236 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Cloutier, Pierre (Andover, Oxford County)

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    Royer, N. (dir.) (2004). Le monde du préscolaire. Montréal : Gaëtan Morin

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    Les services urbains : le défi du partenariat pour le milieu communautaire

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    Il existe des débats majeurs qui accompagnent la définition d'une participation du milieu communautaire à la production et à la gestion des services urbains, à savoir leur modernisation, la redéfinition du rôle social de l'Etat, les responsabilités des milieux locaux et l'extension des inégalités sociales. Après avoir rappelé ces éléments, une revue des principaux thèmes abordés par les études récentes sur les services urbains est proposée pour en dégager des interprétations utiles à l'étude du cas montréalais. La dernière section présente des résultats préliminaires portant sur les services offerts aux jeunes et aux femmes par le milieu communautaire. La discussion met en évidence les possibilités et les contraintes pour l'établissement d'un partenariat entre le milieu communautaire et l'État local.For community actors, participation to the provision of urban services is related to a series of institutional and political aspects. The problem of social inequalities as well as the Welfare State reform and the responsibility of the local state are at stake. At first, the main aspects of these components are reported in order to highlight the issue of community action. Secondly, recent literature on urban services is overviewed. The focus is on main interpretations useful to understand an empirical case. Finally, the last section describes preliminary data concerning services offered to youth and women by the community in reference to the Montréal case. The discussion sheds some light on the ambivalence of the relationship between the community sector and the local state according to the partnership process

    L'Eschatologie dans la divine liturgie de saint Jean Chrysostome

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    La liturgie est l'acte cultuel qui actualise la relation de connaissance et d'amour entre le Créateur et sa créature. Elle est la voie religieuse par excellence. L'homme, sorti du Royaume originel, est devenu incapable d'y revenir seul. De là intervient Dieu dans le principe d'économie du Salut. Les étapes de cette histoire composent la trame de la liturgie à travers le mystère de l'Incarnation. La liturgie insiste sur les faits de la vie de Dieu parmi les hommes car ce n'est pas seulement en Parole mais en Actes que Dieu choisit de se manifester. Le sommet en est la Parole faite chair en Jésus-Christ. Par un mouvement naturel elle accompagne son rappel du passé d'un appel à l'avenir. La Liturgie est ainsi tendue entre la réalisation du Royaume et le rappel des événements préparatoires. Sa mémoire qui lui donne Foi débouche en attente active dans l'Espérance de la vie future, à travers l'Amour de Dieu et des hommes. La Divine Liturgie est une liturgie catholique ancestrale qui a gardé des éléments profondément signifiants de cette histoire sainte où le sens eschatologique est clairement démontré

    Condensation d'ADN plasmidique par des diamines sur un substrat de graphite HOPG

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    National audienceCe travail vise à améliorer notre connaissance des effets produits par les électrons de basse énergie (EBEs) sur l'ADN. Parmi les composants radiosensibles, les acides nucléiques demeurent en effet une cible critique des EBEs. Ce type d'étude requiert un bon étalement et un contrôle des dépôts d'ADN plasmidique sur des surfaces conductrices. Nous avons étudié en détails la formation de complexes entre des polyamines et l'ADN plasmidique. Une partie du travail a consisté à caractériser les dépôts réalisés sur des substrats de graphite pyrolytique hautement orienté (HOPG) en employant des diamines pour condenser l'ADN. Nous avons montré que dans les conditions opératoires de cette étude, il est possible de créer des dépôts avec des épaisseurs calibrées, présentant un taux dégâts constant et suffisamment bas pour permettre des études ultérieures en gel d'électrophorèse. Ces dépôts, dont l'épaisseur varie de deux à plusieurs dizaines de nanomètres, ont la propriété remarquable de pouvoir être re-dissous dans l'eau sans qu'ils ne subissent de dommages supplémentaires. Les dépôts réalisés avec le diaminopropane ont été exposés aux EBEs et une première exploitation par désorption stimulée (ESD) et par relaxation de plasmide a été effectuée. Ces premiers résultats ouvrent de larges perspectives pour l'utilisation ultérieure des dépôts créés durant ce travail

    Numerical Prediction of Engineered Wood Flooring Deformation

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    Dimensional stability is of primary importance in the use of layered wood composites such as engineered wood flooring. It is largely due to the physical and mechanical properties and moisture content changes of each layer. Therefore, the non-homogeneous adsorption or desorption of moisture by the composite may induce its deformation, thus decreasing product value. The objective of this study was to develop a finite element model of the hygromechanical cupping in layered wood composite flooring. The model is based on two sets of equations: 1) the three-dimensional equations of unsteady-state moisture diffusion, and 2) the three-dimensional equations of elasticity including the orthotropic Hooke's law, which takes into account the shrinkage and swelling of each layer. The proposed model was used to predict the deformation of an engineered wood flooring strip following desorption by the top surface. The model was solved by the finite element method, and the calculated cupping was validated against experimental data. The results show that the proposed model can be successfully used to simulate the non-homogeneous moisture movement and the resulting cupping deformation in layered wood composites such as engineered wood flooring strips. For both predicted and measured deformation, roughly 80% of the cupping deformation appears after 3 days of conditioning. The low water vapor diffusion coefficient of the urea-formaldehyde film used between the surface and core layers of the strip plays a key role in the deformation process. After 42 days of conditioning, the model results overestimated the experimental results by 12% but were within one standard deviation of the experimental results. The model presented in this study appears to be a useful tool for product design purposes

    Wood-Adhesive Interface Characterization And Modeling In Engineered Wood Flooring

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    Adhesive films used in layered wood-based composites have a significant impact on moisture movement and must be considered in models of such products. The objective of this study was to characterize the wood-adhesive interface and determine its impact on the hygromechanical behavior of engineered wood flooring (EWF). The radial water vapor diffusion coefficient and the coefficients of moisture expansion were determined for sugar maple wood, crosslinked polyviny1 acetate adhesive film (XPVAc), and the wood-adhesive interface. Sugar maple wood had the highest diffusion coefficient at 1.66 x 10-11 m2 · s-1 followed by the wood-adhesive interface at 5.73 x 10-12 m2 · s-1, and the free XPVAc film at 4.18 x 10-12 m2 · s-1. The coefficient of tangential moisture expansion of the sugar maple wood-adhesive interface was found to be 4 x 10-3 (%MC)-1 compared with 3 x 10-3 (%MC)-1 for sugar maple wood in the tangential direction, and 3 x 10-3 (%MC)-1 for the XPVAc film. Finite element modeling of EWF hygromechanical cupping did not show significant differences between hygromechanical cupping calculated with and without interface effects

    Barriers, trategies, and best practices for BIM Adoption in Quebec prefabrication small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

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    Prefabricated construction has long faced problems due to the industry’s fragmentation. Building Information Modeling (BIM) has thus appeared as an efficient solution to provide a favorable environment for efficient completion of projects. Despite its benefits, implementing BIM successfully in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which represent the vast majority of manufacturers in Quebec, requires deep risk analysis and rigorous strategies. Hence, this work aims to study BIM implementation barriers, strategies, and best practices in wood prefabrication for SMEs through a literature review, semi-structured interviews, and an online survey. After qualitative content analysis, 30 critical barriers, 7 strategic milestones, and 31 best practices to maximize BIM benefits were revealed. One of the critical barriers concerns the effort required to develop BIM software libraries and programs to translate information from the BIM model to production equipment. Among the best strategies, it is essential to start by analyzing the current business model of the SMEs and to appoint a small BIM committee whose main responsibilities are management, coordination, and modeling. The prevalent best practices were to support the implementation team and encourage communication and collaboration. Previous studies show that BIM is not fully exploited in prefabrication for various reasons. This study highlights the critical barriers, strategies, and best practices for BIM adoption and proposes a framework for BIM implementation in prefabrication SMEs in Quebec, Canada. It also provides a summary of current knowledge and guidelines to promote BIM adoption in this sector

    Dissociative electron attachment to DNA-diamine thin films: Impact of the DNA close environment on the OH(-) and O(-) decay channels.

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    International audience: We measure the desorption of anions stimulated by the impact of 0-20 eV electrons on highly uniform thin films of plasmid DNA-diaminopropane. The results are accurately correlated with film thickness and composition by AFM and XPS measurements, respectively. Resonant structures in the H(-), O(-), and OH(-) yield functions are attributed to the decay of transient anions into the dissociative electron attachment (DEA) channel. The diamine induces ammonium-phosphate bridges along the DNA backbone, which suppresses the DEA O(-) channel and in counter-part increases considerably the desorption of OH(-). The close environment of the phosphate groups may therefore play an important role in modulating the rate and type of DNA damages induced by low energy electrons