515 research outputs found

    Genome-Wide Linkage Analysis to Identify Chromosomal Regions Affecting Phenotypic Traits in the Chicken. II. Body Composition

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    The current study is a comprehensive genome analysis to detect QTL affecting metabolic traits in chickens. Two unique F2 crosses generated from a commercial broiler male line and 2 genetically distinct inbred lines (Leghorn and Fayoumi) were used in the present study. The plasma glucagon, insulin, lactate, glucose, tri-iodothyronine, thyroxine, insulin-like growth factor I, and insulin-like growth factor II concentrations at 8 wk were measured in the 2 F2 crosses. Birds were genotyped for 269 microsatellite markers across the entire genome. The program QTL Express was used for QTL detection. Significance levels were obtained using the permutation test. For the 10 traits, a total of 6 and 9 significant QTL were detected at a 1% chromosome-wise significance level, of which 1 and 6 were significant at the 5% genome-wise level for the broiler-Leghorn cross and broiler-Fayoumi cross, respectively. Most QTL for metabolic traits in the present study were detected in Gga 2, 6, 8, 9, 13, and Z for the broiler-Leghorn cross and Gga 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 13, 17, and E47 for the broiler-Fayoumi cross. Phenotypic variation for each trait explained by all QTL across genome ranged from 2.73 to 14.08% in the broiler-Leghorn cross and from 6.93 to 21.15% in the broiler-Fayoumi cross. Several positional candidate genes within the QTL region for metabolic traits at the 1% chromosome-wise significance level are biologically associated with the regulation of metabolic pathways of insulin, triiodothyronine, and thyroxine

    3-D reconstructions of the early-November 2004 CDAW geomagnetic storms: analysis of Ooty IPS speed and density data

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    Interplanetary scintillation (IPS) remote-sensing observations provide a view of the solar wind covering a wide range of heliographic latitudes and heliocentric distances from the Sun between ~0.1 AU and 3.0 AU. Such observations are used to study the development of solar coronal transients and the solar wind while propagating out through interplanetary space. They can also be used to measure the inner-heliospheric response to the passage of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and co-rotating heliospheric structures. IPS observations can, in general, provide a speed estimate of the heliospheric material crossing the observing line of site; some radio antennas/arrays can also provide a radio scintillation level. We use a three-dimensional (3-D) reconstruction technique which obtains perspective views from outward-flowing solar wind and co-rotating structure as observed from Earth by iteratively fitting a kinematic solar wind model to these data. Using this 3-D modelling technique, we are able to reconstruct the velocity and density of CMEs as they travel through interplanetary space. For the time-dependent model used here with IPS data taken from the Ootacamund (Ooty) Radio Telescope (ORT) in India, the digital resolution of the tomography is 10° by 10° in both latitude and longitude with a half-day time cadence. Typically however, the resolutions range from 10° to 20° in latitude and longitude, with a half- to one-day time cadence for IPS data dependant upon how much data are used as input to the tomography. We compare reconstructed structures during early-November 2004 with in-situ measurements from the Wind spacecraft orbiting the Sun-Earth L<sub>1</sub>-Point to validate the 3-D tomographic reconstruction results and comment on how these improve upon prior reconstructions

    Nova light curves from the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) - II. The extended catalogue

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    We present the results from observing nine Galactic novae in eruption with the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) between 2004 and 2009. While many of these novae reached peak magnitudes that were either at or approaching the detection limits of SMEI, we were still able to produce light curves that in many cases contained more data at and around the initial rise, peak, and decline than those found in other variable star catalogs. For each nova, we obtained a peak time, maximum magnitude, and for several an estimate of the decline time (t2). Interestingly, although of lower quality than those found in Hounsell et al. (2010a), two of the light curves may indicate the presence of a pre-maximum halt. In addition the high cadence of the SMEI instrument has allowed the detection of low amplitude variations in at least one of the nova light curves