88 research outputs found


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    1.はじめに 2.クラウドコンピューティングとは 3.クラウドコンピューティングへと向かう企業情報システムの歴史的検証 4.企業情報システムの所有から利用へ 5.原点回帰する企業情報システム 6.おわり

    Consorcio para la colaboración en I+D+I en temas de Cloud Computing, Big Data y Emerging Topics (CCC-BD&ET)

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    El Consorcio de I+D+I en Cloud Computing, Big Data & Emerging Topics (CCC-BD&ET) es una iniciativa para fomentar y formalizar la colaboración existente entre grupos de investigación de varias universidades en temáticas vinculadas a Cloud Computing, el análisis de datos masivo y tópicos emergentes, como la visión por computadora, el aprendizaje automático y los sistemas inteligentes, entre otros. Estas temáticas, y su integración, han adquirido creciente importancia por su aplicación en dominios de alto impacto como las ciudades inteligentes, la internet de las cosas, los sistemas de e-health y los basados en tecnologías de block-chain. Los integrantes del consorcio, provenientes mayoritariamente de Argentina, Chile y España, han tenido a lo largo de los años distintas experiencias de trabajo conjunto que fueron consolidadas a partir de la organización y realización de las Jornadas de Cloud Computing-Big Data & Emerging Topics (JCC-BD&ET) llevadas a cabo en la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina). La constitución de este Consorcio, reafirma y formaliza estas líneas de colaboración proponiendo acciones de cooperación académica vinculadas con la formación de recursos humanos, la formulación y ejecución de proyectos conjuntos, y la vinculación con empresas y organismos relacionados con la industria informática, entre otras.Eje: Redes de cooperación científica internacionales.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Energy Efficient Algorithms based on VM Consolidation for Cloud Computing: Comparisons and Evaluations

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    Cloud Computing paradigm has revolutionized IT industry and be able to offer computing as the fifth utility. With the pay-as-you-go model, cloud computing enables to offer the resources dynamically for customers anytime. Drawing the attention from both academia and industry, cloud computing is viewed as one of the backbones of the modern economy. However, the high energy consumption of cloud data centers contributes to high operational costs and carbon emission to the environment. Therefore, Green cloud computing is required to ensure energy efficiency and sustainability, which can be achieved via energy efficient techniques. One of the dominant approaches is to apply energy efficient algorithms to optimize resource usage and energy consumption. Currently, various virtual machine consolidation-based energy efficient algorithms have been proposed to reduce the energy of cloud computing environment. However, most of them are not compared comprehensively under the same scenario, and their performance is not evaluated with the same experimental settings. This makes users hard to select the appropriate algorithm for their objectives. To provide insights for existing energy efficient algorithms and help researchers to choose the most suitable algorithm, in this paper, we compare several state-of-the-art energy efficient algorithms in depth from multiple perspectives, including architecture, modelling and metrics. In addition, we also implement and evaluate these algorithms with the same experimental settings in CloudSim toolkit. The experimental results show the performance comparison of these algorithms with comprehensive results. Finally, detailed discussions of these algorithms are provided

    Towards the design of secure and privacy-oriented Information systems in the cloud: Identifying the major concepts

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    Cloud computing is without a doubt one of the most significant innovations presented in the global technological map. This new generation of technology has the potential to positively change our lives since on the one hand it provides capabilities that make our digital lives much easier, than before, while on the other hand it assists developers in creating services that can be disseminated easier and faster, than before, and with significantly less cost. However, one of the major research challenges for the successful deployment of cloud services is a clear understanding of security and privacy issues on a cloud environment, since the cloud architecture has dissimilarities comparing to the traditional distributed systems. Such differences might introduce new threats and require different treatment of security and privacy issues. Nevertheless, current security and privacy requirements engineering techniques and methodologies have not been developed with cloud computing in mind and fail to capture the unique characteristics of such domain. It is therefore important to understand security and privacy within the context of cloud computing and identify relevant security and privacy properties and threats that will support techniques and methodologies aimed to analyze and design secure cloud based systems. The contribution of this paper to the literature is two-fold. Firstly, it provides a clear linkage between a set of critical cloud computing areas with security and privacy threats and properties. Secondly, it introduces a number of requirements for analysis and design methodologies to consider for security and privacy concerns in the cloud

    Apps for asthma self-management: a systematic assessment of content and tools

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    Cloud computing and services science

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