229 research outputs found

    Psychological Profile and Consumption of Healthcare Resources in Actively Employed People, Pre-Retirees, and Retirees

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    Research on personality variables and consumption of health services in actively employed people or retirees has been extensive, but the group of pre-retirees has hardly been studied. This work attempts to determine the mental health and use of health resources of the three groups, hypothesizing that, as the group of pre-retirees does not receive the social stigma of work exclusion, it will present better mental health. A sample of 1332 Spanish participants aged between 51 and 69 years was randomly chosen, and various personality tests were applied, and consumption of healthcare resources was determined. Pairwise analysis of the three work situations using binary logistic regressions showed that pre-retirees present better mental health, although there were no differences in the consumption of healthcare resources. The implications of this study for the creation of health promotion policies targeting older people, depending specifically on their employment status, are discussedS

    Isópodos, tanaidáceos y cumáceos (Crustacea, Peracarida) asociados al alga Stypocaulon scoparium en la Península Ibérica

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    The distribution and abundance patterns of isopods, tanaids and cumaceans (Crus - tacea: Peracarida) associated with the alga Stypocaulon scoparium (L.) Kützing were studied. Fourteen stations were selected along the Iberian Peninsula and five environmental factors were measured (seawater temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and pH). The Atlantic coast was characterised by lower temperature and conductivity and higher values of oxygen and turbidity than the Mediterranean coast. Cover of S. scoparium was higher in the Strait of Gibraltar than in the remaining stations, coinciding with maximum values of number of peracaridean species. Twenty three species were collected (15 isopods, 4 tanaids and 4 cumaceans). Isopods were more abundant in Atlantic stations of the Iberian Peninsula while tanaids and cumaceans were dominant in the Mediterranean coast. The classif ication of species in geographical distribution groups showed that most species had an Atlantic-Mediterranean distribution (76%) and only 9% were endemic Mediterranean species. Multivariate analy - sis showed that distribution of species was mainly correlated to temperature, conductivity and oxygen, although the cover of S. scoparium also influenced the abundances of some taxa.Se estudiaron los patrones de distribución y abundancia de isópodos, tanaidáceos y cumáceos (Crustacea: Peracarida) asociados al alga Stypocaulon scoparium (L.) Kützing. Se seleccionaron catorce estaciones a lo largo de la Península Ibérica y se midieron cinco variables ambientales (temperatura del agua, con - ductividad, oxígeno disuelto, turbidez y pH). La costa atlántica mostró valores más bajos de temperatura y conductividad y valores más altos de oxígeno y turbidez que la costa mediterránea. La cobertura de S. scoparium fue superior en el Estrecho de Gibraltar que en las estaciones restantes, coincidiendo con los valores máximos del número de especies de peracáridos. Se recolectaron 23 especies (15 isópodos, 4 tanaidáceos y 4 cumáceos). Los isópodos fueron más abundantes en las estaciones atlánticas de la Península Ibérica mientras que tanaidáceos y cumáceos fueron dominantes en la costa mediterránea. La clasif icación de las especies en grupos biogeográficos mostró que la mayoría de especies tenían distribución atlántico-mediterránea (76%) y sólo un 9% fueron endemismos del Mediterráneo. Los análsisis multivariantes mostraron que la distribución de las especies estuvo correlacionada fundamentalmente con la temperatura, conductividad y oxígeno, aunque la cobertura de S. scoparium también influyó en la abundancia de algunos taxones

    Ecology of the genus Limonium Miller in southwestern Spain

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    Evaluating Urban Regeneration Policies. Methodological Proposal to Delimitate Experimental and Equivalent Urban Areas

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    El presente artículo presenta una propuesta metodológica para la delimitación de áreas territoriales aplicando una estrategia de corte cuasi-experimental, comparando las áreas en las que se ha desarrollado algún proyecto de regeneración urbana llamadas “áreas experimentales” con otras similares en las que no se ha desarrollado ningún proyecto, denominadas “áreas equivalentes”. Esta metodología es el paso previo necesario para el análisis de los efectos de los programas de regeneración urbana, que permitirá posteriormente comparar la evolución en el tiempo de pares semejantes entre sí (área experimental y área equivalente). En primer lugar, se explica el objetivo que subyace a la delimitación de estas áreas territoriales. En segundo lugar, se describe la metodología utilizada para seleccionar las áreas equivalentes. En tercer lugar, se presentan los resultados, esto es, la delimitación de áreas experimentales y equivalentes. . Por último, mediante procedimientos estadísticos concretos, análisis de varianza o ANOVA de un factor, se validan los resultados obtenidos. El trabajo se centra en las ciudades andaluzas de más de 100 mil habitantes en las que se han ejecutado proyectos de regeneración urbana.This article analyses a methodological proposal for the delimitation of territorial areas applying a quasi-experimental strategy, comparing areas where projects have been developed based in urban regeneration called “experimental areas” with similar ones without any project, called “equivalent areas”. This methodology is a necessary previous step to analyze the effect of programs about urban regeneration, which will allow subsequently to compare the evolution of similar pairs among themselves (experimental and equivalent areas). Firstly, we explain the underlying objective of delimitation in these territorial areas. Secondly, the methodology used to select the equivalent areas is described. Thirdly, the results are presented, it means, the delimitation of experimental and equivalent areas. Finally, through means of specific statistical procedures, analysis of variance or ANOVA of a factor, the obtained results are validated. The work is focused on Andalusian cities with a population over 100.000 inhabitants in which urban regeneration projects have been implemented.Consejería de Fomento y Vivienda de la Junta de Andalucía GGI30011/DIYFEDER GGI30011/DI

    Eutanasia y legislación / Euthanasia and Legislation

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    Se hace una revisión de los conceptos relacionados con la eutanasia, como son Distanasia y Ortotanasia y de los diferentes tipos de Eutanasia, como la Voluntaria, la no voluntaria y la Involuntaria, la Eutanasia Eugenésica. Se valoran las distintas posibilidades desde el punto de vista jurídico, donde puede estar regulada o no; la regulada puede serlo por norma penal, en ese caso la regulación puede ser como figura delictiva típica o dentro de otro tipo legal, y de la regulación no penal puede serlo por normas administrativas y puede tratarse de regulaciones permisivas o no permisivas. Se valoran estas posibilidades, exponiendo como tipifica en el Código Penal Cubano y cual es el criterio de los autores. A continuación se exponen algunos ejemplos de países donde se ha tratado o logrado tipificar la Eutanasia de forma diferente, exponiendo los resultados de un estudio hecho en Holanda antes de la despenalización de la Eutanasia y como se comportó la atención a pacientes terminales en ese año. Finalmente se expone el criterio de los autores en torno a la regulación legal de la Eutanasia. Palabras clave: Eutanasia/Legislación y Jurisprudencia, Legislación Medica, Ética, Enfermo Terminal, Bioética. ABSTRACT Concepts related to Euthanasia as Disthanasia and Ortothanasia are reviewed as well as the different types of Euthanasia, such as the Voluntary Euthanasia, the non Voluntary Euthanasia and the Involuntary Euthanasia, the Eugenesic Euthanasia. The different possibilities from the legal point of view are assessed; the Euthanasia may be regulated or not, the first type of Euthanasia may be regulated by penal rules. i.e., the regulation may be a typical delictive figure or to be within another legal type and in case of not penal regulation, it may be by administrative rules and in such case it may be treated of permissive regulations or not. These possibilities are valuated exposing how they are classified in the Cuban Penal Code and which is the authors´s criterion. The countries where the classification of Euthanasia has been treated or attained from different ways are exposed as well as the results of Holland's study before the decriminalization of Euthanasia and the behaviour in terminal patients in this year. Finally, the authors´s criterion about the legal regulation of Euthanasia is exposed. Key words: Euthanasia/Legislation and Jurisprudence, Medical Legislation, Ethics, Terminal Patient, Bioethics

    ¿Qué es la Bioética? / What is Bioethics?

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    SUMMARYThe authors carried out a brief revision about the basic elements of the Bioethics, fundamentally of the principles that govern it, insisting in the importance of the Solidarity and of the humanism like aspects indissolubly together to the ethical analysis of working human in the field of the Medical Sciences.Key words: BIOETHICS/history, HUMANISM

    Eutanasia y legislación / Euthanasia and Legislation

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    Se hace una revisión de los conceptos relacionados con la eutanasia, como son Distanasia y Ortotanasia y de los diferentes tipos de Eutanasia, como la Voluntaria, la no voluntaria y la Involuntaria, la Eutanasia Eugenésica. Se valoran las distintas posibilidades desde el punto de vista jurídico, donde puede estar regulada o no; la regulada puede serlo por norma penal, en ese caso la regulación puede ser como figura delictiva típica o dentro de otro tipo legal, y de la regulación no penal puede serlo por normas administrativas y puede tratarse de regulaciones permisivas o no permisivas. Se valoran estas posibilidades, exponiendo como tipifica en el Código Penal Cubano y cual es el criterio de los autores. A continuación se exponen algunos ejemplos de países donde se ha tratado o logrado tipificar la Eutanasia de forma diferente, exponiendo los resultados de un estudio hecho en Holanda antes de la despenalización de la Eutanasia y como se comportó la atención a pacientes terminales en ese año. Finalmente se expone el criterio de los autores en torno a la regulación legal de la Eutanasia. Palabras clave: Eutanasia/Legislación y Jurisprudencia, Legislación Medica, Ética, Enfermo Terminal, Bioética. ABSTRACT Concepts related to Euthanasia as Disthanasia and Ortothanasia are reviewed as well as the different types of Euthanasia, such as the Voluntary Euthanasia, the non Voluntary Euthanasia and the Involuntary Euthanasia, the Eugenesic Euthanasia. The different possibilities from the legal point of view are assessed; the Euthanasia may be regulated or not, the first type of Euthanasia may be regulated by penal rules. i.e., the regulation may be a typical delictive figure or to be within another legal type and in case of not penal regulation, it may be by administrative rules and in such case it may be treated of permissive regulations or not. These possibilities are valuated exposing how they are classified in the Cuban Penal Code and which is the authors´s criterion. The countries where the classification of Euthanasia has been treated or attained from different ways are exposed as well as the results of Holland's study before the decriminalization of Euthanasia and the behaviour in terminal patients in this year. Finally, the authors´s criterion about the legal regulation of Euthanasia is exposed. Key words: Euthanasia/Legislation and Jurisprudence, Medical Legislation, Ethics, Terminal Patient, Bioethics

    Influencia de la imagen del destino en el comportamiento del turista cultural. Un estudio empírico en la ciudad de Plasencia como destino de turismo cultural

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    El turismo cultural constituye una de las mayores cuotas del mercado turístico mundial. Hoy en día su desarrollo se enfrenta a los elevados niveles de competitividad y de exigencia del sector. Los administradores y los operadores turísticos se encuentran con la necesidad de gestionar un patrimonio cultural cada vez más variado, lo cual los lleva a buscar nuevas opciones de comunicación y de diversificación. La imagen y las marcas se afirman como herramientas eficaces de promoción y de vinculación emocional entre el turista y el destino. La finalidad de este artículo es profundizar en el perfil del turista cultural haciendo particular hincapié en el papel que ejerce la imagen del destino en el comportamiento del consumidor. Para ello, se han encuestado 503 turistas de la ciudad de Plasencia, elegida como escenario de la investigación. Los datos han sido tratados con técnicas descriptivas del programa estadístico SPSS (versión 19). Los resultados han permitido delinear el perfil del turista cultural que visita este enclave y la imagen general del mismo percibida por los viajeros. Las conclusiones alcanzadas permiten elaborar algunas sugerencias para el futuro desarrollo de Plasencia como destino turístico singular.Cultural tourism is one of the largest shares in the global tourism market. Today its evolution and growth has to face the high levels of competitiveness and demanding consumers. Managers and tourism operators are in the need to manage a cultural heritage increasingly varied, which leads them to look for new options to communicate and to stand out from others destinations. Image and brands are claiming as effective tools for promotion and emotional entailment between tourists and the destination. The aim of this paper is to deepen into the cultural tourist profile, stressing the role of destination image in its travel choices. To this end we surveyed 503 tourists of the city of Plasencia, chosen as a scenario for the research. Data obtained were analyzed with SPSS program (version 19) applying descriptive techniques. On the basis of the data collected it was possible to profile the cultural tourist and the view he has about the enclave in terms of image. Conclusions allow make some suggestions for the future development of Plasencia as unique tourist destination.peerReviewe

    Olive oil tourism: state of the art

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    Purpose – Oleotourism has recently caught the attention of researchers in the field of tourism marketing and management. Contributions on this subject begin to outline a significant research body that can be properly identified and organised through a detailed literature review in order to figure out state of the art of the subject and the future research lines. Design – After a thorough literature search, the documents obtained have been categorised according to the study perspective adopted: the demand, the supply and the potential for tourism development. Methodology – Online search and content analysis have been the methodology adopted for this work. The literature review has been developed using the databases of WOS and Scopus as a main reference. The research has been carried out firstly using a search process by keywords and secondly a cross-reference check with the bibliographies of the articles obtained. Approach – The study opts for a descriptive and analytical approach. Findings – An incipient, but significant theoretical body has been identified about the oleotourism that defines a new research line. Oleotourism resulted to be a qualifying tourism practice which should be further developed from both a theoretical and practical perspective. Originality of the research – This work is one of the first attempts to organise the literature on olive-oil tourism, identify the aspects of this tourism practice that are awakening greater interest among the scientific community, and outline new paths to be followed in the future

    Differences between U23 and older semi-professional soccer players in perfectionism and passion: exploring determinant relationship between variables

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    AimAbundant studies have pointed out that perfectionism and passion are interrelated and that they both can influence performance in a variety of contexts, including sports, however, research on how these variables interact and might affect performance in team sports, such as soccer, is still scarce. The aim of this study is to analyze differences in perfectionism and passion between under-23 years-old (U23) and older semi-professional soccer players, as well as to study the possible relationship between these two psychological variables.MethodsParticipants (N = 130 healthy semi-professional Spanish soccer players) were divided into two equivalent groups according to the participants age, U23 (N = 65; 21.58 ± 1.91 years) and older than 24 years (N = 65; 30.03 ± 3.72 years) and completed self-reports on perfectionism and passion.ResultsIndependent samples t-test determined significant differences between the U23 Group and the >24 Group in perfectionism global score and concern over mistakes (maladaptive perfectionism), and in time, value, and passion. Multiple regression analyses revealed that obsessive passion predicted maladaptive subdimensions of perfectionism, while harmonious passion predicted adaptive perfectionism.DiscussionU23 soccer players show higher levels of maladaptive perfectionism, time, value, and passion in relation with soccer than older players, probably because at this stage pressure to become professionals and to develop their technical, tactical, and physical skills is higher than in later stages.ConclusionIdentifying differences between different age groups can help professionals in tailoring their interventions and strategies to address the specific needs of athletes at different stages of development more effectively, and to optimize mental focus, reduce stress, to promote a healthy mindset for optimal performance in soccer players, furthermore, the study of moderating effects of factors such as team dynamics or coaching styles on these constructs is advised