35 research outputs found

    The Firm as Social Networks: An Organisational Perspective

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    This paper offers an organizational perspective on the firm in new economic geographies. It starts with the premise of the firm as a production function in neoclassical economics and a cost minimisation device in transaction cost economics. By pointing out the inadequacy in these mainstream economic perspectives on the firm, I draw upon recent behavioral and managerial theories to develop a relational conception of the firm as social networks in which actors are embedded in ongoing power relations and discursive processes. In further elaborating this relational perspective on the firm as an organisational device, I show how the firm is governed through social relations among different actors, how it is a site of contested ideologies and political representations among these actors, and how space and geographical scales matter in shaping its social construction. Taken together, this organisational perspective aims to shift our research agenda in urban and regional development from promoting the growth of the firm per se to understanding how the firm serves as a relational institution that connects spatially differentiated actors in different places and regions. Copyright 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd..

    Neonatal sepsis and meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitidis: a case report Sepse e meningite neonatal por Neisseria meningitidis: relato de caso

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    OBJECTIVE: To report a full-term newborn infant that developed a sepsis associated to meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C on the 14th day of life. CASE DESCRIPTION: The patient was a term female infant, born to a mother with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, with birth weight of 2,610g, Apgar Score 1, 4 and 8, who needed mechanical ventilation for 24 hours. On the 7th day of life, the neonate was discharged from the hospital with good overall condition. On the 15th day of life, the newborn infant presented fever and respiratory failure. The cerebrospinal fluid showed 1042 cells/mm&sup3;, with neutrophilic predominance, protein of 435 mg/dL, and glucose < 10 mg/dL. The blood and the cerebrospinal fluid cultures were positive for Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C. The neonate was hospitalized, needing mechanical ventilation and vasoactive drugs, and received 21 days of crystalline penicillin. After hospital discharge, there were no signs of neurological sequels and the infant was able to be breastfed. The case report presents a unique situation: an uncommon etiology of neonatal meningitis and favorable evolution, despite neurological sequels reported in the literature. This report emphasizes the need to prevent the premature exposure of newborn infants to pathological agents, especially if they presented birth injuries and/or are preterm, due to their lack of immunological capacity.<br>OBJETIVO: Relatar o caso de um recém-nascido de termo que apresentou no 14º dia de vida sepse associada à meningite, cujo agente etiológico foi a Neisseria meningitidis sorotipo C. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO: recém-nascido de termo, cuja mãe é portadora de lupus eritematoso sistêmico, feminino, peso de nascimento de 2610g, Escala de Apgar 1, 4 e 8, sendo intubado e ventilado por 24 horas. Recebeu alta no 7º dia de vida em boas condições. No 15º dia de vida apresentou febre e desconforto respiratório. O líquido cefalorraquidiano mostrou 1042 células/mm&sup3;, com predomínio de neutrófilos, proteinorraquia de 435 mg/dL e glicorraquia < 10 mg/dL; a bacterioscopia revelou a presença de diplococos. Foi internado na Terapia Intensiva Neonatal, necessitou de ventilação mecânica e de drogas vasoativas. A hemocultura e a cultura do líquido cefalorraquidiano foram positivas para Neisseria meningitidis C. O recém-nascido foi tratado por 21 dias com penicilina cristalina. Recebeu alta hospitalar em boas condições, em aleitamento materno exclusivo e sem seqüelas neurológicas. O caso descrito apresenta como peculiaridades: etiologia incomum de meningite neonatal e evolução favorável, apesar dos relatos em literatura mostrarem seqüelas neurológicas. Destaca-se ainda, a necessidade de enfatizar a não exposição precoce do recém-nascido, especialmente se tiver tido agravos ao nascimento ou for prematuro, devido à sua inexperiência imunológica

    Molecular emission in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy: An investigation of its suitability for chlorine quantification on Mars

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    The intensity of the molecular CaCl emission in LIBS spectra is examined in order to evaluate its suitability for the detection of chlorine in a Martian environment. Various mixtures resembling Martian targets with varying Cl content are investigated under simulated Martian conditions. The reactions leading to the formation of CaCl are modeled based on reaction kinetics and are used to fit the measured CaCl band intensities. MgCl bands are also investigated as potential alternatives to CaCl, but no MgCl bands can be identified in samples containing both Mg and Cl. The study confirms that CaCl is well suited for the indirect detection of chlorine, but finds a strong dependence on the concentrations of Ca and Cl in the sample. Spectra from samples with a high chlorine concentration can have low-intensity CaCl emission due to a deficiency of Ca. A qualitative estimate of the sample composition is possible based on the ratio of the band intensity of CaCl to the intensity of Ca emission lines. Time-resolved measurements show that the CaCl concentration in the plasma is highest after about 1 µs

    Fatores de virulência presentes em amostras de Escherichia coli uropatogênicas - UPEC para suínos Virulence factors of uropathogenic Escherichia coli - UPEC strains for pigs

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    As infecções urinárias são freqüentes nos rebanhos suínos, sendo a principal causa de descarte e mortalidade de animais adultos. Apesar das características multifatoriais da doença o microrganismo freqüentemente isolado é a Escherichia coli. Vários fatores de virulência de Escherichia coli foram descritos em amostras uropatogênicas e permitem diferenciar cepas patogênicas de não patogênicas. Esta revisão tem por objetivo apresentar alguns tópicos relativos aos fatores de virulência presentes em amostras de E. coli uropatogênicas para suínos.<br>Urinary tract infections occur frequently in pig herds urinary infection is the most significant cause of culling and mortality of adult animals. Despite the multifactorial nature of this condition, Escherichia coli is frequently isolated from diseased animals. Several virulence factors were described on uropathogenic strains and they can be used to distinguish isolates. The objective of the present review is to present some topics related to virulence factors present in swine uropathogenic E. coli strains

    Management development: a literature review and implications for future research – Part I: Conceptualisations and Practices

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    Interest in management development is mushrooming. The number of articles which address different aspects of it are likewise increasing apace. This has heightened the need for a broad-based review which will pull the material together, give shape to it, evaluate it and draw out its implications. In this, the first of a two-part article, this task is commenced