricular tachycardia assessed by advanced computational modelling

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    The Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) is supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN) and the Pro CNIC Foundation and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (CEX2020-001041-S).S

    Realistic training data improve noninvasive reconstruction of heart-surface potentials

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    The inverse problem of electrocardiography is to noninvasively reconstruct electrical heart activity from body-surface electrocardiograms. Solving this problem is beneficial to clinical practice. However, reconstructions cannot be obtained straightforwardly due to the ill-posed nature of this problem. Therefore, regularization schemes are necessary to arrive at realistic solutions. To date, no electrophysiological data have been used in reconstruction methods and regularization schemes. In this study, we used a training set of simulated heart-surface potentials to create a realistic basis for reconstructions of electrical cardiac activity. We tested this method in computer simulations and in one patient. The quality of reconstruction improved significantly after projection of the results of traditional regularization methods on this new basis, both in silico (p<0.01) and in vivo (p<0.05). Thus, we demonstrate that the novel concept of applying electrophysiological data might be useful to improve noninvasive reconstruction of electrical heart activity

    Acute effects of alcohol on cardiac electrophysiology and arrhythmogenesis:Insights from multiscale in silico analyses

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    Acute excessive ethyl alcohol (ethanol) consumption alters cardiac electrophysiology and can evoke cardiac arrhythmias, e.g., in 'holiday heart syndrome'. Ethanol acutely modulates numerous targets in cardiomyocytes, including ion channels, calcium-handling proteins and gap junctions. However, the mechanisms underlying ethanol-induced arrhythmogenesis remain incompletely understood and difficult to study experimentally due to the multiple electrophysiological targets involved and their potential interactions with preexisting electrophysiological or structural substrates. Here, we employed cellular- and tissue-level in-silico analyses to characterize the acute effects of ethanol on cardiac electrophysiology and arrhythmogenesis. Acute electrophysiological effects of ethanol were incorporated into human atrial and ventricular cardiomyocyte computer models: reduced INa, ICa,L, Ito, IKr and IKur, dual effects on IK1 and IK,ACh (inhibition at low and augmentation at high concentrations), and increased INCX and SR Ca2+ leak. Multiscale simulations in the absence or presence of preexistent atrial fibrillation or heart-failure-related remodeling demonstrated that low ethanol concentrations prolonged atrial action-potential duration (APD) without effects on ventricular APD. Conversely, high ethanol concentrations abbreviated atrial APD and prolonged ventricular APD. High ethanol concentrations promoted reentry in tissue simulations, but the extent of reentry promotion was dependent on the presence of altered intercellular coupling, and the degree, type, and pattern of fibrosis. Taken together, these data provide novel mechanistic insight into the potential proarrhythmic interactions between a preexisting substrate and acute changes in cardiac electrophysiology. In particular, acute ethanol exposure has concentration-dependent electrophysiological effects that differ between atria and ventricles, and between healthy and diseased hearts. Low concentrations of ethanol can have anti-fibrillatory effects in atria, whereas high concentrations promote the inducibility and maintenance of reentrant atrial and ventricular arrhythmias, supporting a role for limiting alcohol intake as part of cardiac arrhythmia management.</p

    Why Ablation of Sites With Purkinje Activation Is Antiarrhythmic:The Interplay Between Fast Activation and Arrhythmogenesis

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    Ablation of sites showing Purkinje activity is antiarrhythmic in some patients with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation (iVF). The mechanism for the therapeutic success of ablation is not fully understood. We propose that deeper penetrance of the Purkinje network allows faster activation of the ventricles and is proarrhythmic in the presence of steep repolarization gradients. Reduction of Purkinje penetrance, or its indirect reducing effect on apparent propagation velocity may be a therapeutic target in patients with iVF

    High-resolution structural-functional substrate-trigger characterization: Future roadmap for catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia

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    Introduction: Patients with ventricular tachyarrhythmias (VT) are at high risk of sudden cardiac death. When appropriate, catheter ablation is modestly effective, with relatively high VT recurrence and complication rates. Personalized models that incorporate imaging and computational approaches have advanced VT management. However, 3D patient-specific functional electrical information is typically not considered. We hypothesize that incorporating non-invasive 3D electrical and structural characterization in a patient-specific model improves VT-substrate recognition and ablation targeting. Materials and methods: In a 53-year-old male with ischemic cardiomyopathy and recurrent monomorphic VT, we built a structural-functional model based on high-resolution 3D late-gadolinium enhancement (LGE) cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (3D-LGE CMR), multi-detector computed tomography (CT), and electrocardiographic imaging (ECGI). Invasive data from high-density contact and pace mapping obtained during endocardial VT-substrate modification were also incorporated. The integrated 3D electro-anatomic model was analyzed off-line. Results: Merging the invasive voltage maps and 3D-LGE CMR endocardial geometry led to a mean Euclidean node-to-node distance of 5 ± 2 mm. Inferolateral and apical areas of low bipolar voltage (0.4) and with higher transmurality of fibrosis. Areas of functional conduction delay or block (evoked delayed potentials, EDPs) were in close proximity to 3D-LGE CMR-derived heterogeneous tissue corridors. ECGI pinpointed the epicardial VT exit at ∼10 mm from the endocardial site of origin, both juxtaposed to the distal ends of two heterogeneous tissue corridors in the inferobasal left ventricle. Radiofrequency ablation at the entrances of these corridors, eliminating all EDPs, and at the VT site of origin rendered the patient non-inducible and arrhythmia-free until the present day (20 months follow-up). Off-line analysis in our model uncovered dynamic electrical instability of the LV inferolateral heterogeneous scar region which set the stage for an evolving VT circuit. Discussion and conclusion: We developed a personalized 3D model that integrates high-resolution structural and electrical information and allows the investigation of their dynamic interaction during arrhythmia formation. This model enhances our mechanistic understanding of scar-related VT and provides an advanced, non-invasive roadmap for catheter ablation

    DataSheet1_Strain-controlled electrophysiological wave propagation alters in silico scar-based substrate for ventricular tachycardia.docx

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    Introduction: Assessing a patient’s risk of scar-based ventricular tachycardia (VT) after myocardial infarction is a challenging task. It can take months to years after infarction for VT to occur. Also, if selected for ablation therapy, success rates are low.Methods: Computational ventricular models have been presented previously to support VT risk assessment and to provide ablation guidance. In this study, an extension to such virtual-heart models is proposed to phenomenologically incorporate tissue remodeling driven by mechanical load. Strain amplitudes in the heart muscle are obtained from simulations of mechanics and are used to adjust the electrical conductivity. Results: The mechanics-driven adaptation of electrophysiology resulted in a more heterogeneous distribution of propagation velocities than that of standard models, which adapt electrophysiology in the structural substrate from medical images only. Moreover, conduction slowing was not only present in such a structural substrate, but extended in the adjacent functional border zone with impaired mechanics. This enlarged the volumes with high repolarization time gradients (≥10 ms/mm). However, maximum gradient values were not significantly affected. The enlarged volumes were localized along the structural substrate border, which lengthened the line of conduction block. The prolonged reentry pathways together with conduction slowing in functional regions increased VT cycle time, such that VT was easier to induce, and the number of recommended ablation sites increased from 3 to 5 locations.Discussion: Sensitivity testing showed an accurate model of strain-dependency to be critical for low ranges of conductivity. The model extension with mechanics-driven tissue remodeling is a potential approach to capture the evolution of the functional substrate and may offer insight into the progression of VT risk over time.</p