9 research outputs found
The Plurinational Challenge:Intercultural state-building and the rights of nature in Bolivia
This dissertation examines the achievements and limitations of indigenous-inspired state transformation towards a more participatory democracy. It takes as its case study the "process of change" (proceso de cambio) in Bolivia, which has been driven by a broad popular mobilisation since the beginning of the century and later led to a government programme of the Movement for Socialism (MAS, Movimiento al Socialismo) party, which won the 2005 elections. One of the most novel aspects of these transformations has undoubtedly been the inclusion of indigenous thought under the banner of the plurinational state. Plurinationality, understood as a "meta-concept" resulting from a cultural appropriation (Bonfil 1991), brings together a number of other demands, including the decolonisation of society, the establishment of territorial autonomy, the management of natural resources that respects the rights of Mother Earth (Pachamama), and a development model based on coexistence rather than profit maximisation. The plurinational state is understood as an ambitious political project that adapts and integrates a historical claim to territorial defence into a comprehensive model of state reform (Altmann 2016). Four key moments of this transformation are examined: the constitutionalisation of some indigenous proposals in Bolivia (2009) and Ecuador (2008), the struggle for direct representation (2011), the codification and application of the rights of Mother Earth (2010; 2012) and, finally, the awakening of an ecological conscience during the forest fire crisis in the Chiquitanía region of eastern Bolivia (2019). Each of these analyses was originally published separately in different peer-reviewed journals. Taken together, these cases capture the different perspectives and expectations of the relevant actors in this conflictive transformation of the state, and examine their participation in the process of implementation and transformation into public policy. In this context, the implementation of these new principles is understood as an ongoing process without a concrete end point, which involves overcoming numerous obstacles and considering different dimensions of change. This dissertation is guided by three theoretical perspectives (Chapter 1): From the perspective of legal anthropology, it is interested in how indigenous peoples transform the legal foundations of their countries through hybrid legal innovations (Bonilla Maldonado 2018). It also asks about the margins and limits of indigenous social agency, understood as "the capacity of ethnic actors to act on themselves and their environment" (Martínez Neira et al. 2019:3). Finally, it considers the symbolic effects of these changes and the ability of the state to create new narratives and promote certain ideas about indigenous peoples and delegitimise others (Hale 2007; Postero 2017). The study fills a gap in the literature with its aim to capture different dimensions of the practical implementation of new indigenous-inspired legal concepts and its emphasis on the symbolic dimensions
Derecho indígena y medios alternativos de resolución de conflictos
Los Estados latinoamericanos independientes integraron corrientes occidentales del pensamiento jurídico a la hora de diseñar su orden constitucional. El derecho indígena (también llamado “usos y costumbres” o “administración indígena de justicia”) quedó en el olvido y hasta hace poco tenía un valor legal inferior. Pese a esto, el derecho indígena, que forma parte de una cosmovisión y práctica social, se ha mantenido y recreado durante siglos. Entre los principios fundamentales del derecho indígena se destacan la integralidad, el carácter público del proceso, la oralidad, la celeridad, y la constante actualización del derecho a situaciones nuevas..
Plurinational state and ecological conscience in Bolivia: The case of the 2019 forest fires
In 2019, Bolivia suffered one of the worst forest fires in its history. The rapid advance of the flames provoked reactions in defence of the environment hitherto unknown in Bolivian society. Encouraged by a peaceful march of lowland indigenous communities, a broad spectrum of social actors expressed their indignation at the destruction of the forests and demanded more governmental action. The spontaneous emergence of ecological awareness during the fire crisis allows reflection on the progress in constructing the symbolic state, a state in the “heads” and imaginaries of citizens (Bourdieu, 2014). Social demands during the crisis reflect new expectations placed on a plurinational state respectful of the rights of nature. By ignoring the ongoing ecological catastrophe, the government placed itself at the margin of an emerging symbolic order to which it had previously contributed and of which it is a product. Resumen: Estado plurinacional y conciencia ecológica en Bolivia: El caso de los incendios forestales de 2019 En 2019, Bolivia sufrió uno de los peores incendios forestales de su historia. El rápido avance de las llamas provocó reacciones en defensa del medio ambiente hasta ahora desconocidas en la sociedad boliviana. Alentados por una marcha pacífica de las comunidades indígenas de las tierras bajas, un amplio espectro de actores sociales expresó su indignación por la destrucción de los bosques y exigió una mayor acción gubernamental. La emergencia espontánea de la conciencia ecológica durante la crisis de los incendios permite reflexionar sobre el avance en la construcción del estado simbólico, un estado en las “cabezas” e imaginarios de los ciudadanos (Bourdieu, 2014). Las demandas sociales durante la crisis reflejan las nuevas expectativas puestas en un estado plurinacional respetuoso con los derechos de la naturaleza. Al ignorar la catástrofe ecológica en curso, el gobierno se situó al margen de un orden simbólico emergente al que había contribuido previamente y del que es un producto
Derecho indígena y medios alternativos de resolución de conflictos
Los Estados latinoamericanos independientes integraron corrientes occidentales del pensamiento jurídico a la hora de diseñar su orden constitucional. El derecho indígena (también llamado “usos y costumbres” o “administración indígena de justicia”) quedó en el olvido y hasta hace poco tenía un valor legal inferior. Pese a esto, el derecho indígena, que forma parte de una cosmovisión y práctica social, se ha mantenido y recreado durante siglos. Entre los principios fundamentales del derecho indígena se destacan la integralidad, el carácter público del proceso, la oralidad, la celeridad, y la constante actualización del derecho a situaciones nuevas..
Interviews with key stakeholders in Bolivia on plurinational state-building (2013-2023)
<p>Qualitative data (audio recordings) used for the dissertation "The Plurinational Challenge - Intercultural state-building and the rights of nature in Bolivia" by Cletus Gregor Barié (2024). Please contact the author if you are interested in accessing the data ([email protected]).</p>
Estado plurinacional y conciencia ecológica en Bolivia: El caso de los incendios forestales de 2019
In 2019, Bolivia suffered one of the worst forest fires in its history. The rapid advance of the flames provoked reactions in defence of the environment hitherto unknown in Bolivian society. Encouraged by a peaceful march of lowland indigenous communities, a broad spectrum of social actors expressed their indignation at the destruction of the forests and demanded more governmental action. The spontaneous emergence of ecological awareness during the fire crisis allows reflection on the progress in constructing the symbolic state, a state in the “heads” and imaginaries of citizens (Bourdieu, 2014). Social demands during the crisis reflect new expectations placed on a plurinational state respectful of the rights of nature. By ignoring the ongoing ecological catastrophe, the government placed itself at the margin of an emerging symbolic order to which it had previously contributed and of which it is a product
Plurinational state and ecological conscience in Bolivia: The case of the 2019 forest fires
In 2019, Bolivia suffered one of the worst forest fires in its history. The rapid advance of the flames provoked reactions in defence of the environment hitherto unknown in Bolivian society. Encouraged by a peaceful march of lowland indigenous communities, a broad spectrum of social actors expressed their indignation at the destruction of the forests and demanded more governmental action. The spontaneous emergence of ecological awareness during the fire crisis allows reflection on the progress in constructing the symbolic state, a state in the “heads” and imaginaries of citizens (Bourdieu, 2014). Social demands during the crisis reflect new expectations placed on a plurinational state respectful of the rights of nature. By ignoring the ongoing ecological catastrophe, the government placed itself at the margin of an emerging symbolic order to which it had previously contributed and of which it is a product. Resumen: Estado plurinacional y conciencia ecológica en Bolivia: El caso de los incendios forestales de 2019En 2019, Bolivia sufrió uno de los peores incendios forestales de su historia. El rápido avance de las llamas provocó reacciones en defensa del medio ambiente hasta ahora desconocidas en la sociedad boliviana. Alentados por una marcha pacífica de las comunidades indígenas de las tierras bajas, un amplio espectro de actores sociales expresó su indignación por la destrucción de los bosques y exigió una mayor acción gubernamental. La emergencia espontánea de la conciencia ecológica durante la crisis de los incendios permite reflexionar sobre el avance en la construcción del estado simbólico, un estado en las “cabezas” e imaginarios de los ciudadanos (Bourdieu, 2014). Las demandas sociales durante la crisis reflejan las nuevas expectativas puestas en un estado plurinacional respetuoso con los derechos de la naturaleza. Al ignorar la catástrofe ecológica en curso, el gobierno se situó al margen de un orden simbólico emergente al que había contribuido previamente y del que es un producto.