433 research outputs found

    Do entry barriers, perceived by SMEs, affect real antry? Some evidence from the Netherlands

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    The objective of this paper is to analyse the relationship between perceived entry barriers and real entry. Real entry rates are interpreted as an indicator for the dynamics in an industry. The major hypothesis of this paper is that important entry barriers restrict new entry. Real entry rates are provided by a starter ratio for different industrial sectors and provinces in the Netherlands.

    Stealing sugar from the honey fungus

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    Tandem: A Context-Aware Method for Spontaneous Clustering of Dynamic Wireless Sensor Nodes

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    Wireless sensor nodes attached to everyday objects and worn by people are able to collaborate and actively assist users in their activities. We propose a method through which wireless sensor nodes organize spontaneously into clusters based on a common context. Provided that the confidence of sharing a common context varies in time, the algorithm takes into account a window-based history of believes. We approximate the behaviour of the algorithm using a Markov chain model and we analyse theoretically the cluster stability. We compare the theoretical approximation with simulations, by making use of experimental results reported from field tests. We show the tradeoff between the time history necessary to achieve a certain stability and the responsiveness of the clustering algorithm

    Changes in motor competence over four decades in 10 to 14-year-old Austrian boys

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    Background: Data on secular trends in motor competence in children and adolescents has been equivocal. While several studies have shown a decline in motor competence over the last several decades there is also research that showed no change or even an increase in motor competence in youth.Methods: Motor competence was assessed via 6 test items in 10- to 14-year-old Austrian boys in the years 1972, 1987 and 2015. At each measurement time participants performed 20m sprint, 800m run, sit ups, jump and reach, one-leg stand and stand and reach tests in the school gymnasium during regular school time. Data across measurement times was compared using weighted means across 5 age groups with pooled standard deviations.Results: Average performance on the 20m sprint, jump and reach test and one leg stand improved significantly (p<0.05) from 1972 to 2015 by 0.3 seconds, 3.9 cm and 3.5 seconds, respectively. Time for the 800m run increased significantly by 15% (p<0.01), indicating a decline in endurance. Flexibility, measured by the stand and reach test, also declined significantly (p=0.02) from 1972 to 2015. There was no significant difference in the number of sit ups performed at the 3 measurement times. Conclusion: Results of the present study do not show a general decline in motor competence in male middle-school students over the last 4 decades. Rather, secular trends differ by specific components contributing to overall motor competence with declines in flexibility and endurance but increases in power, speed and balance

    Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Southeast Asia: Innovations and Policies for Mountainous Areas

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    Sustainable Development; Landscape/Regional and Urban Planning; Agricultur

    A Common Framework for Classical and Tree-Based Item Response Models Including Extended Hierarchically Structured Models

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    A common framework is provided that comprises classical ordinal item response models as the cumulative, sequential and adjacent categories models as well as the more recently propagated item response tree models. The obtained taxonomy is based on the role that binary models play as building blocks of the various models. The study of the binary models contained in ordinal latent trait models clarifies the interpretation of item parameters in classical models. The taxonomy for ordinal models also contains a new general class of hierarchically structured models, which can be seen as a generalization of item response tree models. For this class of models estimation methods are developed, which make use of commonly available program packages

    Modeling Cycle-to-Cycle Variations of a Spark-Ignited Gas Engine Using Artificial Flow Fields Generated by a Variational Autoencoder

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    A deeper understanding of the physical nature of cycle-to-cycle variations (CCV) in internal combustion engines (ICE) as well as reliable simulation strategies to predict these CCV are indispensable for the development of modern highly efficient combustion engines. Since the combustion process in ICE strongly depends on the turbulent flow field in the cylinder and, for spark-ignited engines, especially around the spark plug, the prediction of CCV using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is limited to the modeling of turbulent flows. One possible way to determine CCV is by applying large eddy simulation (LES), whose potential in this field has already been shown despite its drawback of requiring considerable computational time and resources. This paper presents a novel strategy based on unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier&ndash;Stokes (uRANS) CFD in combination with variational autoencoders (VAEs). A VAE is trained with flow field data from presimulated cycles at a specific crank angle. Then, the VAE can be used to generate artificial flow fields that serve to initialize new CFD simulations of the combustion process. With this novel approach, a high number of individual cycles can be simulated in a fraction of the time that LES needs for the same amount of cycles. Since the VAE is trained on data from presimulated cycles, the physical information of the cycles is transferred to the generated artificial cycles

    Unternehmensteuerreform: Welche Wirkungen sind zu erwarten?

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    Die Unternehmensteuerreform ist eines der wichtigsten Projekte der Großen Koalition. Das Vorhaben soll die Bedingungen fĂŒr BeschĂ€ftigung und Wachstum in Deutschland verbessern und die Staatsfinanzen stabilisieren. Gerhard Stratthaus, Finanzminister des Landes Baden-WĂŒrttemberg, betrachtet die Unternehmensteuerreform als einen wesentlichen Eckpfeiler zur StĂ€rkung des Wirtschaftsstandorts Deutschland, von dem ein erhöhtes Engagement in- und auslĂ€ndischer Investoren ausgehen wird. Aber zur Verbesserung der Situation auf dem Arbeitsmarkt sind weitere wirtschaftsfreundliche Reformen erforderlich. FĂŒr Stefan Homburg, UniversitĂ€t Hannover, dagegen ist das beschlossene Vorhaben ein Schritt zurĂŒck, und zwar nicht nur hinter die "ambitionierten SteuerreformplĂ€nen eines Friedrich Merz", sondern auch hinter den Status quo. Alfons KĂŒhn, Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag, Berlin, sieht in der Senkung der UnternehmensteuersĂ€tze einen ersten wichtigen Schritt. Langfristig sollte man jedoch das Ziel einer gleichmĂ€ĂŸigen synthetischen Besteuerung nicht aus den Augen verlieren: "Wenn der Steuersatz fĂŒr Gewinne und KapitalertrĂ€ge gesenkt wird, aber die Belastungen fĂŒr andere Einkommen, insbesondere fĂŒr Arbeit, steigen, kann das ebenso falsch verstanden werden, wie wenn sich z.B. durch eine formalistische Besteuerung von Funktionsverlagerungen F+E-TĂ€tigkeiten verteuern; sie könnten sich langfristig andere Standorte suchen." Clemens Fuest, UniversitĂ€t zu Köln, zieht eine gemischte Bilanz: "WĂ€hrend die Reform in einigen Bereichen durchaus erhebliche Verbesserungen bringt, werden andere Ziele deutlich verfehlt." Ingolf Deubel, Finanzminister des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz, weist darauf hin, dass die ambitionierte Zielsetzung der Reform - nĂ€mlich die Schaffung eines Steuersystems mit SteuersĂ€tzen, die auch im internationalen Wettbewerb bestehen können -, in einem Konflikt mit der angespannten Lage der öffentlichen Haushalte steht.Unternehmensbesteuerung, Steuerreform, Standort, Wirtschaftswachstum, Steuertarif, BeschĂ€ftigung, Deutschland
