1,428 research outputs found

    Management of Pain in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease and Anatomy of Renal Innervation

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    Purpose Chronic pain is a prominent feature of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease that is difficult to treat and manage, often resulting in a decrease in quality of life. Understanding the underlying anatomy of renal innervation and the various etiologies of pain that occur in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease can help guide proper treatments to manage pain. Reviewing previously studied treatments for pain in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease can help characterize treatment in a stepwise fashion. Materials and Methods We performed a literature search of the etiology and management of pain in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease and the anatomy of renal innervation using PubMed® and Embase® from January 1985 to April 2014 with limitations to human studies and English language. Results Pain occurs in the majority of patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease due to renal, hepatic and mechanical origins. Patients may experience different types of pain which can make it difficult to clinically confirm its etiology. An anatomical and histological evaluation of the complex renal innervation helps in understanding the mechanisms that can lead to renal pain. Understanding the complex nature of renal innervation is essential for surgeons to perform renal denervation. The management of pain in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease should be approached in a stepwise fashion. Acute causes of renal pain must first be ruled out due to the high incidence in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. For chronic pain, nonopioid analgesics and conservative interventions can be used first, before opioid analgesics are considered. If pain continues there are surgical interventions such as renal cyst decortication, renal denervation and nephrectomy that can target pain produced by renal or hepatic cysts. Conclusions Chronic pain in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is often refractory to conservative, medical and other noninvasive treatments. There are effective surgical procedures that can be performed when more conservative treatments fail. Laparoscopic cyst decortication has been well studied and results in the relief of chronic renal pain in the majority of patients. In addition, renal denervation has been used successfully and could be performed concurrently with cyst decortication. Nephrectomy should be reserved for patients with intractable pain and renal failure when other modalities have failed

    Draft versus finished sequence data for DNA and protein diagnostic signature development

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    Sequencing pathogen genomes is costly, demanding careful allocation of limited sequencing resources. We built a computational Sequencing Analysis Pipeline (SAP) to guide decisions regarding the amount of genomic sequencing necessary to develop high-quality diagnostic DNA and protein signatures. SAP uses simulations to estimate the number of target genomes and close phylogenetic relatives (near neighbors or NNs) to sequence. We use SAP to assess whether draft data are sufficient or finished sequencing is required using Marburg and variola virus sequences. Simulations indicate that intermediate to high-quality draft with error rates of 10(−3)–10(−5) (∼8× coverage) of target organisms is suitable for DNA signature prediction. Low-quality draft with error rates of ∼1% (3× to 6× coverage) of target isolates is inadequate for DNA signature prediction, although low-quality draft of NNs is sufficient, as long as the target genomes are of high quality. For protein signature prediction, sequencing errors in target genomes substantially reduce the detection of amino acid sequence conservation, even if the draft is of high quality. In summary, high-quality draft of target and low-quality draft of NNs appears to be a cost-effective investment for DNA signature prediction, but may lead to underestimation of predicted protein signatures

    Local Extinction and Unintentional Rewilding of Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) on a Desert Island

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    Bighorn sheep ( Ovis canadensis) were not known to live on Tiburón Island, the largest island in the Gulf of California and Mexico, prior to the surprisingly successful introduction of 20 individuals as a conservation measure in 1975. Today, a stable island population of ∼500 sheep supports limited big game hunting and restocking of depleted areas on the Mexican mainland. We discovered fossil dung morphologically similar to that of bighorn sheep in a dung mat deposit from Mojet Cave, in the mountains of Tiburón Island. To determine the origin of this cave deposit we compared pellet shape to fecal pellets of other large mammals, and extracted DNA to sequence mitochondrial DNA fragments at the 12S ribosomal RNA and control regions. The fossil dung was 14C-dated to 1476-1632 calendar years before present and was confirmed as bighorn sheep by morphological and ancient DNA (aDNA) analysis. 12S sequences closely or exactly matched known bighorn sheep sequences; control region sequences exactly matched a haplotype described in desert bighorn sheep populations in southwest Arizona and southern California and showed subtle differentiation from the extant Tiburón population. Native desert bighorn sheep previously colonized this land-bridge island, most likely during the Pleistocene, when lower sea levels connected Tiburón to the mainland. They were extirpated sometime in the last ∼1500 years, probably due to inherent dynamics of isolated populations, prolonged drought, and (or) human overkill. The reintroduced population is vulnerable to similar extinction risks. The discovery presented here refutes conventional wisdom that bighorn sheep are not native to Tiburón Island, and establishes its recent introduction as an example of unintentional rewilding, defined here as the introduction of a species without knowledge that it was once native and has since gone locally extinct

    Identification of Alternative Transcripts Encoding the Essential Murine Gammaherpesvirus Lytic Transactivator RTA

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    The essential immediate early transcriptional activator RTA, encoded by gene 50, is conserved among all characterized gammaherpesviruses. Analyses of a recombinant murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV68) lacking both of the known gene 50 promoters (G50DblKo) revealed that this mutant retained the ability to replicate in the simian kidney epithelial cell line Vero but not in permissive murine fibroblasts following low-multiplicity infection. However, G50DblKo replication in permissive fibroblasts was partially rescued by high-multiplicity infection. In addition, replication of the G50DblKo virus was rescued by growth on mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) isolated from IFN-α/βR(−/−) mice, while growth on Vero cells was suppressed by the addition of alpha interferon (IFN-α). 5′ rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) analyses of RNAs prepared from G50DblKo and wild-type MHV68-infected murine macrophages identified three novel gene 50 transcripts initiating from 2 transcription initiation sites located upstream of the currently defined proximal and distal gene 50 promoters. In transient promoter assays, neither of the newly identified gene 50 promoters exhibited sensitivity to IFN-α treatment. Furthermore, in a single-step growth analysis RTA levels were higher at early times postinfection with the G50DblKo mutant than with wild-type virus but ultimately fell below the levels of RTA expressed by wild-type virus at later times in infection. Infection of mice with the MHV68 G50DblKo virus demonstrated that this mutant virus was able to establish latency in the spleen and peritoneal exudate cells (PECs) of C57BL/6 mice with about 1/10 the efficiency of wild-type virus or marker rescue virus. However, despite the ability to establish latency, the G50DblKo virus mutant was severely impaired in its ability to reactivate from either latently infected splenocytes or PECs. Consistent with the ability to rescue replication of the G50DblKo mutant by growth on type I interferon receptor null MEFs, infection of IFN-α/βR(−/−) mice with the G50DblKo mutant virus demonstrated partial rescue of (i) acute virus replication in the lungs, (ii) establishment of latency, and (iii) reactivation from latency. The identification of additional gene 50/RTA transcripts highlights the complex mechanisms involved in controlling expression of RTA, likely reflecting time-dependent and/or cell-specific roles of different gene 50 promoters in controlling virus replication. Furthermore, the newly identified gene 50 transcripts may also act as negative regulators that modulate RTA expression. IMPORTANCE The viral transcription factor RTA, encoded by open reading frame 50 (Orf50), is well conserved among all known gammaherpesviruses and is essential for both virus replication and reactivation from latently infected cells. Previous studies have shown that regulation of gene 50 transcription is complex. The studies reported here describe the presence of additional alternatively initiated, spliced transcripts that encode RTA. Understanding how expression of this essential viral gene product is regulated may identify new strategies for interfering with infection in the setting of gammaherpesvirus-induced diseases

    Embodied truths: How dynamic gestures and speech contribute to mathematical proof practices

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    Grounded and embodied theories of cognition suggest that both language and the body play crucial roles in grounding higher-order thought. This paper investigates how particular forms of speech and gesture function together to support abstract thought in mathematical proof construction. We use computerized text analysis software to evaluate how speech patterns support valid proof construction for two different tasks, and we use gesture analysis to investigate how dynamic gestures—those gestures that depict and transform mathematical objects—further support proof practices above and beyond speech patterns. We also evaluate the degree to which speech and gesture convey distinct information about mathematical reasoning during proving. Dynamic gestures and speech indicating logical inference support valid proof construction, and both dynamic gestures and speech uniquely predict variance in valid proof construction. Thus, dynamic gestures and speech each make separate and important contributions to the formulation of mathematical arguments, and both modalities can convey elements of students’ understanding to teachers and researchers

    Blending problem-based learning and peer-led team learning, in an open ended ‘home-grown’pharmaceutical chemistry case study

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    Pharmaceutical chemistry, medicinal chemistry and the drug discovery process require experienced practitioners to employ reasoned speculation in generating creative ideas, which can be used to evolve promising molecules into drugs. The ever-evolving world of pharmaceutical chemistry requires university curricula that prepare graduates for their role as designers with the capability of applying complex concepts in pharmaceutical chemistry, thereby improving the decision-making process. Common methods of teaching drug discovery, including the linear nature of the traditional case study model, do not provide a realistic picture of the underlying complexity of the process, nor do they equip students with the appropriate tools for personal sense making and abstraction. In this work, we discuss the creation of an open-ended, nonlinear case study for 3rd year pharmaceutical chemistry students, developed from drug discovery research conducted at Rhodes University. Furthermore, we discuss blending problem based learning (PBL) with peer-led team learning (PLTL) in the context of curriculum transformation, underpinned by the theory of semantic waves, to assist students in the early attainment of abstract concepts and answer questions of contextualisation, personal sense making, relatability, relevance and ultimately the skills for lifelong learning

    Planning for population viability on Northern Great Plains national grasslands

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    Broad-scale information in concert with conservation of individual species must be used to develop conservation priorities and a more integrated ecosystem protection strategy. In 1999 the United States Forest Service initiated an approach for the 1.2 x 106 ha of national grasslands in the Northern Great Plains to fulfill the requirement to maintain viable populations of all native and desirable introduced vertebrate and plant species. The challenge was threefold: 1) develop basic building blocks in the conservation planning approach, 2) apply the approach to national grasslands, and 3) overcome differences that may exist in agency-specific legal and policy requirements. Key assessment components in the approach included a bioregional assessment, coarse-filter analysis, and fine-filter analysis aimed at species considered at-risk. A science team of agency, conservation organization, and university personnel was established to develop the guidelines and standards and other formal procedures for implementation of conservation strategies. Conservation strategies included coarse-filter recommendations to restore the tallgrass, mixed, and shortgrass prairies to conditions that approximate historical ecological processes and landscape patterns, and fine-filter recommendations to address viability needs of individual and multiple species of native animals and plants. Results include a cost-effective approach to conservation planning and recommendations for addressing population viability and biodiversity concerns on national grasslands in the Northern Grea

    Enantioselective Synthesis of (−)-Acetylapoaranotin

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    The first enantioselective total synthesis of the epipolythiodiketopiperazine (ETP) natural product (−)-acetylapoaranotin (3) is reported. The concise synthesis was enabled by an eight-step synthesis of a key cyclohexadienol-containing amino ester building block. The absolute stereochemistry of both amino ester building blocks used in the synthesis is set through catalytic asymmetric (1,3)-dipolar cycloaddition reactions. The formal syntheses of (−)-emethallicin E and (−)-haemotocin are also achieved through the preparation of a symmetric cyclohexadienol-containing diketopiperazine

    Overexpression of Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase-1 in Skeletal Muscle Is Sufficient to Enhance Fatty Acid Oxidation and Improve High-Fat Diet–Induced Insulin Resistance

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    OBJECTIVE—Skeletal muscle insulin resistance is associated with lipid accumulation, but whether insulin resistance is due to reduced or enhanced flux of long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria is both controversial and unclear. We hypothesized that skeletal muscle–specific overexpression of the muscle isoform of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1), the enzyme that controls the entry of long-chain fatty acyl CoA into mitochondria, would enhance rates of fatty acid oxidation and improve insulin action in muscle in high-fat diet insulin-resistant rats

    Free Energy of an Inhomogeneous Superconductor: a Wave Function Approach

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    A new method for calculating the free energy of an inhomogeneous superconductor is presented. This method is based on the quasiclassical limit (or Andreev approximation) of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes (or wave function) formulation of the theory of weakly coupled superconductors. The method is applicable to any pure bulk superconductor described by a pair potential with arbitrary spatial dependence, in the presence of supercurrents and external magnetic field. We find that both the local density of states and the free energy density of an inhomogeneous superconductor can be expressed in terms of the diagonal resolvent of the corresponding Andreev Hamiltonian, resolvent which obeys the so-called Gelfand-Dikii equation. Also, the connection between the well known Eilenberger equation for the quasiclassical Green's function and the less known Gelfand-Dikii equation for the diagonal resolvent of the Andreev Hamiltonian is established. These results are used to construct a general algorithm for calculating the (gauge invariant) gradient expansion of the free energy density of an inhomogeneous superconductor at arbitrary temperatures.Comment: REVTeX, 28 page