493 research outputs found

    Transpiration of Eucalyptus woodlands across a natural gradient of depth-to-groundwater

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    © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected]. Water resources and their management present social, economic and environmental challenges, with demand for human consumptive, industrial and environmental uses increasing globally. However, environmental water requirements, that is, the allocation of water to the maintenance of ecosystem health, are often neglected or poorly quantified. Further, transpiration by trees is commonly a major determinant of the hydrological balance of woodlands but recognition of the role of groundwater in hydrological balances of woodlands remains inadequate, particularly in mesic climates. In this study, we measured rates of tree water-use and sapwood 13C isotopic ratio in a mesic, temperate Eucalypt woodland along a naturally occurring gradient of depth-to-groundwater (DGW), to examine daily, seasonal and annual patterns of transpiration. We found that: (i) the maximum rate of stand transpiration was observed at the second shallowest site (4.3 m) rather than the shallowest (2.4 m); (ii) as DGW increased from 4.3 to 37.5 m, stand transpiration declined; (iii) the smallest rate of stand transpiration was observed at the deepest (37.5 m) site; (iv) intrinsic water-use efficiency was smallest at the two intermediate DGW sites as reflected in the Δ13C of the most recently formed sapwood and largest at the deepest and shallowest DGW sites, reflecting the imposition of flooding at the shallowest site and the inaccessibility of groundwater at the deepest site; and (v) there was no evidence of convergence in rates of water-use for co-occurring species at any site. We conclude that even in mesic environments groundwater can be utilized by trees. We further conclude that these forests are facultatively groundwater-dependent when groundwater depth is <9 m and suggest that during drier-than-average years the contribution of groundwater to stand transpiration is likely to increase significantly at the three shallowest DGW sites

    A multiple-trait analysis of ecohydrological acclimatisation in a dryland phreatophytic shrub

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    Water is the main limiting factor for groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs) in drylands. Predicted climate change (precipitation reductions and temperature increases) and anthropogenic activities such as groundwater drawdown jeopardise the functioning of these ecosystems, presenting new challenges for their management. We developed a trait-based analysis to examine the spatiotemporal variability in the ecophysiology of Ziziphus lotus, a long-lived phreatophyte that dominates one of the few terrestrial GDEs of semiarid regions in Europe. We assessed morpho-functional traits and stem water potential along a naturally occurring gradient of depth-to-groundwater (DTGW, 2–25 m) in a coastal aquifer, and throughout the species-growing season. Increasing DTGW and salinity negatively affected photosynthetic and transpiration rates, increasing plant water stress (lower predawn and midday water potential), and positively affected Huber value (sapwood cross-sectional area per leaf area), reducing leaf area and likely, plant hydraulic demand. However, the species showed greater salt-tolerance at shallow depths. Despite groundwater characteristics, higher atmospheric evaporative demand in the study area, which occurred in summer, fostered higher transpiration rates and water stress, and promoted carbon assimilation and water loss more intensively at shallow water tables. This multiple-trait analysis allowed us to identify plant ecophysiological thresholds related to the increase in salinity, but mostly in DTGW (13 m), and in the evaporative demand during the growing season. These findings highlight the existence of tipping points in the functioning of a long-lived phreatophyte in drylands and can contribute to the sustainable management of GDEs in southern Europe, paving the way for further studies on phreatophytic species

    Coupling carbon allocation with leaf and root phenology predicts tree-grass partitioning along a savanna rainfall gradient

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    © Author(s) 2016. The relative complexity of the mechanisms underlying savanna ecosystem dynamics, in comparison to other biomes such as temperate and tropical forests, challenges the representation of such dynamics in ecosystem and Earth system models. A realistic representation of processes governing carbon allocation and phenology for the two defining elements of savanna vegetation (namely trees and grasses) may be a key to understanding variations in tree-grass partitioning in time and space across the savanna biome worldwide. Here we present a new approach for modelling coupled phenology and carbon allocation, applied to competing tree and grass plant functional types. The approach accounts for a temporal shift between assimilation and growth, mediated by a labile carbohydrate store. This is combined with a method to maximize long-term net primary production (NPP) by optimally partitioning plant growth between fine roots and (leaves + stem). The computational efficiency of the analytic method used here allows it to be uniquely and readily applied at regional scale, as required, for example, within the framework of a global biogeochemical model. We demonstrate the approach by encoding it in a new simple carbon-water cycle model that we call HAVANA (Hydrology and Vegetation-dynamics Algorithm for Northern Australia), coupled to the existing POP (Population Orders Physiology) model for tree demography and disturbance-mediated heterogeneity. HAVANA-POP is calibrated using monthly remotely sensed fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fPAR) and eddy-covariance-based estimates of carbon and water fluxes at five tower sites along the North Australian Tropical Transect (NATT), which is characterized by large gradients in rainfall and wildfire disturbance. The calibrated model replicates observed gradients of fPAR, tree leaf area index, basal area, and foliage projective cover along the NATT. The model behaviour emerges from complex feedbacks between the plant physiology and vegetation dynamics, mediated by shifting above- versus below-ground resources, and not from imposed hypotheses about the controls on tree-grass co-existence. Results support the hypothesis that resource limitation is a stronger determinant of tree cover than disturbance in Australian savannas

    Coupling carbon allocation with leaf and root phenology predicts tree-grass partitioning along a savanna rainfall gradient

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    Abstract. The relative complexity of the mechanisms underlying savanna ecosystem dynamics, in comparison to other biomes such as temperate and tropical forests, challenges the representation of such dynamics in ecosystem and Earth system models. A realistic representation of processes governing carbon allocation and phenology for the two defining elements of savanna vegetation (namely trees and grasses) may be a key to understanding variations in tree/grass partitioning in time and space across the savanna biome worldwide. Here we present a new approach for modelling coupled phenology and carbon allocation, applied to competing tree and grass plant functional types. The approach accounts for a temporal shift between assimilation and growth, mediated by a labile carbohydrate store. This is combined with a method to maximise long-term net primary production (NPP) by optimally partitioning plant growth between fine roots and (leaves + stem). The computational efficiency of the analytic method used here allows it to be uniquely and readily applied at regional scale, as required, for example, within the framework of a global biogeochemical model. We demonstrate the approach by encoding it in a new simple carbon/water cycle model that we call HAVANA (Hydrology and Vegetation-dynamics Algorithm for Northern Australia), coupled to the existing POP (Population Orders Physiology) model for tree demography and disturbance-mediated heterogeneity. HAVANA-POP is calibrated using monthly remotely-sensed fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fPAR) and eddy-covariance-based estimates of carbon and water fluxes at 5 tower sites along the Northern Australian Tropical Transect (NATT), which is characterized by large gradients in rainfall and wildfire disturbance. The calibrated model replicates observed gradients of fPAR, tree leaf area index, basal area and foliage projective cover along the NATT. The model behaviour emerges from complex feed-backs between the plant physiology and vegetation dynamics, mediated by shifting above- vs. below-ground resources, and not from imposed hypotheses about the controls on tree/grass co-existence. Results support the hypothesis that resource limitation is a stronger determinant of tree cover than disturbance in Australian savannas. </jats:p

    Coupling carbon allocation with leaf and root phenology predicts tree-grass partitioning along a savanna rainfall gradient

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    The relative complexity of the mechanisms underlying savanna ecosystem dynamics, in comparison to other biomes such as temperate and tropical forests, challenges the representation of such dynamics in ecosystem and Earth system models. A realistic representation of processes governing carbon allocation and phenology for the two defining elements of savanna vegetation (namely trees and grasses) may be a key to understanding variations in tree–grass partitioning in time and space across the savanna biome worldwide. Here we present a new approach for modelling coupled phenology and carbon allocation, applied to competing tree and grass plant functional types. The approach accounts for a temporal shift between assimilation and growth, mediated by a labile carbohydrate store. This is combined with a method to maximize long-term net primary production (NPP) by optimally partitioning plant growth between fine roots and (leaves + stem). The computational efficiency of the analytic method used here allows it to be uniquely and readily applied at regional scale, as required, for example, within the framework of a global biogeochemical model. We demonstrate the approach by encoding it in a new simple carbon–water cycle model that we call HAVANA (Hydrology and Vegetation-dynamics Algorithm for Northern Australia), coupled to the existing POP (Population Orders Physiology) model for tree demography and disturbance-mediated heterogeneity. HAVANA-POP is calibrated using monthly remotely sensed fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fPAR) and eddy-covariance-based estimates of carbon and water fluxes at five tower sites along the North Australian Tropical Transect (NATT), which is characterized by large gradients in rainfall and wildfire disturbance. The calibrated model replicates observed gradients of fPAR, tree leaf area index, basal area, and foliage projective cover along the NATT. The model behaviour emerges from complex feedbacks between the plant physiology and vegetation dynamics, mediated by shifting above- versus below-ground resources, and not from imposed hypotheses about the controls on tree–grass co-existence. Results support the hypothesis that resource limitation is a stronger determinant of tree cover than disturbance in Australian savannas.The contributions of V. Haverd and P. Briggs were made possible by the support of the Australian Climate Change Science Program. B. Smith acknowledges funding as an OCE Distinguished Visiting Scientist to the CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere Flagship, Canberr

    Disentangling Climate and LAI Effects on Seasonal Variability in Water Use Efficiency Across Terrestrial Ecosystems in China

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    ©2018. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. Water use efficiency (WUE), the ratio of gross primary productivity (GPP) over evapotranspiration (ET), is a critical ecosystem function. However, it is difficult to distinguish the individual effects of climatic variables and leaf area index (LAI) on WUE, mainly due to the high collinearity among these factors. Here we proposed a partial least squares regression-based sensitivity algorithm to confront the issue, which was first verified at seven ChinaFlux sites and then applied across China. The results showed that across all biomes in China, monthly GPP (0.42–0.65), ET (0.33–0.56), and WUE (0.01–0.31) showed positive sensitivities to air temperature, particularly in croplands in northeast China and forests in southwest China. Radiation exerted stronger effects on ET (0.55–0.78) than GPP (0.19–0.65), resulting in negative responses (−0.44 to 0.04) of WUE to increased radiation among most biomes. Increasing precipitation stimulated both GPP (0.06–0.17) and ET (0.05–0.12) at the biome level, but spatially negative effects of excessive precipitation were also found in some grasslands. Both monthly GPP (−0.01 to 0.29) and ET (0.02–0.12) showed weak or moderate responses to vapor pressure deficit among biomes, resulting in weak response of monthly WUE to vapor pressure deficit (−0.04 to 0.08). LAI showed positive effects on GPP (0.18–0.60), ET (0–0.23), and WUE (0.13–0.42) across biomes, particularly on WUE in grasslands (0.42 ± 0.30). Our results highlighted the importance of LAI in influencing WUE against climatic variables. Furthermore, the sensitivity algorithm can be used to inform the design of manipulative experiments and compare with factorial simulations for discerning effects of various variables on ecosystem functions

    Assessing the ability of MODIS EVI to estimate terrestrial ecosystem gross primary production of multiple land cover types

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    © 2016 Elsevier Ltd Terrestrial ecosystem gross primary production (GPP) is the largest component in the global carbon cycle. The enhanced vegetation index (EVI) has been proven to be strongly correlated with annual GPP within several biomes. However, the annual GPP-EVI relationship and associated environmental regulations have not yet been comprehensively investigated across biomes at the global scale. Here we explored relationships between annual integrated EVI (iEVI) and annual GPP observed at 155 flux sites, where GPP was predicted with a log-log model: ln(GPP)=a×ln(iEVI)+b. iEVI was computed from MODIS monthly EVI products following removal of values affected by snow or cold temperature and without calculating growing season duration. Through categorisation of flux sites into 12 land cover types, the ability of iEVI to estimate GPP was considerably improved (R2 from 0.62 to 0.74, RMSE from 454.7 to 368.2 g C m−2 yr−1). The biome-specific GPP-iEVI formulae generally showed a consistent performance in comparison to a global benchmarking dataset (R2 = 0.79, RMSE = 387.8 g C m−2 yr−1). Specifically, iEVI performed better in cropland regions with high productivity but poorer in forests. The ability of iEVI in estimating GPP was better in deciduous biomes (except deciduous broadleaf forest) than in evergreen due to the large seasonal signal in iEVI in deciduous biomes. Likewise, GPP estimated from iEVI was in a closer agreement to global benchmarks at mid and high-latitudes, where deciduous biomes are more common and cloud cover has a smaller effect on remote sensing retrievals. Across biomes, a significant and negative correlation (R2 = 0.37, p < 0.05) was observed between the strength (R2) of GPP-iEVI relationships and mean annual maximum leaf area index (LAImax), and the relationship between the strength and mean annual precipitation followed a similar trend. LAImax also revealed a scaling effect on GPP-iEVI relationships. Our results suggest that iEVI provides a very simple but robust approach to estimate spatial patterns of global annual GPP whereas its effect is comparable to various light-use-efficiency and data-driven models. The impact of vegetation structure on accuracy and sensitivity of EVI in estimating spatial GPP provides valuable clues to improve EVI-based models

    A comparison of gap-filling algorithms for eddy covariance fluxes and their drivers

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    The errors and uncertainties associated with gap-filling algorithms of water, carbon, and energy fluxes data have always been one of the main challenges of the global network of microclimatological tower sites that use the eddy covariance (EC) technique. To address these concerns and find more efficient gap-filling algorithms, we reviewed eight algorithms to estimate missing values of environmental drivers and nine algorithms for the three major fluxes typically found in EC time series. We then examined the algorithms' performance for different gap-filling scenarios utilising the data from five EC towers during 2013. This research's objectives were (a) to evaluate the impact of the gap lengths on the performance of each algorithm and (b) to compare the performance of traditional and new gap-filling techniques for the EC data, for fluxes, and separately for their corresponding meteorological drivers. The algorithms' performance was evaluated by generating nine gap windows with different lengths, ranging from a day to 365gd. In each scenario, a gap period was chosen randomly, and the data were removed from the dataset accordingly. After running each scenario, a variety of statistical metrics were used to evaluate the algorithms' performance. The algorithms showed different levels of sensitivity to the gap lengths; the Prophet Forecast Model (FBP) revealed the most sensitivity, whilst the performance of artificial neural networks (ANNs), for instance, did not vary as much by changing the gap length. The algorithms' performance generally decreased with increasing the gap length, yet the differences were not significant for windows smaller than 30gd. No significant differences between the algorithms were recognised for the meteorological and environmental drivers. However, the linear algorithms showed slight superiority over those of machine learning (ML), except the random forest (RF) algorithm estimating the ground heat flux (root mean square errors - RMSEs - of 28.91 and 33.92 for RF and classic linear regression - CLR, respectively). However, for the major fluxes, ML algorithms and the MDS showed superiority over the other algorithms. Even though ANNs, random forest (RF), and eXtreme Gradient Boost (XGB) showed comparable performance in gap-filling of the major fluxes, RF provided more consistent results with slightly less bias against the other ML algorithms. The results indicated no single algorithm that outperforms in all situations, but the RF is a potential alternative for the MDS and ANNs as regards flux gap-filling

    Cardiac Safety of TGF-β Receptor I Kinase Inhibitor LY2157299 Monohydrate in Cancer Patients in a First-in-Human Dose Study

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    Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) signaling plays an important role in the fetal development of cardiovascular organs and in the repair mechanisms of the heart. Hence, inhibitors of the TGF-β signaling pathway require a careful identification of a safe therapeutic window and a comprehensive monitoring of the cardiovascular system. Seventy-nine cancer patients (67 glioma and 12 solid tumor) enrolled in a first-in-human dose study and received the TGF-β inhibitor LY2157299 monohydrate (LY2157299) as monotherapy (n = 53) or in combination with lomustine (n = 26). All patients were monitored using 2D echocardiography/color and Spectral Doppler (2D Echo with Doppler) every 2 months, monthly electrocardiograms, thorax computer tomography scans every 6 months, and monthly serum brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), troponin I, cystatin C, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP). Administration of LY2157299 was not associated with medically relevant cardiovascular toxicities, including patients treated ≥6 months (n = 13). There were no increases of troponin I, BNP, or hs-CRP or reduction in cystatin C levels, which may have been considered as signs of cardiovascular injury. Blood pressure was generally stable during treatment. Imaging with echocardiography/Doppler showed an increase in mitral and tricuspid valve regurgitation by two grades of severity in only one patient with no concurrent clinical symptoms of cardiovascular injury. Overall, this comprehensive cardiovascular monitoring for the TGF-β inhibitor LY2157299 did not detect medically relevant cardiac toxicity and hence supports the evaluation of LY2157299 in future clinical trials
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