74 research outputs found

    A Genome-Wide association Study of Obstructive Heart Defects among Participants in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study

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    Obstructive heart defects (OHDs) share common structural lesions in arteries and cardiac valves, accounting for ~25% of all congenital heart defects. OHDs are highly heritable, resulting from interplay among maternal exposures, genetic susceptibilities, and epigenetic phenomena. A genome-wide association study was conducted in National Birth Defects Prevention Study participants (

    Early and late C-peptide responses during oral glucose tolerance testing are oppositely predictive of type 1 diabetes in autoantibody-positive individuals

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    We examined whether the timing of the C-peptide response during an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in relatives of patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) is predictive of disease onset. We examined baseline 2-h OGTTs from 670 relatives participating in the Diabetes Prevention Trial-Type 1 (age: 13.8 ± 9.6 years; body mass index z score: 0.3 ± 1.1; 56% male) using univariate regression models. T1D risk increased with lower early C-peptide responses (30–0 min) (χ2 = 28.8, P < 0.001), and higher late C-peptide responses (120–60 min) (χ2 = 23.3, P < 0.001). When both responses were included in a proportional hazards model, they remained independently and oppositely associated with T1D, with a stronger overall association for the combined model than either response alone (χ2 = 41.1; P < 0.001). Using receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, the combined early and late C-peptide response was more accurately predictive of T1D than area under the curve C-peptide (P = 0.005). Our findings demonstrate that lower early and higher late C-peptide responses serve as indicators of increased T1D risk

    Time to Peak Glucose and Peak C-Peptide During the Progression to Type 1 Diabetes in the Diabetes Prevention Trial and TrialNet Cohorts

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    Objective: To assess the progression of type 1 diabetes using time to peak glucose or C-peptide during oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTTs) in autoantibody positive (Ab+) relatives of people with type 1 diabetes. Methods: We examined 2-hour OGTTs of participants in the Diabetes Prevention Trial Type 1 (DPT-1) and TrialNet Pathway to Prevention (PTP) studies. We included 706 DPT-1 participants (Mean±SD age: 13.84±9.53 years; BMI-Z-Score: 0.33±1.07; 56.1% male) and 3,720 PTP participants (age: 16.01±12.33 Years, BMI-Z-Score 0.66±1.3; 49.7% male). Log-rank testing and Cox regression analyses with adjustments (age, sex, race, BMI-Z-Score and peak Glucose/Cpeptide levels, respectively) were performed. Results: In each of DPT-1 and PTP, higher 5-year risk of diabetes development was seen in those with time to peak glucose >30 min and time to peak C-peptide >60 min (p<0.001 for all groups), before and after adjustments. In models examining strength of association with diabetes development, associations were greater for time to peak C-peptide versus peak C-peptide value (DPT-1: X2 = 25.76 vs. X2 = 8.62 and PTP: X2 = 149.19 vs. X2 = 79.98; all p<0.001). Changes in the percentage of individuals with delayed glucose and/or C-peptide peaks were noted over time. Conclusions: In two independent at risk populations, we show that those with delayed OGTT peak times for glucose or C-peptide are at higher risk of diabetes development within 5 years, independent of peak levels. Moreover, time to peak C-peptide appears more predictive than the peak level, suggesting its potential use as a specific biomarker for diabetes progression

    Maternal Genome-Wide DNA Methylation Patterns and Congenital Heart Defects

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    The majority of congenital heart defects (CHDs) are thought to result from the interaction between multiple genetic, epigenetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Epigenetic mechanisms are attractive targets in the study of complex diseases because they may be altered by environmental factors and dietary interventions. We conducted a population based, case-control study of genome-wide maternal DNA methylation to determine if alterations in gene-specific methylation were associated with CHDs. Using the Illumina Infinium Human Methylation27 BeadChip, we assessed maternal gene-specific methylation in over 27,000 CpG sites from DNA isolated from peripheral blood lymphocytes. Our study sample included 180 mothers with non-syndromic CHD-affected pregnancies (cases) and 187 mothers with unaffected pregnancies (controls). Using a multi-factorial statistical model, we observed differential methylation between cases and controls at multiple CpG sites, although no CpG site reached the most stringent level of genome-wide statistical significance. The majority of differentially methylated CpG sites were hypermethylated in cases and located within CpG islands. Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) revealed that the genes of interest were enriched in multiple biological processes involved in fetal development. Associations with canonical pathways previously shown to be involved in fetal organogenesis were also observed. We present preliminary evidence that alterations in maternal DNA methylation may be associated with CHDs. Our results suggest that further studies involving maternal epigenetic patterns and CHDs are warranted. Multiple candidate processes and pathways for future study have been identified

    Clinical Presentation and Outcomes of Kawasaki Disease in Children from Latin America: A Multicenter Observational Study from the REKAMLATINA Network

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    Objetivos: Describir la presentación clínica, el manejo y los resultados de la enfermedad de Kawasaki (EK) en Latinoamérica y evaluar los indicadores pronósticos tempranos de aneurisma de la arteria coronaria (AAC). Diseño del estudio: Se realizó un estudio observacional basado en el registro de la EK en 64 centros pediátricos participantes de 19 países latinoamericanos de forma retrospectiva entre el 1 de enero de 2009 y el 31 de diciembre de 2013, y de forma prospectiva desde el 1 de junio de 2014 hasta el 31 de mayo de 2017. Se recopilaron datos demográficos, clínicos y de laboratorio iniciales. Se utilizó una regresión logística que incorporaba factores clínicos y la puntuación z máxima de la arteria coronaria en la presentación inicial (entre 10 días antes y 5 días después de la inmunoglobulina intravenosa [IGIV]) para desarrollar un modelo pronóstico de AAC durante el seguimiento (>5 días después de la IGIV). Resultados: De 1853 pacientes con EK, el ingreso tardío (>10 días tras el inicio de la fiebre) se produjo en el 16%, el 25% tuvo EK incompleta y el 11% fue resistente a la IGIV. Entre los 671 sujetos con puntuación z de la arteria coronaria notificada durante el seguimiento (mediana: 79 días; IQR: 36, 186), el 21% presentaba AAC, incluido un 4% con aneurismas gigantes. Un modelo pronóstico simple que utilizaba sólo una puntuación z de la arteria coronaria máxima ≥2,5 en la presentación inicial fue óptimo para predecir la AAC durante el seguimiento (área bajo la curva: 0,84; IC del 95%: 0,80, 0,88). Conclusiones: De nuestra población latinoamericana, la puntuación z de la arteria coronaria ≥2,5 en la presentación inicial fue el factor pronóstico más importante que precedió a la AAC durante el seguimiento. Estos resultados resaltan la importancia de la ecocardiografía temprana durante la presentación inicial de la EK. © 2023 Los autoresObjectives: To describe the clinical presentation, management, and outcomes of Kawasaki disease (KD) in Latin America and to evaluate early prognostic indicators of coronary artery aneurysm (CAA). Study design: An observational KD registry-based study was conducted in 64 participating pediatric centers across 19 Latin American countries retrospectively between January 1, 2009, and December 31, 2013, and prospectively from June 1, 2014, to May 31, 2017. Demographic and initial clinical and laboratory data were collected. Logistic regression incorporating clinical factors and maximum coronary artery z-score at initial presentation (between 10 days before and 5 days after intravenous immunoglobulin [IVIG]) was used to develop a prognostic model for CAA during follow-up (>5 days after IVIG). Results: Of 1853 patients with KD, delayed admission (>10 days after fever onset) occurred in 16%, 25% had incomplete KD, and 11% were resistant to IVIG. Among 671 subjects with reported coronary artery z-score during follow-up (median: 79 days; IQR: 36, 186), 21% had CAA, including 4% with giant aneurysms. A simple prognostic model utilizing only a maximum coronary artery z-score ≥2.5 at initial presentation was optimal to predict CAA during follow-up (area under the curve: 0.84; 95% CI: 0.80, 0.88). Conclusion: From our Latin American population, coronary artery z-score ≥2.5 at initial presentation was the most important prognostic factor preceding CAA during follow-up. These results highlight the importance of early echocardiography during the initial presentation of KD. © 2023 The Author(s