10 research outputs found

    A educação em saúde em escolas públicas da zona rural: relato de experiência

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    Objetivo: descrever uma ação de educação em saúde em escolas da zona rural e comparar seu aproveitamento com a experiência prévia em áreas urbanas. Métodos: foi apresentada uma peça teatral infantil, durante dois dias do mês de março de 2016, falando sobre o processo de envelhecimento e discutindo o cuidado com idosos. As crianças tinham de 4 a 10 anos e pertenciam a três escolas da zona rural. Resultados: as crianças participaram ativamente e demonstraram ter absorvido as ideias que estavam sendo transmitidas. Conclusão: apesar das dificuldades apresentadas na zona rural, o aproveitamento foi similar ao obtido em áreas urbanas

    Climate changes in mangrove forests and salt marshes

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    This synthesis is framed within the scope of the Brazilian Benthic Coastal Habitat Monitoring Network (ReBentos WG 4: Mangroves and Salt Marshes), focusing on papers that examine biodiversity-climate interactions as well as human-induced factors including those that decrease systemic resilience. The goal is to assess difficulties related to the detection of climate and early warning signals from monitoring data. We also explored ways to circumvent some of the obstacles identified. Exposure and sensitivity of mangrove and salt marsh species and ecosystems make them extremely vulnerable to environmental impacts and potential indicators of sea level and climate-driven environmental change. However, the interpretation of shifts in mangroves and salt marsh species and systemic attributes must be scrutinized considering local and setting-level energy signature changes; including disturbance regime and local stressors, since these vary widely on a regional scale. The potential for adaptation and survival in response to climate change depends, in addition to the inherent properties of species, on contextual processes at the local, landscape, and regional levels that support resilience. Regardless of stressor type, because of the convergence of social and ecological processes, coastal zones should be targeted for anticipatory action to reduce risks and to integrate these ecosystems into adaptation strategies. Management must be grounded on proactive mitigation and collaborative action based on long-term ecosystem-based studies and well-designed monitoring programs that can 1) provide real-time early warning and 2) close the gap between simple correlations that provide weak inferences and process-based approaches that can yield increasingly reliable attribution and improved levels of anticipation.Esta é uma síntese enquadrada na Rede de Monitoramento de Habitats Bentônicos Costeiros (ReBentos, GT4: Manguezais e Marismas), embasada em literatura científica que examina interações entre clima e biodiversidade, assim como fatores antrópicos, incluindo aqueles responsáveis pela diminuição da resiliência sistêmica. O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar as dificuldades quanto à detecção de sinais precoces e alertas de mudanças climáticas com dados de monitoramento. No presente trabalho, também foram exploradas formas de contornar os diversos obstáculos identificados. A exposição e a sensitividade de espécies de mangue e de marisma, bem como dos ecossistemas dos quais fazem parte, os tornam extremamente vulneráveis e potenciais indicadores ambientais de mudanças de nível do mar e outras respostas às variações do clima. Entretanto, a interpretação de mudanças em manguezais e marismas e em seus atributos sistêmicos deve ser meticulosa, considerando assinatura energética, regime de distúrbios e pressões ambientais em cada local de estudo. Os potenciais de adaptação e de sobrevivência, em resposta a tais mudanças, dependem da fisiologia de cada espécie e dos processos contextuais onde reside a resiliência e a capacidade de persistir (em níveis local, de paisagem e regionais). A zona costeira deve ser alvo de medidas antecipatórias para redução de riscos por quaisquer impactos, uma vez que nela há intensa convergência de processos sociais e ecológicos. Os ecossistemas dessa zona devem ser integrados em estratégias de adaptação. O manejo costeiro deve ser embasado em mitigação pró-ativa e colaborativa de longo-termo, sempre com base em estudos ecossistêmicos e em programas de monitoramento que possam 1) prover sistema de alerta precoce; 2) preencher lacunas entre correlações simplistas que proveem inferências fracas, e abordagens baseadas em processos que levem a atribuições mais confiáveis e a melhores níveis de antecipação

    Climate changes in mangrove forests and salt marshes

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    Abstract This synthesis is framed within the scope of the Brazilian Benthic Coastal Habitat Monitoring Network (ReBentos WG 4: Mangroves and Salt Marshes), focusing on papers that examine biodiversity-climate interactions as well as human-induced factors including those that decrease systemic resilience. The goal is to assess difficulties related to the detection of climate and early warning signals from monitoring data. We also explored ways to circumvent some of the obstacles identified. Exposure and sensitivity of mangrove and salt marsh species and ecosystems make them extremely vulnerable to environmental impacts and potential indicators of sea level and climate-driven environmental change. However, the interpretation of shifts in mangroves and salt marsh species and systemic attributes must be scrutinized considering local and setting-level energy signature changes; including disturbance regime and local stressors, since these vary widely on a regional scale. The potential for adaptation and survival in response to climate change depends, in addition to the inherent properties of species, on contextual processes at the local, landscape, and regional levels that support resilience. Regardless of stressor type, because of the convergence of social and ecological processes, coastal zones should be targeted for anticipatory action to reduce risks and to integrate these ecosystems into adaptation strategies. Management must be grounded on proactive mitigation and collaborative action based on long-term ecosystem-based studies and well-designed monitoring programs that can 1) provide real-time early warning and 2) close the gap between simple correlations that provide weak inferences and process-based approaches that can yield increasingly reliable attribution and improved levels of anticipation

    A educação em saúde em escolas públicas da zona rural: relato de experiência

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    Objetivo: descrever uma ação de educação em saúde em escolas da zona rural e comparar seu aproveitamento com a experiência prévia em áreas urbanas. Métodos: foi apresentada uma peça teatral infantil, durante dois dias do mês de março de 2016, falando sobre o processo de envelhecimento e discutindo o cuidado com idosos. As crianças tinham de 4 a 10 anos e pertenciam a três escolas da zona rural. Resultados: as crianças participaram ativamente e demonstraram ter absorvido as ideias que estavam sendo transmitidas. Conclusão: apesar das dificuldades apresentadas na zona rural, o aproveitamento foi similar ao obtido em áreas urbanas

    Secondary succession impairment in restored mangroves

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    In this work it was hypothesized that secondary succession on sites that have been managed by single planting of mangrove species is compromised by residual stressors, which could reduce the ecosystem's structural development and lower its functions. Forest structure and environmental characteristics of three planted mangrove stands are compared with reference sites. Structural attributes showed significant differences in the comparison of planted and reference stands. Avicennia schaueriana was the dominant species within both natural regeneration and old-growth stands in terms of basal area (99.2 and 99.4 %, 69.6 and 84.5 %, and 59.0 and 87.1 % for Itacorubi, Saco Grande, and Ratones, respectively). Restoration stands were dominated by Laguncularia racemosa (80.6 and 94.2 % for Saco Grande and Ratones, respectively), except at one site (Itacorubi), where A. schaueriana prevailed (99.7 %). Even though restoration and regeneration stands at Itacorubi showed similar species composition and dominance, cohort sorting revealed an inferior regeneration potential in the restoration stand. Multiple correlation analysis indicated that variables related to elevation disruptions (p (w) = 0.521) were the environmental drivers responsible for the differences observed in forest structure. At restoration sites an impaired pattern of secondary succession was observed, indicating that single species plantings may be ineffective if characteristics of the site, as well as of the area surrounding it, are not considered. The inadequate management of restoration sites can therefore have implications for both immediate and long-term large-scale ecosystem services.Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES)Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES)National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq

    Climate changes in mangrove forests and salt marshes

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    Abstract This synthesis is framed within the scope of the Brazilian Benthic Coastal Habitat Monitoring Network (ReBentos WG 4: Mangroves and Salt Marshes), focusing on papers that examine biodiversity-climate interactions as well as human-induced factors including those that decrease systemic resilience. The goal is to assess difficulties related to the detection of climate and early warning signals from monitoring data. We also explored ways to circumvent some of the obstacles identified. Exposure and sensitivity of mangrove and salt marsh species and ecosystems make them extremely vulnerable to environmental impacts and potential indicators of sea level and climate-driven environmental change. However, the interpretation of shifts in mangroves and salt marsh species and systemic attributes must be scrutinized considering local and setting-level energy signature changes; including disturbance regime and local stressors, since these vary widely on a regional scale. The potential for adaptation and survival in response to climate change depends, in addition to the inherent properties of species, on contextual processes at the local, landscape, and regional levels that support resilience. Regardless of stressor type, because of the convergence of social and ecological processes, coastal zones should be targeted for anticipatory action to reduce risks and to integrate these ecosystems into adaptation strategies. Management must be grounded on proactive mitigation and collaborative action based on long-term ecosystem-based studies and well-designed monitoring programs that can 1) provide real-time early warning and 2) close the gap between simple correlations that provide weak inferences and process-based approaches that can yield increasingly reliable attribution and improved levels of anticipation