233 research outputs found

    Lipid changes within the epidermis of living skin equivalents observed across a time-course by MALDI-MS imaging and profiling

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    © 2015 Mitchell et al. Abstract Background: Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) is a powerful tool for the study of intact tissue sections. Here, its application to the study of the distribution of lipids in sections of reconstructed living skin equivalents during their development and maturation is described. Methods: Living skin equivalent (LSE) samples were obtained at 14 days development, re-suspended in maintenance medium and incubated for 24 h after delivery. The medium was then changed, the LSE re-incubated and samples taken at 4, 6 and 24 h time points. Mass spectra and mass spectral images were recorded from 12 μm sections of the LSE taken at each time point for comparison using matrix assisted laser desorption ionisation mass spectrometry. Results: A large number of lipid species were identified in the LSE via accurate mass-measurement MS and MSMS experiments carried out directly on the tissue sections. MS images acquired at a spatial resolution of 50 μm × 50 μm showed the distribution of identified lipids within the developing LSE and changes in their distribution with time. In particular development of an epidermal layer was observable as a compaction of the distribution of phosphatidylcholine species. Conclusions: MSI can be used to study changes in lipid composition in LSE. Determination of the changes in lipid distribution during the maturation of the LSE will assist in the identification of treatment responses in future investigations

    Emerging applications in mass spectrometry imaging; enablers and roadblocks

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    Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) is a powerful and versatile technique able to investigate the spatial distribution of multiple non-labelled endogenous and exogenous analytes simultaneously, within a wide range of samples. Over the last two decades, MSI has found widespread application for an extensive range of disciplines including pre-clinical drug discovery, clinical applications and human identification for forensic purposes. Technical advances in both instrumentation and software capabilities have led to a continual increase in the interest in MSI; however, there are still some limitations. In this review, we discuss the emerging applications in MSI that significantly impact three key areas of mass spectrometry (MS) research—clinical, pre-clinical and forensics—and roadblocks to the expansion of use of MSI in these areas

    Discrimination of papillary thyroid cancer from non-cancerous thyroid tissue based on lipid profiling by mass spectrometry imaging

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    Introduction: The distinction of papillary thyroid carcinomas from benign thyroid lesions has important implication for clinical management. Classification based on histopathological features can be supported by molecular biomarkers, including lipidomic signatures, identified with the use of high-throughput mass spectrometry techniques. Formalin fixation is a standard procedure for stabilization and preservation of tissue samples, therefore this type of samples constitute highly valuable source of clinical material for retrospective molecular studies. In this study we used mass spectrometry imaging to detect lipids discriminating papillary cancer from not cancerous thyroid directly in formalin-fixed tissue sections. Material and methods: For this purpose imaging and profiling of lipids present in non-malignant and cancerous thyroid tissue specimens were conducted. High resolution MALDI-Q-Ion Mobility-TOF-MS technique was used for lipidomic analysis of formalin fixed thyroid tissue samples. Lipids were identified by the comparison of the exact molecular masses and fragmentation pathways of the protonated molecule ions, recorded during the MS/MS experiments, with LIPID MAPS database. Results: Several phosphatidylcholines (32:0, 32:1, 34:1 and 36:3), sphingomyelins (34:1 and 36:1) and phosphatidic acids (36:2 and 36:3) were detected and their abundances were significantly higher in cancerous tissue compared to non-cancerous tissue. The same lipid species were detected in formalin-fixed as in fresh-frozen tissue, but [M + Na]+ions were the most abundant in formalin fixed whereas [M + K]+ions were predominant in fresh tissue. Conclusions: Our results prove the viability of MALDI-MSI for analysis of lipid distribution directly in formalin-fixed tissue, and the potential for their use in the classification of thyroid diseases


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    Background: The objective of this study was to characterise Campylobacter growth in enrichment broths (Bolton broth, brain heart infusion broth), caecal material (in vitro), and in the naturally infected live broilers (in vivo) in terms of mean lag periods and generation times as well as maximum growth rates and population (cell concentration) achieved. Methods: Bolton and brain heart infusion broths and recovered caecal material were inoculated with 10 poultry strains of Campylobacter (eight Campylobacter jejuni and two Campylobacter coli), incubated under microaerobic conditions, and Campylobacter concentrations determined periodically using the ISO 10272:2006 method. Caeca from 10 flocks, infected at first thinning, were used to characterise Campylobacter growth in the live birds. Mean generation times (G) (early lag to exponential phase) were calculated using the formula: G=t/3.3 logb/B. Mean lag times and µmax were calculated using the Micro Fit© Software (Version 1.0, Institute of Food Research). Statistical comparison was performed using GENSTAT ver. 14.1 (VSN International Ltd., Hemel, Hempstead, UK). Results: The mean lag periods in Bolton broth, brain heart infusion broth, caecal material, and in the live bird were estimated to be 6.6, 6.7, 12.6, and 31.3 h, respectively. The corresponding mean generation times were 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, and 6.7 h, respectively; maximum growth rates were 0.7, 0.8, 0.4, and 2 generations h−1 and the maximum populations obtained in each matrix were 9.6, 9.9, 7.8, and 7.4 log10 CFU/g, respectively. Conclusion: This study provides data on the growth of Campylobacter in a range of laboratory media, caecal contents, and in broilers which may be used to develop predictive models and/or inform science-based control strategies such as the maximum time between flock testing and slaughter, logistical slaughter, and single-stage depopulation of broiler units

    Needles in haystacks: using fast-response LA chambers and ICP-TOF-MS to identify asbestos fibres in malignant mesothelioma models

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    Malignant mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer associated with exposure to asbestos. Diagnosis of mesothelioma and other related lung diseases remains elusive due to difficulties surrounding identification and quantification of asbestos fibres in lung tissue. This article presents a laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) method to identify asbestos fibres in cellular models of mesothelioma. Use of a high-speed laser ablation system enabled rapid imaging of the samples with a lateral resolution of 3 μm, whilst use of a prototype time-of-flight ICP-MS provided pseudo-simultaneous detection of the elements between mass 23 (Na) and mass 238 (U). Three forms of asbestos fibre (actinolite, amosite and crocidolite) were distinguished from a non-asbestos control (wollastonite) based on their elemental profile, which demonstrated that LA-ICP-MS could be a viable technique for identification of asbestos fibres in clinical research samples

    Sibling Species in the Eurydice

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    Elemental Mapping of Human Malignant Mesothelioma Tissue Samples Using High-Speed LA-ICP-TOFMS Imaging.

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    This is the first report of the use of laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-TOFMS) to analyze human malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) samples at the cellular level. MPM is an aggressive, incurable cancer associated with asbestos exposure, with a long latency and poor overall survival. Following careful optimization of the laser fluence, the simultaneous ablation of soft biological tissue and hard mineral fibers was possible, allowing the spatial detection of elements such as Si, Mg, Ca, and Fe, which are also present in the glass substrate. A low-dispersion LA setup was employed, which provided the high spatial resolution necessary to identify the asbestos fibers and fiber fragments in the tissue and to characterize the metallome at the cellular level (a pixel size of 2 μm), with a high speed (at 250 Hz). The multielement LA-ICP-TOFMS imaging approach enabled (i) the detection of asbestos fibers/mineral impurities within the MPM tissue samples of patients, (ii) the visualization of the tissue structure with the endogenous elemental pattern at high spatial resolution, and (iii) obtaining insights into the metallome of MPM patients with different pathologies in a single analysis run. Asbestos and other mineral fibers were detected in the lung and pleura tissue of MPM patients, respectively, based on their multielement pattern (Si, Mg, Ca, Fe, and Sr). Interestingly, strontium was detected in asbestos fibers, suggesting a link between this potential toxic element and MPM pathogenesis. Furthermore, monitoring the metallome around the talc deposit regions (characterized by elevated levels of Al, Mg, and Si) revealed significant tissue damage and inflammation caused by talc pleurodesis. LA-ICP-TOFMS results correlated to Perls' Prussian blue and histological staining of the corresponding serial sections. Ultimately, the ultra-high-speed and high-spatial-resolution capabilities of this novel LA-ICP-TOFMS setup may become an important clinical tool for simultaneous asbestos detection, metallome monitoring, and biomarker identification

    Characterization of an Aggregated Three-Dimensional Cell Culture Model by Multimodal Mass Spectrometry Imaging

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    Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) is an established analytical tool capable of defining and understanding complex tissues by determining the spatial distribution of biological molecules. Three-dimensional (3D) cell culture models mimic the pathophysiological environment of in vivo tumors and are rapidly emerging as a valuable research tool. Here, multimodal MSI techniques were employed to characterize a novel aggregated 3D lung adenocarcinoma model, developed by the group to mimic the in vivo tissue. Regions of tumor heterogeneity and the hypoxic microenvironment were observed based on the spatial distribution of a variety of endogenous molecules. Desorption electrospray ionization (DESI)-MSI defined regions of a hypoxic core and a proliferative outer layer from metabolite distribution. Targeted metabolites (e.g., lactate, glutamine, and citrate) were mapped to pathways of glycolysis and the TCA cycle demonstrating tumor metabolic behavior. The first application of imaging mass cytometry (IMC) with 3D cell culture enabled single-cell phenotyping at 1 μm spatial resolution. Protein markers of proliferation (Ki-67) and hypoxia (glucose transporter 1) defined metabolic signaling in the aggregoid model, which complemented the metabolite data. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma (LA-ICP)-MSI analysis localized endogenous elements including magnesium and copper, further differentiating the hypoxia gradient and validating the protein expression. Obtaining a large amount of molecular information on a complementary nature enabled an in-depth understanding of the biological processes within the novel tumor model. Combining powerful imaging techniques to characterize the aggregated 3D culture highlighted a future methodology with potential applications in cancer research and drug development

    Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry as a novel clinical imaging tool to detect asbestos fibres in malignant mesothelioma.

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    RATIONALE: Malignant pleural mesothelioma is an extremely aggressive and incurable malignancy associated with prior exposure to asbestos fibres. Difficulties remain in relation to early diagnosis, notably due to impeded identification of asbestos in lung tissue. This study describes a novel laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) imaging approach to identify asbestos within mesothelioma models with clinical significance. METHODS: Human mesothelioma cells were exposed to different types of asbestos fibres and prepared on plastic slides for LA-ICP-MS analysis. No further sample preparation was required prior to analysis, which was performed using an NWR Image 266nm laser ablation system coupled to an Element XR sector-field ICP mass spectrometer, with a lateral resolution of 2 μm. Data was processed using LA-ICP-MS ImageTool v1.7 with the final graphic production made using DPlot Software. RESULTS: Four different mineral fibres were successfully identified within the mesothelioma samples based on some of the most abundant elements that make up these fibres (Si, Mg and Fe). Using LA-ICP-MS as an imaging tool provided information on the spatial distribution of the fibres at cellular level, which is essential in asbestos detection within tissue samples. Based on the metal counts generated by the different types of asbestos, different fibres can be identified based on shape, size, and elemental composition. Detection of Ca was attempted but requires further optimisation. CONCLUSION: Asbestos fibres detection in the lung tissues is very useful, if not necessary, to complete the pathological diagnosis of asbestos-related malignancies in medicolegal field. For the first time, this study demonstrates the successful application of LA-ICP-MS imaging to identify asbestos fibres and other mineral fibres within mesothelioma samples. Ultimately, high-resolution, fast-speed LA-ICP-MS analysis has the potential to be integrated into clinical workflow to aid earlier detection and stratification of mesothelioma patient samples