14,359 research outputs found

    The Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey. III. A constraint on dust grain lifetime in early-type galaxies

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    Passive early-type galaxies (ETGs) provide an ideal laboratory for studying the interplay between dust formation around evolved stars and its subsequent destruction in a hot gas. Using Spitzer-IRS and Herschel data we compare the dust production rate in the envelopes of evolved AGB stars with a constraint on the total dust mass. Early-type galaxies which appear to be truly passively evolving are not detected by Herschel. We thus derive a distance independent upper limit to the dust grain survival time in the hostile environment of ETGs of <46 ± 25 Myr for amorphous silicate grains. This implies that ETGs which are detected at far-infrared wavelengths have acquired a cool dusty medium via interaction. Given likely time-scales for ram-pressure stripping, this also implies that only galaxies with dust in a cool (atomic) medium can release dust into the intra-cluster medium

    Dephasing-assisted Gain and Loss in Mesoscopic Quantum Systems

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    Motivated by recent experiments, we analyse the phonon-assisted steady-state gain of a microwave field driving a double quantum-dot in a resonator. We apply the results of our companion paper, which derives the complete set of fourth-order Lindblad dissipators using Keldysh methods, to show that resonator gain and loss are substantially affected by dephasing-assisted dissipative processes in the quantum-dot system. These additional processes, which go beyond recently proposed polaronic theories, are in good quantitative agreement with experimental observationsComment: 5 pages, 3 Figures, published together with arXiv:1608.0416

    Surface flux pinning in superconducting amorphous (Mo0.6Ru0.4)B18

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    Superconducting critical current density was measured as a function of a perpendicular applied magnetic field in glassy (Mo0.6Ru0.4)82B18. The pinning force density was observed to depend linearly on 1/w, where w is the sample width measured perpendicular to both the current and field. This dependence is attributed to pinning by the sample edges. The bulk pinning contribution can be separated from the edge pinning contribution by extrapolation of the Fp vs 1/w curve. The edge contribution of the flux pinning was nearly eliminated by electrolytically polishing the sample. The contribution of the flux pinning profile due to edge pinning is analyzed in terms of the dynamic pinning model modified for edge pinning

    Ifosfamide with regional hyperthermia in soft-tissue sarcomas

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    For high-risk soft tissue sarcomas (HR-STS) of adults, new treatment strategies are needed to improve outcome with regard to local control and overall survival. Therefore, systemic chemotherapy has been integrated either after (adjuvant) or before (neoadjuvant) optimal local treatment by surgery and radiotherapy in HR-STS. The combination with regional hyperthermia as a new treatment strategy seems to open a new therapeutic window. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Mid-infrared colour gradients and the colour-magnitude relation in Virgo early-type galaxies

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    We make use of Spitzer imaging between 4 and 16 micron and near-infrared data at 2.2 micron to investigate the nature and distribution of the mid-infrared emission in a sample of early-type galaxies in the Virgo cluster. These data allow us to conclude, with some confidence, that the emission at 16 micron in passive ETGs is stellar in origin, consistent with previous work concluding that the excess mid-infrared emission comes from the dusty envelopes around evolved AGB stars. There is little evidence for the mid-infrared emission of an unresolved central component, as might arise in the presence of a dusty torus associated with a low-luminosity AGN. We nonetheless find that the 16 micron emission is more centrally peaked than the near-infrared emission, implying a radial stellar population gradient. By comparing with independent evidence from studies at optical wavelengths, we conclude that a metallicity that falls with increasing radius is the principal driver of the observed gradient. We also plot the mid-infrared colour-magnitude diagram and combine with similar work on the Coma cluster to define the colour-magnitude relation for absolute K-band magnitudes from -26 to -19. Because a correlation between mass and age would produce a relation with a gradient in the opposite sense to that observed, we conclude that the relation reflects the fact that passive ETGs of lower mass also have a lower average metallicity. The colour-magnitude relation is thus driven by metallicity effects. In contrast to what is found in Coma, we do not find any objects with anomalously bright 16 micron emission relative to the colour-magnitude relation. Although there is little overlap in the mass ranges probed in the two clusters, this may suggest that observable ``rejuvenation'' episodes are limited to intermediate mass objects.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Surface motion in the pulsating DA white dwarf G 29-38

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    We present time-resolved spectrophotometry of the pulsating DA white dwarf G 29-38. As in previous broad-band photometry, the light curve shows the presence of a large number of periodicities. Many of these are combination frequencies, i.e., periodicities occurring at frequencies that are sums or differences of frequencies of stronger, real modes. We identify at least six real modes, and at least five combination frequencies. We measure line-of-sight velocities for our spectra and detect periodic variations at the frequencies of five of the six real modes, with amplitudes of up to 5 km/s. We argue that these variations reflect the horizontal surface motion associated with the g-mode pulsations. No velocity signals are detected at any of the combination frequencies, confirming that the flux variations at these frequencies do not reflect physical pulsation, but rather mixing of frequencies due to a non-linear transformation in the outer layers of the star. We discuss the amplitude ratios and phase differences found for the velocity and light variations, as well as those found for the real modes and their combination frequencies, both in a model-independent way and in the context of models based on the convective-driving mechanism. In a companion paper, we use the wavelength dependence of the amplitudes of the modes to infer their spherical degree.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, mn.sty. Accepted for publication in MNRA
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