27 research outputs found

    Tubular iron deposition and iron handling proteins in human healthy kidney and chronic kidney disease

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    Iron is suggested to play a detrimental role in the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD). The kidney recycles iron back into the circulation. However, the localization of proteins relevant for physiological tubular iron handling and their potential role in CKD remain unclear. We examined associations between iron deposition, expression of iron handling proteins and tubular injury in kidney biopsies from CKD patients and healthy controls using immunohistochemistry. Iron was deposited in proximal (PT) and distal tubules (DT) in 33% of CKD biopsies, predominantly in pathologies with glomerular dysfunction, but absent in controls. In healthy kidney, PT contained proteins required for iron recycling including putative iron importers ZIP8, ZIP14, DMT1, iron storage proteins L- and H-ferritin and iron exporter ferroportin, while DT only contained ZIP8, ZIP14, and DMT1. In CKD, iron deposition associated with increased intensity of iron importers (ZIP14, ZIP8), storage proteins (L-, H-ferritin), and/or decreased ferroportin abundance. This demonstrates that tubular iron accumulation may result from increased iron uptake and/or inadequate iron export. Iron deposition associated with oxidative injury as indicated by heme oxygenase-1 abundance. In conclusion, iron deposition is relatively common in CKD, and may result from altered molecular iron handling and may contribute to renal injury

    Is humanism too optimistic? An analysis of religion as religion

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    A widespread complaint about humanism is that it is ‘too optimistic’. It is a nice and open attitude towards life but as a philosophy it cannot be taken seriously. This chapter shows that although people pay lip service to religion as the foundation of morals, in fact it is morals that are increasingly seen as the basis of religion. There is a strange psychological process at work: on the one hand people repeatedly state that morals are in need of a religious foundation and in particular that our moral culture is deeply rooted in Christianity but on the other hand religion is increasingly interpreted according to moral standards. Many people who are de facto following autonomous or non-religious ethics proclaim to derive ‘inspiration’ from religion or be following the dictates of religion. Contemporary morals are much less theologically driven or religiously founded than many people proclaim

    The Rudi Carrell Affair and its Significance for the Tension between Theoterrorism and Religious Satire

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    This article treats a largely forgotten or unknown episode in recent German and Dutch history, namely the intimidation of the Dutch‐German showmaster Rudi Carrell by representatives of the Iranian spiritual leader Ayatollah Khomeini in 1987. The author tries to analyze some of the moral and political dilemmas involved in this affair and makes some comparisons with later events, such as the fatwa on Salman Rushdie or the Cartoon Affair as featured in the latest satirical film by the Coptic Christian Nakoula Basseley Nakoula

    Legaliteit en legitimiteit : de grondslagen van het recht

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    Dit boek is een inleiding in het denken over recht en staat met een zwaar accent op de vraag hoe de staat om moet gaan met religie

    Rushdie’s critics

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    Legaliteit en legitimiteit

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    "Legaliteit en legitimiteit" takes one of the central problems of law and jurisprudence as its point of departure: what is the law? Adopting an intermediate position between legal positivism and natural law, this book reflects on the concept of ‘liberal democracy’ or ‘constitutional democracy’. In five chapters the book analyses: (i) the idea of higher law, (ii) liberal democracy as a legitimate model for the state, (iii) the separation of church and state or secularism as essential for the democratic state, (iv) the universality of higher law principles, (v) the history of modern political thought. This interdisciplinary approach to jurisprudence is relevant for legal scholars, philosophers, political theorists, public intellectuals, historians, and politicians

    Het atheïstisch woordenboek

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    Het Atheïstisch woordenboek is geen werk met definities van begrippen zoals een Van Dale, maar ligt meer in de lijn van het Filosofisch woordenboek van Voltaire uit 1764 of Ideas that Matter van Anthony Grayling uit 2009. Het is een boek waarin allerlei lemmas die met atheïsme en irrationaliteit te maken hebben alfabetisch zijn geordend, en lijkt in dat opzicht meer een encyclopedie dan een woordenboek in de gebruikelijke zin. Het begint bij Aflaten en Arkzoekers, behandelt Bliksemafleiders en Exorcisme en onderzoekt de Lijkwade van Turijn en het Vagevuur. Boeiende figuren zoals Jean Meslier, Giordano Bruno, James Usscher en Etienne Vermeersch passeren de revue, en ook de vermeende onfeilbaarheid van de paus en de fatwa van ayatollah Khomeini over Salman Rushdie worden behandeld. Het Atheïstisch woordenboek probeert ook voorlichting te geven over de sociale context waarin het atheïsme zich tegenwoordig ontwikkelt, of soms in zijn ontwikkeling wordt gefrustreerd. In vele landen is atheïsme immers nog steeds een halsmisdaad, wat ingaat tegen artikel 18 van de Universele Verklaring van de Rechten van de Mens (1948): daarin wordt duidelijk gesteld dat de burgers van deze wereld niet alleen een recht hebben om te geloven, maar ook een recht om niet te geloven